















































Lawrence A. DiDomenico, DPM, FACFAS

  • Adjunct Professor and Director of Reconstructive Rearfoot and
  • Ankle Surgical Fellowship
  • Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine
  • Cleveland, Ohio

We call O for prospective evaluation of Herbalife products for possible hepatotoxicity symptoms 20 weeks pregnant order 500 mg divalproex mastercard. Until then symptoms enlarged prostate generic 500 mg divalproex mastercard, caution should be exercised by consumers medical treatment purchase genuine divalproex, especially among individuals su? Their use is prevalent world q the authors who have taken part in this study declared that they do wide because they are considered to be natural and not have anything to disclose regarding con? Serum acetaminophen levels and urinary toxic screening neither regulated nor controlled 4 medications purchase divalproex cheap. A histopathology report from a liver explant titis is often caused by either the concomitant consump removed from patient number 5 was obtained from a German trans plant center in Essen symptoms 0f diabetes divalproex 500 mg free shipping. Anecdotal success and personal experience are frequently the driving force for Demographic and clinical descriptive data are presented as num bers and percentages or as means and standard deviations medicine identifier purchase divalproex 500mg amex. Role of the funding source dence-based proof regarding the relative risk associated with intake of such agents [1]. Results ical Center investigation, aimed to identify additional cases, and to assess the hepatotoxic potential of Herba 3. Characteristics of the patients, background illness and medications are depicted in Table 1. Seven patients were Ashkenazi, four Sephardic, and one was of Israeli-Arab origin. Consumption of Herbalife products O Nine patients consumed Herbalife products for 2. Data collection weight reduction, and three for improvement of well O Twelve patients (ten systematically-identi? Table 2 HerbalifeO products consumed by the patients HerbalifeO product consumed Patients 1 Protein mix drink Herbalifeline (? In one previously healthy patient with sub-fulminant hepa Acute liver injury was diagnosed on average after titis the liver was described as non-homogeneous, other O 11. One patient with sub-fulminant hepatitis loss in eleven patients, while one patient was identi? Ten patients were hospital Another patient with sub-fulminant liver failure demon ized, while two were evaluated on an outpatient basis. Gastroscopy development of symptoms of acute hepatitis, two (n = 2) revealed no evidence of portal hypertension. Serum out the parenchyma, with accentuation of zone 3, and bilirubin levels were 9. Eleven patients featured a hepatocellular hepatic failure, evidence was also found for bridging liver enzyme elevation pattern, while a single patient necrosis and? Serum acetamino patient (number 5) underwent liver transplantation for phen levels and urinary toxicology screen were fulminant hepatic failure. Ferritin was normal in nine macrophages, sinusoidal congestion, ballooning degen patients and elevated in three patients during acute dis eration of hepatocytes with occasional fatty in? Core biopsy from liver tissue showing acute hepatitis; (A) cases as probable, and 3 cases as possible (Table 1). A month after discharge the patient resumed intake of Herbalife products and was re-admitted with a second episode of acute liver injury. Liver biopsy of a patient with sub-fulminant liver failure, causal association between consumption of Herbalife featuring bridging necrosis and? Such Severe acute hepatitis with bridging necrosis linking central areas (H&E cause and e? Furthermore, the possibility for a causal association is strongly substantiated by the three 3. Hepatitis resolved completely in 11 only the tip of the iceberg, since our active investigation patients. Acute liver injury in one patient in any of the remaining patients who did not resume was incidentally discovered during routine blood testing, O intake of Herbalife. Rechallenge with Herbalife products mination of the incidence of hepatotoxicity in Herba O life consumers requires full disclosure of the precise O O Three patients resumed intake of Herbalife follow number of Herbalife customers in the Israeli popula ing normalization of liver enzymes leading to a second tion at time of the study. Examples of hepatotoxic herbal agents include O ment of acute liver injury medication and Herbalife Chaparral, Germander, Kava Kava, Jin Bu Huan, and treatment were stopped, resulting in complete recovery. In recent years, several cases of severe Two months later, the patient resumed consumption of hepatotoxicity occurred in association with consump O Herbalife products and a month later presented with a tion of seemingly harmless nutritional supplements O second bout of severe hepatitis, necessitating hospital [14]. Re-cessation of Herba and nutritional supplement companies in the world, is O life use resulted in complete recovery. In three of the four patients O Herbalife excluded Ephedrine from their products [15]. Labora lar injury occurred following discontinuation of O tory analysis of potentially-hepatotoxic ingredients in Herbalife -products. The exact mechanism of liver the company has taken one product Sesame and Herbs injury in our patients is not established, but the plasma tablets? o? The hepatitis injury described Despite the alleged association between Herbalife herein, with an eosinophil-rich in? Toxicity occurred this hepatitic reaction is more often the result of the in a minority of consumers, and may result from a hep unpredictable type of drug injury than of a predictable atotoxic ingredient, overdose of an otherwise safe ingre one. Despite similarities between the clusters in Switzer dient or contamination during product processing, in land and Israel, the histopathological manifestations are combination with individual predisposition. Neverthe not completely identical, with variations which could less, disturbing public concerns arise from our investiga have been induced by di? Thus, listing of ingredients as O liver enzyme abnormalities while consuming Herbalife well as potential adverse reactions is often missing. As a result, consumers and distributors of O balife during the incubation period of acute hepatitis nutritional supplements, who are often avid believers B. Two additional patients had hyperlipidemia testing, and mandatory reporting of all adverse events. Manfred fulminant hepatic failure induced by a natural therapy containing Green, Center for Disease Control, Israel Ministry kava. Acute hepatitis associated with the Chinese the clinical investigation and preparation of this herbal product jin bu huan. Acute hepatitis associated with the use of a Chinese herbal product, References ma-huang. Hepatotoxicity of herbal weight loss diet supplements containing ma huang or usnic acid. Herbal medication: potential for adverse interactions