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Monique A. J. Mets, MA

  • Faculty of Science, Section Psychopharmacology,
  • Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands

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These vessels are superficial to the these veins originate in the foot as plantar dig deep fascia and muscles of the leg. At the level of the knee, these three of cutaneous and subcutaneous veins empty veins join into a single popliteal vein. Superficial veins can also drain directly into (sometimes called the superficial femoral vein) perforating veins or anastomose with branches once within the thigh. The deep femo of the abdominal, pudendal, perineal, and glu ral vein (also referred to as the profunda femor teal venous systems,thereby bypassing the long is vein) joins the superficial femoral vein of the and short saphenous systems [3]. The greater deep venous system proximally to form the saphenous vein begins on the dorsum of the common femoral vein. It terminates in the pop liteal vein of the deep venous system at the sa phenopopliteal junction. Superficialthe accessory saphenous vein is a fairly con veins provide a pathway for venous return from stant vein that courses from the lateral knee to the cutaneous and subcutaneous systems. Other prominent superficial venous arrangement exhibits a and consistent superficial veins include the an marked diversity in anatomy, however. The reticular or connecting branch veins may represent a normal network of blue-green colored subcutaneous veins or when associated Sclerotherapy Chapter 8 131 with venous hypertension may be tortuous and saphenofemoral junction. It flow of blood into the deep venous system connects the long saphenous vein to the poste. Cocketts perforating veins are flow of blood is in the foot, where perforating comprised of a group of perforating veins lo veins with valves allow blood flow from the cated along the medial ankle coursing superi deep to the superficial veins [2]. They the majority of pedal-perforating veins usually do not drain directly into the long saphenous do not contain valves. Therefore, a muscle vein but connect the posterior arch vein of the pump in the foot must also provide a mecha calf to the posterior tibial vein. The number of per these perforating veins drain into the posterior forating veins per leg is variable, with as few as tibial vein, the gastrocnemius vein, and the so 64 to as many as 155 per leg [2]. The valvu clinically important perforating vein, located lar system is unidirectional, with blood flowing approximately 10 cm below the medial joint of from superficial veins to deep veins. Perforating veins, therefore, play a vents the high venous pressure from muscle fundamental roll in the development of vari contractions of the deep venous system from cose veins. When incompetent, per varicose veins when compared with patients forating veins become thick-walled and may without varicose veins [2]. In the thigh, not correlate with a decrease in valvular num the Hunterian (or Dodds) perforating veins are ber. Therefore, other factors must contribute to relatively constant and are associated with the the decrease in the number of venous valves. These perforating veins connect the dysfunction contributing to varicose veins in long saphenous vein to the femoral vein in the clude fibrosis of these valves caused by turbu middle medial thigh and the lower third of the lent high-pressure blood flow, a hereditary de thigh. These perforating veins do not pierce fect in either vein wall and/or valvular struc muscle and consequently lose the benefit of ture, and an increase in deep venous pressure protection from becoming incompetent by lack (Table 8. Since competent venous valves are of support from the surrounding thigh muscles able to withstand pressures of up to 3 atmos within the deep fascial compartment [3]. Chronic venous dilation from chronic ve thigh varicosities in patients with a competent nous hypertension may likely produce stress on 132 Jonith Breadon. A Hunterian perforating vein,B posterior tibial perforating vein,C calf perforator in the location of the intrasaphenous vein, D me dial ankle, or Cockett perforators. When a superficial varicosity is injected, thethe objectives of sclerotherapy include the reversal of blood flow forces the direction of treatment of varicosities, telangiectasias, and/ the sclerosant to flow distally to the smaller or reticular veins of the lower extremity (Ta branching veins away from the deep veins bles 8. In summary,patholog isting symptoms; improvement in altered he ic development of incompetent valves and vari modynamics; and achievement of a final result Sclerotherapy Chapter 8 133 Table 8. Classification of abnormal veins Vein type Diameter Color Telangiectasia (spider veins) 0. Louis,p 56,with permission from the author a Veins that communicate directly with varicose veins of the saphenous system b Veins that do not communicate directly with the saphenous system 134 Jonith Breadon Table 8. Types of veins responsive to sclerotherapy sels may be necessary to ensure complete erad ication of the problem. Successful sclerosis of Truncal veins superficial varicose veins may be rendered un Incompetent perforating veins successful if perforating vein valvular insuffi Communicating/side branch varicosities ciency goes untreated. Perforating vein valvular Reticular veins insufficiency can lead to the development of Venulectases other varicosities or telangiectasias. If the pa Telangiectasias (spider veins) tient has deep venous