















































John P. McNamara, MS, DC

  • Associate Professor
  • Biomedical Sciences Department
  • Jefferson College of Health Sciences
  • A Carilion Clinic Affiliate
  • Roanoke, Virginia

There are some things that are so important and personal that they cant be understood except by another person who has gone through them asthma education generic albuterol 100mcg online. Craig met his wife after he was injured and subsequently had three little boys; he was able to ofer great insights and advice on being a husband and a dad while living with a spinal cord injury asthma definition airways discount 100mcg albuterol with mastercard. As we continued to meet asthma fev1 albuterol 100 mcg low price, Craig was very helpful in suggesting what kind of goals I should set for my rehab asthma symptoms young adults order albuterol 100mcg with mastercard. I did exceptionally well, and I give a lot of the credit for my success to the support and guidance I received from Craig at the time. Once I was discharged and went home, I sought out Craig for advice on how to adjust to my new life in the wheelchair away from the rehabilitation center. Craig gave me a lot of encouragement and shared specifcs of how he lives his daily life. Craig helped me determine what kind of vehicle my family should buy in terms of what would work best for me at that moment and would also be easily adapted for me to drive in the near future. In addition to the relationship that I had with Craig, his wife really helped my wife to understand what to expect and how to handle certain situations. Throughout our relationship, the most important thing Craig taught me is that I am still the same man, father and husband that I was before my injury and to not let the injury change that about myself. If you are living with paralysis, or you are the parent, spouse, or family member of an individual living with paralysis, you might benefit from someone who has experienced what you are experiencing. The Reeve Foundation peer mentors are adept at sharing their personal knowledge in order to help you. Although these approaches to well- ness and healing fall outside of mainstream traditions, they may offer a bridge between eastern and western medicine. Dont think of these alternatives as an either/or substitute for your regular care but rather as a compliment. His book, Alternative Medicine and Spinal Cord Injury: Beyond the Banks of the Mainstream, details numerous treatments that you wont hear about in most rehab centers. But according to John- ston, only 10-20 percent of what physicians practice has been scientifically proven. Ayurveda: Indias ancient holistic medicine attempts to keep one healthy and disease free. Certain spices are recommended for clearing toxins after any sort of injury, including turmeric, black pepper, ginger, coriander, fennel, and licorice. Alas, people with paralysis can now expect many of the same health problems as their nondisabled contemporaries. Higher rates of diabetes and obesity, lower levels of physical activity, and changes in body composition add to the risk. Fresh extract of skullcap (of the mint family) may reduce nerve inflammation; a tincture of milky oats. Aromatherapy: Essential oils are used to prevent respiratory infections, promote mucus clearing, fight depression, and promote sleep. Magnets: There are claims they enhance circulation, promote wound healing, and reduce carpal tunnel syndrome. Edgar Cayce: Americas most famous medical intuitive believed the main cause of multiple sclerosis was the lack of gold; his therapy involved administering gold vibrational energy through two electrotherapy devices, the wet cell battery and radial appliance. Mindfulness meditation is not hard, there is no right or wrong way to do it, but it may take practice to quiet the mind for an extended period of time. Most people meditate with closed eyes, but you can focus on an object, a candle, for example. The main idea is to focusing your attention; this is what helps free your mind from the many distractions that cause stress and worry. As your meditation skills increase, consciously visualize the release of tension, beginning at the head, eyelids, shoulders, fngers, and moving slowly down to the toes. Mindfulness is taught at many medical centers to help people cope with a broad range of physical and psychological symptoms, including reducing anxiety, pain, and depression, enhancing mood and self-esteem, and decreasing stress. Exercise is good for mind and body, and almost anyone can do it, regardless of functional capabilities. Others do it to get stronger, to build endurance and stamina, to help keep joints loose and flexible, to reduce stress, to get more restful sleep, or just because it makes them feel better. It prevents secondary conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, pressure injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, obstructive pulmonary disease, hypertension, urinary tract infections and respiratory disease. Research shows that people with multiple sclerosis who joined an aerobic exercise program had better cardiovascular fitness, better bladder and bowel function, less fatigue and depression, a more positive attitude and increased participation in social activities. In 2002, seven years after his injury, Christopher Reeve demonstrated to the world that he had recovered modest movement and sensation. Reeves recovery defied medical expectations but had a dramatic effect on his daily life. Five years later, when he first noticed that he could voluntarily move an index finger, Reeve began an intense exercise program