
Renata Sanders, M.D., M.P.H., Sc.M.
- Associate Professor of Pediatrics

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Corneal re ex Approach with a wisp of cotton wool from the side to avoid a blink due to visual threat. Note whether a blink is elicited and also ask whether the sensation felt similar on each side. Informally, observing the blink produced by brushing eyelashes elicits similar information. Motor functions of trigeminal nerve Test the ability to resist attempted jaw closure (lateral pterygoid). A readily elicited, exaggerated jaw jerk con rms that an upper motor neuron picture is of cerebral, rather than high cervical spine origin. Ask the child to imitate facial expressions (grimace, frown, smile, forced eye closure). The child should normally be able to bury their eyelashes in forced eye closure: distinguish upper motor neuron involvement of the seventh cranial nerve (minimal effect on eye closure or eyebrow elevation) from lower motor neuron cranial nerve lesions (typically marked effect on eye closure). Rinne tuning fork testing is reliable in children as young as 5 if performed carefully. In the conscious child, it is rarely necessary to elicit a gag re ex formally to assess palatal and bulbar function: this can be inferred from observation of feeding and swallowing behaviour. In the disabled child, demonstration of the presence of a detectable gag re ex is not an adequate demonstration of the safety of oral feeding and a formal feeding and swallowing assessment is required (see b p. Assess power by asking the child to turn their head to the contral ateral side and then prevent you pushing back. The integrity of 12th nerve function is assessed by observation of the tongue at rest in the open mouth (fasciculation The latter forms a very sensitive screening test that will detect all but perhaps the mildest of pyramidal weaknesses, although formal neurolog ical evaluation may be very helpful in identifying the cause of a puzzling gait or postural abnormality. Mild pyramidal weakness (causing perhaps only a subtle tendency to walk on the toes) may be re ected in greater wear at the toe. The two may co-exist, particularly in cerebral palsy and acquired brain injury where the failure to consider extrapyramidal stiffness can result in effective therapies being missed. Dystonia in a limb can sometimes be brought out by passively moving the arm whilst asking the child to perform repeated movements. Formal examination of power in the legs is best performed in supine lying, although seated assessment is possible. Mild pyramidal weakness results in pronator drift: a downward drift and pronation of the affected arm. Dynamic assessment of power by examination of posture, gait, and move ment may be more informative. Proximal weakness of shoulder and hip girdle (associated with complaints of difficulty raising head from pillow, combing hair, raising arms above the head, getting up from chair, climbing stairs) usually implies muscle disease and distal weakness (difficulty opening bottles, turning keys, buttoning clothes, writing), generally neuropathic disease. Assessment of fatiguability is important if neuromuscular junction disease is suspected. Fatiguability of eye movements is assessed by the ability to maintain an upward gaze. The successful elicitation of a deep tendon re ex requires the muscle belly to be relaxed yet moderately extended. For both these reasons, examination of re exes in the upper limb can be helped by your holding the arm, placing a nger or thumb over the tendon and striking your own nger or thumb (while making jokes about what a strange thing that is to do! A positive Babinski comprises upward initial movement of the hallux and/or spreading (fanning) of the toes, but is normal below 18 months of age. They can help localize thoracic spinal cord lesions, although they are less reliable than a sensory level to pinprick. Examine the spinothalamic (pain and temperature) and dorsal column (light touch, proprioception, and two-point discrimination) sepa rately in all areas pertinent to the clinical scenario. If a child can discriminate hot and cold, or sharp and blunt, and locate light touch accurately, then function is intact. Tickling (which may be elicited by stroking) is a spinothalamic, not dorsal column, sensation. Ask the child to move his nger from tip of his nose to the tip of your nger; emphasize that accuracy, not speed, is what is wanted. Other movement disorders (such as tics or myoclonus) will interfere with the intended trajectory, but a child will usually slow down just before reaching the target to ensure an accurate landing (with the help of intact cerebellar function). Anconeus of forearm Sensory Brachio radialis Superficial Extensors branch Carpi radialis of radial n. Supinator Deep (post All the other interosseous extensors branch) and