liver diseases: a therapeutic challenge for the new millennium. Marbet, 5 6,* 7 8 Dominique Criblez, Juerg Reichen, Arthur Zimmermann, Carl M. Median age of patients was 51 years (range 30?69) and latency to onset was 5 months (0. One patient with fulminant liver failure was successfully transplanted; the explant showed giant cell hepatitis. Three patients without liver biopsy presented with hepatocellular (2) or mixed (1) liver injury. A more detailed declaration of components and pro-active role of regulatory agencies would be desirable. Keywords: Herbal; Hepatotoxicity; Causality assessment; Fulminant liver failure; Cholestatic pattern; Veno-occlusive disease 1. Introduction Received 19 April 2007; received in revised form 4 June 2007; accepted 7 June 2007; available online 24 July 2007 Associate Editor: C. Day Herbal remedies and dietary supplements based on q the authors who have taken part in this study declared that they do natural? ingredients are popular, over 60% of patients not have anything to disclose regarding funding or con? We observed an co-morbidity and no apparent pre-existing liver dis O index case implicating Herbalife as a cause for fulmin ease except for patient no. Therefore, we conducted a systematic tant drug use was modest as reported in Table 1; none survey in public Swiss hospitals, pathology departments of the drugs taken are known for signi? Materials, patients and methods exhibited signs of either allergy or extra-hepatic disease. Three patients had a complicated clinical course as A short questionnaire was sent to all heads of the departments of described below. Liver enzymes and bilirubin levels at medicine of Swiss public hospitals (n = 121), divisions of gastroenter presentation are reported in Table 2. Seven of the 10 ology/hepatology (n = 12), of pathology (n = 16) and to the Swiss pharmacovigilance database. In the question patients had marked hyperbilirubinemia but prothrom naire, the following questions were asked bin time was normal in nine of the ten patients with the exception of case no. Almost all patients were taking sev O Based upon this questionnaire, we could identify 12 cases of poten eral Herbalife products at the same time (Table 3). We then requested additional information In seven out of ten patients a liver biopsy was per from the treating physician; patients were included if concomitant liver disease or concomitant intake of other potentially hepatotoxic drugs formed. Hepatic necrosis, marked lymphocytic and could be ruled out by the following criteria: eosinophilic in? Alcohol consumption and O the patient had been consuming various Herbalife diphenhydramine were discontinued but liver enzymes products since 1999 for weight loss; the products were did not normalize after 3 months o? Therefore, a liver biopsy was performed and O was advised to stop his intake of Herbalife products; revealed perivenular necrosis, endophlebitis and? In 2002, the alterations of central and sub-lobular veins consistent O patient resumed taking Herbalife products with a with sinusoidal obstruction syndrome. The patient was questioned again V < 20% she was listed for super-urgent liver transplan with respect to alternative medications; he then con tation and successfully transplanted 7 days after admis O O fessed to having consumed Herbalife products for the sion. The patient discontinued Herba who encouraged her to take the compound for weight O life and liver enzymes normalized over several months. Liver biopsy obtained shortly after admission He was last seen in 2005 with an increase in liver showed sub-acute cholestatic and necrotizing hepatitis O enzymes; Herbalife consumption was denied. One year post transplant, there was one episode of slightly elevated liver enzymes. At that O this was the index case; this 41-year-old female time, she was vague on Herbalife use but was advised O patient born in Laos but living for 12 years in Swit again to refrain from taking Herbalife. Since then, she zerland developed jaundice, fatigue and hepatic is doing well with normal liver enzymes 7 years after encephalopathy. She had antibodies against hepatitis A Assessment of causality performed according to and B. Two patients continued to put O themselves at risk even after conceding that Herbalife was the cause of their liver disease. We have uncovered 10 convincing cases over a period of 7 years in a small country (population of 7,500,000). The company itself estimates that about 80,000 customers in Switzerland consume one or more of their products. An alter O native explanation is that Herbalife products are mostly safe but that there are some products with con siderable potential for hepatotoxicity. Histologically, the needle biopsy shows a moderate degree of sub Moreover, it appears that the company prepares its acute lobular and portal hepatitis. A report ized by hepatocyte damage, with frequent apoptotic bodies, a focal from Israel in another article in this issue of the journal mixed, lymphocyte-predominant in? The liver enzyme pattern was hepatocellular in nine and mixed hepatocellular/cholestatic in one patient according to International criteria [5]. Of the others, one each showed giant cell hepatitis with massive sub-acute necrosis and sinu soidal obstruction syndrome, respectively. Giant cell hepatitis in the adult is most often due to autoimmune disease [6]; this appears rather unlikely in our patient since IgG and auto-antibodies were negative. Similarly, paramyxovirus [7] and herpes family viruses, other known causes of giant cell hepatitis, were excluded sero Fig. In support of her liver disease being due to hepatitis with marked hepatocyte damage, apoptotic bodies. A few O Herbalife is the suspected rechallenge after transplan syncytial giant cells are found. The explant shows similar changes, but the tation and the fact that giant cell hepatitis has been? Typically, such alkaloids are found in herbal We report 10 well-documented cases implicating Her medicines containing Heliotropium, Senecio, Symphytum O balife products in clinically signi? Another 12 cases are reported from Israel in another Some patients developed slight to moderate? In our series, prognosis seems to be favorable if the Revealing the cause of suspected hepatotoxicity in o? Only insistent when the patient fails to acknowledge intake of the questioning often after liver biopsy raised the suspi o? Usually, the exact number of admixed products as well as their exact composition is unknown. Schweiz Med Forum O our patients used Herbalife products for weight reduc 2006;5:147?148. Criteria of drug-induced liver disorders: to induce weight loss and is reported to be present in report of an international consensus meeting. Report Post-infantile giant cell hepatitis: histological and immunohisto edly, the company took care of removing ephedrine chemical study. Herbal hepatotoxicity: an expanding but Camellia sinensis have been reported of which three were poorlyde? High prevalence of potentially hepatotoxic herbal supplement use in