under the supervision of Dr. Louis, who suggested that these activities may have awakened dormant nerve pathways, thus leading to recovery. Reeve included daily electrical stimulation to build mass in his arms, quad- riceps, hamstrings and other muscle groups. In 1998 and 1999, Reeve underwent treadmill (locomotor) training to encourage functional stepping. But heres another great reason to get fit: Exercise helps us stay smart, and it keeps the brain healthy. Neuroscience research supports the notion that exercise enhances brain cell proliferation, fights degenerative disease and improves memory. A number of human studies have shown that exercise increases alertness and helps people think more clearly. Unfortunately, people Paralysis Resource Guide | 130 2 with disabilities are even more prone to carrying excess weight due to a combination of altered metabolism and decreased muscle mass, along with a generally lower activity level. Research shows that people who use wheelchairs are at risk for shoulder pain, joint deterioration and even painful rotator cuff tears, due to the amount of stress they place on their arms. As people gain weight, the skin traps moisture, greatly increasing the risk of pressure sores. Inactivity can also result in loss of trunk control, shortening or weakness of muscles, decreased bone density and inefficient breathing. Significant health benefits can be obtained with a moderate amount of physical activity, preferably daily. Additional health benefits can be gained through greater degrees of physical activity. People who can maintain a regular routine of physical activity that is of longer duration or of greater intensity are likely to derive greater benefit. Stop exercising if you feel any pain, discomfort, nausea, dizziness, lightheadedness, chest pain, irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath or clammy hands. People with paralysis should consult a physician before beginning a new program of physical activity. For example, in people with multiple sclerosis, exercise can lead to a condition called cardiovascular dysautonomia, which lowers heart rate and decreases blood pressure. Electrodes may be applied to the skin as needed or they may be implanted under the skin. McDonald clearly likes the concept; he helped start a company, Restorative Therapies, Inc. It is a whole category of medical devices and therapies that interact with the human nervous system. They can be used in various ways; to provide meaningful function, to treat a specifc condition or to supplement therapy. Devices can be applied externally such as to the surface of the skin or implanted with a surgical procedure. It is important to frst learn about the technologies then consult with a trained medical professional prior to initiating any program. I have been using neurotechnology devices since my spinal cord injury in 1998 from a snowboarding accident.


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Patients with testicular isochromosome 12p (an abnormal chro- risk of testicular cancer as a result of seminoma may have modestly elevated mosome 12 with two identical short increased incidence of cryptorchidism and levels of human chorionic gonadotrophin arms) asthma symptoms gina quality albuterol 100 mcg, a region which contains the gene dysgenesis asthmatic bronchitis images safe 100mcg albuterol. The initiation of a to diethylstilbestrol has been associated There are no reliable screening tests for germ cell tumour is associated with var- with an increased relative risk of up to 5 asthma symptoms 3 weeks purchase albuterol online. Testicular cancer is more common in a high cure rate asthma symptoms 6 month old buy albuterol 100mcg free shipping, advocacy of testicular mental pathway of the germ cell (Fig. About 90% of testicular malignancies tumours should yield average cure rates in arise from germ cells and these tumours excess of 95%, and even 80% of patients Detection are classified as seminoma (40%) (Fig. The division of a precursor cell, the spermatocyte (4n), produces 4 sperm cells each with one set of chromosomes (1n. The fusion of egg and sperm to form the zygote doubles the number of chromosomes to the normal complement (2n. Aberrant deve- lopment may produce a cell which has twice the normal chromosomal complement (4n. Approximately 30% Stage I disease, confined to the testis, is Nonseminoma of patients under surveillance will relapse managed by post-operative radiotherapy Patients with local nonseminoma confined and are reliably cured with chemotherapy. Good toneal lymph node dissection and are Cancers of the male reproductive tract 213 found to have positive nodes can consider Patients with nonseminoma who have nor- two cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy malized serum tumour markers and resid- (100% cure rate. Note the high incidence rates in Central and South America, Southern Africa and India. These changes are most rates are observed in China, and in evident for adenocarcinomas, which share Definition Western Asia. In developed countries, the to some extent the etiological agents of the majority of epithelial tumours of the incidence rates are generally low, with age- squamous cell carcinomas, but for which cervix are squamous cell carcinomas standardized rates of less than 15 per cytological screening is ineffective in coun- (85%. Adenocarcinomas are less com- 100,000, with the exception of Eastern tering the increase in risk. Most cervical carcinomas arise at Europe, where incidence rates range from countries the situation is more mixed, with the junction between the columnar epithe- 18-35 per 100,000. The incidence of