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Liza J. Cadnapaphornchai, MD

  • Department of Emergency Medicine
  • Kaiser Permanente Medical Centers
  • Fremont/Hayward, California
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  • Denver, Colorado

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In the construction industry, you can protect Print it and keep it on fle, then remember yourself from liability for your subcontractors to check it again a year later. To make a workplace related safety and health complaint, please call the L&I offce nearest you. Permission is granted to boards of nursing to use or reproduce all or parts of this document for licensure related purposes only. Nonproft education programs have permission to use or reproduce all or parts of this document for educational purposes only. Use or reproduction of this document for commercial or for-proft use is strictly prohibited. Any authorized reproduction of this document shall display the notice: Copyright by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing, Inc. It is used to guide candidates preparing for the examination, to direct item writers in the development of items, and to facilitate the classification of examination items. This document offers a comprehensive listing of content for each client needs category and subcategory outlined in the test plan. Sample items are provided at the end of each category, which are specific to the client needs category in that section. Nursing care activities are then analyzed in relation to the frequency of performance, impact on maintaining client safety, and client care settings where the activities are performed. This analysis guides the development of a framework for entry-level nursing practice that incorporates specific client needs as well as processes fundamental to the practice of nursing. It serves as a guide for examination development as well as candidate preparation. They are unique individuals who have defined systems of daily living reflecting their values, motives and lifestyles. People have the right to make decisions regarding their health care needs and to participate in meeting those needs. The profession of nursing makes a unique contribution in helping clients achieve an optimal level of health in a variety of settings. Nursing is both an art and a science, founded on a professional body of knowledge that integrates concepts from the liberal arts and the biological, physical, psychological and social sciences. It is a learned profession based on knowledge of the human condition across the life span and the relationships of an individual with others and within the environment. The goal of nursing for client care is preventing illness and potential complications; protecting, promoting, restoring, and facilitating comfort, health and dignity in dying. The nurse assists clients to promote health, cope with health problems, adapt to and/or recover from the effects of disease or injury, and support the right to a dignified death. Classification of Cognitive Levels Blooms taxonomy for the cognitive domain is used as a basis for writing and coding items for the examination (Bloom, et al. Since the practice of nursing requires application of knowledge, skills and abilities, the majority of items are written at the application or higher levels of cognitive ability, which requires more complex thought processing. Test Plan Structurethe framework of Client Needs was selected for the examination because it provides a universal structure for defining entry-level nursing actions and competencies, and focuses on clients in all settings. In this collaborative environment, the nurse provides encouragement, hope, support and compassion to help achieve desired outcomes. Events and activities associated with client care are recorded in written and/or electronic records that demonstrate adherence to the standards of practice and accountability in the provision of care. The test plan also assumes that the nurse integrates concepts from the following bodies of knowledge: Social Sciences (psychology and sociology); Biological Sciences (anatomy, physiology, biology and microbiology); and Physical Sciences (chemistry and physics). In order to provide proper attribution to the original survey these statements have not been altered to fit the overall grammatical style of this document. In addition, the term client refers to the individual, family, or group, which includes significant others and populations. Which of the following statements by the client would indicate ineffective coping Which of the following foods would be appropriate for the nurse to recommend to eliminate from the clients diet Computer technology selects items to administer that match the candidates ability. The items, which are stored in a large item pool, have been classified by test plan category and level of difficulty. After the candidate answers an item, the computer calculates an ability estimate based on all of the previous answers the candidate selected. The next item administered is chosen to measure the candidates ability in the appropriate test plan category. The examination continues with items selected and administered in this way until a pass or fail decision is made. Regardless of the number of items administered, the time limit for this examination is five hours. The time allotted for the examination includes an introductory screen, all optional breaks and the examination. The length of the examination is determined by the candidates response to the items. Depending upon the particular pattern of correct and incorrect responses, candidates will receive different numbers of items and therefore use varying amounts of time. The candidate should select and maintain a reasonable pace that will permit them to complete the examination within the allotted time should the maximum number of items be administered. In general, it is recommended that the candidate spend approximately one to two minutes per item in order to maintain this pace. Each candidate is given an examination that adheres to the test plan and is therefore given the opportunity to demonstrate his or her ability. The length of the candidates examination is not an indication of a pass or fail result. Additional information on passing and failing rules are included in further detail in this