















































Harriette R. Mogul, MD, MPH

  • Department of Medicine
  • Division of Endocrinology & Metabolism
  • New York Medical College
  • Westchester Medical Center
  • Valhalla, NY

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Nutritionists can teach individuals and caregivers how to plan and prepare small meals throughout the day that provide enough calories, fber, and fuid and how to avoid foods that are difcult to swallow. When individuals can no longer get enough nourishment from eating, doctors may advise inserting a feeding tube into the stomach. The use of a feeding tube also reduces the risk of choking and pneumonia that can result from inhaling liquids into the lungs. Breathing support As the muscles responsible for breathing start to weaken, people may experience shortness of breath during physical activity and difculty breathing at night or when lying down. Tere are several techniques to help people increase forceful coughing, including mechanical cough assist devices and breath stacking. In breath stacking, a person takes a series of small breaths without exhaling until the lungs are full, briefy holds the breath, and then expels the air with a cough. Doctors may place a breathing tube through the mouth or may surgically create a hole at the front of the neck and insert a tube leading to the windpipe (tracheostomy). People may choose to be fully informed about these considerations and the long-term efects of life without movement before they make decisions about ventilation support. Increasing evidence also suggests that various types of glial support cells and infammation cells of the nervous system may play an important role in the disease. Epigenetic changes can switch genes on and of, and thus can profoundly afect the human condition in both health and disease. Tese changes can occur in response to multiple factors, including external or environmental conditions and events. Biomarkers Biomarkers are biological measures that help to identify the presence or rate of progression of a disease or the efectiveness of a therapeutic intervention. Biomarkers can be molecules derived from a bodily fuid (such as those in the blood and cerebrospinal fuid), an image of the brain or spinal cord, or a measure of the ability of a nerve or muscle to process electrical signals. This work involves tests of drug-like compounds, gene therapy approaches, antibodies, and cell-based therapies. Clinical trials Many neurological disorders do not have efective treatment options. Clinical trials ofer hope for many people and an opportunity to help researchers fnd better ways to safely detect, treat, or prevent disease. S, that supply investigators with tissue from people with neurological and other disorders. The goal is to increase the availability of, and access to , high quality specimens for research to understand the neurological basis of the disease. Given the potential risks and inherent scarcity of human Departments of Pathology and Laboratory Services and Pediatrics, University of Ar immunoglobulin, careful consideration of its indications and kansas, Little Rock; gthe Department of Pediatrics, Allergy and Immunology, Mon administration is warranted. Others, however, are quite common, and rigorous scientic evaluation of immunoglobulin utility has been possible. For the specic details relating to a given indication refer to the prescriber information for each individual product. Several publications have suggested that immunoglobulin maternal IgG wanes over time. Hypogammaglobulinemia with impaired specic Consensus among the Canadian expert panel of immunologists is antibody production to follow clinical outcomes to monitor the effectiveness of Decient antibody production is characterized by decreased immunoglobulin, with an increase in the dose to improve clinical 31 immunoglobulin concentrations and/or a signicant inability to effectiveness and not merely to increase trough levels. The implications for known whether a fatal infection may be the rst presentation of clinical practice are that patients with hypogammaglobulinemia disease; therefore, clinical judgement, counseling, and close of unclear signicance would be monitored closely over time follow-up are recommended as part of the decision to start immu 33 and that immunoglobulin would be initiated only after the full noglobulin replacement. Any of these phenotypes may warrant away); (2) low IgA or IgM; (3) impaired vaccine responses; and antibiotic prophylaxis, immunoglobulin replacement, or both, de 34 36 (4) other causes have been excluded. While antibiotic prophylaxis may International Consensus, the diagnosis can be made in the represent a rst-line intervention in these patients, the severity absence of recurrent infections if the other criteria are met. Immunoglobulin were treated with 400 mg/kg every 3 weeks for 2-3 months and replacement therapy should be provided when there is well followed up for 1-3 years. Although the study did not include a documented severe polysaccharide nonresponsiveness and evi control group, the investigators reported a decreased frequency dence of recurrent infections