can- high rates persisting in some areas (Latin lium of the endocervix and the squamous cer of the cervix begins to rise at ages 20- America, India, Africa), and declines else- epithelium of the ectocervix, a site of con- 29, and then increases rapidly to reach a where, most notably in China. Only this requirement has revealed that high when invasive disease is established do parity, smoking and long-term use of oral symptoms such as vaginal bleeding, dis- contraceptives are co-factors that increase charge and pain become manifest. The assessment of the biopsy or hysterectomy specimen patholo- under the normal squamous epithelium of the exo- role of these co-factors requires that the gy. One of the precursors tology may ablate an undetected adeno- of invasive adenocarcinoma is recognized carcinoma in situ or microinvasive carcino- as adenocarcinoma in situ. Recurrences or persistent resid- times difficult to diagnose, often not being ual disease may occur. For early stage invasive carcinoma, where Squamous cell carcinomas may be either the cancer is confined to the cervix or large cell non-keratinizing or large cell ker- spread to the upper vagina, surgery and atinizing, or a less common variant, such radiotherapy are the primary treatment as the well-differentiated verrucous carci- options. The worldwide prevalence of adeno- for patients with advanced disease and carcinomas of the cervix has increased external beam therapy is used initially for from 5% in 1950-60 to 20-25% of all cervi- patients with bulky tumours. The most common type is intracavity radium source is being replaced mucinous adenocarcinoma, which may be with caesium-137, which is considered intestinal, endocervical or signet-ring, fol- safer. The observation that cancer may still recur, or residual disease the pelvic wall veins and lymphatics [6]. Cancers of the female reproductive tract 217 estrogen therapy for menopause or prior oophorectomy, increase the risk of cancer whereas oral contraceptives containing an estrogen-progesterone combination decrease it. Syndromes of increased endogenous estrogen exposure, such as granulosa-theca cell tumours of ovary and polycystic ovary, are also associated with an increased risk. Detection the most common sign is metrorragia (uterine bleeding), especially after menopause. Low rates occur in echography and hysteroscopy are useful common cancer of women with 189,000 Africa and Asia (Fig. Canada, are experiencing a clear decline in incidence and mortality from cancer of the Pathology and genetics uterus, particularly among young women. Uterine can- this tumour type is characterized by the cer occurs primarily in elderly women, the disappearance of stroma between abnor- median age of onset being around 60 years old; only 5% of cases develop before age 40. Etiology Cancer of the endometrium is linked to reproductive life with increased risk among nulliparous women and women undergoing late menopause (Reproductive factors and hormones, p76. The endometrium is normally a hormonally responsive tissue, responding to estrogens with growth and glandular proliferation and Fig. Post- ings into the lumens, disordered nuclear endometrial tumorigenesis is becoming operative radiation therapy is currently chromatin distribution, nuclear enlarge- characterized (Fig. Patients with given to patients at a high risk of relapse ment, a variable degree of mitosis and is lesions which are positive for cytoplasmic following surgery. In inoperable cases, associated with necrosis and haemorrhage estrogen and progesterone receptors have pelvic radiation therapy, usually external [16]. Adenosquamous carcinoma, which a better rate of disease-free survival than beam and intracavity irradiation, may be comprises 7% or less of cases, has a poor those with no identifiable receptors [16]. An enhanced sus- herin are associated with metastasis and cisplatin, doxorubicin and cyclophos- ceptibility to endometrial cancer has also depth of myometrial invasion. Estrogen- and perimenopausal women and are estro- abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salp- replacement therapy is recommended gen-related, with hyperplasia ante- cedent ingo-oophorectomy (removal of the fallopi- initially only in patients with in situ dis- (adenomatous and atypical adenomatous an tubes and ovaries) are the definitive ease or with low risk stage I tumours. More 75-85% and for localized disease up to appear in postmenopausal women tend to than 50% of recurrences occur in the first 90% (Fig. Thus regular and evidence to suggest that black women Cancers of the female reproductive tract 219 Fig. Pelvic ultra- slightly increased with nulliparity and a per- sonography, tumour markers and clinical Definition sonal history of breast cancer. Decreased examination have proved ineffective in mass the majority of ovarian cancers are carci- risk follows the use of oral contraceptives. In screening [7] and are employed only for nomas, which arise from the surface contrast, hormonal treatment for infertility patients having a high familial risk of ovarian epithelium of the ovary. The comparison of molecular profiles at the menopause is only associated with a generated by laser capture microdissection Epidemiology small risk. Early menarche or late is hoped to identify patterns of proteins About 190,000 new cases and 114,000 menopause may also entail a slightly which are uniquely expressed in early dis- deaths from ovarian cancer are estimated increased risk [18]. Diet plays a role, with ease in order to generate valuable markers to occur annually. The highest rates are increased risk linked to obesity and height, as for early