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While liraglutide at 3 mg/day has been approved iopancreatic diversion or by laparoscopic gastric bypass, for weight loss, the effcacy of lower doses (0. This open-label study included 40 women of the women by 8 months and an additional 25% had who were then randomized to 1 of 3 arms: (1) 1,000 mg moderate resolution of their hirsutism at 21 months (1010 of metformin twice daily, (2) 1. All 6 patients who desired pregnancy Multiple clinical trials and meta-analyses, includ following surgery conceived within 3 years of surgery. How much ysis assessing treatment with metformin demonstrated an weight loss would be required? Metformin therapy has been consis women with overweight and obesity and should tently shown to result in modest weight loss; it is not clear be considered as part of the initial treatment to the degree to which weight loss versus other actions of the improve fertility; weight loss of? A lifestyle intervention trol studies, cohort studies, or case series involving small program including 58 women with obesity and menstural numbers of patients. Additionally, women with >10% maternal complications for women who had undergone weight loss were more likely to have live births (71% vs. Thus, a 10% reduction in body weight appears to result in Additional cohort studies (and case reports) have also increased rates of pregnancy, albeit larger prospective trials examined whether weight-loss interventions improve out are required to confrm these fndings. None of the men the position of the Practice Committee of the received testosterone therapy. The prevalence and hypogonadism, long-term testosterone therapy in 411 of metabolic syndrome declined from 87% of subjects at men (mean age 58. Long-term meta to be effective for sustained weight loss, irrespective of bolic effects were associated with lower concentrations their baseline weight. Is weight loss effective to treat obstruc in 158 patients with diabetes was associated with a 4. How much weight loss would be weight loss over 3 months, together with signifcant reduc required? Is weight loss effective to treat asthma/reac age number of apneic/hypopneic episodes per hour during tive airway disease? The subgroups were compared for naturally results indicated that for each unit of weight loss there was occurring changes in body weight. Importantly, ing pain, in knees and ankles of men and women with odds when weight-loss categories of >10%, 5 to 9. For tive patients followed prospectively after bariatric surgery, these reasons, weight loss is recommended both before there was a signifcant increase in medial joint space on and after knee replacement surgery in patients with over knee X-rays and clear improvements in the Knee Society weight and obesity. How much weight loss would be knee physical function, and knee stiffness showed a signif required? The quality of evidence was Executive Summary considered low for most of the included studies and moder-. Two prospective cohort studies demonstrated had decreased from 8% at baseline to 5. A systematic review identifed the benefts were largely confned to those women losing 5 interventional cohort studies involving bariatric surgery, >5% body weight. All patients who have overweight or obe the intensive group reported urinary incontinence (25. Intragastric balloon for weight loss may increase exercise, and behavior modifcation) or to a structured edu gastroesophageal refux symptoms and should not cation control program. After 6 months, the intervention be used for weight loss in patients with established group achieved a mean weight loss of 8. It is important to note that most of these studies ence (103 13 cm) were reassessed at 6 months, and 97% had small subject numbers, and many were of short dura of subjects lost an average of 13 7. A total of 15% and 65% of subjects tionnaire scoring and having symptoms for at least 6 had partial and complete resolution of refux symptoms, months were recruited to assess the effect of weight loss respectively. There was a signifcant ment in a randomized double-blind study of 17 young association between a high-calorie and high-fat diet and patients with marked obesity (166. Only marked weight loss appeared to or a weight-loss diet (600 calories below daily estimated have an effect on refux in this short study. Patients with Baseline 24-hour pH monitoring identifed refux in 52% of concurrent irritable bowel symptoms had a signifcantly subjects, pathologic total time of gastroesophageal refux poorer response, whereas age, H. At 4 months, sham treat higher gastric pH (percent time >pH 3 and 4) and a lower ment resulted in 9. Esophageal acid exposure and gastric pouch acid (n = 34) were found to have hiatal hernia intra-operatively. Some pre-operative severity of heartburn and regurgitation com studies suggest exacerbation of depression by obesity while pared to the redo fundoplication group. Three-year follow others suggest attenuation of depressive symptomatol up data was available for 132 of the 183 patients (n = 89 ogy. Participants taking antidepressant medications gies versus a control (no-treatment) group. At baseline, 25% of stability for African American women in North Carolina the patients (n = 211) were deemed to have depression