















































Manju Monga, MD

  • Professor
  • Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences
  • University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
  • Houston, Texas

Histopathologic examination Generalized skin bullae leaving ulcerations that supports the clinical diagnosis medicine logo order topamax 100mg with amex. The lesions antifungal or antibacterial ointments or creams are more often found on the hands medicine used for adhd generic 100 mg topamax with amex, feet medicine song order topamax 200mg visa, knees medicine lodge ks purchase topamax 200mg mastercard, are of value in cases with secondary infection of and elbows. Systemic steroids are used only in Dystrophy and loss of the nails are common severe cases. Epidermolysis Bullosa the differential diagnosis should include pemphiEpidermolysis bullosa is a group of inherited disgus, bullous pemphigoid, linear IgA disease, bulorders characterized by bullae formation on the lous erythema multiforme, dermatitis herpetiforskin and mucous membranes spontaneously or mis, cicatricial pemphigoid of childhood, and bulafter mechanical friction. Histopathologic examination is the differential diagnosis should include multiple important to establish the final diagnosis of differmucosal neuromas, multiple endocrine neoplasia ent groups of epidermolysis bullosa. Histopathologic examination of steroids, vitamin E, phenytoin, and retinoids have oral and skin neurofibromas is helpful in establishbeen used in severe cases. Treatment is supportive and presents many problems for the dermatologist, surgeon, Neurofibromatosis and endocrinologist. The cardinal features of the disease are the cafe-au-lait spots and the skin neurofibromas. The skin neurofibromas are multiple and may be either cutaneous or subcutaneous. The oral cavity is uncommonly affected but may exhibit multiple or, rarely, isolated nodular neurofibromas, which vary in size. Epidermolysis bullosa, recessive dystrophic, scarring, dystrophy and loss of the fingernails. The angiomatous lesions may sometimes be Chondroectodermal dysplasia, or Ellis-van Creexcised surgically, cauterized, or treated with the veld syndrome, is inherited as an autosomal recescryoprobe. The main characteristics are bilateral polydactyly, chondrodysplasia of long bones, involvement of ectodermal tissues (hair, nails, Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome teeth), and, rarely, congenital heart disease. The most constant oral finding is fusion of the Peutz-Jeghers syndrome is transmitted as an autoupper or lower lip to the gingiva, resulting in the somal dominant disorder with a high degree of disappearance of the mucolabial fold or multiple penetrance, characterized by intestinal polyposis fibrous bands. The manconical teeth with enamel hypoplasia are also ifestations, which may be apparent at any age, present. About 50% of tal syndrome, acrofacial dysostosis of Weyers, the patients have numerous dark spots on the other forms of chondrodystrophies. Pigmented spots 1 to 10 mm in diameter are always found in the oral mucosa, particularly on the lower lip and the buccal mucosa, but rarely on the upper lip, the tongue, the palate, and the gingiva. Oral pigmentation constitutes the most important diagnostic finding and appears Hereditary Hemorrhagic in the form of oval, round, or irregular brown or Telangiectasia black spots or patches. Radiologic evaluation of the gasand small vessels, the disease usually develops trointestinal tract is helpful in establishing the during adolescence and affects both sexes. These lesions have a bright red, purple, or violet color and disappear on pressure with a glass slide. The oral mucosa is frequently involved with multiple lesions on the lip and the dorsum of the tongue. Hemorrhage from oral lesions is frequent after minimal mechanical damage, such as tooth brushing. Epistaxis and gastrointestinal bleeding are early, common, and occasionally serious complications. Chondroectodermal dysplasia, disappearance of the mucolabial sulcus and multiple fibrous bands. It is not clear whether it represents an mainly of the colon, multiple osteomas, other inherited disorder or a dysplasia. The skin lesions are epidermal and sebaple enchondromas, principally in the small bones ceous cysts, subcutaneous fibromas and other fiof the hands and feet, although any bone of carbrous tissue disorders, and rarely increased skin tilaginous origin may be affected; multiple hemanpigmentation. Multiple osteomas are a common giomas localized on the skin, mucosae, and visfinding usually located at the facial bones and the cera; phleboliths; and pigmented skin macules. Oral manifestations include multiple the oral mucosa is rarely affected and the oral osteomas of the jaws. The and impacted teeth, odontomas, and rarely benign tongue is the most frequent site of hemangiomas, fibrous soft tissue