detection [20]. Low rates A history of pelvic inflammatory disease, Pathology and genetics are found in Africa and Asia (Fig. Detection lial tumours, including germ cell tumours, the great majority of patients with epithelial gonadal-stromal tumours and tumours which Etiology ovarian cancer present with disease that has have metastasized to the ovary, are less com- Although most ovarian cancers are sporadic, spread outside of the ovary and even the mon. Three categories of lesions are recog- a family history is the single most important pelvis [19]. Symptoms may include abdomi- nized: benign, low malignancy potential or 220 Human cancers by organ site invasive malignant. The reasons for such differences undergo screening for breast, cervical and recorded with reference to national or oth- are likely to be complex and multifactorial. Such differences involv- den is rarely distributed uniformly across Environmental/behavioural factors may dif- ing increased incidence provide an oppor- such groupings. A number of variables may contribute quantities of red meat, large quantities of affected by ethnic and social differences. One such variable, fruit and vegetables) may be protective in For example, the way that pain is per- genetic make-up, is not amenable to inter- relation to risk of colorectal cancer, but risk ceived and dealt with is influenced by the vention but nonetheless may have an increases with the adoption of a Western ethnocultural background of the patient impact. Ethical dilemmas can develop in cer risk, with high rates of incidence in multicultural settings due to differing cul- African-Americans, which may be partly Timely visits to a medical practitioner and tural beliefs and practices. More research related to genetic differences in hormone participation in screening programmes are into the relationship between ethnicity metabolism (Farkas A et al. Language may be a barrier to support, survival, and quality of life is confer susceptibility to cancer may be car- understanding health issues. Recognition of multicultural issues is this may be partly attributable to the novel- becoming more widespread. Women of lower Networks for Cancer Awareness Research than that of the general population (e. In Cancers of the female reproductive tract 221 early disease includes bilateral salpingo- ed with vincristine, actinomycin and oophorectomy and total abdominal hys- cyclophosphamide; cisplatin, vinblastine terectomy, total omentectomy, appendec- and bleomycin; or cisplatin, etoposide and tomy, collecting samples of peritoneal bleomycin.

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Epidemiological and clinical studies uniformly indicate that obesity asthma symptoms 4dp3dt purchase albuterol online now, sedentary lifestyle and intake of salt and alcohol are all associated with increased risk of developing hypertension asthma va disability rating order 100 mcg albuterol amex. Prehypertensives are at higher risk of developing hypertension and cardiovascular disease than those with normal blood pressure and are therefore excellent targets for primary prevention asthmatic bronchitis and exercise purchase genuine albuterol line. Individuals with a family history of hypertension and those with a predisposition to develop obesity or diabetes are also excellent candidates for programmes to reduce weight asthma breath sounds purchase albuterol now, salt intake, alcohol use and improve dietary habits while increasing exercise. These recommendations help promote health in all persons but are especially important in those with other risk factors for hypertension-associated conditions, such as coronary artery disease. Prevention of hypertension 81 Studies concerning awareness, treatment and control of high blood pressure as well as the continued prevalence of hypertension suggest that primary prevention is not being effectively practised. Overcoming the barriers will require a multipronged approach directed not only to high-risk populations but also to communities, schools, worksites and the food industry [39]. The recent recommendations that the food industry reduce sodium in the food supply by 50% over the next decade is the type of approach that, if implemented, would reduce high blood pressure in the population [3,144,145]. An equally important area of concern is the need for improvement in provider and patient communication. The lifestyle changes used to help prevent hypertension are very difficult for many people, especially those at highest risk who often must give up many long-term habits. Recommendations for dietary and activity changes by a provider have little chance of being followed if their importance and potential benefits are not communicated to the patient. Health care organizations may help remedy this problem by providing training, personnel and support to address patient education and counselling. Community approach to prevention of primary hypertension Introduction Integrated community-based intervention programmes are comprehensive packages in which different kinds of activities are combined to produce synergetic effect. The community approach to hypertension prevention has a high degree of generalization and cost-effectiveness [146,147], is able to diffuse information successfully, and has potential 82 Clinical guidelines for the management of hypertension for influencing environmental and institutional policies that have a bearing on health status of the population. Close collaboration between those implementing the community approach and national health authorities is important to sustain primary prevention and for influencing policy development in regard