patients with fulminant hepatic failure. Severe hepatotoxicity associated with the use of based on rechallenge initiated by the patient. Hepatotoxicity associated with supplements containing Chinese green tea (Camellia sinensis). This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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W e present an ar device independent logical widgets which developers may chitecture which integrates the multitude of mobile devices use to create their multimodal applications. Such a device should be unobtrusive and existing widgets, to create entirely new ones or to combine as small as possible. Luckily, the building First, the mapping subsystem creates physical widgets out of has public displays installed in the hallways. Logical widgets are mere data objects rep turning back and restarting the order on a better suited de resenting only the kind of interaction. Their physical coun vice with a larger display, Alice simply stops in front of one terparts contain methods to render themselves onto a spe 147 ci? When using a federation of devices, it can system searches for the physical widget which best? W e are investigating several mapping methods that take these For voice based interaction, this could involve using text criteria into account. When mapping an interface to a small W e have presented a way to create multimodal applications mobile target device, it may allow basic interaction in the whose user interface may span across several devices. However, mobile devices are approach is based on a generalized concept of widgets as not always used in isolation. W e have developed a mapping sub structure could provide additional means of interaction. W e system that determines the appropriate mapping of a logical intend to dynamically associate mobile devices with devices widget at runtime based on the target device. By mapping at from the infrastructure in order to overcome their limitations runtime we can support several modalities concurrently. This concept has so far only been to cope with several modalities, distributed user interfaces considered for playback of multimedia content [4]. A W idget Based Approach for Creating Voice possible association between users and devices. In M icrosoft Summer Research W orkshop, front of the tagged device, and relay them to the network. A Situated distribute widgets to devices, factoring in usability and Computing Framework for M obile and Ubiquitous device characteristics. Four of these characteristics designed or deployed to support specific tasks were more are: likely to be successful if they either deployed for a task for. Form factor the size and visual impact of large which their use was critical or a task whose content itself was displays cause users to perceive and interact differently. In one example, professors teaching certain classes chose to make use of a collaborative display. Public audience and location the location in shared for teaching and class discussions. Our study entailed face-to being adopted, we have also observed the value of broad and face interviews, telephone interviews, and observations of 149 flexible collaboration support in their design. The researchers attributed this to the lack systems we observed provided support for a breadth of of an easy installation process. Dedicated core group of users though the systems were deployed to support specific tasks. Advocates and a core set of users early on help others to In short, tools that offer a variety of interaction methods that perceive usefulness and reduce hesitancy to use the system users can select as needed have been more widely adopted stemming from their form factor and location. With all groupware applications, achieving critical mass is A flexible tool that is deployed to support a specific task may crucial to adoption [1]. A system that supports a broad set of groupware, they are more likely to fall into disuse soon after collaborative practices may be used beyond its intended deployment. In one case, a tool designed to help visiting not very task specific found that adoption was aided by scientists collaborate was appropriated by teams of resident having a dedicated core group of users early in the engineers because it provided them with general tools for deployment. This group, which often included the creating shared digital artifacts as well as an easy method of researchers, used the system regularly and encouraged usage distributing documents among users. Visibility and exposure to others? interactions Continued use by the core group ensured that displays the interactions of others demonstrate usage and value remained dynamic and content fresh rather than stale. The because the form factor and public nature of these perception that displays were being used and viewed applications can make user behaviors highly visible. Additionally, the core group advocated others? use they were exposed to the potential value of the features after by directly encouraging others to use the applications. Though encouragement was positive feedback to the senders of the the feature was highly visible and people were aware of it, information and helped lower initial hesitancy they felt about users did not perceive it as useful until they saw others using interacting with a new system, both technically and culturally. Because large displays are challenges for their design and deployment in addition to the perceived as more public than desktop systems [2], the value challenges faced by conventional groupware. Groupware and social dynamics: Eight content, users have the option of posting information via a challenges for developers. Another system Voyeurism: Social Impact of Physically Large Displays that requires users to install and configure an application on on Information Privacy. The same thing happens when <B>, the desired character can be defined and shown before <C>, or other keys have been touched and pressed. A pressing as the centroidal point of the sensors that are visual map is produced and displayed with the location of touched simultaneously. The user does assisting the operator to locate keys before manual not need to push a small-targeted key precisely because all actuation. The keypad may be made so the main observation is that a sensitive keyboard and small as to allow the tactile sensibility and the stable interface provide reduced action by the users to move their positioning of fingers to fit a design of ultra-portable focus between the keypad and the screen. This visual feedback assists the user in locating keys before or after the keystroke without looking at the keyboard. To combine visual feedback with tactile feedback, the common surface of the sensors must be shaped so that convex or concave sections will mimic the corresponding keys. The user can keep his attention on the screen and does not need to shift focus between display content and keyboard layout. Since the system can display what will happen when a given key is touched, the user Fig. Partial construction