tumors. The oral but the buccal mucosa, lips, soft palate, and other lesions are innocent but intestinal polyps have a oral regions can also be involved. Surgical excision of the enchondromas and hemangiomas may be attempted if they are symptomatic. Genetic Diseases Tuberous Sclerosis the differential diagnosis of oral lesions should include multiple fibromas, multiple condylomata Tuberous sclerosis, or Bourneville-Pringle synacuminata, focal epithelial hyperplasia, and drome, is transmitted as an autosomal dominant neurofibromatosis. Histophatologic examination of icap, paraventricular calcifications, multiple small skin and oral mucosa lesions and skull radiographs gliomas, mucocutaneous manifestations, skeletal are helpful in the diagnosis. Characteristic lesions occur on the face, principally along the nasolabial fold and cheeks. These are numerous small nodules, red to pink in color, which are actually angiofibromas, although the prevailing term is "adenoma sebaceum". Other cutaneous changes are white macules (maple leaf or ash leaf), cafe-au-lait spots, skin tags, and multiple periungual fibromas. The gingiva or other parts of the oral mucosa may exhibit confluent nodules a few millimeters to less than 1 cm in diameter, which are of whitish or normal color. Tuberous sclerosis, confluent whitish nodules on the gingiva and the alveolar mucosa. Sturge-Weber Syndrome Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber Syndrome Sturge-Weber syndrome is a sporadic congenital dysplasia. It is characKlippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome, or angioterized by hemangiomas of the face and oral osteohypertrophy, is a rare dysplastic vascular mucosa, and of the leptomeninges, calcification of disorder. It is characterized by multiple facial the brain, ocular disorders, epilepsy, and mild hemangiomas. It is unilateral, vascular cutaneous lesions, ocular disorders has a bright red or purple color, and is confined (scleral pigmentation, cataract, glaucoma, and iris roughly to the area supplied by the trigeminal heterochromia). Clinically, the are unilateral, rarely cross the midline, and may oral hemangiomas are usually located on the soft involve the upper gingiva, buccal mucosa, lips, and hard palates and gingiva, which may be and tongue. Premature tooth eruption and red or purple color and a usually flat but may also bony overgrowth may produce malocclusion. Care must be taken during tooth extractions because hemorTreatment is supportive. When the classic signs and symptoms are present, the diagnosis of Sturge-Weber syndrome is apparent. The differential diagnosis includes large disseminated hemangiomas and the Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome. Laboratory tests helpful in diagnosis and management are angiography, electroencephalography, skull radiographs, and computed tomography. Histopathologic examination is the differential diagnosis includes hypohidrotic helpful in establishing the diagnosis. Genetic Diseases Oro-Facial Digital Syndrome Focal Dermal Hypoplasia Oro-facial digital syndrome type I is a rare the focal dermal hypoplasia, or Goltz syndrome, X-linked dominant inherited disorder lethal to is a rare disorder that affects females almost exclumales. The syndrome is characterized drome type I are digital malformations (brachyby irregular linear skin pigmentation, atrophy, dactyly, syndactyly, clinodactyly) and other and telangiectasia present at birth, localized skeletal disorders, cutaneous lesions (milia, deposits of subcutaneous fat that present as soft xeroderma, alopecia, sparse hair, dermatoglyphic reddish-yellow nodules. Constant oral mucosal findings are malformations, occasionally mental handicap, and the multiple hyperplastic frenula traversing the mucous membrane involvement. The oral mucosal manifestations are multiple There is also hypertrophy and shortening of the papillomas on the tongue. Similar papilthe tongue is multilobed or bifid and often lomatous lesions may occur on the vulva, perianal, exhibits multiple hamartomas. The dibular lateral incisors are often missing, superdiagnosis is made on clinical criteria. Laboratory tests, such as histopathologic and the lesions usually appear at birth or within the blood examinations are suggestive but not diagfirst month as vesiculobullous eruptions in a linear nostic. There is no definitive treatment for papuloverrucous irregular linear lesions of the the syndrome. Supportive measures against skin skin, characteristic skin pigmentation, which may fragility, trauma, etc. The differential diagnosis should include epidermolysis bullosa, congenital syphilis, hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, and focal dermal hypoplasia. Ehlers-Danios Syndrome Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is a group of disorders inherited as an autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, or X-linked recessive trait.

