















































Blair A. Keagy, MD

  • Professor of Surgery
  • Chief, Division of Vascular Surgery
  • University of North Carolina School of Medicine
  • Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Finally gastritis diet гугъл order lansoprazole 30mg fast delivery, a few words are in order regarding tumors located Etiology in the hypothalamus chronic gastritis from stress buy cheap lansoprazole on line. As noted earlier gastritis fiber diet lansoprazole 15mg on-line, these may present with dementia gastritis with duodenitis order lansoprazole in india, personality change, delirium, amnesia, or As noted earlier, brain tumors may be either primary to the mania. Other symptoms may also be seen, including dia central nervous system or metastatic; of these two broad betes insipidus, anorexia with profound weight loss (Heron types, metastatic tumors are more common. Of the primary brain tumors, gliomas and meningiomas Seizures are eventually seen in approximately one-third constitute the vast majority of cases. Primary central nerv of all brain tumor cases, and may be simple partial, com ous system lymphoma, once rare, has become increasingly plex partial, or grand mal in type. In some cases of small, common, both in immunocompromised and immuno slowly growing tumors, such as oligodendrogliomas or competent patients. Other primary brain tumors, seen in a low-grade astrocytomas, seizures may constitute the sole small minority, include neuromas, medulloblastoma, symptomatology of the underlying tumor for long periods gangliocytoma, pituitary adenoma, craniopharyngioma, of time. Astrocytomas are by far the most com In some cases, hydrocephalus may occur, with symptoms as mon type and may be divided into four grades according to discussed in Section 19. High-grade astrocytomas may appear temic cancer is already known, in a minority of cases, per heterogenous on T1 and T2-weighted imaging, and typi haps up to one-quarter, the metastasis represents the cally undergo enhancement, which, especially in the case of presentation of the systemic cancer, and, consequently, in glioblastoma multiforme, may be ring-shaped. Over long evaluating patients with a brain tumor who do not appar periods of time, low-grade astrocytomas may undergo malig ently have systemic cancer, this possibility must always be nant transformation. This is a very aggressive growth char ease is the number of tumors: whereas primary tumors, acterized not by a discrete mass but by a widespread infiltra with the exception of primary central nervous system lym tion of one or both hemispheres of the cerebrum, primarily phoma, are generally singular, metastatic disease generally of the white matter; patients typically present with delir manifests with two or more lesions. Suprasellar meningiomas may cause a bitem poral hemianopia and pituitary failure, and meningiomas of the sphenoid ridge may present with extraocular nerve palsies and proptosis. These tumors may be single or multiple and typically show bright, homogenous enhancement (Lai et al. Although most are found in the cerebrum, often in a periventricular location, they may also occur in the cerebellum or brainstem. Ependymomas, although most commonly seen in chil Medulloblastomas, although generally seen only in chil dren, may present in early adult years. These are typically from ependymal cells of the fourth, third, or lateral ventri found in the midline cerebellum and often protrude into cles, and may cause symptoms either by causing obstruc the fourth ventricle, causing hydrocephalus. These are rare, indolent Meningiomas are very slow growing tumors that arise tumors, generally found in the temporal, frontal, or parietal from arachnoidal cells and which have an attachment to cortices, which typically present with seizures. These are well-demarcated, extra-axial tumors Pituitary adenomas may be subclassified according to that produce symptoms by compression of the subjacent either their size or their endocrinologic status. Macroade brain parenchyma, from which they are clearly separated, nomas are larger than 1 cm, whereas microadenomas, as illustrated in Figure 19. Endocrinologically, be readily discernible on T2-weighted scans, they do more than 80 percent of adenomas are secretory, with the undergo homogenous enhancement. Meningiomas of the falx cerebri, by cause symptoms by either compression of adjacent tissue compression of the medial aspects of the frontal or parietal or secondary to the secretion of various hormones. Lateral con compression of adjacent pituitary tissue there may be vexity meningiomas may cause various focal signs, such as pituitary failure, with, for example, hypothyroidism or hemiplegia or aphasia. Lateral extension of a cause anosmia, blindness, and, by upward extension macroadenoma into the adjacent cavernous sinus may against the frontal lobe, dementia; should they attain a size cause an oculomotor palsy or facial numbness in the areas capable of causing increased intracranial pressure, of the first or second divisions of the trigeminal nerve. Endocrinologic changes seen with secretory tumors most commonly involve hyperprolactinemia, with amenorrhea in females and gynecomastia and erectile dysfunction in males. Importantly, in about 10 percent of secreting adenomas, two or more hormones may be excessively pro duced. Magnetic resonance scanning is typically positive with macroadenomas; however, microadenomas of less than 3 mm in diameter may escape detection. They typically