section. The results of a standard setting exercise performed by a panel of experts with the assistance of psychometricians; 2. The historical record of the passing standard with summaries of the candidate performance associated with those standards; 3. Information describing the educational readiness of high school graduates who express an interest in nursing. Similar Items Occasionally, a candidate may receive an item that seems to be very similar to an item received earlier in the examination. Items may contain content pertaining to similar symptoms, diseases, or disorders, yet address different phases of the nursing process. Alternatively, a pretest (unscored) item may contain content similar to an operational (scored) item. Candidates should not assume they received a second item similar in content to a previously administered item because the candidate answered the first item incorrectly. The candidate is instructed to always select the answer believed to be correct for each item administered. Reviewing Answers and Guessing Examination items are presented to the candidate one at a time on a computer screen. Once an answer to an item is selected, the candidate has the ability to consider the answer and change it, if necessary. Every item must be answered even if the candidate is not sure of the correct answer. If the candidate is unsure of the correct answer, the candidate should consider all response options and provide their best answer in order to proceed to the next item. The computer will not allow the candidate to proceed to the next item without answering the current item on the screen. The best advice is to maintain a reasonable pace (one item every minute or two), and carefully read and consider each item before answering. Fixed-length examinations ensure that the difficulty of the examination is constant for every candidate; therefore, the percentage correct is the indicator of the candidates ability. This approach requires high ability candidates to answer all easy items on the examination and low ability candidates to guess on difficult items. This method provides less accurate information about the candidates true ability. Every time the candidate answers an item, the computer re-estimates the candidates ability. The item is limited to the content area that will produce the best match to the test plan percentages. The computer estimates the candidates ability based on all previous answers and the difficulty of those items, and selects an item that the candidate should have a 50 percent chance of answering correctly. This ensures the next item should not be too easy or too difficult and the examination can obtain maximum information about the candidates ability from the item. Since the diffculty of pretest items are unknown in advance, these items are not included when estimating the candidates ability and subsequently making pass-fail decisions. When enough responses are collected, the pretest items are statistically analyzed and calibrated. Pretest items appear identical to operational items, therefore it is recommended that candidates give their best effort for every item. The computer will stop administering items when it is 95% certain that the candidates ability is either clearly above or clearly below the passing standard. Scenario 2: Maximum-Length Exam Some candidates ability levels will be very close to the passing standard. When this is the case, the computer continues to administer items until the maximum number of items is reached. At this point, the computer disregards the 95% confdence interval rule and considers only the fnal ability estimate: If the final ability estimate is above the passing standard, the candidate passes. T) If the candidate runs out of time before reaching the maximum number of items, the computer has not been able to decide whether the candidate passed or failed with 95% certainty. Therefore, an alternate rule must be used: If the candidate has not answered the minimum number of items, the result will be a failing exam. These formats may include, but are not limited to: multiple-choice, multiple response, fll-in-the-blank calculation, hot spots, exhibit, ordered response, audio and graphics. All item types may include multimedia, such as charts, tables, graphics, and audio. Prescription: Orders, interventions, remedies or treatments ordered or directed by an authorized primary health care provider. Primary Health Care Provider: Member of the healthcare team (usually a medical physician [or other specialty. Examination Security and Confidentiality Any candidate that violates test center regulations or rules, or engages in irregular behavior, misconduct and/or does not follow a test center administrators warning to discontinue inappropriate behavior may be dismissed from the test center. Additionally, exam results may be withheld or cancelled and the licensing board may take other disciplinary action such as denial of a license and/or disqualifying the candidate from future registrations for licensure. Candidates should be aware and understand that the disclosure of examination items before, during, or after the examination is a violation of law. Violations of confdentiality and/or candidates rules can result in criminal prosecution or civil liability and/or disciplinary actions by the licensing agency including the denial of licensure. The following are examples of how screens in the tutorial may appear with examples of possible item formats. Steps to Item Writing A well-designed, multiple-choice item consists of three main components: a stem (asks a question or poses a statement which requires completion), key (the correct answer/s) and distractor(s) (incorrect option/s). Example Using the Above Steps Below is an example of how to write an item using the above steps. Which of the following statements by the client would indicate a correct understanding of the teaching Write an item with four different client scenarios in which one client should be the priority to assess first. Safety and Infection Controlthe nurse has attended a staff education program about infection control guidelines. Write an item indicating correct understanding of the teaching based on the infection control precautions selected. Health Promotion and Maintenancethe nurse has taught a female client about expected findings during pregnancy.