and (Shape Program, Duke) included 185 women (average were on antidepressant medications. Study results vary from 1 large trial demonstrating loss is required to achieve an improvement in symptoms that an ~8% decrease in body weight results in attenuation of depression or whether the intervention itself may prove of depressive symptomatology to smaller studies suggest to be helpful in mitigating or attenuating depressive symp ing that it may be the intervention itself (without any predi toms in individuals with overweight or obesity. Future studies may ther studies are needed to elucidate whether a clear rela seek to quantify this relationship. Even though the macronutrient composition One meal plan that can be effective in patients with of meals has less impact on weight loss than adher cardiometabolic risk is represented by Mediterranean diets ence rates in most patients, in certain patient popu that are characterized by a reliance on olive oil, which con lations, modifying macronutrient compositions tains the monounsaturated fat oleic acid as ~75% of fatty may be considered to optimize adherence, eating acids, as a fat source. Mediterranean diets have been shown to have favorable clinical effects Evidence Base in patients with cardiometabolic risk and insulin resis Dietary or eating patterns represent the totality of a tance, including long-term outcome studies demonstrat human diet over the course of a specifed time period. For many commercial diets with variable macronutri In sum, the prime determinant of weight loss is energy ent percentages, micronutrient defciencies are more likely. However, there are proven and higher protein was found to have the most favorable benefts of certain eating patterns with varying macronu micronutrient content, compared with lower carbohydrate, trient distributions in select patient groups. Higher protein intake, achieved through replacing carbohydrate and fat calories, can enhance satiety. Physical activity and therefore be useful in strategically addressing appetite triggers, without signifcant harm, espe Executive Summary cially renal;. Lower fat intake can reduce energy density and prescribed to patients with overweight or obesity the potential for caloric overconsumption, with as as a component of lifestyle intervention; the initial yet unproven harm; and prescription may require a progressive increase in 3. The prescription for physical activity should women, structured exercise activities were shown to be be individualized to include activities and exercise associated with clinically relevant additional weight loss of regimens within the capabilities and preferences of >2. A meta-analysis of pedometer activity/week) are needed to attenuate weight gain (1307 interventions showed a modest weight loss of 1. The general goal should be resistance training vigorous aerobic exercise spread out during at least 3 days 2 to 3 times per week consisting of single-set exercises that during the week, with no more than 2 consecutive days use the major muscle groups with a load that permits 10 between bouts of aerobic activity. Thus, resistance training can management efforts,? including physical activity that is not promote weight loss. Many of the large successful trials showing improved A systematic review of pedometer studies along with fat loss with physical activity (cited above) utilized the a meta-analysis of pedometer-based walking programs, participation of exercise physiologists and other ftness both including randomized trials and observational studies, professionals. For example, a Cochrane review of workplace interventions analyzed the effcacy of. The behavior intervention package is effec of the patient to allow for the optimal amount of condi tively executed by a multidisciplinary team that tioning. Lifestyle therapy should include increased physi includes dietitians, nurses, educators, physical cal activity even though the patient is unable to engage in activity trainers or coaches, and clinical psy optimal physical activity. Behavioral lifestyle intervention and sup provider and the patient should together establish the exer port should be intensifed if patients do not cise prescription with the goal of long-term compliance. Another study compared the effective Potential venues for the interventions include the clinic ness of 3 behavioral interventions that varied in intensity offce, community facilities, and commercial entities. Psychologists strategies combined with patient exercise and nutrition, and psychiatrists will need to participate in the treatment a semistructured approach with basic counseling, or of eating disorders, depression, anxiety, psychoses, and unstructured advice. At the end of the 17 to 20-month other psychological problems that impair the effectiveness intervention period, the highly structured behavior of lifestyle intervention programs unless addressed in a pri group showed an average weight loss of 5. Studies were included in this review if they primary care providers for approximately 14 brief (10 to reported intervention effects on behavioral mediators.