arise from the junction of the infundibulum and pituitary gland, and may Metastases may arise from various different primary produce a variety of symptoms, depending on which direc tumors and almost always reach the brain via hematoge tion they grow in. By far the most common source is lung can ment of the hypothalamus, there may be diabetes insipidus cer, primarily the non-small-cell type, followed by breast and obesity, and with compression of the third ventricle, cancer and melanoma and then by various other tumors, hydrocephalus may occur. Compression of the optic chiasm including those of the colon and rectum, kidney, gallblad may cause a bitemporal hemianopia, and with downward der, liver, thyroid, testicle, prostate, uterus or ovary, and extension various forms of pituitary failure may appear. Of all these primaries, melanoma and testicular can cause symptoms primarily by compression of the adjacent cer, although not common, exhibit the greatest propensity quadrigeminal plate and the underlying aqueduct of Sylvius, for metastasis to the brain. Thus, patients may experience Although solitary lesions may occur, multiple tumors, as intermittent headache, unsteadiness, and confusion, and noted earlier, are more common, and indeed at autopsy report that these symptoms are posture-dependent. Magnetic resonance scanning typi With few exceptions, chemotherapy has traditionally cally reveals meningeal enhancement, and tumor cells may played only a limited role; recent advances, however, may be found with lumbar puncture; this may have to be repeated be changing this picture. Dexamethasone is indicated in cases characterized by Although spread to the leptomeninges may occur with considerable peri-tumoral edema, and is generally given in almost every type of primary tumor, it is, as noted earlier, a a dose of 4 mg q. Enzyme-inducing drugs, such as pheny or by virtue of an inward extension of a calvarial metastasis. In general, other agents, such as levetiracetam, gabapentin, or divalproex, should be consid In evaluating a mass lesion, consideration must be given ered first. Patients who have undergone focal radiation treat delirium, amnesia, mania, depression, and psychosis is dis ment may subsequently develop a new mass lesion as part cussed in the respective sections. Cerebrospinal fluid Surgery may be curative in cases of single, well produced within the lateral ventricles normally flows demarcated, accessible lesions, such as meningiomas or through the foramina of Monro into the third ventricle low-grade gliomas. Focal where it exits the subarachnoid space via the villi of the irradiation may be considered in patients who are not good arachnoid granulations into the dural sinuses. Whole-brain radiation may be considered one or more of the ventricles as a result of an increase in p19. It may be usefully divided into two types: or urinary incontinence may also occur. Obstruction sure is normal; in cases of communicating hydrocephalus at the aqueduct of Sylvius is followed by enlargement of the it is generally increased, except in the condition known as third and both lateral ventricles, and obstruction at the exit normal pressure hydrocephalus (see Section 19. Communicating hydrocephalus typically occurs as a Course result of an obstruction at the level of the arachnoid villi, and is associated with enlargement of all of the ventricles. Rarely, Acute hydrocephalus is a catastrophic event, with a rapid communicating hydrocephalus may occur not because of an evolution of symptoms. This form of hydro cephalus is characterized clinically by a rapid onset of symptoms, over days, hours, or even quicker. Patients pres ent with headache, stupor, and vomiting, and, without treatment, coma and death may rapidly ensue. Chronic hydrocephalus may represent either a commu nicating or a non-communicating condition; when it occurs as a result of non-communicating hydrocephalus, one finds only a partial obstruction. A gait disturbance also occurs, and this may either precede or follow the onset of the dementia. By contrast, in hydrocephalus ex vacuo, there Etiology is always sulcal enlargement, and the degree of sulcal enlargement is proportionate to the degree of ventricular In non-communicating hydrocephalus the obstruction enlargement. Thus, the foramen of Monro may be present in true hydrocephalus but not in hydrocephalus ex obstructed by a tumor, such as an astrocytoma, or by a vacuo, given that the ventricular contents are not under colloid cyst of the third ventricle, and the third ventricle any increased pressure. The fourth ventricle may be compressed by cerebellar lesions, such as tumors, hemorrhages, or infarc tions. The exit foramina of Magendie and Luschka may be Treatment occluded by scarring, as may occur after an episode of viral or bacterial meningitis, or in the course of an indolent basi Neurosurgical consultation should be considered in all lar meningitis, as may be seen in meningovascular syphilis, cases as patients may be candidates for either ventricu tuberculosis, or fungal infections; scarring and obstruction loperitoneal shunting or, in cases of non-communicating may also occur after a subarachnoid hemorrhage, either hydrocephalus in which the obstruction is distal to the spontaneous or as may be seen with traumatic brain injury. Importantly, shunting may be effective even in with obstruction of outflow at the arachnoid granulations. The Although such obstruction most commonly occurs after general treatment of dementia is discussed in Section 5.