of the sensitive keyboard, when can predict the effect of the action [2]. Motion detection sensors, including any types of object the desired character can be defined (and shown before sensing, field responsive devices, or a camera may be pressing) as the single representative of the keys that are applied to the keyboard for providing information of the touched simultaneously [3]. Such a thin and elastic cover surface corresponding identity to the application for preview. If can be used for speed typing and is versatile enough to be any key is pressed, then a mechanical key sends a common made in different sizes and shapes to fit a design of ultra input signal, because the application already knows which portable devices. Partial construction of the sensitive keyboard with a single mechanical pushbutton key. Only one or a few parallel pushbutton keys can be used, because all of them send the. The keyboard exterior design is not limited by the calculation of the representative. The design flexibility provides the use of a mobile sensors allows the calculation of the centroid of the finger device in a naturally comfortable hand and wrist posture. Interface with Pre-Typing Visual Feedback Simple detectors? topology incorporates a code that for Touch-Sensitive Keyboard. We aim to enable a user to edit first finger, which is equal to selecting a command and specifying two corners. A two-handed system [1] allows users a movie in an intuitive operation using both hands. In the to perform certain tasks which are usually done one-by-one current prototype system, a user can make a movie by editing a sequence of pictures. Keywords We are developing a system with which users can edit a movie Augmented reality, computer vision, gesture recognition, on our augmented desk interface system; this new system is movie editing. This paper describes the prototype system that we have developed, and introduces gestures that 1. It loads pictures in display as a round augmented table for sharing a story that the specified directory and displays them on the desk using a contains many pictures [4]. In these applications, the merits seem to be that such an operation needs setting a length or a gesture and opening all fingers as the releasing? gesture. The selected picture is highlighted in system have to select a command and then specify two corners red, which will let the user know that the picture has been (or a center point and one corner); these tasks require three actions. When the user moves the fist by closing the hand and drawing a vague one with a finger, an action which is realized then performs the releasing gesture, the selected picture is 153 moved to a location between the two pictures where the gestures [3]; those gestures include: drawing a circle; drawing releasing gesture was done (Fig. When functions correspond to these gestures: forwarding and the user moves the fist outside of the desk keeping the hand rewinding a movie; inserting a frame for texts; and undoing an closed, the picture is cut (Fig. We will implement other gestures which utilize directions of moving-hands, and those that join both hands, and sliding a hand. The gestures will correspond to the following functions: grouping pictures or movies; and adding a animation effect to the movie (Fig. When the user joins both hands on two pictures, pictures between the two will be (a) moving some pictures at once: {1&2} grabbing pictures with both grouped together. For example, when the user moves a hand on a picture to the right, the system will add a slide-out effect to the right direction. Figure 2 : gestures with both-hands gestures with finger-trace When the user makes the grabbing gesture on two pictures with both hands, pictures between the two pictures are selected and are specified as the start and end points for the subsequent operation. When the user moves the fists and then does the releasing gesture, the pictures are moved to a location between which the two pictures where the gesture was done (Fig. While the user moves the fists with hands closing, the square moves together, grouping adding a effect so that the user will know the inserting point. In order to cut (b) gestures with direction of moving-hand some pictures, the system recognizes another gesture. When Figure 4 : gestures to implement the user puts both hands on two pictures while opening only the index finger and the middle finger and gathers the two fingers, the pictures between the two specified pictures are cut 3. The user puts both hands on two pictures while We introduced the prototype of the movie editing system on opening the index finger for two seconds; then the system our augmented desk interface and the gestures which we will makes a movie composed of pictures between the two, and implement. The current system loads only pictures; in the next starts to play the movie in another window (Fig. When the system, users will be able to load some movies and to edit gesture is completed, the pictures are highlighted in blue. The gestures implemented in the current system utilize only the numbers of fingers and the locations of fingers. In particular, we by simply looking at the physical objects the user can guess and understand the functionality. In previous work [1] we introduced the notion of proactive instructions that service users specifically to their needs in Instructions change over time as they depend on the current the current situation. This introduces dynamic affordances which contains all possible states of assembly similar to a as proposed in [4]. Audible instructions learning by doing [5]: explorability, predictability, and offer a cheaper way of immersion but have to tackle with intrinsic guidance. However, the integration level undo and redo operations in a coherent and consistent of instructions with the task remains unsolved. Accordingly, attached to the parts draw the user attention to and signal familiar things must behave as expected and novel or the next action. Intrinsic guidance 155 provides help as needed without requiring any special action or initiative on the part of the user. Users unwrap the flat-pack and their attention boards are attached to the connecting edges of each gets directed immediately (1) to the parts they are supposed furniture part (Fig. Once the final draw own conclusions and provides intrinsic guidance if assembly state is reached, synchronous flash patterns on all appropriate. This allows the user to Mifflin, Boston, 1979 take any sequence of actions without being constrained to a 3. For example, i-wall records events in front of environments in streets in a natural way. Through in places where people pass by as an attempt to the aim, these services, i-wall creates a value-added space as well as and have implemented i-wall (intelligent/information/inter an information-accessible environment. The services of i-wall are not only a conventional the overview of the experimental system is shown in Fig. And, aug Position sensorPosition sensor mented reality and