with a proven requirement for of overall infections (from 0. In this case, however, it would be prudent cant, in the absence of recurrent infections. In general, an IgG level < 150 mg/dL is widely accepted as A retrospective and prospective observational study evaluated severe hypogammaglobulinemia, for which additional testing the possible association of IgG and/or IgE anti-IgA with adverse apart from verication of the low level is not required prior to reactions in a subgroup of IgA-decient patients receiving immu starting replacement therapy. That study was unable to conclude any are also considered severely low but warrant consideration of increased risk for adverse reactions associated with IgA de additional testing for specic antibody against vaccines to assess ciency, and recommended larger-scale, prospective trials to 44 52 function, depending on the clinical history. Prophylactic antibiotics and the treatment of other underlying conditions, such as allergies or asthma, that may contribute to recurrent sinopulmonary infec Recurrent infections due to an unknown immune tions are the usual management. These impaired specic-antibody responses against both protein and recommendations are based on several observations. Several studies have suggested that immunoglobulin 91 was a signicant decrease in the occurrence of major infections, therapy may diminish the prevalence of sepsis. A later retrospective study in 47 patients receiving immu of immunoglobulin in infants at risk for neonatal infection. Given the state of the the relationship between aging and the immune system has evidence, the current review panel recommends that recently attracted the attention of many researchers. In this light, nosenescence could lead to immunodeciency, some would argue assays of specic antibody avidity and actual function may prove 36 that immunosenescence does not equate to immune function useful. Older age alone is not an indication of quent mixed results in larger-scale studies signicantly changed immunoglobulin replacement; however, recurrent, severe, or 106-113 this practice over time. The immunologic other conditions, and who are functionally agammaglobulinemic defects in these well-dened syndromes have in many cases been due to poor B-cell engraftment, benet from immunoglobulin elusive, but the presentation of the patients and their replacement. Immunoglobulin therapy should be administered in patients diagnosis and clinical presentation. Recently, a series of articles reported to individual patient requirements in the peri-transplantation hypogammaglobulinemia after rituximab and recommended period and for a time post-transplantation determined by experts baseline immune function testing in patients with autoimmune in the eld and consistent with institutional transplant center 43,140-144 disease placed on rituximab. Post-transfusion purpura is a systemic autoimmune disorders, as outlined in Table V and rare and potentially fatal disorder characterized by severe reviewed subsequently. Treatment is usually provided to those children at greatest risk for bleeding complications and those with chronic autoimmune neutropenia rarely have signicant infections and refractory disease. Commonly used therapeutic modalities can mount a neutrophil response to bacterial infections. Treatment modalities low-dose (5 mg/kg every 3 weeks) therapy in a randomized, include corticosteroids, cyclophosphamide, cyclosporine, and double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in 20 patients with 210 more recently rituximab. Others suggest that early institution of corticoste 244 lymphadenopathy and hepatomegaly) indicative of a systemic in roids in a hospital setting may be benecial. Disorders associated with vasculitis and vasculit Systemic vasculitides involving medium and large ides. Only a few case reports recommended because other therapies are more cost-effective. Multispecialty management, including endocri and are therefore without randomized studies. Newer biologics are also being considered, 259,260 or various forms of autoimmune vasculitides is limited, and depending on the type of autoimmune uveitis. Atopy is the strongest identiable predisposing immunosuppressive agent, such as rituximab, in refractory dis factor for developing asthma. Patients who showed normalization of liver enzymes, undetectable with these symptoms are occasionally found to have antibody 267-274 circulating immune complexes, and improvement in periportal deciency. Insome patients withimmuneabnormalities and mononuclear cell inltrates after treatment. Multiple open-label trials have examined the effects of late mofetil or omalizumab have failed. In addition, these patients can corticosteroid-sparing effect in a subgroup that required relatively develop unacceptable adverse events from therapy. Urticaria Dosing in each patient varied from 300 mg/kg to 2 g/kg, and Chronic urticaria is a disorder that is often difficult to treat, duration ranged from 6 to 39 months. Time to response seen although advances in the understanding of the underlying was 3-6 months. An autoimmune process is implicated in about one third of decrease in serum IgE persisted