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High-dose treatment with autolo complications after nonmyeloablative compared with myeloa gous stem cell transplantation in multiple myeloma: past, pres blative allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Glo tive compared with myeloablative allogeneic stem cell bin gene transfer for treatment of the beta-thalassemias and transplantation, a matched control study. Effect of mixed chimerism bone-marrow stem-cell transplantation in haematological ma on graft-versus-host disease, disease recurrence and survival af lignant diseases: a randomised trial. Fac reduced-intensity conditioning for older adults with acute tors inuencing B lymphopoiesis after allogeneic hematopoi myeloid leukemia in complete remission. The effect of thymic function on immunocompe bone marrow: a report from the International Bone Marrow tence following bone marrow transplantation. 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Primary assessment of the problem and strategies to minimize the clin bone marrow progenitors of both granulocytic and mono ical impact. Microbial contamination of cellu Control of Emerging Resistance Program (North America). Lancet Infect tions after allogeneic stem cell transplantation: single-center Dis. Prospective random and rifampin decrease rates of catheter-related bloodstream in ized placebo-controlled study of granulocyte-macrophage col fection in cancer patients: a prospective randomized clinical ony-stimulating factor without stem-cell transplantation after trial. Use of intravenous immune globulin in ush solutions for prevention of bloodstream infection associ immunodeciency diseases. High-dose weekly intra lated sepsis with a citrate-taurolidine-containing lock solution. Penicillin-resistant activation in recipients of allogeneic bone marrow transplants. Cytomegalovirus disease Emergence of quinolone resistance among viridans group before hematopoietic cell transplantation as a risk for compli streptococci isolated from the oropharynx of neutropenic pe cations after transplantation. A randomized, controlled trial of prophylactic ganci disease after autologous marrow transplantation. Oral valganciclovir as cellular immunity against cytomegalovirus in recipients of allo preemptive therapy for cytomegalovirus infection post alloge geneic bone marrow by transfer of T-cell clones from the neic stem cell transplantation. Airborne transmission of nosoco cells for the prevention and treatment of Epstein-Barr virus-in mial varicella from localized zoster. Prophylaxis of her of varicella zoster virus after allogeneic haemopoietic stem cell pes infections after bone-marrow transplantation by oral acy transplantation. Orthomyxoviral and paramyxoviral in in recipients of progenitor cells transplantation. 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Results of a random ciated babesiosis with an atypical time course after nonmyeloa ized, double-blind trial of uconazole vs. Risk factors for pulmonary istration concurrent with cyclophosphamide conditioning tuberculosis in bone marrow transplant recipients. Am J Respir may reduce regimen-related toxicity postmyeloablative hema Crit Care Med. A joint statement by the Advisory Council monitis following bone marrow transplantation. Bone Marrow for the Elimination of Tuberculosis and the Advisory Commit Transplant. Nocardiosis after High rates of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in allogeneic bone marrow transplantation: A retrospective study. Prospective study of toxoplasma reactivation Visceral leishmaniasis: a new opportunistic infection in hema by polymerase chain reaction in allogeneic stem cell transplant topoietic stem-cell-transplanted patients. Vis Toxoplasma infection by molecular monitoring of Toxoplasma ceral leishmaniasis after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell gondii in peripheral blood samples after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Recipients anddonors of following T cell-depleted related and unrelated bone marrow bone marrow transplants suffering from Chagas disease: man transplantation. Transpl Infect of the efficacy of insecticide-treated and untreated bed nets in Dis. The ability of hospital & Human Services, Guidelines for Design and Construction of ventilation systems to lter Aspergillus and other fungi follow Health Care Facilities. Inu aspergillosis incidence among immunocompromised patients ence of building construction work on Aspergillus infection after control of environmental exposure. Efficacy of high-efficiency particulate air A prospective study on factors inuencing Aspergillus spore ltration in preventing aspergillosis in immunocompromised load in the air during renovation works in a neonatal intensive patients with hematologic malignancies. The utility of intensied environmental surveillance exposure of haematology-oncology patients to airborne for pathogenic moulds in a stem cell transplantation ward dur A spergillus fumigatus spores under eld conditions. Control of construction transplant unit related to construction and the utility of air associated nosocomial aspergillosis in an antiquated hematol sampling. Aspergillus surveillance project at Role of increased environmental Aspergillus exposure for a large tertiary-care hospital. Dettenkofer M, Wenzler S, Amthor S, Antes G, Motschall E, treated with corticosteroids in an intensive care unit. Nosocomial aspergillosis in sive pulmonary aspergillosis at a large teaching hospital. Infect break of primary cutaneous aspergillosis related to intravenous Control Hosp Epidemiol. Ecological and epidemiological aspects of aspergilli mopoietic stem cell transplants: a review of the literature and pathogenic for man and animal in Berlin (West). Bacterial colo niae infection in a neonatal intensive care unit related to nization of toys in neonatal intensive care cots. Effectivenessofahospi domonas aeruginosa outbreak in a pediatric oncology ward tal-wide programme to improve compliance with hand hygiene. Replace hand washing with use of a waterless al Safe and Healthy Child Care: An On-line Handbook for Child cohol hand rub Alcohol-based hand rub deciency virus and hepatitis B virus to patients during improves compliance with hand hygiene in intensive care units. Management of healthcare workersinfected with hepatitis B vi registered products. Sterilization or Disinfection of Medical Devices: for Healthcare Epidemiology of America. 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Preventing Cryp cause of epidemic keratoconjunctivitis in health care facilities. Guidelines for preventing of rotavirus on high-risk fomites in day-care facilities. Effect of infection control measures on the fre like viruses), by different types of alcohol in vitro and in vivo. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 15:1143-1238, 2009 after a complicated clinical course. Coccidioidomycosis in patients who have undergone Caring for pets of immunocompromised persons. Streptococcus pneumoniae infections in 47 hematopoi Churchill Livingstone; 2000 p. Infection breaks of Salmonella serotype enteritidis infection associated with varicella-zoster virus after marrow transplantation. Immunological reconstitution fol plant recipient who ingested naturopathic medicine. Water factor together with inuenza vaccination in stem cell trans Treatment Methods. Development of functional Haemophi of stem cell transplant recipients: recommendations of the In lus inuenzae type b antibodies after vaccination. Efficacy andsafety offi gate vaccine provides early protective antibody responses in vaccination of marrow transplant recipients with a live attenu children after related and unrelated allogeneic hematopoietic ated measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine. Pertussis Immunity and polymorphisms and aspergillosis in stem-cell transplantation. Zanamivir in the prevention of inuenza among ery after autologous stem cell transplantation predicts superior healthy adults: a randomized controlled trial. Centers for Disease Control ammatory gene polymorphisms are associated with outcomes and Prevention. Ganciclovir and foscarnet doses should be reduced in patients with renal impairment. Note: For patients requiring prophylaxis for cytomegalovirus and herpes simplex virus after engraftment, ganciclovir alone provides effective prophylaxis for both pathogens. Pathogen: Adenovirus Indication First Choice Alternatives Preemptive therapy among high-risk Cidofovir, i.