valvular insufficiency, Postsclerotherapy and postsurgical recurrent sclerotherapy of superficial varicose veins may varicose veins also be inadvisable. In this setting, it is possible that the patient may encounter more severe pain when walking following sclerotherapy that satisfies aesthetic and functional criteria treatment, as the development of superficial [6]. Sclerotherapy is considered the first line of varicose veins may have been a compensatory treatment for small, intracutaneous varicose mechanism for an incompetent deep venous veins (reticular varicose veins and telangiectat system. Finally, because varicose veins are a risk for lateral and incompetent perforating veins, scle the development of deep venous thrombosis, a rotherapy competes with phlebextraction and screening procedure to rule out this condition 8 with ligation of perforating veins or endoscop is required. A discussion Examination of the venous system of the of these latter techniques is beyond the scope of lower extremities can be performed without this chapter. In the treatment of valvular insuf the aid of technologically advanced equipment. A diagram of the visual tent venous portion, surgery is currently con varicosities and telangiectasias, noting bulges sidered to be the method of first choice. If the varicose vein fails to re appear with the patient standing, release of A screening examination of the venous system each finger, one at a time, distally to proximally, should be performed before performing sclero is performed. This site repre must first investigate three conditions: the sents the most distal incompetent perforating presence of poorly visible varicose veins proxi vein [4, 5]. If there is a by palpating for an impulse over a segment of proximal source of superficial or deep venous the greater saphenous vein when the patient reflux of blood, injection of distal telangiecta coughs. Sclerotherapy Chapter 8 135the percussion/Schwartz test is performed by placing one hand over the saphenofemoral filling after release of the tourniquet. Palpating over the long or short saphenous vein while tapping on a dilatedthe Perthes test is performed by placing a tributary, or vice versa, can detect whether the tourniquet around the proximal thigh with the tributary is in direct connection with the long patient in the supine position. False negatives can be tient ambulates, a decrease in distension of var seen in patients with previous groin surgery, icosities implies a primary process without ex obesity, and in patients with variations in their isting deep venous system disease. With the patient in the supine position implies deep venous obstruction [2, 4, 5]. An indication of and the leg is observed for 30 s with the tourni incompetent perforating veins occurs when the quet in place. The following responses can be veins become more prominent and dilated as seen: the patient ambulates [2, 4, 5]. These tests also do not rec i Niltest: (Competent valves of the deep ognize deep vein thrombosis and are not the and perforating veins and at the saphe most effective means of localizing abnormal nofemoral junction): valves. Discussion of noninvasive diagnostic No distention of the veins for 30 s both techniques follows. When considering Distention of veins with the tourniquet sclerotherapy treatment, the phlebologist must in place and further distention after first evaluate the patient to determine whether release the venous segment is simply a case of telan i Negativetest: (Deep and perforating giectatic veins or more serious varicose veins. Indications of varicose vein disease in clude: i Pain and/or aching in the leg(s) that is al leviated with leg elevation, exercise, or compression hosiery i History of phlebitis i Large, long-standing varicose veins i Abundance of telangiectatic veins near the medial malleolus i Venous stasis dermatitis 8 i Ulceration i Rubor Patients who should be evaluated with venous Doppler ultrasound are those with hemody namically significant varicose veins [5, 7, 8]. Al so,the presence of a radiating flare of telangiec tasias from a central point may indicate an underlying incompetent perforator vein [4]. Untreated deep venous or perforator valvular insufficiency may prevent successful sclerosis of the superficial varicose vein, or treatment may be contraindicated in cases where superfi cial varicosities serve as a compensatory mech anism. Poorly visible varicose veins proximal to or underlying the veins to be treated will also need to be investigated. A Nil: no distention of the veins for 30 s both while the tourniquet remains on and also after it is removed i Varicosities greater than 4 mm in diame implies a lack of reflux. D Negative: distention of the veins while the i Any varicosity extending into the groin tourniquet remains on and no additional distention or popliteal fossae once it is removed implies reflux only through perforat ing veins. During compression of incom i A star-burst cluster of telangiectasias, petent valves distal to the probe, normal proxi especially if over the usual points of per mal flow is heard, but when compression is re forating veins (midposterior calf, medial leased, blood flows distally emitting a pro knee,medial midthigh,medial distal calf) longed sound because incompetent valves can not prevent retrograde flow [4, 5]. The five im system begins with the patient in the standing portant Doppler features of blood flow in nor position, which will enhance ultrasound imag mal veins are listed in Table 8. The examination is facilitated with the pa Continuous wave