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Surgeons have also "freshened depression symptoms period buy wellbutrin once a day," or scraped depression symptoms not eating 300 mg wellbutrin visa, the frac ture surfaces and devised ever more complicated plates and screws to hold the bone ends rigidly in place mood disorder inventory order wellbutrin without a prescription. I doubted that we would ever understand the failure to heal unless we truly understood healing itself mood disorder unspecified dsm 5 code purchase 300mg wellbutrin with visa. When I began my research career in 1958, we already knew a lot about the logistics of bone mending. It seemed to involve two separate processes, one of which looked altogether different from healing else where in the human body. But we lacked any idea of what set these processes in motion and controlled them to produce a bone bridge across the break. Underneath the collagen envelope are the cells that produce it, right next ro the bone; together the two layers form the periosteum. These new osteoblasts build a swollen ring of bone, called a callus, around the break. Another repair operation is going on inside the bone, in its hollow center, the medullary cavity. In childhood the marrow in this cavity actively produces red and white blood cells, while in adulthood most of the marrow turns to fat. Some active marrow cells remain, however, in the porous convolutions of the inner surface. Around the break a new tissue forms from the marrow cells, most readily in children and young animals. This new tissue is unspecialized, and the marrow cells seem to form it not by increasing their rate of division, as in the callus-forming periosteal cells, but by reverting to a primitive, neo-embryonic state. The unspecialized former marrow cells then change into a type of primi tive cartilage cells, then into mature cartilage cells, and finally into new bone cells to help heal the break from inside. Under a microscope, the changes seen in cells from this internal healing area, especially from children a week or two after the bone was broken, seem incredibly cha otic, and they look frighteningly similar to highly malignant bone-can cer cells. Marshall Urist, one of the great researchers in orthopedics, was to conclude in the early 1960s that this second type of bone healing is an evolutionary throwback, the only kind of regeneration that humans share with all other vertebrates. Regeneration in this sense means the re growth of a complex body part, consisting of several different kinds of cells, in a fashion resembling the original growth of the same part in the embryo, in which the necessary cells differentiate from simpler cells or even from seemingly unrelated types. One, sometimes considered a variety of regeneration, is physiological repair, in which small wounds and everyday wear within a single tissue are made good by nearby cells of the same type, which merely proliferate to close the gap. The other kind of healing occurs when a wound is too big for single-tissue repair but the animal lacks the true regenerative competence to restore the damaged part. In this case the injury is simply patched over as well as possible with collagen fibers, forming a scar. Since true regeneration is most closely related to embryonic development and is generally Strongest in simple animals, it may be considered the most fundamental mode of healing. Nonunions failed to knit, I reasoned, because they were missing something that triggered and controlled normal healing. If so, it would likely show the control process in a clearer or more basic form than the other two kinds of healing. I figured I stood little chance of isolating a clue to it in the multilevel turmoil of a broken bone itself, so I resolved to study regeneration alone, as it oc curred in other animals. Besides locking up their future generations in the mysterious seed, many plants, such as grapevines, could form a new plant from a single part of the old. Some classical authors had an inkling of animal regeneration?Aristotle men tions that the eyes of very young swallows recover from injury, and Pliny notes that lost "tails" of octopi and lizards regrow. The great French scientist Rene Antoine Ferchault de Reaumur made the first scientific description of animal regeneration in 1712. Reaumur devoted all his life to the study of "insects," which at that time meant all invertebrates, everything that was obviously "lower" than lizards, frogs, and fish. In studies of crayfish, lobsters, and crabs, Reaumur proved the claims of Breton fishermen that these animals could regrow lost legs. He kept crayfish in the live-bait well of a fishing boat, remov ing a claw from each and observing that the amputated extremity reap peared in full anatomical detail. A tiny replica of the limb took shape inside the shell; when the shell was discarded at the next molting sea son, the new limb unfolded and grew to full size. Elected to the Royal Academy of Sciences when only twenty-four, he went on to invent tinned steel, Reaumur porcelain (an opaque white glass), imitation pearls, better ways of forging iron, egg incubators, and the Reaumur thermometer, which is still used in France. At the age of sixty-nine he isolated gastric juice from the stomach and described its digestive func tion. He re discovered the ancient royal purple dye from Murex trunculus (a marine mollusk), and his work on spinning a fragile, filmy silk from spider webs was translated into Manchu for