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They include days missed from work, both outside employment and housework; school days lost and the need for Introduction the caretaker to refrain from usual daily activities to care for athe incidence of allergic diseases is increasing globally, child, and the loss of future potential earnings as a result of the and this poses a major burden to health care costs in disease or premature death. The costs of treatments are divided into developers, beneft managers, patient advocacy groups, direct costs, either medical or non-medical3. Direct Allergist consultation will ensure an accurate diagnosis non-medical costs include the costs needed for the provision of of allergy as the causation of symptoms and will medical services such as transportation to and from the health ensure that the correct therapy is prescribed, based on provider,the purchase of home health care such as nebulizers, confrmation of the underlying pathological mechanisms special diets and help in the home. Such expert consultation should help consumers (governmental agencies, insurers orthe economic burden of allergic diseases is generally assessed patients/families) and health care providers to make by reference to a single organ-specifc disease. For example, informed resource allocation decisions that improve the estimated annual cost of asthma in the United States in patients experiences and outcomes. The global economic burden of asthma or exposure to normally harmless environmental proteins, called any other organ-specifc disease would be very diffcult to allergens. As a consequence of their atopic status, individuals assess as different studies use different defnitions of cost and may develop allergic diseases, including rhino-conjunctivitis, resources and there are also country-specifc costs. For example; asthma hospitalization and insect allergy and stinging-insect hypersensitivity, occupational emergency department visits doubles when allergic rhinitis is allergic diseases, anaphylaxis, and others2. Other comorbid conditions inside or can affect one or more organ and systems or be systemic i. However in the absence of insurance, all costs would adenoidal hypertrophy, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, sleep become equally important. In assessing the economic burden of allergic diseases, several Cost-Effective Interventions in organ-specifc disease models need to be aggregated with the Allergic Diseases risk that various costs, such as secondary care consultations,the cost-effectiveness registry from the Institute for Clinical pharmaceutical interventions, diagnostic and screening tests Research & Health Policy Studies of Tufts Medical Center for instance, could be overestimated or underestimated. Until then little attention had the atopic march or in whom being atopic is the most important been paid to interventions on delivery of care (8. Most of them assessed the cost Assessing the Cost-Effectiveness effectiveness of a brand name pharmaceutical product or of an Intervention device. The analysis is based on evidence gathered Grazax on rhinoconjunctivitis or allergic rhinitis and asthma; from studies of populations, including randomized controlled and one on the use of Niox Mino which is a medical device to trials, case control studies, observational studies, cohort monitor airway infammation in asthma. Their results are measured in terms of health the expected benefts of non-brand name interventions; one on care outcomes relevant to the interested audience, whether it the use of inhaled steroids in asthma; a second on allergen is the paying entity or society. Advair 2006-01-02701 2006the target audience refers to where the levels of economic 3 Nasser, et al. From the payers perspective, Grazax 2008-01-04336 2008 the direct medical costs tend to carry greater weight as they Bachert, et al. From the individual/family perspective, 2007 insurance status and health-care coverage are very important. J Allergy (direct medical and non-medical) would be covered by the Inhaled corticosteroids 2001-01-02197 Clin Immunol. J Allergy (evidence A) intervention may not be cost-effective and that Aspirin desensitization 2008-01-03131 Clin Immunol. For example, a recent analysis of the trials; however they are not always the most cost-effective. However needed reliever therapy, were unnecessarily prescribed a this analysis was performed in a projection of health care cost controller medication14. These are prescription methodology would be to utilize the prospective systematic 11 patterns that increase costs without offering any beneft to sampling parallel controlled study. In dermatology; pneumology or otorhinolaryngology; and/or this study 7241 subjects (5 to 66 years) with mild persistent pediatrics. Subject to national training requirements, allergists asthma of recent onset were randomized for three years to are also partially or fully trained as clinical immunologists Pulmicort turbuhaler or placebo. At the end of the study, because of the immune basis of the diseases that they diagnose subjects in the intervention group experienced an average of and treat. Also they experienced are the appreciation of the importance of external triggers in fewer hospital days (p<. This approach to diagnosis and Utilizing country-specifc unit costs of services from eight therapy is a core value of the allergy specialist and contrasts different countries, it was concluded that from the payer the allergist with many of the organ-based specialists whose perspective, the intervention was cost-effective only in patient base may overlap with the specialty of allergy. From the societal perspective, it primary and secondary care physicians and other health