Doppler ultrasound emits tient standing on a stool (approximately 6 in. Reflux sound while blood flows unhindered distally is designated by a reverse flow signal for longer through incompetent valves [4]. Similar pression is released, flow stops, as does the studies and maneuvers are performed on the common femoral vein. Important Doppler features of blood flow in normal veins ing calf or thigh compression and release. Spontaneous flow in the proximal deep veins nounced reflux signal is a reliable sign of valvu with the patient at rest lar insufficiency. Augmentation of blood flow by circumferential Assessments of long saphenous vein compe compression of the extremity distal to the site tence in the proximal, mid, and distal thigh are of Doppler examination then performed. During the thigh exam, any 138 Jonith Breadon perforating veins penetrating the muscle fascia nography. This system is commonly used for that communicate with the long saphenous evaluation of the deep venous system for system and femoral vein should be examined. Most technicians can accurately Perforating veins should be assessed for com evaluate the superficial venous system as well, petency. Incompetence of perforator veins ex including detection of blood flow and velocity ists if there is deep-to-superficial flow for long and vessel structure and diameter. Visual as to , proximal to , and at the same level of the sa sessment of blood flow is made possible with phenopopliteal junction. The saphenopopliteal color-duplex imaging, which superimposes junction, if located, should be assessed. The blood flow information from the pulsed Dop short saphenous vein is examined for compe pler onto the B-mode ultrasound image. Color tence in the proximal, mid, and distal calf seg duplex stands apart from the standard duplex ments. Examination of the medial and lateral instrument because color duplex allows for calf veins takes place with the patient sitting both anatomic structures and flow patterns to with the leg extended horizontally and the foot be visualized in one image, allowing the vessel resting on the examiners knee with the calf to be located and followed more easily than muscle relaxed. Calf-perfo Areas of phlebology where duplex examina rating veins from the posterior arch complex tion is essential as a diagnostic tool include the (gastrocnemius and soleal perforators or poste diagnosis and evaluation of the extent of deep rior tibial perforators) can be identified and ex venous thrombosis. Accuracies of over 90% amined for competency by compression above have been achieved in the femoropopliteal seg and below the transducer [9]. Doppler ment evaluation will ensure that all significant studies should also be performed on the poste areas of reflux are addressed. Duplex scan is the rior tibial vein from the proximal calf to the an most important diagnostic tool in the manage kle. The peroneal vein is examined from the ment of recurrent varicose veins where pri same transducer position. The anterior tibial mary anatomy is altered by previous surgical vein only needs assessment in suspected cases procedures. Routine assess to accurately guide sclerosant injections into ment of the lateral calf and soleal veins is un incompetent perforator and impalpable super necessary unless there are obvious lateral calf ficial axial incompetent veins and reduce ad varices [9]. And finally, vanced modality used to investigate venous duplex examination is used in saphenous vein disease in the sclerotherapy patient. Duplex mapping prior to procedures such as coronary scanning is important in the clinical decision bypass surgery to ensure venous patency, size making process as well as being useful in the (diameter greater than 3. Duplex sonography is not serving as collateral circulation in chron combines venous Doppler blood flow analysis ic deep venous insufficiency [9] (Tables 8. Doppler ultrasound versus duplex scanning Doppler Duplex Portability Portable Not easily portable Luggableunits available Ease of use Requires short period of Requires longer period of training training and experience Cost (approximate) Unidirectional: $300 Grey scale: $40,000 Bidirectional: $2,500 Color: $150,000 and up Information obtained 1. However, it is important to emphasize thatthe surface of the injection site should first be thorough assessment for any significant under drenched with 70% isopropyl alcohol. Addi these phlebologists also use Aethoxysklerol tionally, the alcohol may also cause vasodilata (polidocanol), which contains alcohol [2]. Alternative tech nifying devices with a 2+ or 3+ diopter should niques used to enhance visualization include also be used to further enhance visualization of wiping the skin with a solution composed of the telangiectasia(s) (Table 8. Visualization is than alcohol alone, and by rubbing a very small maximized with indirect, shadow-free lighting. Continued Supplies Distributors Material for foam generation Injektsyringe with Luer-Lock (green) 10 ml,for foam generation; No. When performing sclerotherapy, the skin should be held taut to facilitate cannulating the vessel. This can be achieved by stretching the skin in opposite directions perpendicular to the vessel with one hand. Then, with the opposite hand that is holding the syringe, the fifth finger 144 Jonith Breadon is used to stretch the skin in a third direction that the needle is in the vein. These three tension ial-like blanching is observed, the needle is not points ensure that the skin is taut and ready for in the lumen (the air has entered the surround injection.