the Chinese emperor. In 1734 he pub lished the first of six volumes of his Natural History of Insects, a milestone in biology. Reaumur made so many contributions to science that his study of regeneration was overlooked for decades. At that time no one really cared what strange things these unimportant animals did. In 1740, while so employed at an estate near the Hague, in Holland, Trembley was examining with a hand lens the small animals living in freshwater ditches and ponds. It was no more than a quarter of an inch long and faintly resembled a squid, having a cylin drical body topped with a crown of tentacles. To Trembley, green meant vegetation, but if this was a plant, it was a mighty peculiar one. When Trembley agitated the water in its dish, the tentacles contracted and the body shrank down to a nubbin, only to reexpand after a period of quiet. Strangest of all, he saw that the creature "walked" by somersaulting end over end. He then had two short pieces of stalk, one with attached tenta cles, each of which contracted down to a tiny dot. The tentacle portion began to move normally, as though it were a complete organism. Something must have made Trem bley continue the experiment, for he watched this motionless object for nine days, during which nothing happened. However, even though they regenerated, more observations convinced Trembley that the crea tures were really animals. Not only did they move and walk, but their arms captured tiny water fleas and moved them to the "mouth," located in the center of the ring of tentacles, which promptly swallowed the prey. Trembley, then only thirty-one, decided to make sure he was right by having the great Reaumur confirm his findings before he published them and possibly made a fool of himself. He sent specimens and detailed notes to Reaumur, who confirmed that this was an animal with amazing powers of regeneration. As he wrote in Volume 6 of his series on insects, "This is a fact that I cannot accustom myself to seeing, after having seen and re-seen it hundrts of times. When cut lengthwise, each half of the stalk healed over without a scar and proceeded to regrow the missing tenta cles. Trembley minced some polyps into as many pieces as he could manage, finding that a complete animal would regrow from each piece, as long as it included a remnant of the central stalk. In one instance he quartered one of the creatures, then cut each resulting polyp into three or four pieces, until he had made fifty animals from one. But nature went legend one better: Each severed head went on to form a complete new animal as well. Such experiments provided our first proof that entire animals can re generate, and Trembley went on to observe that hydras could reproduce by simple budding, a small animal appearing on the side of the stalk and growing to full size. The sharp division between plant and animal suddenly grew blurred, suggesting a common origin with some kind of evolution; basic assumptions about life had to be rethought. The older one, derived from Aris totle, held that each animal in all its complexity developed from simple organic matter by a process called epigenesis, akin to our modern con cept of cell differentiation. In an era knowing nothing of genes and so little of cells, yet beginning to insist on logical, scientific explanations, epigenesis seemed more and more absurd. What could possibly transform the gelatin of eggs and sperm into a frog or a human, without invoking that tired old deus ex machina the spirit, or inexplicable spark of life?unless the frog or per son already existed in miniature inside the generative slime and merely grew in the course of development? The litter idea, called preformation, had been ascendant for at least fifty years. Even Reaumur, when he failed to find tiny butterfly wings inside caterpillars, assumed they were there but were too small to be seen.
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Antiepileptic tions in the treatment of lumbar disc Gasbarrini A, Prestamburgo D, Gaetani drugs for neuropathic pain and fibro herniation, axial or discogenic low back P, van Eeckhoven E, Cher D, Sturesson myalgia. Pain ry sacroiliac joint dysfunction using the in managing chronic pain in Medicare Pract 2015; 15:414-422. Gene 2015; M, Hamel C, Moran J, Moher D, Tug Treatment of discogenic back pain with 564:1-8. A sys injection with minimum two year fol for systematic reviews that include ran tematic review of mesenchymal stem low-up. Musculoskelet Surg 2017; Biologics and lumbar discogenic pain: atic Reviews in the Cochrane Back and 101:93-104. Pain year, prospective clinical study of its search symposium updates and consen Physician 2014; 17:E263-E290. Orozco L, Soler R, Morera C, Alberca M, tic target of biophysical stimulation for of an interventional pain management Sanchez A, Garcia-Sancho J. Interverte the treatment of musculoskeletal disor specific instrument for methodologic bral disc repair by autologous mesen ders. Preferred Reporting Items for Systemat of stem cell therapies for patients with tion 2017; 101:1945-1951. J Bone Joint Surg Br 2005; Safety and tolerability of intradiscal im plasma in ultrasound-guided sacroiliac 87:62-67. Formica M, Basso M, Cavagnaro L, For ipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells Pain