after discontinuation. Slight improvement in skin disease was observed in 6 trial; one third of the enrolled patients experienced remission, patients; no improvement, in 2 patients; and worsening, in 1 another third experienced some benet, and the rest did not patient. Category Ib evidence exists to support the retrospective study, in 9 of 14 patients with refractory C. Those probably benecial in the treatment of neonatal sepsis (Ia), but not studies were of relatively small sample size and used different in prophylaxis of infection. It is thought to result from 369,370,373,374 371 were common and treatment failures did occur, immunologic destruction of myelin or Schwann cells within the but the latter approach was associated with long-term eradication peripheral nervous system. None of the treatments signicantly reduced mor tients with autonomic instability. However, further randomized, double-blind studies are 4 days, then once each in weeks 2, 3, and 6, 6 month 6) reduced 452 needed to conrm these ndings. A multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo immunomodulatory treatment in resistant cases. A consensus statement 517 ness in a number of disorders of the peripheral and central from the American Academy of Dermatology on the use of nervous systems. Some argue that when patients are selected for 525 More recent reports also include dystrophic calcinosis cutis the occurrence of other autoimmune phenomena, the effective 526 546,547 and scleromyxedema. However, at least 1 report has described neural antigens may be found in subsets of these patients. Likewise, immunoglobulin is unlikely to 560 compulsive and tic disorders in some children. There may be be benecial in autism, except in the cases of comorbid bona de cross-reaction between microbial and brain antigens, although antibody deciency. Modied from Primary Immunodeciency Committee, American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. The plasma is Research) and Plasma Protein Therapeutics Association: more separated using alcohol-based fractionation procedures to precip than 15,000, but not to exceed 60,000, donors. Cold ethanol fractionation, the rst step in the process of readings due to interference by the maltose. Other acceptable clinical effect, such as keeping the patient infection 565 studies have echoed these ndings. Immune Deciency Foundation found that 44% report experi An acceptable starting point for maintenance dosing is 400 encing adverse reactions, and that this rate was unrelated to rate 600 mg/kg every 3-4 weeks and is consistent with majority 578 of infusion. The rates of reactions in clinical practice are practice by focused immunologists in the United States and higher than observed in clinical studies and highlight the 568,569 Europe. However, physicians reactions are rate-related, are mild, and occur in only 5-15% of should be aware of weight changes in growing children and adjust infusions. They should be obtained whenever a pain, nausea, breathing difficulties, chills, ushing, rash, anxiety, signicant infection occurs or when the clinical response to 572,579 low-grade fever, arthralgia, myalgias, and/or headache. After the fth infusion, a Slowing or stopping the infusion for 15-30 minutes will steady state will have been achieved, and the dose or dosing reverse many reactions. Another possible body mass (particularly in children) and/or the possibility of mechanism includes the formation of oligomeric or polymeric protein-losing conditions, and dose adjustments should be made IgG complexes that interact with Fc receptors and trigger the accordingly. When initiating therapy, patients with extremely release of inammatory mediators. Currently available immunoglobulin products and their properties Refri Pathogen Dosage geration Filtration Osmolality IgA Stabilizer or inactivation/ Route/product formulation Diluent required However, this paraproteinemia, increased blood viscosity, hypercholesterole adverse event appears to occur much less frequently than origi mia, and hypertension. As these devices have the Prompt diagnosis and treatment of these events are required to potential to cause additional adverse events, their use for the sole 35 ensure patient safety. Although designed for giving the to conversion factor are beginning to be specically evaluated. For at-home administration, patients some patients may benet from receiving smaller doses several should have access to containers for biological waste and sharp times a week due to personal preference or improved toler 627 607,621,634,635,638 object disposal. Steady-state serum IgG no currently available guidance and that can potentially put pa levels should be monitored periodically after approximately tients at risk for harm. As immune, inammatory, and neuromuscular condi 5-7,422,423,516,603,614,655-658 mentioned earlier, none of these studies have documented proced tions. The different extent of B and T cell immune reconstitution after hematopoietic grow. Immunoglobulin therapy to control lung damage in patients with common vari able immunodeciency. Thromboembolic events as an emerging adverse effect dur ical spectrum of X-linked hyper-IgM syndrome.