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An autopsy Proteus confirmed the presence of diffuse cerebral edema with Klebsiella patchy cortical ganglionecrosis and uncal herniation. Herpes infectionthe liver was of average size and shape, and histologic examination demonstrated sinusoidal congestion but Protein load no cirrhosis. The disease tends to Chemotherapy affect neonatal boys severely; however, adult-onset disease has been described. Total parenteral nutrition Neurologic manifestations are common and include Other myoclonus,4 seizure, and status epilepticus, among Multiple myeloma other signs of cortical dysfunction. Although the precise Valproate mechanisms of ammonia-associated cerebral toxicity Carbamazepine are not fully understood, it is believed to cause cerebral edema through glutamine accumulation Sulfadiazine within astrocytes and metabolic disturbances through Salicylates 4 a variety of mechanisms. Glycine Carriers of the genetic defect may develop mild, Inborn errors of metabolism nonspecific symptoms that include confusion, nau Ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency sea, irritability, cognitive deficits, bizarre behavior, Carbamyl synthetase deficiency and protein aversion. Survival after treatment with phenyl acetatethe authors report no disclosures relevant to the manuscript. Disclosures deemed relevant by the authors, if any, are provided at the end of this article. Parents are noncon (encephalitis or meningitis), inflammation (connec sanguineous. He has 2 younger twin male siblings tive tissue disease/autoimmune disease, primary or who are healthy and developmentally normal. Family secondary vasculitis, antineuronal antibody mediated history is otherwise unremarkable. The patient was loaded with phenytoin and Pupils were equal and reactive to light and fundi treated empirically with acyclovir and antibiotics were normal. His developmental history was slowly developed over the last 2 years and was rela normal. Smooth pursuit eye and encephalopathy, which was associated with left movements were normal. He had bilateral pes cavus and encephalitis, and received a full course of acyclovir. Plantar responses were upgoing had made a nearly complete recovery, with only mild bilaterally. Also, it be nurse, his strength was increasing in the right side came evident that he was having more difficulty in following his last seizure. He withdrew each of his 4 school than previously, and his grades dropped from limbs to nailbed pressure. In addition, when reviewing his growth curve, he had dropped several percentiles on Question for consideration: his growth curve for both weight and height. His right hemiparesis is possibly related to possible evidence of a mild chronic polyneurop a postictal Todd paresis. His seizures could be athy (although the differential diagnosis for these spreading to his ipsilateral motor cortex from his deformities also includes distal myopathy, very temporal lesion, although a second lesion of the chronic myelopathy, inflammatory joint disorders, motor cortex cannot be excluded. The acute, recurrent presentation pro tional history of longstanding constitutional symp voked by intercurrent illness suggests a small mole toms, cognitive decline, chronic ptosis, and possible cule disorder or disorder of energy metabolism. His school difficulties can have permanent deficits if they have cerebral in could be explained as the chronic sequelae of tempo jury while hypoglycemic, though this tends to be ral lobe damage; however, there was never confirma generalized and not focal in distribution. A chronic toxic exposure could be considered, but Question for consideration: there is no history to support this. There were also smaller, Complete blood count demonstrated a mild leukocy ill-defined areas of high fluid-attenuated inversion tosis and normocytic anemia. Blood gas demon recovery signal of varying ages in the right superior strated a compensated metabolic acidosis. There was local mass effect, but no midline shift or As a result of the clinical phenotype, genetic test effacement of quadrigeminal or suprasellar cisterns. Antimicro core features include 1) stroke-like episodes before bials were discontinued when all cultures and viral the age of 40 years, 2) encephalopathy characterized studies returned as negative. Posterior-parietal, tempo ral, and occipital cortices are preferentially involved, often asymmetrically. It is currently believed that the pathophysiology of these episodes includes both fail ure of oxidative metabolism at the cellular level in brain tissue itself as well as small vessel vasculopathy from mitochondrial failure in blood vessel endothe lium and smooth muscle. Mi graine, sensorineural hearing