The following abnormalities in erythroid series of cells are particularly looked for in a blood smear symptoms 6 months pregnant generic topamax 200 mg with amex. Variation in size (Anisocytosis) Normally treatment lymphoma order topamax 200 mg visa, there is slight variation in diameter of the red cells from 6 medicine valium discount 100 mg topamax with amex. Anisocytosis may be due to the presence of macrocytosis treatment 4 anti-aging topamax 100 mg overnight delivery, microcytosis, or may be dimorphic. Variation in shape (Poikilocytosis) Increased variation in shape of the red cells is termed poikilocytosis. Miscellaneous changes Several morphologic abnormalities of red cells may be found in different haematological disorders. Nuclear maturation defects Vitamin B12 and/or folic acid defciency: megalo blastic anaemia C. In pregnancy and in iron defciency, the propor tion of absorption is raised to 20-30%. The absorption is regulated by mucosal block mechanism: fi Absorption of non-haem iron is enhanced by factors such as ascorbic acid (vitamin C), citric acid, amino acids, sugars, gastric secretions and hydrochloric acid of the stomach. Non-haem iron is released as ferrous or ferric form but is absorbed almost exclusively as ferrous form. Transferrin-bound iron is made available to the marrow where the developing erythroid cells having transferrin receptors utilise iron for haemoglobin synthesis. They are stored in the mononuclear-phagocyte cells of the spleen, liver and bone marrow and in the parenchymal cells of the liver. In general, in developed countries the mechanism of iron defciency is usually due to chronic occult blood loss, while in the developing countries poor intake of iron or defective absorption are responsible for iron defciency anaemia. It may be from one or more of the following causes: i) Blood loss this is the most important cause of anaemia in women during child-bearing age group. However, it may occur from the following causes: i) Gastrointestinal tract is the usual source of bleeding which may be due to peptic ulcer, haemorrhoids, hook worm infestation, carcinoma of stomach and large bowel, oesophageal varices, hiatus hernia, chronic aspirin ingestion and ulcerative colitis. The usual symptoms are weakness, fatigue, dyspnoea on exertion, palpitations and pallor of the skin, mucous membranes and sclerae. The changes occur in the nails (koilonychia or spoon-shaped nails), tongue (atrophic glossitis), mouth (angular stomatitis), and oesophagus. The cytoplasmic maturation lags behind so that the late normoblasts have pyknotic nucleus but persisting polychromatic cytoplasm. These granules stain positively with Prussian blue reaction as well as stain with Romanowsky dyes when they are referred to as Pappenheimer bodies. Normal sideroblasts contain a few fne, scattered cytoplasmic granules representing iron which has not been utilised for haemoglobin synthesis. Abnormal sideroblasts are further of 2 types: fi One type is a sideroblast containing numerous, diffusely scattered, coarse cytoplasmic granules and are seen in conditions such as dyserythropoiesis and haemolysis. Ringed sideroblasts contain numerous large granules, often forming a complete or partial ring around the nucleus. Primary acquired sideroblastic anaemia Primary, idiopathic, or refractory acquired sideroblastic anaemia occurs spontaneously in middleaged and older indi viduals of both sexes. Secondary acquired sideroblastic anaemia Acquired sideroblastic anaemia may develop secondary to a variety of causes: 1. Drugs, chemicals and toxins: Isoniazid, an anti-tuberculous drug and a pyridoxine antagonist, is most commonly associated with development of sideroblastic anaemia by producing abnormalities in pyridoxine metabolism. Haematological disorders: these include myelofbrosis, polycythaemia vera, acute leukaemia, myeloma, lymphoma and haemolytic anaemia. The blood picture shows hypochromic anaemia which may be microcytic, or there may be some normocytic red cells as well (dimorphic). Bone marrow examination shows erythroid hyperplasia with usually macronormoblastic