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Disadvantages of negative pressure ventilators include upper airway obstruction and lack of access for patient care gastritis diet электронный discount 15mg lansoprazole visa. Modern ventilators generate the pressure gradient between the atmosphere and lungs by positive pressure gastritis symptoms with diarrhea buy genuine lansoprazole. With positive pressure ventilation gastritis erosiva purchase 15mg lansoprazole with visa, the pressure in the airway opening is higher than that in the lungs definition akute gastritis purchase lansoprazole 15 mg on line. For this reason, many complications of nega tive and positive pressure ventilation are minimized or eliminated. Tese terms, abbreviations, and a brief description for each term are outlined in Table 7-1. One pressure setting is used during the inspiratory phase and the other during the expiratory phase. For not include any mechanical this reason, the work of breathing is entirely assumed by the patient. Obstructive Sleep Apnea Sleep apnea is defned as a temporary cessation of breathing that lasts at least 10 sec during sleep (Wilkins & Dexter, 1998). The apnea index represents the average number of apneas in one hour of sleep during a test. For example, if a patient slept for 8 hours during a test and had 160 apneas, the apnea index would be 20 (160/8). Apnea-hypopnea index refers apnea-hypopnea index: to the average number of apnea or hypopnea in each hour of sleep during a test. Average number of apnea and hypopnea in each hour of sleep Desaturation index describes the average number of oxygen desaturations of 4% during a test. The distribution between genders is 4% to 9% in men and 1% to 2% ated with oxygen desaturation or in women. Conservative therapies such as weight loss and patient positioning have been disappointing. The most common criteria for the determination of acute respiratory failure are blood gas results. Typical results may show par tially compensated respiratory acidosis with moderate hypoxemia. Delay to implement mechanical ventilation may lead to poor patient outcome (Wood et al. The soft cushion provides comfort to the patient while maintaining a seal to keep gas from leaking. A common error is selecting a nasal mask that is too large for the A minor leak is accept able when using a nasal mask. For patient comfort and compli An oronasal mask should be ance, it is a good practice to let the patient try out diferent sizes for maximal considered when the leak is significant. Figure 7-1 shows the structure of a typical nasal mask (A) and when it is in use (B). Since a nasal mask does not cover the mouth, leakage through the mouth is a common problem. A minor leak is acceptable as long as ventilation and oxygenation are not compromised. During the initial setup of a nasal mask, pulse oximetry may be used to check for improvement in oxygen ation and adequacy of oxygen saturation. Soon after stabilization of the patient, blood gases should be done to fne-tune settings on the ventilator so as to verify proper oxygenation, ventilation, and acid-base balance. Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventilation 199 Foam Spacer Mask Swivel Gel Pressure A Cushion Optional Monitoring Support Ring Port Figure 7-1a Structure of a nasal mask. As does the nasal mask, the soft cushion also provides comfort to the patient ventilation. With an oronasal mask, a tight seal is easier to maintain than with a nasal mask because both the nose and mouth Regurgitation and are covered. However, because the mouth is covered, regurgitation and aspiration can aspiration can be a potential problem when an oronasal be potential problems with the use of an oronasal mask. Total head interface is also available for patients who may have trouble with leaks or proper ftting of other interfaces. Nasal Pillows nasal pillows:Nasal pillows are a Nasal pillows (nasal prongs) is another interface that resembles a nasal mask small interface commonly used for but is smaller. Because nasal pillows do not come into contact with the lips, chin or Figure 7-2 An oronasal mask in use. Some common complaints of nasal pillows are nasal congestion, nose bleed, and dry or sore mouth. Figure 7-3 shows the structure of nasal pillows and Figure 7-4 shows the insertion, placement, and adjustment of this interface. A chin strap to close the mouth or an oronasal mask Nasal pillows devices are more comfortable than oronasal masks, but gas leak is should be considered when a potential problem especially in men with beards and mustaches. It is easy to ft and covers almost the entire face of a apply for new patients because of its large size. For this reason, it Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventilation 203 Figure 7-5 A full-face mask in use. The full-face mask is ideal for claustrophobic patients, mouth breathers, and patients without teeth or with facial abnormalities (Philips, 2012). Following selection of an interface, a trial period usually is required for the patient to get used to the interface and to identify problems with it. After setting up the machine and placing the inter at 4 cm H O, and titrated to a 2 2 desired endpoint. The working mechanism by which these equipment titrate 204 Chapter 7 pressures varies greatly. Some equipment detects snoring while others detect inspi ratory fow patterns or airway vibration. Unattended autotitration should not be used in patients with central sleep apnea, cerebral vascular accident, prolonged hypoventilation, hypovolemia, or cardiac fail ure. This feature is ideal for patients who may have trouble tolerating a sudden onset of high pressure. A common complaint by patients is that they have trouble exhaling against the continuous positive pressure. This problem may result in frequent awakening during sleep, sleep fragmentation, and occasional noncompliance in the use of the equipment. This reduces the continuous pressure which the patient must overcome during exhalation. During use, the equip ment monitors the airfow during exhalation and reduces expiratory pressure pro portional to expiratory fow. The relief pressure is provided on a breath-to-breath basis, depending on the actual expiratory airfow. Bilevel refers to the inspiratory and ex piratory positive airway pressure settings. This mode provides pressure relief at the end of inhalation and the start of exhalation (Figure 7-6). Level 3 provides the highest level of pressure relief as indicated by the pressure drop below the baseline pressure. As with other noninvasive procedures applied to a potentially critical condition, close monitoring of the patient is an absolute requirement. Sleep apnea is defned as a temporary cessation of breathing that lasts at least during sleep. Which of the following interfaces is least likely to develop air leaks and pressure sores The typical starting point for bilevel positive airway pressure is started at cm H2O (inspiratory) and cm H2O (expiratory) and subsequently titrated to a desired level.

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Remarkably gastritis and duodenitis definition generic lansoprazole 15mg overnight delivery, despite such extremes of sleep gastritis korean discount lansoprazole 15 mg visa, patients includes toxic depressions gastritis supplements purchase lansoprazole online, which may be either medication do not feel refreshed during their waking hours gastritis symptoms list discount lansoprazole online. Metabolic depressions are food has no taste or has perhaps become unpalatable; some considered next, including such disorders as obstructive may say their food tastes like cardboard. Medication or substance withdrawal depressions patients may force themselves to eat, most cannot and follow, and include depressions occurring upon discontin weight loss is typical, possibly extreme. Increased appetite is uation of long-term treatment with anticholinergic medica relatively uncommon but when it does occur the accompa tions or as may be seen during withdrawal from stimulants. Endocrinologic disorders constitute a very important cause Psychomotor change tends more to agitation than to of depression, and include such familiar conditions as retardation. Depression may also loudly lament their fate, and some may give way to wailing be seen in a large number of other intracranial disorders, for and miserable pleas for help. Each of these patients may be almost palpable to the observer and these groups is considered in more detail below, beginning yet, despite their pleas, these patients cannot be comforted with the primary or idiopathic disorders. It must also be kept in mind that it is not at be present before a syndromal diagnosis of depression is all uncommon that in any given patient more than one dis warranted. I recom during a course of prednisone treatment, which remits shortly mend, as a preliminary approach, reserving the diagnosis for after treatment is discontinued. Furthermore, some depres those who, in addition to a depressed mood, also have at sions may be multifactorial: consider a patient, again with least three of the remaining symptoms noted in Table 6. Although it is customary to that persists for weeks, or longer, rather than remitting after p06. In this instance, it is will, in over 90 percent of cases, occur within 10 years of the reasonable to assume that the medication triggered a new first depressive episode or by the time five or more episodes depressive episode of the major depressive