loss, myopathy with ex ercise intolerance, and peripheral neuropathy are additional common neurologic features. Patients may also have involvement of systemic organs with a high oxidative demand. Serum alanine (on quantita vitamin E, -lipoic acid, coenzyme Q10/idebenone, tive amino acid analysis) may also be elevated. Common side effects trichrome staining, representing the compensatory include nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Mitochondrial Medicine Societys Committee on Diagno should be optimized, since breakthrough seizures sis. The in-depth evaluation of suspected mitochondrial may trigger stroke-like episodes. This progressed to hyper Correspondence to Two months prior to admission, the patient had a somnolence, sleeping more than 15 hours/day. What is your differential diagnosis for this however, he developed increasing sleepiness, cognitive presentation Both cyto Given the history of a febrile illness shortly prior to symp megalovirus and Coxsackie titers were elevated, and he tom onset, a postinfectious etiology was strongly consid received a course of ganciclovir with little improvement ered. His thyroid function tests, B12, encephalitis, recurrent seizures, structural lesions in the and folate were normal. Cultures and 3 weeks and on his fourth relapse he was admitted to viral studies were sent and negative. The combination of sleep changes, hyper sexual behavior, autonomic dysfunction, and mild 1. Repeat infectious and onset in adolescence in 80% of cases, frequently in paraneoplastic workup was done and was negative. Given his sex, the possi-the diagnostic criteria have been published in the bility of menstrual-related hypersomnia was excluded. Although there is no single test to rule phagia, and hypersexuality have been previously consid out any of these disorders, extensive family and patient ered mandatory diagnostic criteria, the more recent interviewing suggested these conditions to be less diagnostic framework reflects the fact that most patients likely. Reinforcing this interpretation were his cycling do not have all symptoms but rather some combination. His perceptual changes, expressed by a sen suggesting a localized encephalopathy but with multifo sation that things did not feel or look right, as if I was cal involvement. This has been sug is decreased in cortical (frontal lobe and internal tempo gested as a very specific symptom of this condition. On the first day of medication, he started bidity and should be recognized within the framework of to have limited conversations with staff. On the second core symptoms including hypersomnia, slowed cogni day, he was able to get out of bed and normalized his tion, apathy, and derealization. This case exemplifies sleep/wake routine, although he still expressed a sense the difficulties in the diagnosis and management of a syn of derealization. He was discharged on valproic acid in drome that went underrecognized until appropriate treat tended to prevent future episodes. Kleine-Levin syndrome: a Levin syndrome: an autoimmune hypothesis based on systematic study of 108 patients. Symptom onset upper limbs, dysphagia, and episodes of apparent col was in his late teens. At age 38, he was admitted achieved age-appropriate motor and cognitive mile to the hospital after an episode of unwitnessed collapse, Correspondence to stones and had completed normal schooling. By the age of 20, speech and cognitive difficul Mental State Examination score was 14/30, with 0/3 ties emerged. By 25 years of age, he was noted to be inatten Questions to consider: tive at work. An important initial step in the evaluation Many of the listed conditions may be deemed of this clinical scenario is to distinguish between a unlikely given the mode of inheritance (Huntington progressive psychomotor decline, as in this case, and disease and similar disorders, spinocerebellar ataxia, a static encephalopathy. A paraneoplastic antenatal insults (infections [cytomegalovirus, herpes or autoimmune disorder is most unlikely given the simplex virus, rubella], toxins [alcohol, cocaine]) and slow evolution of symptoms. It is also important to determine the point the presence of a vertical supranuclear gaze palsy. This at which regression began, and the evolution of the psy sign narrows the differential diagnosis considerably in chomotor symptomatology; were age-appropriate mile a patient presenting with ataxia and chorea (figure). In this case, the patient Although not present in this patient, splenomeg achieved age-appropriate motor and cognitive milestones aly is an important clinical feature to exclude in a and thereafter experienced psychomotor regression. The young patient presenting with a mixed movement slowly progressive nature