abductor pollicis longus Sensory Carpal joints. To psoas L2 Lateral cutaneous L3 of thigh L4 To iliacus L5 Femoral Obturator S1 S2 To gluteal muscles S3 Sciatic Posterior cutaneous of thigh To lateral rotators of hip Common peroneal Tibial (common fibular). A downward drift and pronation of one arm in this procedure implies mild pyramidal weakness. Tendency to catch a toe on the oor either resulting in leg swing laterally during swing phase or it is compensated by hip exion. Bilateral toe walking, and/or crouched stance due to bilateral exion contractures at hips is seen. Tendency to stephighon the affected side exing the hip to lift the foot clear of the oor. When you do not recognize a pattern Children with cerebral palsy and other chronic neurodisability can have very idiosyncratic gaits due to the presence of additional biomechanical factors (contractures limiting the range of joint movement; limb length discrepancy, misalignment or other orthopaedic factors). Observe walking and running gaits over a signi cant distance and repeated requests. In challenging situations it can be helpful to video the gait to permit unhurried evaluation. Complex situations (certainly if surgery is being considered) may require formal gait analysis (see b p. If the pattern suggests peripheral nerve involvement, this needs to be narrowed down further on the basis of Figures 1. In the latter case the pattern of weakness does not correspond to a particular peripheral nerve, but to a root level. It will normally be associated with a corresponding dermatomal sensory loss, although a very focal lesion can selectively involve the ventral or dorsal root only causing isolated weakness or dermatomal sensory loss, respectively. For example, weak ankle dorsi exion could represent a common peroneal nerve injury (Figure 1. Also, the L5 root pattern of motor weakness involves hip abductors and foot inverters. Nursing staff and/or parentsassessments over several hours will be very informative. Avoid examining immediately after a feed (sleepy) or when very hungry and distressed. Pupils and fundoscopy the physiological pupil reaction to light is consistently detectable at >32 weeks. Opacities in the cornea or media require a formal ophthalmological assessment to exclude cataract. A white retina is a potential sign of retinoblastoma and requires urgent referral. Lower motor neuron facial nerve injury can be seen after forceps delivery due to pressure over the zygoma. This is caused by developmental hypoplasia of the depressor angularis oris muscle resulting in a failure of the lower lip on the affected side to grimace fully. The asymmetric crying facies may be mistaken for facial nerve injury but the face above the mouth (particularly the nasolabial folds) will be normal. HearingAlertingresponses to perceived auditory stimuli may be very subtle, and clinical assessment can be difficult. Bulbar function In practice, a history of efficient sucking and swallowing is the most useful indicator of bulbar function. As this is slowly lowered, the sternocleidomastoid will become more apparent and palpable. The classic Erb palsy comprises weakness of shoulder abduction, elbow exion and nger extension (see b p. It can be hard to state con dently that deep tendon re exes are pathologically exaggerated or depressed: alertness, sedative drugs, systemic illness and many other factors can lead to temporary symmetric changes in re exes. Neither crossed adductor responses nor a few beats of unsustained clonus are pathological in the neonate. Although thankfully much rarer, be alert to trauma to the cervical spinal cord resulting in a accid tetra paresis with variable ventilatory function. To the novice, this picture may be mistaken for a globally suppressed, asphyxiated neonate. Pointers include the clinical context (breech extraction, no biochemical evidence of global hypoxic ischaemic insult) with a combination of preservation of facial alertness but lack of perception of painful stimuli. A limb may still withdraw from pain due to local spinal re exes, but crying implies central perception of the stimulus. Re- xation on objects moved peripherally from central vision implies intactness of the visual eld in that direction. If not yet sitting unsupported, gently tip to each side to detect lateral righting re exes and their symmetry. Real world neurological examination of the toddler this is the group par excellence where opportunistic observation forms the backbone of the examination. There is little to be gained from the attempted formal examination of a crying child. Moving around the room A playroom-type setting with equipment to climb in and onto is the most informative. This is a sensitive screen for even mild pyramidal weakness of arms (causes slow pronation and downward drift of the affected arm), and combines a Romberg test.