interface technologies have enabled us to build information environments in the real world (daily Fig. We can see the stream toward the ubiquitous For ease of attaching it to an existing wall, we attach a computing? [4] era. Considering the background, we aim video projector on the ceiling (Video projectors are popular to build easy-to-use information environments in public devices for displaying information to existing environ space where people pass by. The white wall is suitable for projecting pick up various existing objects and enhance them. A camera is placed on the projector to capture and paper, the object is a wall, since there are walls that could record the scenes. To put it concretely, an information window will needed in the current implementation) and a window open in front of him/her and he/she can interact with it. The window follows the user the interface for interaction is a cellular phone device, and its size becomes larger when he/she gets closer to which is used like a remote controller. When two users come devices are very common and each user knows how to use by, individual window appears in front of each user and his/her own one.

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Objectivity is viewable by a conscious observer, with consciousness itself a mere byproduct of the physical brain. In this model, we are reduced to separate beings residing on an isolated planet in a lonely universe, victims to fate and deterministic laws. Determinism/Fate Newtonian physics aka classical mechanics is a set of logical rules that attempts to describe all phenomenon in the universe. If you know everything about a system at some point in time and its initial conditions; and also if you know the equations of how the system changes, then you can predict the future. If something could not be determined, it was only because of lack of proper measurement. Telescopes were not powerful enough at that time in history to see other galaxies and really grasp the vastness of space. Small deviations results in chaos (non-linear dynamics) which rule most physical systems, especially in nature and all of life. From a young age we are generally taught to believe in a solid or material reality. Even the atom is viewed like the solar system with the nucleus being analogous to the sun and the electrons the planets. You may be shocked in the next chapter as we delve deeper into shattering the false illusion of a solid reality. And yet, paradoxically this empty space has a near in$nite amount of energy (more on this in the next chapter). Even Einstein himself thought the universe was static overall and added a 33 Bryant a. Meyers cosmological constant to his equations of general relativity to counteract the attractive force of gravity, which would otherwise cause the universe to collapse or expand forever. Illusion of Separateness and Reductionism In Newtonian physics, all things, including human beings are considered to be isolated objects surrounded by empty space. Within this model, humans are separate beings on an isolated planet residing in a cold and lonely universe. When we?re done and discovered the last smallest sub particle, the tiniest cogwheel of the clock so to speak, we will have $nally come to understand all there is to know about the object of study. It has also limited our sight to seeing things in isolation and not collectively and holistically. According to Newtonian physics, the outer physical world is strictly objective, meaning scienti$c experiments are not dependent on the observer performing the experiment. So science must formulate a protocol which all experiments must be performed before they are accepted. From this "awed outlook, the reality we perceive through our $ve senses is real, concrete and distinctly separate from our own inner subjective awareness. It is an outside reality with precise, determined laws that govern the amazingly complex machine of the cosmos, the earth and even our bodies and minds! Could quantum $eld theory possibly shatter the brittle glass separating our subjective experience from outward objective reality? Modern quantum $eld theory has a new story to tell, placing consciousness in the drivers seat as causal and most fundamental. In the next chapter we?ll review the new physics, namely quantum $eld theory, and a new paradigm to consider in the health and healing of your 35 Bryant a. He proved Newtonian laws of physics are by no means static, but relative to the observer and the observed. Depending on the di#erence in speed between the observer and the object under observation, space begins to either shrink or expand and time slows down or speeds up. Space was seen as a three dimensional stage, and time the ticking of a well-made clock. In the time of pioneers distance was measured in time, for example getting from one city to another might have been agreed upon as a four days journey. For example our nearest star (besides the sun) is Alpha Centauri, which is about 4 light years from earth. One of the illusions of space-time is that to see anything out there? in space, you are always seeing it backwards in time. But because light travels so fast it is almost instantaneous for distances on earth, so this illusion is not apparent. Matter and energy are interchangeable with energy being the more fundamental unit. Meyers that we can apply to new understandings of the human body; namely that we are primarily energetic beings and secondarily physical ones! What if reality is not solid at all, and can exist in multiple places simultaneously? What if our universe is only one of a nearly in$nite number of universes in a much larger, all encompassing Multiverse? What if bilocation (being two places at once) and teleportation are true possibilities? Modern physics is showing us that these are real possibilities, and yet our worldview is still dominated primarily from a Newtonian perspective. As we examine the $ve pillars of Newton, we can see how they have been completely turned upside down and inside out by modern quantum $eld theory. It should be duly noted that quantum $eld theory is the basis of modern computers, electronic devices, lasers as well as the human body. Experimental evidence has shown quantum $eld theory to be accurate within 10 parts per billion making it one of the most accurate theories ever conceived. Our actions may be random to others, but our personal conscious choices and decisions are our own and we know full well what we are doing. So particles exist as both waves and particles simultaneously until observed by a conscious observer. According to this accurate view of quantum mechanics, a quantum element will follow all possible paths or trajectories simultaneously creating multiple parallel universes? at the quantum level. Imagine $lling this earth-sized apple with normal size cherries; the size of an atom inside a real apple is proportionally the size of a cherry inside our $ctitious earth-sized apple. Big things are made of little things, and quantum $eld theory most accurately