DIT Adminstration Building
DIT Library
- Introduction
The library is the Academic nerve center for the College. It currently has a wide range and volume of books that are useful for the student’s learning. Its seating capacity is up to 60. There is also access to e- books on the school’s network.
The library is divided into six departments with the following mandates under the command and leadership of the school’
Librarian. The Librarian’s office is responsible for the day-to-day administration and coordination of all other, departments in the library, the Librarian, who is one of the principal officers of the College, heads the Institute library. He is also a member of the Institute Academic Board.
Access to eBooks and other reference materials makes our Library facility a major plus to your tuition
The information and Communication technology Department: It is in charge of computerizing of all library operations. This department is responsible for managing all the computers on Local Area Network in the library. It assists library users retrieve information faster and easier. The department uses the X-lib library Automation software to carry out its functions.
- Membership
(I) Every member of the Institute is eligible to register as a member of the library and may use the library for study, research, borrowing, reference and related purposes.
(ii) Students will be issued with their personal library identity cards later on in the new year, this must be produced for inspection by the library staff when required to do so.
- Discipline
(I) Readers are not to enter the library before the official opening time. Silence must be observed in the library at all times, group discussions and dragging of chairs noisily is prohibited.
- Always remember that the library should be used as a quiet reading
- The library identity card must be brought to the library and produced on demand; library identity cards are not Impersonation is viewed as a very serious offence that attracts sanctions.
- Books are not to be taken out of the library without due process of
- Bags, cases, umbrellas, etc should not be brought into the They must be kept in the pigeon holes provided for in the cloakroom. Such items are kept at owners’ risk.
- All borrowing and renewals must be done in person and not by
- Eligibility
All registered students are permitted to use the borrow books from the library.
- Final year student (i.e., ND II (Full time); students are required to return all library books on loan i m m e d i a t e l y after the sectional The names of those who fail to comply with this regulation will be submitted to the Academic Board for appropriate action: e.g. (stepping down of defaulter’s result).
- On leaving the Institute, any reader not indebted to the Library shall be cleared by the library, while the reader surrenders the library Identity Card before final departure from the
- Reference Books and Periodicals
Reference books and periodicals can only be used in the library. They are not available for borrowing.
- Mutilation or stealing of library materials
Any student caught mutilating, defacing, stealing library books/materials i.e. tearing out pages of library books/materials shall be expelled from the College without an option of fine. The students Disciplinary Committee shall suspend the culprit from the library until the determination of he case.
- Regulations governing the use of college Premises and
S/N | Book Title | Aurthor |
1 | $30 Film School | Michael Wareham Dean |
2 | Writing for Broadcast Journalists | Rick Thompson |
3 | A Pocket Guide to Public Speaking | Dan O’Hair, Hannah Rubenstein, Rob Stewart |
4 | Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Digital Photography | Joseph Ciaglia, Barbara London, John Upton, Ken Kobré, and Betsy Brill with Peter Kuhns |
5 | Adobe® Dreamweaver® CC Digital Classroom | Michael Arguin, Greg Heald, and the AGI Creative Team |
6 | Adobe Illustrator CC Classroom in a Book, 2018 release | Brian Wood |
7 | ADOBE MASTER CLASS Advanced Compositing in Adobe Photoshop CC, Second Edition | Bret Malley |
8 | Adobe® Premiere® Pro CC Digital Classroom | Jerron Smith and the AGI Training Team |
9 | Audio Engineering 101. A Beineer`s Guide to Musis Production | Anderson Bracht |