erythropoiesis. However, the red cell precursors have reduced stainable iron than normal, while macrophages in the marrow usually contain increased amount of iron. Vitamin B12 is synthesised in the human large bowel by microorganisms but is not absorbed from this site and, thus, the humans are entirely dependent upon dietary sources. Its main dietary sources are fresh green leafy vegetables, fruits, liver, kidney, and to a lesser extent, muscle meats, cereals and milk. Some amount of folate synthesised by bacteria in the human large bowel is not available to the body. Polyglutamate form in the foodstuffs is frst cleaved by the enzyme, folate conjugase, in the mucosal cells to monoand diglutamates which are readily assimilated. True vegetarians like traditional Indian Hindus and breast-fed infants have dietary lack of vitamin B12. Other causes include malabsorption, excess folate utilisation such as in pregnancy and in various disease states, chronic alcoholism, and excess urinary folate loss. Combined defciency of vitamin B12 and folate may occur from severe defciency of vitamin B12 because of the biochemical interrelationship with folate metabolism. However, macrocytosis can also be seen in several other disorders such as: haemolysis, liver disease, chronic alcoholism, hypothyroidism, aplastic anaemia, myeloproliferative disorders and reticulocytosis. Presence of characteristic hypersegmented neutrophils (having more than 5 nuclear lobes) in the blood flm should raise the suspicion of megaloblastic anaemia. Megaloblasts are abnormal, large, nucleated erythroid precursors, having nuclear-cytoplasmic asynchrony i. The nuclei are large, having fne, sieve-like and open chromatin that stains lightly, while the haemoglobinisation of the cytoplasm proceeds normally or at a faster rate i. The medium along with microorganism is incubated and the amount of vitamin B12 is determined turbimetrically. The results of test also depend upon good renal function and proper urinary collection. Both are elevated in cobalamine defciency, while in folate defciency there is only elevation of homocysteine. Severely-anaemic patients in whom a defnite defciency of either vitamin cannot be established with certainty are treated with both vitamins concurrently. The marrow begins to revert back to normal morpho logy within a few hours of initiating treatment and becomes normoblastic within 48 hours of start of treatment. Reticulocytosis appears within 4-5 days after therapy is started and peaks at day 7. Corticosteroids have been reported to be benefcial in curing the disease both pathologically and clinically. Symptomatic and supportive therapy such as physiotherapy for neurologic defcits and occasionally blood transfusion. The premature destruction of red cells in haemolytic anaemia may occur at either of the following 2 sites: fi Firstly, the red cells undergo lysis in the circulation and release their contents into plasma (intravascular haemolysis). In these cases the plasma haemoglobin rises substantially and part of it may be excreted in the urine (haemoglobinuria). In extravascular haemolysis, plasma haemoglobin level is, therefore, barely raised. Clinically, haemolytic anaemias may be acute or chronic, mild to severe, hereditary or acquired. Acquired haemolytic anaemias caused by a variety of extrinsic environmental factors. Hereditary haemolytic anaemias are usually the result of intrinsic red cell defects. Positive family history with life-long anaemia in patients with congenital haemolytic anaemia. Splenomegaly is found in most chronic haemolytic anaemias, both congenital and acquired. Evidences of intravascular haemolysisin the form of haemo globinaemia, haemoglobinuria, methaemoglobinaemia and haemosiderinuria. Routine blood flm shows a variety of abnormal morphological appearances of red cells. The spleen is particularly effcient in trapping red cells coated with IgG antibodies. The disease may occur without any apparent cause (idiopathic) but about a quarter of patients develop this disorder as a complication of an underlying disease affecting the immune system.