  • GI trauma or bleeding from recent GI surgery
  • Leaking from the line where parts of the stomach have been stapled together
  • Very bad pain in your back or side that will not go away
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Vomiting blood or material that looks like coffee grounds
  • Your hair loss occurs in an atypical pattern, including rapid hair loss, widespread shedding, hair loss in patches, or hair breakage.
  • Changes in feeling (sensation) and perception
  • Do NOT touch your eyes, nose, and mouth.

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The lateral cuneiform appears during the first year of life; and the medial cuneiform appears during the second year of life and the intermediate cuneiform and navicular during the third year of life fungus roots buy butenafine 15 gm online. Memory Tarsal & Tidbits Mnemonic C Calcaneus (Os Calcis) Come the largest bone of the foot fungus gnats larvae picture generic butenafine 15gm on-line. The Calcaneus articulates with the cuboid and the talus anteriorly and the talus superiorly antifungal nail lacquer buy butenafine without a prescription. T Talus (Astragalus) Second largest tarsal bone located between lower leg and To calcaneus fungus gnats attracted to light purchase butenafine cheap. The weight of the body is transmitted through this bone via the ankle and talocalcaneal joint antifungal ketoconazole shampoo order online butenafine. C Cuboid th Columbus Located on the lateral aspect of the foot antifungal body wash cvs order butenafine 15gm on line, distal to calcaneus and proximal to 4 & th 5 metatarsals. The cuboid articulates with 4 bones, calcaneus, lateral th th cuneiform, and 4 & 5 metatarsals. N Navicular Next A flattened, oval shaped bone on medial side of foot between talus & 3 cuneiform. C Cuneiform Christmases Three wedge shaped bones on the medial & mid aspects of the foot. A memory mnemonic for the tarsal bones is Come to Columbus (the) Next (three) Christmases the talus articulates with the tibia and fibula in the ankle mortise and with the calcaneus and navicular distally. The talus is made up of a body that is wider anteriorly with three articular surfaces (the trochlea and posterior and middle calcaneal facets) and a posterior process (the posterior tabofibular ligaments). The neck of the talus connects with the head, which articulates with the navicular distally and the calcaneus inferiorly. Two-thirds of the talus is covered with cartilage served by the posterior tibial artery and other accessory vessels. The distal aspect of the calcaneus has an articular surface that receives the cuboid bone. The cuboid bone located on the lateral aspect of the foot and has a grooved plantar surface for articulation with the calcaneus, the lateral cuneiform, and the fourth and fifth metatarsals. The navicular is the most medial tarsal bone and lies between the talus and the cuneiforms. The cuneiforms are three bones (medial, intermediate, and lateral) that articulate with the navicular and posterior cuboid (lateral cuneiform) and the first three metatarsals. Injuries to the cuboid are often associated with other midfoot or Lisfranc fractures/dislocations. The bones of the foot are arranged in longitudinal and transverse arches, which provide a strong, shock absorbing support for the weight of the body. The two main arteries that supply the ankle and foot are the dorsalis pedis artery, a continuation of the anterior tibial artery of the leg, and the posterior tibial artery. Ankle Joint Three bones form the ankle joint: two long bones of the lower leg, the tibia and fibula, and one tarsal bone, the talus. The lateral malleolus is the expanded distal end of the fibula and the medial malleolus is the elongated process of the tibia. The inferior portions of the tibia and fibula form a deep socket or three-sided opening called a mortise into which the upper talus fits. The ankle is a synovial hinge type joint having flexion and extension movements only. Lateral stress on the joint can result in a sprained ankle with stretched or torn collateral ligaments. The tibia articulates with the distal femur by means of proximal medial facet (oval and concave) and lateral facet (circular and convex). The tibial shaft is triangular 24 and tapers to its thinnest point at the junction of the middle and distal thirds before widening again to form the tibial plafond. The proximal end of the tibia has two large processes called the medial and lateral condyles. The intercondylar eminence, often called the tibial spine, includes two small pointed prominences, the medial and lateral intercondylar tubercles. The tibial tuberosity is located on the proximal end of the tibia and has a rough textured prominence, which provides for attachments of the patellar tendon and the