10 | Broadcast Journalism Techniques of Radio and Television News | Andrew Boyd |
11 | Broadcast Journalism A critical introduction | Jane Chapman and Marie Kinsey |
12 | Broadcast News: Writing, Reporting, and Producing 5th Edition | Ted White, Frank Barnas |
13 | Broadcast News Writing, Reporting, and Producing Fourth Edition | Ted White |
14 | Cinematography theory and practice | Blain Brown |
15 | Communication Skills | Ferguson Career Skills Library |
16 | Convergent Journalism: An Introduction | Stephen Quinn and Vincent F. Filak, Editors |
17 | DOCUMENT ENGINEERING | Robert J. Glushko and Tim McGrath |
18 | Encyclopedia of JOURNALISM | Christopher H. Sterling |
19 | English Language Communication Skills | Urmila Rai |
21 | Fundamentals of Photography II | Joel Sartore |
22 | Fundamentals of Public Speaking | Tammera Stokes Rice |
23 | Handbook for Sound Engineers Fourth Edition | Glen M. Ballou |
24 | A COMPLETE GUIDE TO INTERVIEWING | John Brown Univeristy |
25 | Multimedia Journalism | Andy Bull |
26 | Visual Studio 2017 | Bruce Johnson |
27 | Television Production | GERALD MILLERSON JIM OWENS |
28 | Video Production Handbook | Gerald Millerson |
30 | Writing for Visual Media S E C O N D E D I T I O N | Anthony Friedmann |
31 | TED Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking | Chris Anderson |
32 | Understanding Broadcast & Cable Finance | Angelina Ward |
33 | Understanding Digital Terrestrial Broadcasting | Seamus O`Leary |
34 | Writing for Visual Media | Anthony Friedmann |
35 | The Five C`s of Cinematography | Joseph V. Mascelli |
36 | TECHNICAL PRESENTATION WORKBOOK | Richard L. Sullivan and Jerry L. Wircenski |
37 | The Audio Expert | Ethan Winer |
38 | studio television production and directing | Andrew H. Utterback |
- Business Accounts – Cox D (5nos)
- Active Accounting – Brammer J (5nos)
- Management & Cost Accounting – Drury (5nos)
- Business Studies – Hall D (5nos)
- Advanced Business – Fardon, Alcock et al (5nos)
- Accounting – Wood (5nos)
- E-business and E-commerce – Chaffey (5nos)
- Business Law- CIMA (5nos)
- Company Law for Accountants – Thomas (5nos)
- Economics – BPP (5nos)
- Strategic Accounting & Marketing – CIMA (5nos)
- Cost Accounting – Principles & Practice – Upchurch (5nos)
- Banking Law and Ethics- (5nos)
- Principles of Auditing and Other Assurance Services – (5nos)
- Public Finance (5nos)
- International Finance (5nos)
- Focus on Personal Finance (5nos)
- Financial Institutions, Market & Money 11th Ed. (5nos)
- Principles of Corporate Finance (5nos)
- Principles of Managerial Finance (5nos)
- Business Law (5nos)
- Entrepreneurial Finance (5nos)
- Money, Banking International Trade and Public Finance (5nos)
- Analysis of Financial Management (5nos)
- International Regulation of Banking: Capital and Risk Requirements (5n0s) Running Money: Professional Portfolio Management (5nos)
- Practice of Management – Peter Druker (5nos)
- Management and Introduction – David Buddy (5nos)
- Management in Focus – Lawal A.A (5nos)
- Handbook of Human Resources – Michael Armstrong (5nos)
5 Management Practice (5nos)
- Fundamental of Research Methods (5nos)
- Research Methodology in Business & Social Sciences – A (5nos)
- Marketing: Principles and Application – R & Kehinde O.J (5nos)
- Introduction to Business Management -Barney Erasms & J.W. Strydm (5nos) 9. Introduction of Entrepreneurship Dev. – Femi Omotosho (5nos)
- Public Finance in a Dev Economy. A Nigerian case. Vol 1 &2- Alafo M.O Anyafo (5nos)
- Nigeria Public finance – C. Anyanwu (5nos)
- Business Accounting, vol. 1&2 – Frank Wood (5nos)
- Basic Accounting – D. Magee (5nos)
- Principles of Accounting – B. A Mensah (5nos)
- Cost & Mgt. Accounting an intro for students – Alan Pizzey (5nos)
- Essentials of Public Administration – Iyabo Fajonyomi (5nos)
- Business Mathematics – Edward I. Edgerton (5nos)
- Business Mathematics & Statistics – Andre Francis (5nos)
- 1ntroduction to Nigerian Business Law – Abiola Sanni (5nos)
- Business Law in Nigeria – O. Adesanya & E.O Oladeye (5nos)
- Research Method and Simple Guid to Project Report Writing. 3rd Edition- Adepoju A.T (5nos)
- Management Theory and Practice – Adekunle J.K (5nos)
- Computer Security, A Hands-on Approach by Wenliang Du 2017
- Computer Networks by Andrew Tanenbaum, David Wetherall 2010
- Computer Organization and Design by Patterson