disorder, which of depression have occurred, whichever comes first (Dunner then persisted. Specifically, depressive episodes of bipo manic episode, whereas in major depressive disorder, manic lar disorder are, in contrast with those of major depression, episodes never occur. Given that bipolar disorder may com more likely to have an acute onset (over weeks rather than mence with one, or several, episodes of depression before months) (Winokur et al. This condition patients with bipolar disorder, the first episode of mania is of uncertain nosologic status. The depression is typically tion-induced depression whenever such temporal relation characterized by prominent lability of mood (Bloch et al. Post-partum blues is immediately suggested by its onset Chronic alcoholism is commonly associated with within the first few days post-partum and by its characteris depression, indeed a majority of newly admitted alcoholics tic lability of affect (Pitt 1973; Rohde et al. Obstructive sleep apnea may cause a depression marked by 1980), and the reader is directed to Section 20. The diagnosis is suggested Post-psychotic depression in schizophrenia is seen in by a history of prominent snoring, and by a relief of symp about one-third of patients with schizophrenia. In these toms upon successful treatment of the sleep apnea, as for patients, after a more or less complete remission of psy example with continuous positive airway pressure. In contrast with schizoaffective disorder, however, ent with depression (Gatewood et al. Chronic niacin deficiency Toxic depressions may be either medication induced or sec causes pellagra, which, in one case, presented with a com ondary to substances of abuse or actual toxins. Medications bination of depression and the familiar rash/diarrhea are considered first. Alpha-interferon, as tual appearance of abdominal pain suggests the correct used in the treatment of hepatitis C and melanoma, is diagnosis. Depression has also Cholinergic rebound may occur after abrupt discontinua been associated with beta-1b-interferon, but this is com tion of long-term treatment with anticholinergic agents, paratively rare. Metoclopramide, although producing such as tricyclic antidepressants: shortly thereafter, depression in only a very small percentage of patients who patients fairly abruptly develop a depression accompanied take it, is, however, so commonly prescribed that it too by nausea (Dilsaver et al. The diagnosis may be suggested by galactorrhea or Anabolic steroids may be taken chronically by athletes; erectile dysfunction. Depression may occur in the context of various neurode generative and dementing disorders. Of them, hypothyroidism is perhaps the sion of varying degrees of severity in up to 40 percent of most important. In addition to such features as by the occurrence, within a year of the onset of parkinson weight gain, hair loss, dry skin, and voice change, the con ism, of dementia) is characterized by depression in about dition is also suggested by prominent fatigue, sluggishness, one-half of patients (Klatka et al. Apathetic hyperthyroidism is a con dementia with prominent amnestic features, is accompa dition seen in elderly patients with hyperthyroidism, and is nied by prominent depressive symptoms in about one-fifth distinguished from the more common presentation of of all cases (Burns et al. In some cases, rather than apathy, however, one-half of all sufferers (Cummings et al. Other somewhat less common causes are sion, as noted by Cushing himself (Cushing 1932), and this multiple sclerosis and epilepsy. Finally, there is a miscella has been noted in over one-half of all cases (Cohen 1980; neous group, including tumors, hydrocephalus, etc. Suggestive fea Post-stroke depression, which can be quite severe (Lipsey tures include weight gain, moon facies, hirsutism, acne, a et al. Post-stroke depression has also been associated with depression (Engel and Margolin 1941; Varadaraj and infarction of the left basal ganglia (Morris et al. Traumatic brain injury may be associated with depres Hyperaldosteronism, as may occur with adrenal tumors, sion in up to one-half of all patients (Federoff et al. As with other signs of multiple sclerosis, the depression may also have a relapsing and remitting course (Dalos et al. Differential diagnosis Epilepsy may be associated with depression, not only in that certain partial seizures may manifest with depression, Depression is a normal reaction to the adverse events of life, but also, and, from a numeric point of view, more impor especially losses, and this normal depression must be distin tantly, in that patients with epilepsy may develop a chronic, guished from depression caused by one of the disorders interictal depression. Several