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Antacids neutralize gastric acid and may anything more than informally finding reduce the effects of antipsychotic med out why the nurse has been late. Elavil has shown efficacy in promoting disease has difficulty completing simple weight gain in clients with anorexia nervosa; routine activities of daily living. This would therefore, the nurse would not discuss this not warrant immediate intervention. The nurse must know the bomb scare disease has difficulty completing simple policy of the facility, and in many cases routine activities of daily living. This would the nurse looks for the bomb but does not warrant immediate intervention. The nurse would implement the bomb scare not support the ethical principle of veracity. Veracity is the ethical principle to tell looking bag, but the nurse should first inves the truth. The client who is diagnosed with bipolar does not mean that someone did or did not disorder would be agitated in the manic state. The nurse this client would not require the most should look under the couch and take experience nurse. The client would the new nurse to voice her opinion and be not require the most experienced nurse. The best response is to allow the new treatment, but if the client is a danger to nurse to share any new ideas with the herself, then the psychiatric team must charge nurse. The charge nurse could go to court and obtain an order to force then talk to the other staff members and feed the client. This could be with naso take the change to the clinical manager to gastric tube feedings or total parenteral determine whether the change should be nutrition. The client may eventually be able to go to person is mentally ill, the psychiatric team the activity area, but while the client is con must protect the client. The nurse client to a recreational therapist to be pro cannot restrain a client without a court vided with activities to alleviate boredom. The nurse would notify the police depart ational therapist helps the client to bal ment if the client ran away from the unit. A client who was raped would be expected to sion loses the right to sign out of the psychi be upset and crying. The local police department needs to be caller wants to talk directly to the client. The client this action tries to ensure safety for the cannot have rights restricted unless it man, the other clients, and the staff. For example, the client may not staff is important, but the nurse should first be able to use the phone if he or she is attempt to make contact with the man. If the infor tion is attempting to ensure the safety of mation must be shared with the healthcare the man, the other clients, and the staff. This client may be would be expected to be delusional; there experiencing a different personality; an fore, this situation would not warrant experienced psychiatric nurse should assess immediate intervention. The loss of a unit key is priority because psychiatric nurse to diffuse the situation. This client has schizophrenia and also has a started anti-depressant medications low white blood cell count. Many clients 2 days ago could be cared for by the med diagnosed with schizophrenia are placed ical-surgical nurse. It is expected that this on atypical antipsychotic agents such as client has not received medication ther clozapine (Clozaril); these medications apy long enough to make a difference in can cause agranulocytosis. The medication requires client at risk for a life-threatening infec 2 to 3 weeks of administration before tion. The test taker must However, the lab data in this question have only decide if the medical-surgical nurse has the one abnormal result. Psychiatric units have emergency codes is implementing two identifiers when the to request assistance for a take down client is to receive a procedure. The nurse procedure when a client is deemed must do this to determine that it is the uncontrollable; the charge nurse should correct client and the correct procedure. The client is in an excited state, so telling several hours prior to the procedure for him that he will lose privileges is useless at safety reasons. The staff should speak in a calm, soft tone to line for medication administration and assist the client in regaining composure. The electric impulses will be administered When the notification is made for assis via electrodes. The healthcare provider is not notified to emergency responders can enter the unit. A should mentally place him or herself in the take down procedure requires that safety is a procedure area and identify which steps he/she major consideration for the client and staff. If continued the client will have permanent tardive dyskinesia from the medications. A serum depakote level between 50 and 125 g/ it is the correct answer are given in boldface type. The first intervention is to should inform this client to come to the arrange for help to get to the client as soon as clinic immediately, and he should be possible. The nurse should call this client but the anxiety attack, but it will take at least 15 to client is not a danger to self or others so the 30 minutes for the medication to treat the phone call does not need to be returned first. This client needs to be assessed but not prior this is not the first intervention. This client who is suicidal and has a gun appropriate intervention, but not the first in the car should be assessed first to see intervention since the client is hyperventilating. This client needs further information does not warrant notifying the assessment and should be assigned to a psychiatric healthcare provider. Allan should talk to the client but not life-threatening complications of anorexia and to discuss the argument. Allan should needs further assessment, so he should be diffuse the situation and calm the client, assigned to a registered nurse. Brenda before taking any suicidal even though the client may be unsta other action. Placing the client in a quiet late and the car will be fixed in a week, the room may be appropriate depending on the behavior does not need to be documented behavior of the client, but it is not the first and placed in her file. The nurse should first attempt to talk to the to take, since she is having car trouble and client and remove the client from the day room riding the bus to get to work. Calling 911 may be an appropriate interven employees, and being understanding tion, but it is not the first intervention of situations is an attribute of an effective Mr. Allan client calmly and attempt to remove him should be understanding and work with from the day room. Teresa is the staff nurse on a medical unit assigned to care for the following clients during the 7a to 7p shift. Brody, a 42-year-old African American male, diagnosed with abdominal pain, etiology unknown. White, a 60-year-old Asian female, admitted with a diagnosis of bacterial pneumonia. Gonzales, a 48-year-old Hispanic male, diagnosed with chest pain rule out myocardial infarction. Teresa should implement when adminis tering intravenous narcotic pain medication to Mr. Ben is caring for a client with a traumatic brain injury in the critical care unit. List five nursing interventions and medical interventions the nurse should implement when caring for this client. Belinda is caring for a client admitted from the emergency department with diag nosis of rule out myocardial infarction. List seven nursing interventions and medical interventions the nurse should implement when caring for this client. Belinda monitors the client with the acute myocardial infarction for complications. Judy requests a variety of laboratory and diagnostic tests for the clients coming to the outpatient clinic.