Pract 2017; 17:782-791. Role of intra-articu disease: Illustrative case for definition chronic discogenic low back pain: 1-year lar platelet-rich plasma in sacroiliac joint criteria. Case series of ul degenerative and post traumatic lum plantation for the treatment of chronic trasound-guided platelet-rich plasma bar diseases: Selection process, results discogenic low back pain. Int Orthop 2016; platelet lysate for treatment of radicular of epidural injections in the treatment 40:1321-1328. Intradis for lumbar radicular compression: an Formica M Lumbar Traction in the man cal injection of autologous platelet-rich investigator-initiated, prospective, dou agement of low back pain: A survey of plasma releasate to treat discogenic low ble-blind, reference-controlled study. Inflamma toimmunity in intervertebral disc her A prospective study comparing platelet tory cytokine profiles associated with niation: From bench to bedside. Biologic treatments for for the treatment of lumbar facet joint 2005; 21:1342-1347. Cell marrow derived cells for endogenous Paul J, Couban R, Choudhary H, Kaush therapy for intervertebral disc repair: ad repair in a new tail-looping disc de al A, Suzumura E, Kim I, Harsha P. Lo vancing cell therapy from bench to clin generation model in the mouse: A pilot cal anesthetic injections with or without ics. Behavior of factors and treatment of intervertebral mentally induced osteoarthritis. Pain Physician the International Society for Cellular porcine nucleus pulposus and anulus 2017; 20:293-305. Formica M, Cavagnaro L, Formica C, plasma in the treatment of symptomatic loskeletal applications?a systematic Mastrogiacomo M, Basso M, Di Mar knee osteoarthritis: A systematic review review of the literature. Igarashi A, Kikuchi S, Konno S, Olmark pose-derived stem cells for regenerative 1972; 142:1-95. Efficacy of intra the anti-inflammatory effects of platelet agement for sacroiliac joint dysfunction: articular platelet-rich plasma injections rich plasma, ketorolac, and methylpred 12-month outcomes. Molecular basis of anti-inflamma platelet-rich plasma injection provide chondrogenesis. Adv Biomed Res 2014;3: tory action of platelet-rich plasma on clinically superior outcomes compared 138. A systematic review parison of local injection of platelet rich Physiol 2010; 225:757-766. The views reported in this publication do not necessarily represent those of the Convention on Biological Diversity. This publication may be reproduced for educational or non-proft purposes without special permission from the copyright holders, provided acknowledgement of the source is made. The Secretariat of the Convention would appreciate receiving a copy of any publications that use this document as a source. Potential positive and negative impacts of components, organisms and products resulting from synthetic biology techniques on the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, and associated social, economic and cultural considerations. Possible gaps and overlaps with the applicable provisions of the Convention, its Protocols and other relevant agreements related to components, organisms and products resulting from synthetic biology techniques. For further information, please contact: Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity World Trade Centre 413 St. Jacques Street, Suite 800 Montreal, Quebec, Canada H2Y 1N9 Phone: 1(514) 288 2220 Fax: 1 (514) 288 6588 E-mail: secretariat@cbd. The Conference of the Parties frst turned its attention to synthetic biology at its tenth meeting in 2010, where Parties, other Governments and relevant organizations were, inter alia, invited to apply the precautionary approach to the feld release of synthetic life, cell, or genome into the environment. Consideration of synthetic biology as a substantive issue was subsequently placed on the agenda of the Subsidiary Body on Scientifc, Technical and Technological Advice at its sixteenth meeting in 2012, and since then it has been debated intensively. Synthetic biology is a loosely-defned term for a range of techniques stemming from the combination of different disciplines, which adds a challenge to the debate. Moreover, as this feld develops quickly, there are many unknowns regarding what products and applications will be technically feasible, commercially viable, and safe both for human health and biodiversity. In addition, questions of the adequacy of existing regulations to deal with current and anticipated components, organisms and products of synthetic biology as well as the social and ethical implications of synthetic biology are being raised. The current document aims to support the international debate, and bridge gaps between the science-policy interface, by providing technical information on the potential positive and negative impacts on biodiversity that synthetic biology might entail as well as how adequately existing regulations cover the components, organisms and products of synthetic biology. This document was developed on the basis of information and views submitted by Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity and other stakeholders. It was complemented by background research to address relevant issues under the Convention. An earlier draft of this document was reviewed by the Subsidiary Body on Scientifc, Technical