large muscle of the anterior thigh. The fibula is the smaller of the two leg bones and is located laterally and posteriorly to the larger tibia. The enlarged distal end of the fibula has a bump on the lateral aspect of the ankle joint and is called the lateral malleolus. The styloid process of the fibular head serves as the attachment for the fibular collateral ligament and the biceps tendon. The expanded distal fibular is referred to as the lateral malleolus and extends beyond the distal margin of the medial malleolus. Together with the inferior distal surface of the tibia, these structures comprise the ankle mortise. Knee Joint the knee is a compound joint consisting of two condyloid joints and one sellar joint. The knee is a synovial type joint, which is enclosed in a capsule that has posteromedial and posterolateral recesses extending 15 millimeters (mm) distal to the subchondral surface of the tibial plateau. The medial and lateral femoral condyles articulate with the corresponding tibia facets. Intervening menisci serve to deepen the concavity of the facets, help protect the articular surface, and assist in rotation of the knee. The medial and lateral menisci are fibrocartilage discs between the articular facets of the tibia and the femoral condyles and serve as shock absorbers for direct impact to the knee joint. The medial meniscus tears three times more often than the more mobile lateral meniscus. The patella is the largest sesamoid bone in the human body and serves three functions. It is a fulcrum for the quadriceps, protects the knee joint, and enhances lubrication of the knee. The cruciate ligaments are crucial to anteroposterior stability and the collateral ligaments provide varus/valgus stability. The posterior compartments are supplied by the tibial nerve and contain preaxial muscles. The anterior and lateral compartments are supplied by the common peroneal nerve and contain postaxial muscles. The gastrocnemius muscles, semi-membranousus, and biceps border the popliteal fossa. Femur the femur is the longest and strongest bone in the entire body and its anatomic boundaries includes the knee and hip joint. The distal femur has two large rounded condyles that are joined anteriorly but separated distally and posteriorly by a deep intercondylar fossa or notch. The inferior surface of the ilium contains the acetabular notch and is deepened by the fibrocartilaginous labrum. The primary muscles of the hip joint are the iliopsoas, rectur femoris, and sartorius. Establishing a positive relationship with the patient from the moment they enter the facility until they depart is very important. This requires that the staff projects a cheerful, positive reception and that the patient be informed as they progress through the imaging examination. Patient advocacy involves treating patients as individuals, protecting their dignity 2 and privacy, and respecting their choices. Radiographers perform advocacy duties when they ensure that proper radiation protection is used during every imaging examination and that established quality control procedures are used consistently. Consistent implementation of effective quality control measures improves image quality and allows the clinician to accurately diagnose and deliver appropriate treatment in a timely manner. As a representative of the medical facility, a radiographer has less than 30 3 seconds to make a good impression when the patient arrives. It is important for radiographers to understand that the patient is a consumer of services and that they are customers. The five most important needs of patients, as customers of health care 3 services, are reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangibles. For health care institutions to remain in business they must be viewed as reliable or else patients will go elsewhere for care. Patients also want services delivered by providers who give care and services in an empathetic manner. Tangible expectations include such things as an attractive and hygienic environment and fully functioning and well-maintained equipment. During any given day, radiographers provide care to a number of patients, each with specific and unique imaging examination needs. To complete the imaging examination, the radiographer may need to provide assistance to the patient in meeting general as well as personal needs. Radiographers can show concern by such simple things as being friendly and courteous. The following are suggestions that radiographers may be able to use when relating to patients. Showing concern the radiographer should provide a welcome environment and should not hurry the patient or appear rushed to get to the next patient. Caring is demonstrated when the radiographer listens to , provides information for, helps, communicates with, shows 4 respect