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Our surgical data and operative outcomes are periodically sub Cardio-Oncology Research J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. Katherine Kavanagh continues to teach sophisticated pediatric airway procedures in international 2011 and was designated in 2017 as a surgical sessions, teaching this year at the European Society of Pediatric division within Otolaryngology. Murray taught the center is to provide state-of-the-art care for children pediatric component of the frst United States session of the with complex disorders affecting airway, breathing, international course The Altered Airway, which is sponsored feeding, swallowing, and growth. Our swallow experts Kamie Chapman, Marni Simon and Virginia Van Epps taught a webinar for the International Dysphagia Diet Standardization the center is truly unique in that it is multidisciplinary, consist Initiative. Cigna Foundation World of Difference Grant coordinated visit with pertinent specialists and concurrent Creating an Asthma Network: Improving Asthma Management diagnostic tests or interventions. Controlling and Preventing Asthma Progression and Severity Zeisler B, Lerer T, Hyams J. We offer multiple clinics with facilities in Farm ington, Glastonbury, and Hartford. Using simulators to teach pediatric airway procedures Family Support Clinician Focused specialty clinics are also offered: Airway clinics are held twice weekly (Hartford), voice clinics are held twice monthly in an international setting. This year, we doubled our presence with division head Pediatric Gastroenterology Sankaran K, Hartman T, Feldman H, Rhein L. North Carolina, Georgia State University, the State University Ohannessian collaborated with Dr. Projects led Guite was delighted to also welcome the frst Pediatric Pain investigators is interdisciplinary, collaborative, and by Dr. Paren Society for Research on Adolescence, the National Council collection has been completed for 100 families, and laboratory and neuromuscular exercises to improve strength, ftness tal problem drinking and emerging adult problem behavior: on Family Relations, the Society of Pediatric Psychology, the data collection now is ongoing. This past year we published and body mechanics, is more effective at reducing disability the moderating role of parental support. Using Psychology, the Association for Psychological Science, and predictors of gender differences in depression and anxiety during ized controlled trial further provides opportunities for ancillary time-varying effect modeling to examine age-varying gender the American Psychological Association annual and biennial early adolescence. We have collected four waves of data from research protocol development including projects examining differences in coping throughout adolescence and emerging meetings. As a group, we published 20 manuscripts, many in approximately 1,500 middle school students in Connecticut and pain-related readiness to change as a potential mechanism of adulthood. We are in the process of collecting a ffth wave action in relation to intervention effects over time. Ohannessian collaborated as a co-investiga Columbia University, Illinois State University, the University of based pilot intervention promoting caregiver self-regulation. Yifrah Kaminer from the Psychiatry Department at California Berkeley, the University of Connecticut at Storrs, Clin Pract Pediatr Psychol. Medication use among pediatric patients with chronic associations between coping and depressive symptoms through musculoskeletal pain syndromes at initial pain clinic evaluation. Video game play and anxiety during ado lescence: the moderating effects of gender and social context. Self-competence and depressive symptoms in mid opportunities for learners, staff and faculty to participate in dle-late adolescence: disentangling the direction of effect. J not just locally but throughout the world, which philanthropic global health activities, in addition to increasing Res Adolesc. These efforts have been shown to improve job satisfaction and institutional loyalty, and reduce staff turnover. Caregiver this mission is accomplished through educational activities identifes methods for lowering barriers to participation in global factors related to emergency department utilization for youth such as the Global Healthcare Conference, the Global health-care activities as well as training the next generation of with sickle cell disease. Survey of the American College of Surgeons sor, Pediatrics, University of Connecticut School of Medicine; Board of Governors on frearm injury prevention: consensus and Assistant Professor, Family Medicine, Frank H. Assaf presented three abstracts recently at the annual a highly vibrant resource within the Department of activities since the program started in June of 2014. We recently completed a delirium presentations on topics that integrate the work of pediatrics pathway along with our hospitalist colleagues with input from and child psychiatry. The adolescent program has a Functional neuroimaging evidence for distinct neurobiologi ics in the treatment of pediatric depression. One of the primary goals of our division is the improvement of care coordination and communication between specialists and Our members provide primary pediatric care to most children generalists. With that purpose in mind, we invite consultants to from the Greater Hartford area, including health maintenance, our monthly meetings to discuss clinical topics of joint interest sick care, and behavioral health care. The have pediatric care transitions become seamless between division is concerned with issues regarding the advocacy and hospital and community. Our members work closely with