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If necessary symptoms testicular cancer buy topamax with a visa, a transcuapplied to the mandible are highly technique sensitive; taneous external fixation system (known as a Joe Hall iatrogenic postoperative malocclusion and injury to the Morris appliance) may be useful symptoms 89 nissan pickup pcv valve bad generic topamax 200mg free shipping, although the need to mandibular medications zoloft side effects order topamax no prescription, mental symptoms genital warts best purchase for topamax, or facial nerve are known complicaresort to this type of external fixation is rare. Decisions fractures, and it relates the incidence to several types of pamust be made about whether to use compressive or tient factors. Lag-screw and ing fixation of mandible fractures: a prospective, randomized miniplate techniques can also play a role in the internal study. The repair of these fracexcellent prospective study looking at the issues surrounding altures is technique sensitive, however, and requires ternative plating techniques for fractures. This chapter sepaSebaceous nevi are noted at birth as linear, raised, and rates pediatric tumors from those that predominantly tanto yellow-colored patches on the scalp, face, or affect adults; it further separates nonmelanoma skin cancer neck. Regression of the nevi is common until puberty, when growth of the nevi accelerates and lesions become multinodular and darker. To provide optimum cosmesis and to minimize the risk of these malignant growths, Many lesions are present at birth or shortly thereafter. The neurofibromatous nodules are usually tumors that may have both solid and cystic compounencapsulated and may infiltrate fat. The cysts are usually attached to periosteum, are associated with multiple neurofibromatous lesions are lined with keratinizing epidermis, and may conand are usually excised for cosmetic or functional reatain hair and fat in addition to keratinous debris. Neurofibrosarcoma may rarely develop in syndroClinical examination most often shows tumors mic patients. Because of tumor fixation to the underlying periosteum, the tumor may feel immobile when palpated. Lytic lesions of the cranium may occur in as Pilomatrixoma is usually a benign subcutaneous tumor many as one third of children, and visceral nodules are that originates from the hair matrix and may show calassociated with the multicentric form. Clinical examination usually shows the may be confused with a malignant growth; indeed, the tumors as stony-hard, slow-growing, deep subcutaneous visceral form of infantile myofibromatosis is frequently masses that develop in early childhood. Lesions occurring in the superficial, nonvisceral malignant variants with metastases have been reported. Treatment for small, well-defined areas of basal cell raised, have symmetric, smooth, and well-defined borcarcinoma is simple excision; treatment is Mohs microders, and have uniform pigmentation, which may range graphic excision for recurrent or poorly defined lesions, from flesh-colored to brown. Evidence supports a or lesions located in anatomic areas at high risk for higher lifetime risk of cutaneous melanoma in patients malignant disease. Basal cell carcinoma, radically or occur in precursor syndromes with associsquamous cell carcinoma, and cutaneous melanoma may ated abnormalities in other organ systems. The most develop in large numbers (preceded by xeroderma pigcommon precursor syndromes for malignant cutaneous mentosum) at an early age and in a general anatomic distumors in children are nevoid basal cell syndrome and tribution similar to sporadic cases in adults. These conditions Atypical nevi (dysplastic nevus syndrome) may be in children occur most commonly on the face, head, and familial or occur sporadically. These nevi are usually neck; squamous cell carcinoma occurs with notable freflat, but they may have a raised center; they may be quency at the tongue tip. The mentosum is total avoidance of the sun, a strategy that is nevi increase in number over years and show histologic necessary for reducing the number of new tumors. Individuals without a family history of melanoma have a 184-fold increased risk for the familial form of Malignant cutaneous melanoma is rare in childhood but melanoma, whereas individuals with a family history of is more common among children who have a family hismelanoma have a 500-fold increased risk of the disease. Stage I primary tumors < 2 mm without histologic Many benign lesions of childhood (eg, nevi and vascuevidence of ulceration can be excised with 1-cm marlar malformations) persist into adulthood and may gins. If ulceration is present, 2-cm margins should be undergo change or be difficult to distinguish from used and a chest x-ray should be performed. Recent studies have shown benefits from using highSeborrheic keratoses and chondrodermatitis helicis are dose interferon alfa-2b in high-risk patients. The postoperative treatment should include radinonmelanoma skin cancer unless a biopsy is performed. Histologically, it may exist in a variety of to tailor individual treatment strategies. There are essentially no survivors in be flat, raised, smooth, or verrucous and frequently appear those patients who present with systemic disease. Moreover, wide, local excision may produce scarring that interferes with lymphatic drainage when sentinel node biopsy is later performed. An adequate amount of tissue must be obtained for processing with special stains in the event that an exact histologic diagnosis is difficult, as is frequently the case with rare or poorly differentiated nonmelanoma skin cancer. Photographs of the lesion or the biopsy defect may be valuable for identifying the exact location of the