care was cost-effective in Australia, Sweden and Canada, but not professionals for simple or complicated questions 1)16. It also provides Food Allergy Insect (venom) Allergy an effcient use of resources for the interpretation, performance Latex Allergy Sinusitis and selection of needed diagnostic tests on an individual basis. The Specialist Scope of Function of the Allergist of diagnostic tests by non-specialists can lead to over-diagnosis and inappropriate management which can be harmful for the Allergist consultation has been shown to be cost-effective patient. It may lead to over-prescription of therapy and costly and when compared to care provided by generalists in a single unnecessary allergen avoidance measures; including exclusion organ disease model, such as asthma11. Real-life studies of importance of the need for the allergy specialist to be recognized allergen specifc immunotherapy prescribed by allergists have as a specialist of complex and, in general, systemic diseases, confrmed its clinical effectiveness in clinical practice (Table 4). In a needing a strong background of internal medicine, pediatrics large health maintenance organization in the United States, sub and basic immunology. The beneft became evident within Consultation: the frst 3 months and increased through to the study end. In a prospective parallel controlled study in Italy, a progressive Patients reduction in direct medical cost of up to 22. Provocation/ Challenges Environmental Control Reduce pharmacotherapy needed to control disease(s). Cost-effectiveness of an Allergist Consultation Copyright 2013 World Allergy Organization 164 Pawankar, Canonica, Holgate, Lockey and Blaissthe cost-effectiveness of allergists will become increasingly 12. Cost-effectiveness analysis of early evident, as allergic diseases become recognized as one chronic intervention with budesonide in mild persistent asthma. J Allergy Clin systemic disease with multi-organ involvement throughout the Immunol. Country-specifc cost-effectiveness of early the time of initial consultation, resulting in the prevention future intervention with budesonide in mild asthma. Prescribing trends in In a time when there is a need to maximize effectiveness and asthma: a longitudinal observational study. Consultation together with the clinical situation and local circumstances, fully and referral guidelines citing the evidence: how the allergist immunologist can help. Facilitated referral to asthma specialist reduces relapses in asthma with non-allergic diseases, but with symptoms and signs that emergency room visits. Allergen immunotherapy and health care cost benefts for children with allergic rhinitis: a large-scale, retrospective, matched cohort study. Ariano R, Berto P, Incorvaia C, Di Cara G, Boccardo R, La Grutta S, not only in improving patients outcomes and experiences, Puccinelli P, Frati F. Economic evaluation of sublingual immunotherapy but also in reducing unnecessary expenditure under any vs. Competencies Appropriate for the Care of Patients With Allergic or Immunologic Diseases: A Position Statement of the World Allergy 3. Treating allergic rhinitis in patients with comorbid asthma: the risk of asthma-related hospitalizations and emergency department visits. National Asthma Education and Prevention Program working group report on the cost effectiveness of asthma care. Institute for Clinical Research & Health Policy Studies of Tufts Medical Center research. An economic analysis of aspirin desensitization in aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease. Effect of allergist intervention on patient centered and societal outcomes: allergists as leaders, innovators, and educators. Singh National Association for Private Algerian Allergists Iranian Society of Asthma & Allergy Abdenour Benyounes Mohammad Gharagozlou Argentine Association of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Israel Association of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Ledit. Guggiari German Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology Philippine Society of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Claus Bachert Ruby N. Foronda Hellenic Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology Polish Society of Allergology Despina Renta; K. Kontou-Fili Barbara Rogala Honduran Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Portuguese Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology Claudia Almendarez Flores Ana Todo-Bom Copyright 2013 World Allergy Organization 166 Pawankar, Canonica, Holgate, Lockey and Blaiss Romanian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Asia Pacifc Association of Allergology and Clinical Diana Deleanu Immunology/ Taiwan Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Russian Association of Allergology and Clinical Immunology Jiu-Yao Wang Rakhim Khaitovthe Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Society of Thailand Allergy and Clinical Immunology Society (Singapore) Suwat Benjaponpitak Bee Wah Lee Turkish National Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Slovenian Association for Allergology and Clinical Immunology Omer Kalayci Mitja Kosnik Ukrainian Association of Allergologists and Clinical Immunologists Allergy Society of South Africa Igor Kaidashev Ahmed Ismail Manjra Uruguayan Society of Allergy Korean Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology Juan F. More epidemiological studies are needed in order to estimate the real prevalence of allergic diseases in Albania in 2010. We need to establish the trends of allergic disease prevalence in the country, by comparison with the prevalence reported in the last studies conducted in Albania. Allergy & Allergic Diseases Allergic disease prevalence trends