- CompTIA A+ Guide to IT Technical Support by Jean Andrews, Joy Dark, Jill West 2019
- Software comes from heaven when you have good hardware. -Ken Olsen Notebook Gift with computers Quotes| Notebook Gift |Notebook For Him or Her | 120 Pages 6”x 9” by KOBE SMITH 2021
- Computer Essentials, Computer Science Basics, Architecture, Design, Application Concepts, Quantitative Approach, Engineering, Technology, Ethics, Forensics, Graphics, Hacking & Hardware. By Jerry Ramonyai 2021
- Code ,The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software by Charles Petzold2022 8. CompTIA A+ Core 1 Exam, Guide to Computing Infrastructure by Jean Andrews, Joy Dark, Jill West 2019
- Computer Organization and Design MIPS Edition , The Hardware/Software Interface by David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy 2020
- Mike Meyers’ CompTIA A+ Guide to Managing and Troubleshooting PCs, Sixth Edition by Mike Meyers 2019 34
- Building Your Own Computer Made Easy, The Step By Step Guide by James Bernstein 2019
- Modern Computer Architecture and Organization, Learn x86, ARM, and RISC-V architectures and the design of smartphones, PCs, and cloud servers by Jim Ledin 2020
- Computers For Seniors For Dummies by Nancy C. Muir 2017
- Windows 10 Made Easy Take Control of Your PC By James Bernstein 2021
- Upgrading and Repairing PCs by Scott Mueller 2015
- Raspberry Pi Cookbook, Software and Hardware Problems and Solutions by Simon Monk 2019
- Mike Meyers’ CompTIA A+ Certification Passport, Seventh Edition by Mike Meyers, Mark Soper 2020
- Framework for Monitoring Hardware Firewall Functionality Using NIDS by Peter Kemei 2013
- Hardware Security, A Hands-on Learning Approach by Swarup Bhunia Ph.D. Purdue University, Mark Tehranipoor Ph.D. 2018
- Macs All-in-One For Dummies by Joe Hutsko, Barbara Boyd, Jesse Feiler, Doug Sahlin| 2020
- Essential Computer Hardware Second Edition, The Illustrated Guide to Understanding Computer Hardware by Kevin Wilson2018
- The Architecture of Computer Hardware, Systems Software, and Networking, An Information Technology Approach by Irv Englander, Wilson Wong 2021
- Invitation to Computer Science by G.Michael Schneider, Judith Gersting 2018
- Designing Video Game Hardware in Verilog by Steven Hugg2018
- Application of FPGA to Real‐Time Machine Learning by Hardware Reservoir Computers and Software Image Processing Piotr Antonik 2019
- Computer Organization and Design, The Hardware/Software Interface. Third Edition, Revised by David A. & John L. Hennessy Patterson
- Understanding Computers, Smartphones and the Internet by Ernest Dainow2018
- Understanding the Digital World, What You Need to Know about Computers, the Internet, Privacy, and Security, Second Edition by Brian W. Kernighan 2021
- Computer Hardware, Installation, Interfacing, Troubleshooting and Maintenance by K. L. JAMES
- Computer Hardware and Troubleshooting Lab Guide , yourselves by Shashidhar Ganesh G 2018
- Introduction to Computers Using Information Technology by Williams, Sawyer, Hutchinson Irwin McGraw-Hill
- Introduction to Programming , Introduction to Java Programming: Fundamentals First, 6th Edition by Daniel Armstrong Prentice Hall
- System Software: An introduction to systems Programming Ejame Stroustrup Addison Wesley
- Introduction to Digital Systems , Digital Systems 6th Edition Principles & Applications by Ronald J. Tocci/Prentice Hall of India
- Computer Packages Using Information Technology by Williams, Sawyer, Hutchinson/Irwin McGraw-Hill
- Mastering Microsoft Office 2000 Professional Edition by Gini Courter, Annette Marquis/SYBEX
- Introduction to System Analysis System Analysis & Design Methods by Jeffrey L. Whitten, Lonnie D., Bentley/McGraw-Hill Companies
- Logic and Linear Algebra Further Mathematics by C. O. Oroge/Clemol Publishers
- Introduction to Statistics Statistics by Frank Owen & Ron Jones/Pitman Publishing
- English and Communication, English Grammar for schools and colleges by Gbenga Fakuade/Paraclete Publishers
- Real Writing with Reading by Susan Anker/BED FORD/ST. MARTIN’S
- Data Structures and Algorithm Data Processing and Information Technology 10th Edition by Oliver & Chapman’s/Martins the Printers Ltd
- PC Upgrade and Maintenance Upgrading and Repairing PCs 17th Edition by Scott Mueller/Wiley, John & Sons, Inc.