to health. Role of primary prevention of hypertension in primary health care settings A variety of lifestyle modifications have been shown to lower blood pressure and to reduce the prevalence of hypertension. These include reduction of dietary sodium intake, weight loss in people who are overweight, physical activity, increased dietary potassium intake and a diet with increased fresh fruit and vegetables and reduced saturated fat intake. As part of the community approach to primary prevention of hypertension, primary health care professionals should measure blood pressure regularly in all persons above 40 years of age, even if they are normotensive, at least once every 2 years and advise patients with mild hypertension on lifestyle modifications, such as increasing physical exercise, and reducing salt and saturated fat intake. Hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, hyperglycaemia, obesity and smoking are interlinked risks for ill health. The risk of coronary heart disease multiplies with additional cardiovascular risk factors. Reducing salt intake from 12 g per day to 3 g per day reduces strokes by 33% and coronary heart disease by 25%. Although antihypertensive drug therapy represents one of the major success stories in the prevention of cardiovascular disease, the pharmacological approach to management has limitations if used in isolation. Population studies, as well as randomized controlled trials, show that environmental factors are major determinants of hypertension. The most important of these factors are: excess body fat and obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, alcohol consumption, tobacco use and other dietary factors. Patients can achieve significant reductions in blood pressure by making appropriate changes to their lifestyle. Family doctors should be able to provide effective advice that complements any necessary therapy. The list comprises drugs with the least side-effects, simple regimens, generics from reliable sources and drugs with favourable effects on concomitant disorders. Implementation of the community approach at national level Countries of the Eastern Mediterranean Region need to prioritize hypertension on the national agenda by stressing that it is a serious, prevalent and costly national public health problem. Its true epidemiological and economic burden should be determined in every country. Countries need to design national strategies to confront hypertension as part of an integrated approach to prevention and care of noncommunicable diseases. At the same time it is necessary to support health care systems to develop: cost- effective services for primary prevention and control of hypertension in primary health care settings; public education to increase community awareness about hypertension; and a strategy to integrate nutrition, physical activity and cessation of smoking into the community approach to primary prevention and care of hypertension. Seventh report of the Joint National Committee on prevention, detection, evaluation and treatment of high blood pressure. Age-specific relevance of usual blood pressure to vascular mortality: a meta-analysis of individual data for one million adults in 61 prospective studies. Is relationship between serum cholesterol and risk of premature death from coronary heart disease continuous and graded European Society of Hypertension recommendations for conventional, ambulatory and home blood pressure measurement. Ambulatory blood pressure is superior to clinic blood pressure in predicting treatment induced regression of left ventricular hypertrophy. Prognostic implications of baseline electrocardiographic features and their serial changes in subjects with left ventricular hypertrophy. Prognostic implications of echocardiographically determined left ventricular mass in the Framingham Heart Study. Relation of left ventricular mass and geometry to morbidity and mortality in uncomplicated essential hypertension. Intima-media thickness: a new tool for diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular risk. Abnormal endothelium-dependent vascular relaxation in patients with essential hypertension. Serum uric acid in essential hypertension: an indicator of renal vascular involvement. Urinary albumin excretion predicts cardiovascular and noncardiovascular mortality in general population. Silent brain infarction on magnetic resonance imaging and neurological abnormalities in community-dwelling older adults: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Evolving concepts in the pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of pheochromocytoma. Primary prevention of hypertension: clinical and public health advisory from the National High Blood Pressure Education Program. Report of the National High Blood Pressure Education Program working group on high blood pressure in pregnancy. Hypertension primer: the essentials of high blood pressure: basic science, population science, and clinical management, 3rd edition. Update on the 1987 Task Force Report on High Blood Pressure in Children and Adolescents: a working group report from the National High Blood Pressure Education Program. National High Blood Pressure Education Program Working Group on Hypertension Control in Children and Adolescents. Preserving renal function in adults with hypertension and diabetes: a consensus approach. National Kidney Foundation Hypertension and Diabetes Executives Committees Working Group. Mortality from coronary heart disease in subjects with type 2 diabetes and in nondiabetic subjects with and without prior myocardial infarction.

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