and Technological Advice at its eighteenth meeting, and revised in light of the comments provided during that meeting and through a subsequent peer-review process. Potential positive and negative impacts of components, organisms and products resulting from synthetic biology techniques on the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, and associated social, economic and cultural considerations. Part I PotentIal ImPacts of synthetIc bIology on bIologIcal dIversIty 5 contents a. Industrial and pharmaceutical use of organisms resulting from synthetic biology techniques. Commercially available micro-organisms resulting from synthetic biology techniques. Commercially available multi-cellular organisms resulting from synthetic biology techniques. Bottom-up synthetic genomics aims selection? as defned in the Cartagena Protocol to build functional genomes from pieces of on Biosafety. The areas of forms based on biochemistry not found in research that are considered ?synthetic biology? nature. The majority of these manner analogous to electronic logic components, applications of synthetic biology engineer microbes, like switches and oscillators; such as the frequently-used E. Another Organisms and products of synthetic biology could also have example is the production of fuels such as biodiesel some negative impacts on the conservation and sustainable and isobutanol using synthetic biology techniques. Although many of the anticipated results organisms; of synthetic biology are highly speculative, synthetic biology, in combination with modern biotechnology?
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These patients or have sensitivity to nitinol (Titanium or nickel) or the following pages summarize the risks experienced all had severe aortic stenosis and had been determined contrast media (fuid used during the procedure to by patients in the trial depression symptoms bipolar buy 300mg wellbutrin with amex, divided according to access route teenage depression definition buy generic wellbutrin 300 mg on line. All patients were treated with the medtronic CoreValve transcatheter heart valve and were examined 30 days depression glass green wellbutrin 300 mg low price, 6 months anxiety 101 book purchase wellbutrin canada, and 1 year after the procedure, and will continue to be examined each year for 5 years. The access site that applies to you Death from any cause 8 out of 100 patients 11 out of 100 patients is determined by your doctor. Talk to your doctor from a heart related cause 8 out of 100 patients 11 out of 100 patients the major risks 30 days after this procedure are as follows: about these risks. Stroke a condition when decreased blood fow to major stroke 2 out of 100 patients 7 out of 100 patients the brain causes death of the brain cells, which results Bleeding event 37 out of 100 patients 58 out of 100 patients in disability. The access site that applies to you (direct aortic and subclavian) whether heart related or not. Talk to your doctor Death from any cause 24 out of 100 patients 36 out of 100 patients. Major bleeding a bleeding event causing abnormal major bleed 28 out of 100 patients 40 out of 100 patients lab values or requiring blood to be put back into life threatening or disabling bleed 17 out of 100 patients 29 out of 100 patients the body. The table below combination of standardized tools* to determine the instructions as well as any restrictions you may have. You will still need to take medications as prescribed card with you and to show it to any medical personnel 30 days and 1 year after their procedure using a standard these assessments showed substantial improvement and have your heart and valve function checked from who may be treating you. Ask your heart doctor or nurse about your after your CoreValve procedure, contact your doctor. The CoreValve device has been many quality of life measurements including; reduced As a precaution, you?ll want to inform your dentist tested in a laboratory to simulate 5-year durability. Access through a space between your ribs or failure to do so could result in damage to your it is important to keep appointments with your heart Access through an artery in your leg (transfemoral) an artery in your neck (direct aortic and subclavian) doctor and to follow recommended daily care to implanted heart valve or death. Discuss your activity level with your heart doctor to deter CoreValve device to wear (deteriorate) faster. Caution: federal law (UsA) restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician. This chapter summarizes the short and long term consequences which may result from exposure to radiation. Thus, all biological damage effects begin with the consequence of radiation interactions with the atoms forming the cells. As a result, radiation effects on humans proceed from the lowest to the highest levels as noted in the above list. Such an interaction may affect the ability of the cell to reproduce and, thus, survive. These fragments may recombine or may interact with other fragments or ions to form compounds, such as water, which would not harm the cell. However, they could combine to form toxic substances, such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which can contribute to the destruction of the cell. Those cells which are