- File Organisation & Management Using Information Technology by Williams, Sawyer, Hutchinson/Irwin McGraw-Hill
- Computer System Troubleshooting Computer Repair with Diagnostic Flowchart: Troubleshooting, PC Hardware Problems from Boot Failure to Poor Performance by Morris Rosenthal/Foner Books
- Computer and Society Using Information Technology by Williams, Sawyer, Hutchinson/Irwin McGrawHill
- Basic Hardware Maintenance Computer Repair with Diagnostic Flowchart by Morris Rosenthal/Foner Books
- Calculus Further Mathematics by C. O. Oroge/Clemol Publishers.
- Introduction to Systems Programming System Software: An Introduction to Systems Programming by Ejame Stroustrup/Addison Wesley 32
- Computer Programming Using O O BASIC Object – Oriented Programming with Visual Basic.NET by Michael McMillan Cambridge University Press
- Structure Querry Language, SQL Simplified by Cecelia Allison/Author house
- ORACLE, Expert Oracle Database Architecture by Thomas Kyte, Tony Davis/Apress L.P
- Oracle PL/SQL Programming 4th Edition by Steven Feverstein, Bill Pribyl/O’Beilly Media, Inc
- Entrepreneurship Development Small Business Management by Soji Olokayo/Ola Jamon Printers & Publisher
- System Programming Concept (C++) , The C++ Programming Language Special Edition by Ejame Stroustrup/Addison Wesley
- C Programming Language by Brian W. Kemighan, Dennis M., Ritchie/Pearson Education
- Scientific Programming Language using Object Oriented JAVA, Introduction to JAVA Programming: Fundamentals First, 6th Edition by Daniel Armstrong/Prentice Hall
- CORE JAVA 2 (VOL 1 &2) by Cay S. Horstmann & Garry Cornell/ Prentice Hall
- Management Information System, Management Information Systems
7thEdition by James A. O’Brier, George Marakas /Mc.Graw-Hill/Irwin
- Software Project Management, Design for Trustworthy Software: Tools, Techniques and Methodology of Robust Software by Bijay K.
Jayasual; Peter C. Patton /Prentice Hall
- The Unicorn Project by Gene Kim 2019
- The Tao of Programming by Geoffrey James1986
Engineering Fundamentals, by Richard Hall Thayer, Merlin Dorfman,
Steve Tockey, Friedrich L. Bauer2012
- Software Engineering Handbook by Jessica Keyes 2002
- An Approach to Model-Driven Testing Functional and Real-Time Testing with UML 2. 0, U2TP and TTCN-3 by Zhen Ru Dai 2006
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs JavaScript Edition by Martin Henz, Tobias Wrigstad, Harold Abelson, Gerald Jay Sussman2022
- Iron-Clad Java Building Secure Web Applications by Jim Manico, August Detlefsen2014
- Working in Public The Making and Maintenance of Open Source Software by Nadia Eghbal 2020
- Software Engineering Merlin Dorfman, Richard H. Thayer1996
- Software Engineering at Google Lessons Learned from Programming Over Time by Titus Winters, Tom Manshreck, Hyrum Wright2020
- Peopleware Productive Projects and Teams by Tom DeMarco, Tim Lister2013
- Debugging Our Computer Science Programs, Research, Evaluation, and Recommendations for Improving Our Computer Science and Information Technology Academic Programs, by Mark Reha 2019
- Artificial Intelligence in Practice How 50 Successful Companies Used AI and Machine Learning to Solve Problems by Bernard Marr, Matt Ward2019
- Optimizing Contemporary Application and Processes in Open Source Software by Mehdi Khosrow-Pour 2018
- Impact of Ada and object-oriented design in the flight dynamics division at Goddard Space Flight Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 2018
- Software Management Environment release 9.4 user reference material National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA 2018
- Metrics and Models for Evaluating the Quality and Effectiveness of ERP Software by Geoffrey Muchiri Muketha, Elyjoy Muthoni Micheni 2019