towards, touches, and protects the patient. Showing respect the radiographer can show respect to others by creating a welcoming we care environment in the imaging area. All sexes, races, religions, and socioeconomic levels are represented in any patient population. Respect can be verbalized in the way one talks to patients; such interactions may be communicated by the choice of words and the body language used by the radiographer. Adopting the motto treat others as you would want to be treated is helpful in showing respect. The radiographer should react and respond in a professional manner to what is observed and heard while providing care. To reach this goal, radiographers must communicate effectively to patients and staff. Radiographers, co-workers, and patients represent a diverse population from a variety of cultures, religions, races, and ethnic characteristics. Cultural differences can become barriers when they are not acknowledged and adaptations made to respect them. Recognizing other accepted cultural differences such as body language, facial gestures, and attire are also important for incorporating cultural diversity equality into everyday action. In certain societies it is considered disrespectful to look directly into the eyes of the other person during a conversation. Also in some cultures, repeated head nods may indicate respect rather than agreement with what is being said. In some societies, women must keep their bodies completely covered with clothing, allowing only the eyes to be seen. The radiographer needs to be aware that in some cultures touching of any kind is an intimate act and the patients may find any touching offensive. To avoid unintentionally offending a patient during positioning, the radiographer should tell the patient in advance what they are about to do. Everyone harbors reactions, habits, and traditions common to their ethnic and socioeconomic background. Radiographers are no exception and these personal feelings are sometimes difficult to ignore; however, radiographers must not let personal 5,6 feelings affect the care they deliver. Every society has written and unwritten codes of 30 conduct that govern everyday life. For effective communication and cooperation to occur between the radiographer and others, these differences should not become barriers. Radiographers should be aware of these differences, acknowledge them, and respect others when providing imaging services. Language differences pose a substantial risk for miscommunication between the radiographer and the patient. Large hospitals and clinics may employ an interpreter or arrange for one as needed. English speaking family members, friends, or an advocate may accompany some non-English speaking patients.

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Less commonly, the disease management involves: affects the upper limbs or the cranial nerves alone, or. Careful nursing with physiotherapy usually in a proximal more than distal muscles. Plasma exchange may also help ambulant patients and those with more long standing symptoms. Accumulation of hepatic copper inhibits the formation of serum caeruloplas Clinical presentation min. Pyramidal tract in and jaundice volvement produces upper motor neurone lesions of. This rare group of hereditary ataxias affects primarily the cerebellum and the cerebellar connections of the the cerebral type is more common than the hepatic brainstem. Siblings should Hereditary spastic paraplegia be examined and screened for serum copper and the pyramidal tracts are affected and patients caeruloplasmin levels plus 24-h urinary copper develop progressive spasticity. An autosomal dominant disorder, with symptom on set usually between 30 and 45 years. Chorea Males are more commonly affected than females, may respond to tetrabenazine, which depletes nerve although inheritance is mitochondrial. Pathologicalchangesof this condition is often confused with the muscle degeneration are present in one or more of the optic dystrophies. It is rare and genetic counselling is ad nerves,cerebellum,olivesandlongascendingtractsof visable. Each family presents its own particu dominant trait, but in some families is recessive or lar variants. It may be classied into two groups of Clinical presentation hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy affecting the peripheral nerves: Important clinical features in the history (possibly obtained from a third party) include. It presents about the age of 20 years with wasting and weakness of all the distal lower limb muscles and pes Examination cavus. The wasting stops at mid-thigh, producing an inverted Check carefully for champagne-bottle appearance, and at the elbows. The disease usually arrests eral periorbital haematoma and/or haematoma spontaneously and life expectancy