describes little things, like atoms, electrons, protons, neutrons, quarks, photons, gluons, etc. And the quarks and electrons themselves in quantum $eld theory are in$nitely small point? particles with zero volume? What we view as solid is really nothing, and the vacuum of space we view as nothing, is really in$nite! In quantum $eld theory, space is a universal $eld or source of energy and information, and all the particles and forces arise out of this uni$ed $eld. Quantum entanglement is at the heart of understanding how signi$cant events across the universe operate at the macro and microscopic level in split-second synchronicity despite considerable distance between them. Entanglement will be very important when we talk about quantum biology and the miracle of our bio-energetic bodies. Our $ve senses give us a clear, unadulterated perception of a very real, solid universe that exists out there? or outside our subjective processes of thinking, dreaming, and experience of life within. But consider how real dreams seem while you are dreaming (especially if you have experienced lucid dreaming). Richard Feynman, Noble Prize winner said, I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics. Behind all the uncertainty in quantum theory, the measurement problem brings consciousness to the rescue. But that is not the way the universe works according to the more accurate quantum $eld theory. Without a conscious observer the universe is only a superposition of states, a sea of randomness where all possibilities exist, but no reality is formed. According to quantum mechanics, waves are particles and particles are waves, so the excitation of the $eld creates a particle. Quantum $eld theory includes special relativity, so that mass and energy are equivalent, and this equivalence allows the energy that is produced in the $eld excitation to potentially be transformed to mass. Also, unlike quantum mechanics alone, quantum $eld theory can actually explain how particles create and annihilate from the void of space, how quarks interact, how mass is created, how electrons and photons interact and much more! Meyers surrounds a magnet is such that the $eld lines project out from the north pole and enter into the south pole. If you cut a magnet in half, you still have a north and south (so you create two magnets). With magnetic forces, opposites attract, so a south pole will attract a north pole (and vice versa). Also, like poles repel, so a south pole will repel another south pole (and likewise with two north poles). When you pick up staples or paperclips with a magnetic bar, the magnetic $eld in the horseshoe aligns the electrons in the staples or paperclips and creates a temporary magnetism. In its original concept, gravity was a force between two or more masses, an action at a distance. Laplace was the $rst to model gravity as a form of radiation $eld or "uid (like a magnetic $eld), and since then, the explanations for gravity have usually been sought in terms of a $eld model, rather than a point attraction. But in early attempts to use $elds to describe gravity, it was just a mathematical model, with no real existence (unlike the very real $elds of electricity and magnetism). In such a model one states that matter moves in certain ways in response to the curvature of space-time. Richard Feynmann further developed quantum $eld theory with his incorporation of electromagnetism. Ubiquitous electrons interact with the electromagnetic $eld through the action of force carrying particles the photon, our usual ray of light! Many other uni$cation theories have been proposed such as string theory, supergravity, and the all-encompassing M-! As Richard Feymann once said: It doesn?t matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn?t matter how smart you are. If the universe and our bodies are made mostly of empty space, then let us take a closer look at what space is, and something called the zero point $eld. Each energy exchange is only around half of a watt, but when you add up the staggering number of interactions in a tiny region of empty space. Particles come into existence out of the zero point $eld and collide into pure energy before returning back into the zero point $eld. Quantum $eld theory provides shocking results that obliterate this outdated Newtonian notion. Richard Feynman (Nobel Prize Laureate and co-founders of quantum $eld theory) said, In one cubic meter of space there is enough energy to boil all the water in all of the oceans on Earth. David Bohm, another pioneer in quantum theory remarked, that every cubic centimeter of empty space contains more energy than the total energy of all the matter in the known universe! Regardless of the actual value of zero point quantum $eld theory, the amount of energy in the vacuum of space is near in$nite. In 1948, a physicist named Hendrik Casimir was working at the Philips Research Laboratories in Holland on the bizarre problem of colloidal solutions. He eventually realized that the mysterious force that attracts molecules of mayonnaise together is related to the mysterious virtual particles in empty space. He then came up with an experiment that would reveal these particles, and demonstrate their in"uence. It took ten years of lab work to carry out his experiments, but the essence of it is quite simple. You suspend two very thin metal plates very, very close to each other in a vacuum. Well astonishingly, they eventually start to move towards one another due to a force that mysteriously pushes them together. Like wind pushing the sails of a boat at sea, the stu# that the emptiness of space is made of pushes the plates together. Meyers Information Fields To summarize our discussion of quantum $eld theory, the universe, galaxies, stars, planets, human beings, animals, plants, bacteria, fungi, algae, cells, molecules, atoms, quarks, electrons, photons, and everything else arises out of matter and energy $elds. Fields are the source of particles, which are just excitations or ripples in the $eld. Going even deeper is the zero point $eld of space itself, whereby all of these $elds have originated. If the universe were just purely energy, then it would exist as a chaotic mix of energy and matter. In physics this would equate to ever increasing entropy and disorder into oblivion. To complete the big picture of the universe we need matter, energy, and information (plus the magic ingredient of consciousness). Information $elds are related to the idea of entropy, or rather reversing entropy. Entropy is the 2nd law of thermodynamics and states that left alone, a closed system will favor increased entropy or disorder/chaos. Life and the human body is an open system that receives energy and information from its environment. Life itself is self-organizing, self-sustaining, and self-healing, and de$es entropy due to the life supporting energy and information $elds of our planet and body. Bekenstein, gives a nice introduction to modern information and holographic theory, and the physics of black holes.