- Global Software Engineering Virtualization and Coordination by Gamel O. Wiredu 2019
- Object-Oriented Software Engineering Using UML, Patterns, and Java, International Economy Edition ,Allen H. Dutoit Bernd Bruegg
- Embedded and Real Time System Development A Software
Engineering Perspective : Concepts, Methods and Principles – 2013
Edition BY Saqib Saeed Mohammad Ayoub Khan Ashraf Darwish Ajith Abraham
- Software Quality, Quality Intelligence in Software and Systems Engineering: 12th International Conference, SWQD 2020, Vienna, Austria, January 14–17, … in Business Information Processing, 371 by Dietmar Winkler, Stefan Biffl, Daniel Mendez, Johannes Bergsmann 2019
- Certifying Software Component Performance Specifications BY Henning Groenda 2020
- Chaos Engineering, System Resiliency in Practice BY Casey Rosenthal, Nora Jones 2020
- Staff Engineer, Leadership beyond the management track by Will Larson, Tanya Reilly2021
- The Ghidra Book, The Definitive Guide by Chris Eagle, Kara Nance 2020
- Mythical Man-Month, The Essays on Software Engineering, Anniversary Edition by rederick Brooks Jr.1995
- Fundamentals of Software Architecture, An Engineering Approach by Mark Richards, Neal Ford2020
- Software Architecture in Practice by Len Bass, Paul Clements, Rick Kazman2021
- Python for DevOps , Learn Ruthlessly Effective Automation by Noah Gift, Kennedy Behrman, Alfredo Deza, Grig Gheorghiu 2020
- The Missing README, A Guide for the New Software Engineer by Chris Riccomini, Dmitriy Ryaboy2021
- Journalism Ethics and Mass Management – Arora, Neha
- Principles of communications – Sharma Anshuman
- Business Communications- Cardon
- Essentials of Copy Editing in Mass Communication- Godwin Esiomoka
- The Dynamics of Mass Communication – Dominic Joseph
- Introduction to Mass Communication; Media Literacy and Culture – Baran Stanley
- Politics Culture and the Media in Nigeria – Umaru Pat et al
- Broadcast Journalism: Basic Principles – Bhattsc
- Principles Of Public Speaking _ Geerman Kathlen et al
- Basics of Audio-visual Editing – Ramitchs
- Data communication and Network- Forouzon
- Report Writing – Daisy Bogg
- Writing for the Mass – Stoval James G.
DIT Health centre, sick bay
Health Centre
There is a Centre for all DIT students to access health facilities that are avail to all students who have followed the rubric of due process of registrations. Facilities at the center shall include: X- ray machine, immunization, pharmacy and sick-bay.
Sporting & recreational facilities
Sport Clubs
- Athletics
- Basketball
- Soccer
- Tennis
- Table Tennis
- Volleyball
Hostel Accomodation
Hostel Fees
The accommodation located at the topmost floors of the building which house
both male and female hostels respectively.
All hostel fees are payable to the School and Council determines the fees from time to time.
Hostel Deposit
Hostel deposit and breakage fees shall be paid during registration.
The deposit and breakage fees will be refunded on a prorate basis.
Liability for Fees on Leaving the Hostel
Hostel fees are calculated per study period.
A student must direct a written notice to the Bursar before the end of a Semester if he/she does not intend t o use hostel accommodation for the next Semester.
A student remaining at the School, who leaves the hostel at any date after commencement of the academic year and before the last day of a term must pay the fees for the full term.
Entreprenuership Development Centre
Entrepreneurship Development Centre of this noble institute focuses on the skill qualification framework. The workshop and laboratory demonstrations that really showcase what DIT represents can be found below.