actively reproducing are more sensitive than those which are not. As a result, living cells can be classified according to their rate of reproduction, which also indicates their relative sensitivity to radiation. Lymphocytes (white blood cells) and cells which produce blood are constantly regenerating, and are, therefore, the most sensitive. Reproductive and gastrointestinal cells are not regenerating as quickly and are less sensitive. The nerve and muscle cells are the slowest to regenerate and are the least sensitive cells. In many instances, the cells are able to completely repair any damage and function normally. The daughter cells, however, may be lacking in some critical life-sustaining component, and they die. The other possible result of radiation exposure is that the cell is affected in such a way that it does not die but is simply mutated. For example, since the blood forming cells were one of the most sensitive cells due to their rapid regeneration rate, the blood forming organs are one of the most sensitive organs to radiation. Muscle and nerve cells were relatively insensitive to radiation, and therefore, so are the muscles and the brain. The relative importance of the organ system to the well being of the body is also important. The outer layer of cells reproduces rapidly, and also has a good supply of blood and oxygen. Cells are most sensitive when they are reproducing, and the presence of oxygen increases sensitivity to radiation. Anoxic cells (cells with insufficient oxygen) tend to be inactive, such as the cells located in the interior of a tumor. As the tumor is exposed to radiation, the outer layer of rapidly dividing cells is destroyed, causing it to ?shrink? in size. If the tumor is given a massive dose to destroy it completely, the patient might die as well. Instead, the tumor is given a small dose each day, which gives the healthy tissue a chance to recover from any damage while gradually shrinking the highly sensitive tumor. Another cell system that is composed of rapidly dividing cells with a good blood supply and lots of oxygen is the developing embryo. Therefore, the sensitivity of the developing embryo to radiation exposure is similar to that of the tumor, however, the consequences are dramatically different. As noted previously, the most sensitive organs are the blood forming organs and the gastrointestinal system. The biological effects on the whole body from exposure to radiation will depend upon several factors. For example, a person, already susceptible to infection, who receives a large dose of radiation may be affected by the radiation more than a healthy person. The first category consists of exposure to high doses of radiation over short periods of time producing acute or short term effects. The second category represents exposure to low doses of radiation over an extended period of time producing chronic or long term effects. Low doses spread out over long periods of time don?t cause an immediate problem to any body organ. The effects of low doses of radiation occur at the level of the cell, and the results may not be observed for many years. Some examples of deaths which have occurred as a result of occupational (worker related) accidents are: Inadvertent criticality (too much fissionable material in the right shape at the wrong time) Irradiator (accidental exposure to sterilization sources, which can be more than 10 million curies) Chernobyl (plant workers) An example of a nonoccupational accident occurred in 1987 in Goiania, Brazil. An abandoned medical therapy source (cesium) was found and cut open by people who did not know what it was. This resulted in the deaths of several members of the public and the spread of radioactive contamination over a large area. A recent inadvertent criticality event occurred in a fuel processing plant in Japan. If a group of people is exposed to a whole body penetrating radiation dose, the above effects might be observed. In the above table, the threshold values are the doses at which the effect is first observed in the most sensitive of the individuals exposed. It is sometimes difficult to understand why some people die while others survive after being exposed to the same radiation dose. The main reasons are the health of the individuals at the time of the exposure and their ability to combat the incidental effects of radiation exposure, such as the increased susceptibility to infections. Effects on the skin include erythema (reddening like sunburn), dry desquamation (peeling), and moist desquamation (blistering). Skin effects are more likely to occur with exposure to low energy gamma, X-ray, or beta radiation. Hair loss, also called epilation, is similar to skin effects and can occur after acute doses of about 500 rad. To produce permanent sterility, a dose in excess of 400 rad is required to the reproductive organs. Cataracts (a clouding of the lens of the eye) appear to have a threshold of about 200 rad. Neutrons are especially effective in producing cataracts, because the eye has a high water content, which is particularly effective in stopping neutrons. The initial signs and symptoms of the acute radiation syndrome are nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and loss of appetite.
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