original lesion when definitive surgery is done at a later date. Basal cell carcinoma, the most common skin cancer, constitutes about 75% of nonmelanoma skin cancer cases; squamous cell carcinoma accounts for about 20% of cases. The incidence of both basal the lesions may be seen clinically on the auricular helix cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma has as nodules that can be quite painful and may be consteadily increased during the past several decades, fused with squamous cell carcinoma. Treatment is and nonmelanoma skin cancer is now a clinically sigintralesional steroid therapy or simple excision. Cutaneous malignant lesions in adults are commonly classified as either nonmelanoma skin cancer or cutaneDifferential Diagnosis ous melanoma. Many lesions have distinct clinical feaRare types of nonmelanoma skin cancers include fibrotures that provide clues to the diagnosis; considerable histiocytic tumors, adnexal cancers, and rare cutaneous overlap exists, however, and biopsy is almost always necsarcoma. To some extent, the biopsy necessary for distinguishing varieties of nonmelanoma technique is dictated by the tentative clinical diagnosis: skin cancer, especially adnexal tumors. Excisional biopsy with a 2-mm margin is preferred for pigTreatment of nonmelanoma skin cancer is determined by mented lesions thought to present a high risk for cutanemany factors, including the exact histologic subtype, the ous melanoma. Deep punch biopsies into subcutaneous tumor size, the growth characteristics, and the anatomic fat in the deepest or darkest portions of the lesion also location. Treatment is also determined by the previous may be performed in selected lesions. Although no evitreatment received, current medical problems, and patient dence exists showing an adverse effect of biopsy, shave expectations. Treatment options for nonmelanoma skin biopsy in cutaneous melanoma is to be discouraged when cancer can be categorized as nonsurgical and surgical. Recent use of the of imiquimod, or interferon), cryotherapy using liquid electron beam and more sophisticated techniques used to nitrogen, photodynamic therapy, and radiation therapy. Long-term coslimited to lesions confined to the epidermis, such as metic results may be poor, and the complications of tissuperficial basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcisue necrosis, chondritis, and osteoradionecrosis may noma in situ (Bowen disease). Because of the risk of a radiation-induced maligcream used in conjunction with topical retinoids may nant growth that may occur later, radiation is generally deepen the therapeutic effect and minimize the risk of not recommended as the primary treatment modality for the disease persisting at the adnexal level. The results technique are poor cosmetic results, with hypertrophic of this procedure are related to the skill and experience scarring as well as multifocal tumor recurrence in the scars. The technique is especially useful for treating actinic keratoses, small nodular or 2. Treatment is relatively primary nodular basal cell carcinomas; it is also recominexpensive and fast but can be painful and leave dense, mended for low-risk squamous cell carcinoma in anahypopigmented scars that may conceal deep, multifotomic locations where adequate excision with primary cal, persistent tumors. Simple excision is not indicated for tumors been most extensively studied in Europe and appears to be that recur after radiation or surgical treatment or for effective for treating superficial basal cell carcinoma and high-risk tumors (eg, sclerosing basal cell carcinoma or Bowen disease. Currently, most regimens use a topical poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma). It is photosensitizer (eg, delta-aminolevulinic acid) activated by also not indicated for rare nonmelanoma skin cancer a light source. The short-term control rates for superficial (eg, fibrohistiocytic or adnexal cancer). Radiation therapy is also are obtained by using inverted horizontal frozen secused postoperatively for aggressive tumors or where tions in conjunction with tumor mapping.

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The lesions should be cleansed several times daily and topical mupirocin ointment applied to all the affected areas symptoms white tongue purchase topamax. This disease appears almost exclusively in 2to 16-year-olds medications varicose veins purchase topamax 200mg with mastercard, but cases in adults have been reported as well symptoms 7 days post iui trusted 200mg topamax. Patients with staphylococcal infections have responded well to a 10-day course of dicloxacillin medicine ball workouts discount topamax line, a penicillinase-resistant antibiotic that is well absorbed orally and well tolerated. Except for bullous impetigo, all these conditions can usually be distinguished by history alone. The latter seems to be justifed since prompt treatments of streptococcal skin infections decreases the reservoir of streptococci by preventing spread to family and community contact. Recurrent blistering distal dactylitis of the great toe has been reported in a 10-year-old boy with a 3-month history of a painful ingrowing toenail and a 6-day history of blistering of the periungual skin of the same digit. Clear at frst, the blisters, soon become turbid, may break, and be replaced by crusts. It is usually very painful and takes about 3 weeks to resolve, with pain setting in half that time. Transmission to contacts may occur, which explains the appearance of herpetic whitlow associated with herpes labialis. Herpetic paronychia may cause complete destruction of the nail, bacterial superinfection, and systemic spread that may cause meningitis. Treatment early in the course of the illness