of symptoms suggests a degen disorder and a key finding in generating a differential erative condition. We identified our glycosphingolipid in endosomal intracellular com patient as having a compound heterozygote mutation partments, including the brain. Clinical presentation, disease progression, and sever Vertical supranuclear gaze palsy is an important ity are strongly influenced by age at onset of neurologic clinical sign and invariably present in this disorder symptoms. Presentation in early infancy is marked by when there are neurologic manifestations beyond delayed developmental motor milestones. It is also the first neurologic sign to develop onset, as in our case, presents with gait problems, falls, in individuals who present with organomegaly. Adult history also provides a useful clue of gelastic cata onset presents predominantly with neuropsychiatric plexy (muscle atonia after episodes of heightened disease manifestations. Our patient was treated with levetiracetam Early-onset cognitive and motor impairment, for control of seizures and haloperidol to manage cho especially with movement disorders such as ataxia, reiform movements. Eavan Mc Govern: acquisition of case history information, composi gars are small molecules that mimic monosaccharides tion of case history and discussion. Timothy Counihan: critical revi butcontainanitrogenatominplaceoftheendocyclic sion of the manuscript, supervision of the case history and discussion. Recommendations for the diagnosis and management of Niemann-Pick disease type C: an update. Orphanet J Rare young patients with cognitive decline, we must first dis Dis 2010;5:16. Development of a phalopathies, and second, differentiate psychomotor suspicion index to aid diagnosis of Niemann-Pick disease delay from regression. Miglustat in adult X-linked in males), and a progressive evolution of symp and juvenile patients with Niemann-Pick disease type C: toms is consistent with neurodegeneration. Three months prior to but was unable to recall them at 5 minutes and was presentation, the patient suddenly developed violent unable to complete serial 7s. He had no language deficits muscle jerks involving the right side of his body and could follow 3-step commands without difficulty. Approx His cranial nerve, motor, and sensory examination results imately 1 week later, he acutely developed confusion were normal. Over the following weeks, he expe right lateral pulsion and retropulsion, without any rienced fluctuating symptoms of confusion, memory observed muscle jerks during gait examination. His sional myoclonus involving the right side of his face muscle jerks and unstable gait were intermittent with and right upper extremity were observed, which were return to baseline in between attacks, but they associated with loss of awareness and dystonic posturing increased in frequency and occurred many times of the right arm. Questions for consideration:the patients medical history was significant for hypertension, well-controlled diabetes, and a myocar 1. Based on the history and physical examination, dial infarction 22 years previously. Though the right-sided myoclonus may the limbic region may explain the patientscognitive be cortical or subcortical, the localization can be nar symptoms. Retropulsion is an encephalitis; however, other autoimmune and infec extrapyramidal sign often due to loss of postural re tious etiologies should be ruled out. Additional diagnostic categories to neoplastic antibody panel (table e-1 on the Neurology consider are autoimmune conditions. Would you initiate presumptive treatment at this and postcontrast enhancement in the left caudate point, or wait for more results Corticosteroids were not given at this typically produce limbic encephalitis, hyponatremia, time due to his diabetes, psychiatric symptoms, and and myoclonic-like movements, whereas Caspr2 anti availability of plasma exchange. The myoclonic jerks bodies can produce encephalitis, Morvan syndrome, resumed at home, and his other symptoms persisted. Though evidence is limited as to the optimal treatment regimen, most patients respond well to ini Question for consideration: tial treatment with corticosteroids, plasma exchange, or 1.

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  • Pain or tenderness in the affected area
  • Anyone who has had an allergic reaction to a food should be evaluated by an allergy specialist.
  • Corticosteroid injections
  • Regularly taking insulin or other medicines your doctor prescribes
  • Feedings by mouth are started very slowly. The baby may need feeding therapy and a lot of encouragement.
  • Infection
  • Tingling or numbness of the skin
  • Radiation therapy


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