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However, if one condition has fewer trials than the others, it is likely to be safer to estimate the weights separately for each condition, otherwise evoked responses in the rarer condition will be downweighted so as to become more similar to the more common condition(s). The value 3 will roughly preserve 95% of data points drawn randomly from a Gaussian distribution. For each contrast, you have to enter a label and a vector of weights of the same length as the number of trial types in the? This is important when you use this function on single trials, where, typically, you have a di? If you then choose to average over multiple trials, this option allows you to choose whether you want to form an average that is weighted by the number of measurements within each trial type. This can be useful, for instance, before time-frequency computation as processing bad trials generates a lot of overhead. Also under any other circumstances when it is necessary to remove trials from a dataset (for instance to get rid of some unused condition) these trials can be? This tab contains three further sub-tabs :4 channels?, trials? and inv? (the latter shows source reconstructions parameters, if any). For any other type of data, the user can switch to any of these modes using the standard/scalp radio button. An additional axis (bottom right) provides the user with the temporal and horizon tal scale of the displayed data). The size of the plotted time window can be changed using the top left buttons 1 and 2. User can scroll through the data using the temporal slider, at the bottom of the graphics window. When displaying epoched data, the user can select the trial within the list of accessible trials (top right of the window). After having clicked on button 7, the user is asked to add a new event in the data? Basic properties of any events can be accessed either in the info? table, or by right-clicking on the event marker (vertical line or patch superimposed on the displayed data). Buttons 8 and 9 allow the user to scroll through the data from marker to marker (backward and forward in time). An additional axis (bottom right) provides the user with the temporal and horizontal scale of the displayed data). It is also possible to switch the status of trials (good/bad) by clicking on button 10. Since these reconstructions are associated with epoched data, the user can choose7 the trial he/she wants to display using the list of accessible events (top of the main tab). The bottom-left part of each sub tab displays basic infos about the source reconstruction (date, number of included dipoles, number of temporal modes, etc). The top part of the window displays a rendering of the reconstruction on the cortical surface that has been used. User can scroll through peri-stimulus time by using the temporal slider below the rendered surface. Other sliders allow the user to (i) change the transparency of the surface (left slider) and (ii) threshold the colormap (right sliders). This provides the user with a visual Bayesian model comparison 7This concerns any distributed source reconstruction, i. This history can then be used to not only see in detail which functions have been used on a data set, but also to generate a script that repeats the same analysis steps. Of course, this script can not only be used to repeat an analysis, but the script can also be seen as a template that can be re-used for other analyses. We have prepared an example, using the same example data set, as in the previous subsection to demonstrate this (see the? This is why basic information (bottom-left part of the window) has to be recalled when comparing models. Furthermore, unconstrained high-dimensional test would incur very severe penalty for multiple comparisons and should in most case be avoided. The three spatial dimensions in which the sensors reside can be reduced to two by projecting their locations onto a plane. Further reduction of dimensionality will involve averaging over one of the dimensions. Some of the options are only relevant for time-frequency data where the frequency dimension is present. By including the Convert2images? module several times in batch each condition can have a separate dependency and enter in a di? The Channels? option makes it possible to select a subset of channels for conversions. In the case of averaged dataset these will be 3D images (where some dimensions can have size of 1). Averaging over time or frequency Although 2D scalp images averaged over time or frequency dimension can be created directly in conversion to images, they can also be generated by averaging over part of the Z dimension of previously created 3D images. Masking When you set up your statistical analysis, it might be useful to use an explicit mask to limit your analysis to a? You will be asked to provide one unsmoothed image to be used as a template for the mask. Then you will be asked to specify the time (or frequency) window of interest and the name for the output mask? Smoothing is necessary to ac commodate spatial/temporal variability between subjects and make the images better conform to the assumptions of random? Therefore, the spatial extent of the smoothing kernel should be more or less similar to the extent of the dipolar patterns that you are looking for (probably something of the order of magnitude of several cm). For scalp images you should set the Implicit masking? option to yes? in order to keep excluding the areas outside the scalp from the analysis. Chapter 14 3D source reconstruction: Imaging approach this chapter describes an Imaging approach to 3D source reconstruction. This approach results in a spatial projection of sensor data into (3D) brain space and considers brain activity as comprising a very large number of dipolar sources spread over the cortical sheet, with? This renders the observation model linear, the unknown variables being the source amplitudes or power. Given epoched and preprocessed data (see chapter 12), the evoked and/or induced activity for each dipolar source can be estimated, for a single time-sample or a wider peristimulus time window. Often compared to estimating a body shape from its shadow, inferring brain activity from scalp data is mathematically ill-posed and requires prior information such as anatomical, functional or mathematical constraints to isolate a unique and most probable solution [15]. Based on an empirical Bayesian formalism, the inversion is meant to be generic in the sense it can incorporate and estimate the relevance of multiple constraints of varied nature; data driven relevance estimation being made possible through Bayesian model