Overall prevalence has increased. Regional differences in allergy/clinical Specialist diagnostic tests and venom rush immunotherapy are only available in the academic hospital in immunology service provision between Algiers. Data source: Publications from different regions of Argentina presented at the Argentine Association of Allergy and Clinical Immunology annual meeting Major (indoor/outdoor) environmentalthe site. Urban areas have better service provision than rural immunology service provision between ones urban and rural areas Data source: Argentine Association of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Enhancements required for improvedthe majority of the Schools of Medicine need to improve the training of allergic conditions. Earlier referral of patients for specialist care is needed because in most cases referrals are presently made too late in the disease. Additionally, the net value of the lost wellbeing (disability and premature death) was a further $21. Raising awareness of the economic and health impacts is an important factor in facilitating the early recognition and control of allergic disease. Major (indoor/outdoor) environmental Data not available pollutants that are implicated in the development or exacerbation of allergic diseasethe annual socio-economic costs of Data not available allergic diseases Allergy Care: Treatment & Training Recognition of the specialty of allergy or In Austria there is no specialization in allergy/clinical immunology. Patients with asthma are managed by pneumologists and paediatricians with the sub-specialization in paediatric pneumology. Regional differences in allergy/clinical In some rural areas of Austria private allergy clinics manage most of the allergy patients. Around Vienna immunology service provision between fve allergy centers serve around 2. In Graz, the Dermatologic department of the Medical University runs a big allergy clinic serving around 500,000 population. Enhancements required for improvedthe lack of any national data for allergic diseases is on the one hand based on the lack of a separate medical patient care specialty, and the Austrian Society of Allergology and Immunology is trying to change this by creating a subspecialty of allergy and clinical immunology; on the other hand there are insuffciencies and a lack of national coordination within the Austrian healthcare system that need to be addressed. Regional differences in allergy/clinicalthe great majority of allergy and clinical immunology services are in urban areas. Its role in education has fourished, as seen in the increasing number of participants of the Annual Allergy Meetings. We are committed to enhancing the quality of care to allergic patients, through accreditation of allergy training programs, and by stimulating scientifc and clinical development of our specialty to improve patient care. The need to balance the substantially higher concentration of accredited allergists in major urban centers (Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver) with the many fewer scattered across rest of country, to ensure that patients have access to specialists. Canada is an enormous geographic region with minimal local access to accredited allergists in most areas. Enhanced service provision to reduce the very long waiting lists for many regions. Regional differences in allergy / clinical Only urban areas have good service provision. In Croatian adults, the results of studies on the prevalence of atopy markers (total IgE, skin test to aeroallergens, and symptoms) collected for the 15-year period 1985 1999, showed an increasing trend in elevated total IgE and atopic symptoms in males, but not in the female population. References: Aberle N, Kljaic Bukvic B, Blekic M, Bardak D, Gudelj A, Cancarevic G, Karvazi M, Vuckovic M. First Congress of Croatian Allergologists and Clinical Immunologists, Book of abstracts, Zagreb, 2009 Stipic-Markovic A, Cvoriscec B, Pevec B, Radulovic-Pevec M. Increasing trend in atopy markers prevalence in Croatian adult population between 1985 1999. Clin Exp Allergy 2007; 37 (12):1756 Munivrana H, Vorko-Jovic A, Munivrana S et al. Prevalence of asthma and allergic diseases in Croatian children is increasing: survey study. Croat Med J, 2004; 45: 721-726 Stipic-Markovic A, Pevec B, Radulovic-Pevec M, Custovic A. Allergic diseases in relationship with environmental factors in population of Zagreb school children. Arh Hig Rada Toksikol, 2004;55:221-228 Stipic-Markovic A, Pevec B, Radulovic Pevec M, Custovic A. Acta Med Croatica 2003; 57:281-285 Copyright 2013 World Allergy Organization 178 Pawankar, Canonica, Holgate, Lockey and Blaiss Percentage of population with one or more Data not available allergic diseases Major allergen triggers that are implicated Dermatophagoides spp in the development or exacerbation of Grass pollens allergic disease Domestic animal epithelia Ambrosia trifda Tree pollens In the Croatian population of adult, allergic patients, Pyroglyphid mites are work-related allergens for fshermen. Non-Pyroglyphid mites are occupational risk factors in various rural environments of Croatia. High prevalence of skin sensitization to inhalant allergens in school children from Zagreb, Croatia. Impact of daily concentrations of selected air pollutants on emergency hospital admissions of adult patients with respiratory diseases in Zagreb. A continuous, 55 year long tradition of successful scientifc and clinical work, and several generations of organ-based specialists in allergy, is the cornerstone for the constructive integration of Croatian allergology into Europe. Before 1990 the program was diagnosis and treatment a frst year in Paediatrics or Medicine and two years training in allergy and immunology.