is normal. Narcolepsy Conscious level should be charted using the Glasgow Coma Scale (Table 15. The aetiology of narcolepsy re mains poorly understood although there is an asso Table 15. Modanil, a central nervous system stimulant, is the preferred rst-line treatment, although the long-term Category Response Score risk of dependency remains unclear. To speech 3 To pain 2 None 1 Best verbal Orientated 5 Head injury and the Glasgow response Confused 4 Inappropriate words 3 Coma Scale Incomprehensible 2 sounds Brain injury following head trauma reects: None 1. Surgical intervention may be required in death cases of intracranial haematoma and for depressed skull fractures. In certain circumstances, irreversible brain damage Medical therapy may include: occurs with permanent loss of brainstem function, but with preservation of cardiovascular function. Withtimeitmaydevelopintoa large nodular goitre and cause pressure on the tra chea, oesophagus or veins, especially if there is sig nicant retrosternal extension. It may be diffuse or nodular, simple or the differential diagnosis of thyroid enlargement is toxic, benign or malignant, and physiological or path shown in Table 16. Simple goitre: iodine deciency, especially in areas present;respiratoryow-volumeloopsmayalsohelp of endemic goitre. Ultrasound can help distinguish solid or cystic quirementisincreasedatpubertyingirlsandduring masses and whether single or multiple nodules but pregnancy. Inborn errors of thyroid hormone biosynthesis if there is clinical concern regarding possible (dyshormonogenesis): the production of thyroid malignancy. Several Treatment genetic disorders involving proteins in this biosyn thetic pathway have been described. For example, If the patient is euthyroid and there are no concerns Pendred syndrome, which is characterised by sen regarding possible malignancy, treatment is not sorineural deafness and goitre, is caused by defects required unless the swelling is unsightly or causing in pendrin, which transports iodine into the follic pressure symptoms, when surgery (or occasionally ular lumen. It is most commonly due to thyroid gland dysfunction (hyperthyroidism), but can Clinical presentation occurwhenexogenousT4and/orT3istakeninexcess. If untreated illness, surgery or radioiodine therapy may serve as coma and death may ensue. System/organ Features Eyes Exophthalmos/proptosis Investigation (may be unilateral). Potential complications include haemorrhage, and respond to antihistamines or changing agent) vocal cord paresis, hypoparathyroidism and andthemoreseriousagranulocytosisand/orthrom hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is the clinical condition resulting from low levels of circulating thyroid hormones. Atrial brillation responds poorly to digoxin and pitting swelling of the subcutaneous tissues. Anticoagulation is also required as the risk of em $10: 1), reecting the high proportion of cases due to bolisation is relatively high. This is a rare but potentially life-threatening disorder, Aetiology which requires urgent treatment targeted at various steps in the thyroid hormone synthesis/action ThecausesofhypothyroidismareshowninTable16. Block peripheral manifestations of excess thyroid be asymptomatic or manifest mild hypothyroid hormones: propranolol (initially 0. Supportive measures: O2 therapy, intravenous function tests should ideally be checked prior to uids, active cooling, diuretics, chlorpromazine as conception and at regular intervals during indicated. Endocrine disorders 213 Signs Hair loss Symptoms Loss of eyebrow (especially outer third) Tiredness Anaemia Depression, psychosis Hoarse voice Deafness Goitre Cold intolerance Cardiac failure Weight gain Pleural or pericardial effusion Constipation Carpal tunnel syndrome Menorrhagia Bradycardia Aches and pains Dry skin Erythema ab igne Slow relaxation of reflexes Figure 16. Anaemia (microcytic if menorrhagia, macrocytic if gestive of a central (hypothalamic/pituitary) dis co-existent pernicious anaemia, or normocytic). Myxoedema coma: treatment includes ventilatory tures and the pituitary gland sits within a bony seat, and circulatory support, correction of hypothermia the sella turcica. The optic chiasm lies just and hypoglycaemia, glucocorticoid replacement above the pituitary fossa, and on either side are the until normal adrenal reserve is demonstrated, treat cavernous sinuses (venous lakes) through which the ment of precipitating event and thyroid hormone intracavernous carotid artery passes. Thyroiditis Thesphenoidsinus,whichisbelowthepituitaryfossa, Acute thyroiditis is the route through which the pituitary gland is ap proached during transsphenoidal surgery. Although relatively uncommon, acute thyroiditis Thehypothalamusandpituitaryworkinconcertto may follow an upper respiratory