comparison [49, 101, 85, 43]. In this chapter, we go through each of the steps that need completing when proceeding with a full inverse analysis: 1. At each step, the buttons that are not yet relevant for this step will be disabled. An important pre-condition for loading a dataset is that it should contain sensors and? When you successfully load a dataset you are asked to give a name to the present analysis cell. The results of these reconstructions will be stored with the dataset if you press the Save button. The label you input at the beginning will be attached to the cell for you to identify it. This method is more robust than deriving the meshes from the structural image directly and can work even when the quality of the individual structural images is low. In the absence of individual structural scan combining the template head model with the individual headshape also results in a quite precise head model. In general, to link between two coordinate systems you will need a set of at least 3 points whose coordinates are known in both systems. This is a kind of Rosetta stone that can be used to convert a position of any point from one system to the other. In the top plot you will see the scalp, the inner skull and the cortical mesh with the sensors and the? Check that the top labels correspond to anterior sensors, bottom to posterior, left to left and right to right and also that the labels are where you would expect them to be topographically. M matrix where N is the number of sensors and M is the number of mesh vertices (that you chose from several options at a previous step). This matrix can be quite big and it is, therefore, not stored in the header, but in a separate *. When you press Forward Model button (which should be enabled after successful coregistration), you will have a choice of several head models depending on the modality of your dataset. When the head model is ready, it will be displayed in the graphics window with the cortical mesh and sensor locations you should verify for the? If you have trials belonging to more than one condition in your dataset then the next choice you will have is whether to invert all the conditions together or to choose a subset. It is recommended to invert the conditions together if you are planning to later do a statistical comparison between them. If you have only one condition, or after choosing the conditions, you will get a choice between Standard? and Custom? inversion. Based on our experience, it is recommended to limit the time window to the activity of interest in cases when the amplitude of this activity is low compared to activity at other times. The reason is that if the irrelevant high-amplitude activity is included, the source reconstruction scheme will focus on reducing the error for reconstructing this activity and might ignore the activity of interest. In other cases, when the peak of interest is the strongest peak or is comparable to other peaks in its amplitude, it might be better not to limit the time window to let the algorithm model all the brain sources generating the response and then to focus on the sources of interest using the appropriate contrast (see below). There is also an option to apply a hanning taper to the channel time series in order to downweight the possible baseline noise at the beginning and end of the trial. This option may initially seem strange, as it may seem to overly bias the source reconstructions returned. By limiting the solutions to particular brain areas you greatly simplify your model and if that simpli? If, however, the sources you suggested cannot account for the data, the restriction will result in a worse model? If your dataset is multimodal a dialogue box will appear asking to select the modalities for source reconstruction from a list. Once the inversion is completed you will see the time course of the region with maximal activity in the top plot of the graphics window. You will also see the log-evidence value that can be used for model comparison, as explained above. Critically this involves prompting for a time-frequency contrast window to create each contrast image. You will then be asked about the time window of interest (in ms, peri-stimulus time). If you just want to average the source time course leave that at the default, zero. If you specify a particular frequency or a frequency band, then a series of Morlet wavelet projectors will be generated summarizing the energy in the time window and band of interest. In the former case the time course of each dipole will be averaged, weighted by a gaussian. Therefore, if within your time window this time course changes polarity, the activity can average out and in an ideal case even a strong response can produce a value of zero. In the latter case the power is integrated over the whole spectrum ignoring phase, and this would be equivalent to computing the sum of squared amplitudes in the time domain. If you have multiple trials for certain conditions, the projec tors generated at the previous step can either be applied to each trial and the results averaged (induced) or applied to the averaged trials (evoked). Thus it is possible to perform localization of induced activity that has no phase-locking to the stimulus. The values of the exported images are normalized to reduce between-subject variance. Therefore, for best results it is recommended to export images for all the time windows and conditions that will be included in the same statistical analysis in one step. Note that the images exported from the source reconstruction are a little peculiar because of smoothing from a 2D cortical sheet into 3D volume. This could be improved by smoothing, but smoothing compromises the spatial resolution and thus subverts the main advantage of using an inversion method that can produce focal solutions. The group inversion can yield much better results than individual inversions because it intro duces an additional constraint for the ill-posed inverse problem, namely that the responses in all subjects should be explained by the same set of sources. The results for each subject will also be saved in the header of the corresponding input? There are separate tools there for building head models, computing the inverse solution and computing contrasts and generating images. In the case of the inversion tool group inversion will be done for multiple datasets. Within that structure, each new inverse analysis will be described by a new cell of sub-structure? For more details about the implementation, please refer to the help and comments in the routines themselves, as well as the original paper by [75].


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