the creation of a pediatric affordable care organization. This specialists in other divisions to coordinate care for the sickest will increase opportunities to provide consistent high quality children in the community. Members work actively with schools, care to children across the region through the development the Department of Children and Families, Birth-to-Three, and and adoption of evidence-based care models and provide other community resources to plan and coordinate ancillary increased primary care and specialty access for children with services for at-risk children. All of these activities have huge impacts on the quality the health care of children. He participates in care delivered by the colleagues, as well as nursing, respiratory therapy, and perfusion Sedation Service, and also serves as the leader of the quality team members. This technology provides state-of-the-art heart and safety oversight activities of the Sedation and Analgesia and lung support for our most critically ill and injured patients. He serves as the chair of the hospital Clinical the program has grown and been extremely successful, with Ethics Committee, which addresses issues related to the ap outcomes that exceed national benchmarks. She continues her clinical research collaborations with the Pediatric Acute Lung Injury and Sepsis Investigators Dr. These include leading a comprehensive to the expansion of our Cardiac Surgery program. She serves as the lead for resident to the delivery of state-of-the-art child and family media committee of the Society of Critical Care Medicine. Kenneth Banasiak continues his lead role in clinical, educational, subtrack with multiple new rotations for pediatric residents who centered care for critically ill and injured children. He has initiated an entirely new utility and safety of ketorolac administration in infants under ment, and education of physicians, nurses, and other care team Dr. Adam Silverman continues to build local cultural aware comprehensive curriculum, Critical Care Physiology, focused 6 months of age. Rosanne Salonia continues her work as a member of the Major awards and academic accomplishments among the Healthcare Symposium and Global Health Film Festival. Over Emergency Response Committee, which oversees the use of division members include important contributions to several the last two years, he has lectured regionally, nationally, and Dr. He has organized the Simulation Center, has developed a series of interdisciplinary focusing attention on patients at risk for clinical deterioration. Christopher Carroll continues many clinical and translational (continuous positive airway pressure) to treat respiratory failure patients in emergency situations. Sessions focus on medical decision-making, critical task patients with severe brain injuries (such as management of continues in leadership roles in major medical organizations grant funding from the Chest Foundation to have teaching completion, and interdisciplinary communication during high sedation and delirium). She is involved in a collaboration with including deputy editor of multimedia for the journal Chest, materials translated into French. Robert Keder presented four news spots for Fox News on education sessions to review treatment decisions and team in the medical world. Surviving 49 days on extracorporeal life support ledge by researching relevant questions in the patients. In conjunction with external and intramural facilitators, complicated by lung necrosis, pneumothorax, intrathoracic feld; and, 4) to offer advocacy, and to infuence Dr. Keder has established himself in two of the Connecticut he continues as the physician champion of a professional devel hematoma, and bronchopleural fstulas in a 13-year-old. Her role disparities and bias in the evaluation and reporting of abusive includes expanding the array of services offered, and helping head trauma. He will not only enhance access for families but also help to develop the role of an advanced practice provider in the division. It is the frst of its kind in the state, and it consultation, ongoing clinical care, and school-based program meets a unique and pressing need for comprehensive support consultation. Plans are underway for replication of within their school districts over the entire state. Louisa Kalsner sored by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau, the Robert in Neurology. This clinical program has (Simons Foundation Powering Autism Research for Genomics. Our Center for Pediatric Infammatory Bowel Disease expanded greatly and now cares for almost 300 patients rang Knowledge). Free and bioavail midazolam on propofol dosing for esophagogastroduodenoscopy ful leadership of Dr. Zeisler and able 25-Hydroxyvitamin D concentrations are associated with in children. Melissa Fernandes, who have assumed responsibility for not disease activity in pediatric patients with newly diagnosed only the fellowship program but for pediatric residents and treatment-naive ulcerative colitis. Serologic reactivity refects clinical expression of ulcerative 2018 Oct 10; 24(4):600-10. Mariann Nocera the role of faculty to a continuous quality improvement process, and education coordinator, which she shares with Dr. The Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship is now in its 19th we have improved our effciency, the safety of our year. The fellowship health-care delivery system, and ultimately our pa currently has a complement of six fellows, accepting two per tient satisfaction.
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- Ichthyosis, keratosis follicularis spinulosa Decalvans
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- Facial paralysis
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