Student affairs Office
The Office of Student Affairs seeks to enhance the DIT students’ experience by offering programming and services that support the students’ holistic wellness. Our students’ advocacy focuses on their academic, social, emotional, physical, cultural, moral and mental well-being.
Driven by a purpose to inspire a vibrant campus life and engaged students’ union body, we identify goals of; inclusive excellence, student engagement, academic, civic, and social support systems, and building collaborations across campus. This enables the Students’ Affairs unit to optimally serve the students while preparing them for success in a global community.
Unit Priorities
- Empower students to excel academically, civically and socially
- Foster community engagement
- Encourage Inclusive Excellence
- Advance student development
- Promote student success by fostering holistically supportive environments
- Foster campus collaborations that support student success
Students Union
The SRC is an elected student body governed by the SRC Constitution. The SRC has full representation at Council and the Board of Studies.
The SRC supports, encourages and empowers students throughout their academic experience. Through the Student Leadership Development Workshops facilitated by the Office of the Dean of Students, the SRC gain leadership knowledge and skills to nurture their academic journey socially and professionally.
The SRC plan, organizes, and facilitates the SRC elections; serve as campus inceptions during the New Student Orientation Programme; organize and facilitate the New Student Orientation BBQ; conduct the General Student Assembly (GSA) meetings twice a year; organize and facilitate educational students’ debates; and general social and sport activities.
The SRC assist the Office of the Dean of Students with the Cultural Festival through the establishment of an Ad-hoc Cultural Festival Committee under the leadership and guidance of the Officer: Accommodation, Sport and Culture.
Students’ RepresentativeCouncil(SRC):Activities
? SRCElections
? BoardofStudiesMeetings
? DayoftheAfricanChild
? SRCHandingoverCeremony
? GeneralStudentAssembly(GSA)twiceayear
? StudentNightsSixTimesperyear
? Miss&Mr.FirstYear
? DebatingCompetitions
? BarbequeandMovieNights
? SportsPromotionDay
? PoolCompetition
? TalentShow
Assist with Cultural Festival Activities under the directorship of the Officer: Accommodation, Sport and Culture
? SRCTour
Guidance & counseling Unit
The counseling service
The councilor will listen to any one who wants to talk either about himself or someone else that he is worried about. Consultations are always confidential and information is never divulged unless the student gives permission.
Orientation or adaptive services are provided to help students adjust better to new environment.
At the beginning of each academic year, new students are admitted into the College, some feel lost socially and psychologically in their new environment.
- Information Service: This equips students with better knowledge of educational, vocational and social opportunities that they can make choices and decisions. Information is given to some social problems such as effects of drugs, alcohol, truancy, rioting etc.
Extra curricular activities
- Volley Ball
- Basket Ball
iii. Badminton
- Table Tennis
Students Hostel accomodation
Hostel Fees
All hostel fees are payable to the School. Council determines the fees from time to time.
Hostel Deposit
Hostel deposit and breakage fees shall be paid during registration.
The deposit and breakage fees will be refunded on a pro rata basis.
Liability for Fees on Leaving the Hostel
Hostel fees are calculated per study period.
A student must direct a written notice to the Bursar before the end of a Semester if he/she does not intend o use hostel accommodation for the next Semester.
A student remaining at the School, who leaves the hostel at any date after commencement of the academic year and before the last day of a term, must pay the fees for the full term.
Scholarship Bursaries opportunities
Presently, there is no provision for bursary and scholarship disbursement for indigent students except Local Government, State Government aids.
Interaction with SAO, SUG with needs of students
Membership of the Union and participation in all Union activities shall be voluntary, and open to only bonafide students of the College.
Members of the Executive Council of the Union, the speaker of the House, and the Chief Judge of the judiciary shall be elected from the Union members whose current Cumulative Grade Point (CGPA) is not below 3.00.
The President of the Union shall be a fulltime member who holds the National Diploma of the Institute.
All members seeking election into any post shall be screened by the school Management.
The annual due charges on members of the union shall be an amount determined by the House and approved by the Academic Board.
The accounts of the Union are subject to auditing as may be directed by the Registrar from time to time.
All activities of the Union shall be approved by the College Management. For elections into executive positions, the returning officer and at least four members of the electoral committee shall be Senior Members of staff of the College nominated by the Academic Board.
Clubs and Societies Students wishing to form a society or club should apply for registration to the registrar should operate until such approval has been granted by the Dean, students affairs.