tract or other regulate a number of different endocrine systems infection. Hypothalamic releasing fac swellingand tenderness of theglandand sometimes tors. Occasionally prednisolone 30mg/day is necessary, the inhibitory hormones somatostatin and dopamine but this can usually be tailed off rapidly. The term hypopituitarism denotes an insufficiency of Knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the one or more of the anterior or posterior pituitary hypothalamus and pituitary helps to understand the hormones. With pituitary tumours, the usual se different presentations of patients with sellar and quence in which pituitary hormone function is lost parasellar lesions. In contrast, vasopressin and oxytocin are transported along axonal projections fromthehypothalamustotheposteriorpituitaryandstoredinvesiclespriortorelease. Negativefeedbackatthelevel of the pituitary and hypothalamus is mediated via hormones secreted by target organs (shown in italics). In the majority of cases patients present with features of one or more of hormone Destruction/compression of the normal pituitary tis hypersecretion, hormonehyposecretion or local mass sue or reduction in the blood supply (including effects, as outlined above. Aside from a small number of genetic cases, the factors underlying pitutary adenoma for Prolactinomas are the most commonly encountered mation remain poorly understood. Clinical presentation Hyperprolactinaemia per se is associated with this is variable and depends on not only the aetiology reduced libido in both sexes and galactorrhoea in but also the extent of endocrine dysfunction and the females. In contrast, lesions Posterior pituitary dysfunction, and in particular originating in the suprasellar region. Third, fourth and sixth cranial lowing pituitary surgery (when it is often transient), nerve palsies are relatively rare even with lateral but can also be seen with inltrative disorders. Cushing syndrome; hypertension, diabetes mellitus, For secretory tumours medical therapy may be used, osteoporosis, cardiac hypertrophy, sleep apnoea, col while the benecial effects of radiotherapy are awaited onic neoplasia in acromegaly) should also be. Cortisol hypersecretion can be controlled with metyr apone or ketoconazole (which block adrenal steroid Hormone hyposecretion biosynthesis). Bilateraladrenalectomymayberequired in patients with severe hypercortisolism refractory to Screening for hypopituitarism includes measurement medicaltherapy;however,ifradiotherapyisnotgivenin of: this setting, then the patient is at risk of developing. Thyroxine replacement is used to correct Primary hyperaldosteronism hypothyroidism. Primaryhyperaldosteronismisanimportanttreatable cause of hypertension in the young to middle-aged. Prognosis and treatment Clinical presentation Untreated Cushing syndrome is often fatal, predom Most cases come to light during investigation of inantly as a consequence of cardiovascular compli hypertension or unexplained hypokalaemia. Similarly, uncontrolled acromegaly is associated with Evidence of end organ damage. Control of Investigation growth hormone hypersecretion restores morbidity/ Prior to investigation it is important to ensure satisfac mortality levels to that of the general population. Screening tests are also traditionally creased mortality rate of approximately twice that of performed having withdrawn agents. However, this should only be un modulatory effects and is important in the mainten dertaken under specialist supervision and not in ance of normal circulatory function. Weakness and impaired cognition virtueof its ability to blockthe actionof aldosterone at. Hyperkalaemia the anti-androgenic side effect prole of spironolac tone) and amiloride are alternatives if spironolactone is poorly tolerated. Thereafter specic therapy is directed at the may present with menstrual disturbance (oligo/ underlying cause: amenorrhoea). In non-emergency cases consider the following: Although tuberculosis probably remains the com-. Normal subjects exhibit a peak response nding on imaging, clinically evident adrenal insuffi >500nmol/l at 30min (precise thresholds depend ciency is rare in this setting. Exclusion of other associated conditions (see auto immune polyglandular syndromes, p. Clinical presentation the clinical picture varies widely from the acutely ill Management patient in Addisonian crisis (Box 16. Fludrocortisone replacement is also required in primary (but not in secondary) adrenal insufficiency.


  • Fugue state
  • Macrocephaly pigmentation large hands feet
  • Ankylosing vertebral hyperostosis with tylosis
  • Chromosome 14 trisomy
  • Chromosome 7, partial monosomy 7p
  • Cloacal exstrophy
  • Osteoporosis macrocephaly mental retardation blindness


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