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Among nonhuman primates in Asia and Africa, the prevalence of the infec tion seems to be high in areas with large numbers of monkeys and appropriate anopheline vectors. Conversely, there are areas with sparse monkey populations in both the New World and the Old World where the infection does not occur. The Disease in Man: Human malaria caused by plasmodia of simian origin resembles a mild and benign infection caused by human plasmodia (see Occurrence in Man). In general, the disease is of short duration, parasitemias are low, and relapses are rare. The Disease in Animals: In general, malaria in simians is a mild disease that resolves spontaneously in the parasites natural hosts. Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission: Malaria of both humans and nonhuman primates is transmitted by the bite of infected anopheline mosquitoes. Which species of mosquitoes transmit malaria of nonhuman primates in the forests of Africa, the Americas, and a large part of Asia is still not well known. However, the cycles of disease transmission in humans and nonhuman primates are generally independent of one another because the vectors of human plasmodia feed at ground level, while those of simian plasmodia feed in the treetrops. Nevertheless, in some regions of Brazil, such as the mountainous and wooded coastal areas of the state of Santa Catarina, A. In such conditions, human infection caused by simian plasmodia may occur naturally. In western Malaysia, a similar sit uation exists: the vector is the same for the human and nonhuman cycles, and zoonotic infections may thus occur. However, the risk appears to be limited to those who live in or enter jungle areas, and it is unlikely that the infection could spread to other human communities. However, malariologists point out that the plas modia of nonhuman primates pose little risk for the human population, since P. Diagnosis: Routine diagnosis in man and in monkeys is done by examining the parasite in thick blood films stained with Giemsa stain. Differentiation of the species of Plasmodium that infect nonhuman primates is based mainly on morphologic fea tures of the parasites various stages of development. Another difficulty in diagnosis by microscopic examination of blood prepa rations is the low parasitemia that occurs in nonhuman primates. To get around this difficulty, inoculation of blood into susceptible monkeys is recommended. Although serologic reactions are useful as a means of confirming malarial infection, they are rarely specific enough to identify the Plasmodium species involved. Control: Malaria experts agree that malaria of nonhuman primates does not con stitute an obstacle for programs to control and eradicate human malaria. The human infection has been eradicated from some parts of Brazil, although high rates of infection in monkeys persist. Given the small number of confirmed cases of human infection by plasmodia of simian origin and the benign nature of the clinical mani festations, special control measures are not justified. To prevent the disease, nonimmune persons who must go into the jungle should use insect repellents on exposed body parts and on clothing. Regular use of chemo prophylaxis would be justified only if the nonimmune person had to live in an area where human malaria is endemic. A primate model for human cerebral malaria: Plasmodium coatneyi-infected rhesus monkeys. In: First Inter American Conference on Conservation and Utilization of American Nonhuman Primates in Biomedical Research. Studies on transmission of simian malaria and on a natural infection of man with Plasmodium simium in Brazil. Sero-epidemiological stud ies of malaria in Indian tribes of the Amazon Basin of Brazil. The evolution of primate malaria parasites based on the gene encoding cytochrome b from the linear mitochondial genome. A nonhuman primate model for human cerebral malaria: Rhesus monkeys experimentally infected with Plasmodium fragile. Plasmodium ovale: Observations on the parasite development in Saimiri monkey hepatocytes in vivo and in vitro in contrast with its inability to induce parasitemia. Hydrolytic enzymes of rhesus placenta during Plasmodium cynomolgi infection: Ultrastructural and biochemical studies. Although there are some 700 species that infect verte brates and invertebrates, the species identified to date as parasites of man are Enterocytozoon bieneusi, Encephalitozoon intestinalis (formerly Septata intesti nalis), Encephalitozoon hellem, Encephalitozoon cuniculi, and some species of the genera Nosema, Pleistophora, Trachipleistophora, and Vittaforma (Scaglia et al. Enterocytozoon causes intestinal infections almost exclusively, while Encephalitozoon may cause intestinal or systemic infections which may spread to various organs. Parasites of the genera Nosema, Pleistophora, Trachipleistophora, and Vittaforma are uncommon in man and do not affect the intestine (Field et al. Proof of the existence of isolates with genetic differences exists, at least within E. The genera Cryptosporidium, Isospora, and Cyclospora belong to a completely different phylum: Apicomplexa (formerly Esporozoa). The spores are released from the host cell and are eliminated into the external environment, where they may infect other individuals. At their anterior end, they have an extrusion apparatus, the polaroplast, which everts the polar tube or filament that is coiled around the polaroplast and sporoplasm within the spore. Infection takes place when the polar tube is extruded and penetrates the host cell, allowing the sporoplasm to pass through it and enter the host. Occurrence in Man: Microsporidiosis is one of the most frequent complications occurring in immunodeficient patients, but it is rare in immunocompetent individu als. As of 1994, more than 400 cases had been recognized, most in immunodeficient patients. The parasites were detected in 60% of patients with chronic diarrhea but in only 5. Occurrence in Animals: Microsporidiosis occurs in a great number of vertebrate and invertebrate species, but as it is not generally pathogenic for vertebrates, its dis covery is accidental, and there are thus no reliable statistics on its frequency. Although the causes of the intestinal disease are not well understood, it is presumed that it is due to loss of microvilli and enterocytes. Trachipleistophora hominis may affect the skeletal musculature, the cornea, and the upper respiratory tract (Field et al. The Disease in Animals: Most infections in vertebrates seem to be asympto matic, except for E. Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:the presence of microsporidia spores in the host stools and urine suggests that the infection could be transmitted by fecal or urinary contamination of the environment, especially water. Diagnosis: Diagnosis of microsporidiosis is difficult owing to the small size of the spores. Specimens are obtained, inter alia, from body fluids, feces, duodenal aspirates, urinary sediment, and corneal scrapings, and they are then stained using methods that facilitate microscopic examination. Fluorescence with calcofluor white is the most sensitive method but, as it also stains yeast cells, it may give false posi tive results. Webers modified trichrome stain is almost as sensitive as calcofluor white, but it is more specific because it does not stain yeasts; however, it is slower. The slowest and least sensitive test is indirect immunofluorescence using polyclonal antibodies (Didier et al. In biopsies, the parasites can be detected by means of Gram or Giemsa stains or fluorescent antibodies; however, these procedures must be performed by experienced personnel. Microsporidia have been grown in cell cul tures to which stains are applied to reveal the parasitized cells (Croppo et al. Systemic immunologic reactions are of little use from a clinical standpoint because they do not indicate whether the infection is recent or active. Polymerase chain reac tion has also been used successfully to identify microsporidia in feces and biopsies (Gainzarain et al. This method may also replace electron microscopy as the only reliable procedure for differentiating species (Croppo et al. However, the discovery of microsporidia spores in surface and underground waters and sewage by Dowd et al. Immunologic, microscopic, and molecular evidence of Encephalitozoon intestinalis (Septata intestinalis) infection in mam mals other than humans. Ultrastructural morphology of Enterocytozoon bieneusi in biliary epithelium of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). Immunologic and molecu lar characteristics of Encephalitozoon-like microsporidia isolated from humans and rabbits indicate that Encephalitozoon cuniculi is a zoonotic parasite. Disseminated microsporidiosis due to Septata intestinalis in nine patients infected with the human immuno deficiency virus: Response to therapy with albendazole. Confirmation of the human-pathogenic microsporidia Enterocytozoon bieneusi, Encephalitozoon intestinalis, and Vittaforma corneae in water. Detection of Enterocytozoon bieneusi in two human immunodeficiency virus-negative patients with chronic diarrhea by polymerase chain reaction in duodenal biopsy specimens and review. Understanding intestinal spore-forming protozoa: Cryptosporidia, Microsporidia, Isospora, and Cyclospora. Transmission and serial propagation of Enterocytozoon bieneusi from humans and Rhesus macaques in gnotobiotic piglets. Enterocytozoon bieneusi as a cause of chronic diarrhea in a heart-lung transplant recipient who was seronegative for human immunodeficiency virus. Evidence for the existence of genetically distinct strains of Enterocytozoon bieneusi. Prevalence and clinical significance of intestinal microsporidiosis in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients with and with out diarrhea in Germany: A prospective coprodiagnostic study. Etiology: Of more than a hundred species of Sarcocystis that infect mammals, only two are known to parasitize the human intestine: S. For many years the oocysts of these species were mistakenly assigned to the genus Isospora and referred to as Isospora hominis. A third species appears to have been found in the intestines of five immunodeficient patients in Egypt (el Naga et al. Although these coccidia are related to Isospora, Cryptosporidium, Cyclospora,andToxoplasma, they require both an intermediate and a definitive host. The infected stri ated muscle contains mature, whitish-colored cysts (sarcocysts), which are usually oval and range in size from microscopic to clearly visible by direct observation. The sarcocyst has a wall around it with internal septa that divide the cyst into compart ments filled with hundreds or thousands of slowly dividing fusiform parasites, called bradyzoites. Once the cyst is ingested, the bradyzoites are released into the intestine and invade the cells of the lamina propia, where they are immediately transformed by gametogony into sexuated parasites, which in turn fuse and form oocysts by sporogony. The oocysts mature in the intestine, destroy the host cell, and then exit the body in the feces. When they are eliminated they already contain two sporocysts, each with four sporozoites. The intermediate host acquires the infection upon consuming oocysts or mature sporocysts. The sporozoites are released into the intestine, penetrate the intestinal mucosa, invade the bloodstream, and multiply asexually by merogony in the endothelial cells of the small blood vessels for one or two generations. These forms, called tachyzoites, do not form cysts; instead, they multiply rapidly, invade the fibers of striated muscle, form the sarcocyst wall, and multiply asexually by merogony for several generations into intermediate forms known as merozoites, the forms that generate the infective bradyzoites (Rommel, 1989). Geographic Distribution: Human intestinal sarcocystosis appears to occur worldwide. Muscular sarcocystosis has been reported only in Egypt, India, Malaysia, and Thailand. About 30 cases of human muscular sarcocystosis have been reported, most of them in Malaysia, where the prevalence of sarcocystosis in gen eral was 21% in routine autopsies (Wong and Pathmanathan, 1992). Occurrence in Animals:the prevalence of muscular infection caused by Sarcocystis spp. Since it is difficult to differentiate species in the intermediate host, it is not known what per centage of prevalence corresponds to the parasites that are infective for man. The World Health Organization (1981) estimates that nearly half the muscular cysts in cattle and swine correspond to S. Experimentally infected volunteers experienced nausea, abdominal pain, and diar rhea 3 to 6 hours after eating raw or undercooked beef containing S. Abdominal pain and diarrhea recurred 14 to 18 days after ingestion of the beef, coin ciding with the maximum elimination of sporocysts in feces. Clinical symptoms were more pronounced after the subjects ate pork containing cysts of S. Symptomatic infection is generally observed when the meat consumed contains a large number of merozoites. In Thailand, several cases of sarcocystosis involved acute intestinal obstruction, requiring resection of the affected segment of the small intestine. Histopathological examination of the resected segments revealed eosinophilic or necrotizing enteritis. It is possible that a bacterial superinfection also may have been involved in the necrotizing enteritis (Bunyaratvej et al. Human muscular sarcocystosis is usually discovered fortuitously during exami nation of muscle tissue for other reasons. Although the infection is nearly always asymptomatic, in some cases muscular weakness, muscular pain, myositis, periar teritis, and subcutaneous tumefaction have been observed.

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