features of normal depression are Williams 1956) may manifest with the paroxysmal onset of helpful in this differential. First, the severity of normal depression, which may be severe, with psychomotor retar depression is generally proportionate to the severity of the dation or agitation, and which may last for from minutes to , preceding adverse event, whether it be the loss of a loved one, in cases of complex partial status epilepticus, weeks. In addi serious illness, or financial reversals; thus, although severe tion to the paroxysmal onset, important clues to the diagno symptoms are to be expected after the death of a child, they sis are the presence of olfactory hallucinations and a history would not be normal after, say, getting a parking ticket. Interictal depression Second, normal depressions generally remit spontaneously of epilepsy occurs in a large proportion of patients with and do so, in most cases, within 6 months or so, rarely, if recurrent seizures (Mendez et al. Third, and finally, normal depressions noted with tumors of the anterior portion of the corpus generally lack severe vegetative symptoms and never are callosum (Ironside and Guttmacher 1929). Systemic lupus erythematosus can definitely cause Akinesia must also be considered in the differential of depression (Dennis et al. Akinesia is perhaps most commonly seen in ever, is how frequently it does so: some have found depres patients treated with antipsychotics, especially first-genera sion to be common in lupus (Ainiala et al. Two points serve to differentiate this from depression: arthralgia, rashes, and constitutional symptoms. In general, given their overall effective been noted in various neurodegenerative disorders (Levy ness, and, most importantly, their safety, selective serotonin et al. Apathy, or indifference, is very common in geriatric Such syndromes may, as noted above, be seen in various patients, and, as noted below, may occur secondary to a dementing disorders, or more commonly, may appear as a variety of causes. Clinical features 2004), may also include apathy as a symptom, along with delusions, hallucinations, etc.

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Antibodies of class IgE bind to mast to attack human cells that normally bear the protein gastritis diet яндек purchase lansoprazole amex. Allergens also activate a class of helper T cells that for example bile gastritis diet order cheapest lansoprazole, antigens on heart valve cells resemble those produce cytokines gastritis diet for discount lansoprazole 15 mg with amex, whose genes are clustered on chromosome on Streptococcus bacteria; antibodies produced to fight a 5q gastritis icd 10 generic 15 mg lansoprazole. Regions of chromosomes 12q and 17q have genes that control strep throat also attack the heart valve cells. This is very helpful when the nonself triggers are parts of infecting bacteria, but what tempers the immune system of a pregnant woman to accept cells from her fetus Some cases appear to be Samples of lymph nodes from fetuses indicate that up to 1 percent caused by a long-delayed immune response to cells retained of the cells are maternal. The maternal immune system similarly produces T Regs that inhibit response to fetal (figure 2). In one experiment, fetal lymph node samples did not react against the few fetal cells that enter her bloodstream. Not enough against cells from the pregnant woman unless the fetal regulatory antibodies form to harm the fetus that sets off the reaction, but the T cells were removed. Fortunately, natural and medical protections make this Scleroderma complication rare today. It shields fetal cells so her system are mothers of sons revealed a very different source of the does not manufacture the harmful antibodies. A first Rh+ fetus developing in an Rh mother can be affected the degree of genetic difference between a mother and a if her blood has been exposed to Rh+ cells in amniocentesis, a son may play a role in development of scleroderma. Mothers who blood transfusion, an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy, a miscarriage, or have the condition tend to have cell surfaces that are more similar pregnancy termination. Rh+ cells enter her bloodstream Anti-Rh+ antibodies during pregnancy bind antigen on or childbirth. Half the normal amount of a skin protein Initial exposure IgE receptor called filaggrin can lead to development of the allergic con Allergen ditions atopic dermatitis (a type of eczema), asthma, peanut Mast Plasma cell allergy, and hay fever (figure 17. F i l a g g r i n i s a g i g a n t i c B cell cell protein that binds to the keratin proteins that form most of the outermost skin layer, the epidermis. Filaggrin normally breaks down, releasing amino acids that rise