with oral or systemic acyclovir (20 mg/kg/dose Q6h) may shorten the course of the disorder, and gentle cleansing with chlorhexidine followed by application of a bland cream is recommended. The value of long-term treatment with thymidine analogues, such as oral acyclovir, famciclovir, and valacyclovir, when recurrences are frequent, might be useful. Early Congenital Syphilis Vesiculobullous lesions and eroded lesions which are sometimes hemorrhagic can be seen especially on the distal parts of arms and legs. In other cases, a dry desquamation can be seen either as a generalized phenomenon, or as a localized change in the acral periungual areas. This dry, desquamating eruption may occur as a major feature or as sequela of the vesiculobullous phase. An abandoned neonate with marked hypothermia presented with purplish to blackish discoloration with edema and blister formation of the toes. Despite the treatment, the toes develop gangrene and are autoamputated after 2 weeks of discoloration. Its clinical atypical presentation can result in delayed diagnosis and management occasionally. However, in a broad sense, it is used to describe a number of behaviors that are self-inficted and are associated with a wide range of mental stability issues. Nail-biting (onychophagia), nail picking, cuticle picking, and habittics are all included under this heading. In these cultures, nail-biting is a learned behavior and proper technique can actually prevent damage. It has been estimated that nearly 25% of normal young children and 50% of teens will episodically bite their nails in response to some anxiety-provoking situation. Sometimes onychophagia is accompanied by some other body focused repetitive behavior such as hair-twisting or skin picking. However, it may also be one of the earlier signs of psychopathology or developmental delay if it is chronic, unremitting and is not extinguished by pain and other complications. Complications of onychophagia include pain, onychocryptosis (ingrown nails), paronychia, pyogenic granulomas, dactylitis, osteomyelitis,36 the spread of verrucae ure 8. For young children, sometimes all that is necessary is to point out the triggering situation and give the child a substitute means of expression or activity such as drawing or a squeeze ball. Positive reinforcement for a reminder of not biting at the time of the behavior with help of stickers or a visual calendar or record may be benefcial too. In practice, continued exposure to a bitter substance produces tolerance and may actually reinforce the behavior. Snapping a rubber band in the palm of the hand is perhaps the only negative noxious stimulus that may replace biting. In girls, application of colored nail polish highlights the damage caused by biting and may serve to heighten awareness of the activity, thus, making it consciously unpleasant for the patient to perform the behavior. Usually some sharp instrument is used to damage the plate and results in pits, gouges, onychoschizia or total anonychia, and pterygium formation ure 8. Low environmental humidity, chronic exposure to surfactants or solvents, and preexisting conditions with poor barrier function. Cuticle picking may be reduced by careful trimming and frequent application of humectants such as urea-containing moisturizers and products that restore barrier function. Habit-tic deformities result from repeatedly pushing back or down on the cuticle of the proximal nail fold ure 8. It produces closely spaced depressions of varying width in the median portion of the nail plate that are reminiscent of a longitudinal groove. Although thumb sucking and mouthing of digits in toddlers are a persistent form of oral gratifcation or pacifcation that may result in damage to the nails,37 they are not primarily behaviors that are directed at the nails themselves, and resulting dystrophy is a secondary phenomenon. An undulating nail dystrophy and severe dactylitis and dental malocclusion can result if the primary dentition has erupted. Approaches to extinguishing this behavior in older children are not unlike those used for onychophagia. Osteomyelitis of the distal phalanges in three children with severe atopic dermatitis. Clinical manifestations of pediatric psoriasis: Results of a multicenter study in the United States. Blindness, anonychia, and oral mucosal scarring as sequelae of the Stevens-Johnson syndrome. Phototoxicity, pseudoporphyria, and photo-onycholysis due to voriconazole in a pediatric patient with leukemia and invasive aspergillosis. Recurrent blistering distal dactylitis of the great toe associated with an ingrowing toenail. Onychophagia and onychotillomania: Prevalence, clinical picture and comorbidities. Association of nail biting and psychiatric disorders in children and their parents in a psychiatrically referred sample of children. They are composed of an excess of tissue normally present in the affected site of origin with an overgrowth of mature cells. The proliferation may result from epidermis, soft tissue, bone (exostosis), and nail tissue. Hamartomas differ from choristomas, which are an excess of tissue in an abnormal situation. Many early changes of the nail plate may be considered hamartomas, whereby the naturally occurring stratum corneum is changed without being linked to a tumor or infection. Nail Plate Changes Pigmentation (or Melanonychia) One or more hyperpigmented bands are longitudinally arranged in the nail plate. These bands are due to melanin deposits; they can be early and benign and more frequent in subjects with hyperpigmented skin naturally or related to melanocyte activation. Leukonychia A family-pachyleukonychia form of longitudinal strips has been described3 ure 9.

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