to the top of the skin and B cell is activated Antibody-secreting Antibodies attach plasma cell to mast cell keep it moisturized. When researchers realized that people with either Allergens combine Mast cell releases form of ichthyosis very often also have the itchy red inflamed with mast cell allergy mediators skin of atopic dermatitis, they realized there could be a con Figure 17. In an allergic reaction, an allergen nection: When the epidermis is cracked, allergens enter and such as pollen activates B cells, which divide and give rise reach deeper skin layers, where they encounter dendritic to antibody-secreting plasma cells. Atopic dermatitis, peanut allergy, asthma, and hay fever may result from lack of filaggrin protein to protect the skin. Researchers are testing whether treating breaks Medical technologies can alter or augment immune system in the skin early in life can prevent atopic dermatitis, asthma, functions. Antibiotic drugs, which are substances derived from organisms such as fungi and soil bacteria, have been used for decades to assist an immune response. Explain how the immune system malfunctions in A vaccine is an inactive or partial form of a pathogen that autoimmune disorders and allergic reactions. When the person then encounters the natural pathogen, Chapter 17 Genetics of Immunity 341 a secondary immune response ensues, even before symptoms small cowpox sore on a milkmaid named Sarah Nelmes, then arise. He then exposed the boy to rarely, cause illness if they mutate to a pathogenic form. B y t h e Vaccines against different illnesses can be combined into one 1970s, vaccination became unnecessary. Several nations have injection, or the genes encoding antigens from several patho resumed smallpox vaccination in case the virus is ever used gens can be inserted into a harmless virus and delivered as a as a bioweapon. Because many doctors are unfamiliar with small Vaccine technology dates back to the eleventh century pox, and people are no longer vaccinated, an outbreak could be in China. In 1796, include nasal sprays (flu vaccine) and genetically modified the wife of a British ambassador to Turkey witnessed the Chi fruits and vegetables. A banana as a vaccine makes sense in nese method of vaccination and mentioned it to English coun theory, but in practice it is difficult to obtain a uniform prod try physician Edward Jenner. Edible plants are grown from cells that are given genes the Chinese way, and then thought of a different approach. When the plant vaccine is eaten, the foreign antigens tracted a mild illness called cowpox, but did not get smallpox. From here, the antigens seemed to jump from one species to another, Jenner wondered go to the bloodstream, where they stimulate B cells to divide to whether exposing a healthy person to cowpox lesions might pro yield plasma cells that produce antibodies that coat the small tect against smallpox. A slightly different virus causes cowpox, intestinal lining, protecting against pathogens in food. Jenner tried his first vaccine on a volunteer, 8-year-old Whatever the form of vaccine, it is important that a sub James Phipps. Jenner dipped a needle in pus oozing from a stantial proportion of a population be vaccinated to control an infectious disease. If the population includes unvaccinated individuals who come into contact, the disease can spread. An infectious disease such as flu that is mild or harm less to most people can kill a person who has a compromised immune system. Diseases that had been nearly eradicated thanks to vaccination have returned in areas where people either refuse to have their children vaccinated, or cannot due to war. Monoclonal Antibodies Boost Humoral Immunity When a B cell recognizes a single foreign antigen, it manufac tures a single, or monoclonal, type of antibody. First, they injected a mouse with severe case of smallpox that the lesions joined. They then isolated a 342 Part 5 Immunity and Cancer to radioactive isotopes or to drugs deliver treatment to cancer 1 cells. However, it has been difficult to develop these body chemicals into drugs because they act only for 3 short periods. They must be delivered precisely where they are Cancer cells needed, or overdose or side effects can occur. Colony-stimulating factors, which so that newly formed cells (hybridomas) live cause immature white blood cells to mature and differenti longer. Treatment with these factors enables a patient to withstand higher doses of a con ventional drug. Monoclonal antibodies are pure preparations of a single When a car breaks down, replacing the damaged part often antibody type that recognize a single antigen type. The same is sometimes true for the human are useful in diagnosing and treating disease because of body.