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Over the last 40 years, air conditioning and heating cockroach and mould) (Table 1) [See For hay fever sufferers, and children, this Outdoor Allergens means it is possible to effectively hide from exposure. This was a Indoor Allergens period during which several changes occurred; there were major Until 1985, extracts made from house dust were routinely used improvements in hygiene, the population became increasingly for skin testing and immunotherapy. Any foreign species that urban, and there was an increase in heavily pollinating plants exists indoors can contribute to the allergens found in a house such as rye grass and ragweed. Most allergists gave up skin testing with house dust Copyright 2013 World Allergy Organization 88 Pawankar, Canonica, Holgate, Lockey and Blaiss for two reasons. Firstly, there was a sense that we had a better tolerance are not clear there is evidence that children make understanding of the major sources of indoor allergens (arguable) IgG and IgG antibodies to cat allergens16,17. What is also 4 and secondly because it appeared to be impossible to standardize clear is that children with IgG and IgG4 antibodies without IgE house dust (true). Most of the major sources of indoor allergens antibodies are not at risk for asthma 1). Furthermore, for many of these, there of proteins in house dust are normally expressed as micrograms/ are sensitive immunoassays that can measure the quantity of gram of dust. However, using measurements in individual immunoassays including technical problems in performing them homes assumes that the primary exposure, or the only signifcant and their detailed specifcity, there is no alternative in terms of 14 exposure, to indoor allergens occurs in the individuals own an indoor pollen count. There is abundant evidence that sensitization to cat and mites, cockroaches, cats or dogs are not suffciently distinct to dog allergens can occur outside a childs own home18. An indoor airborne particle it is increasingly likely that sensitization to dust mite allergens can count is also impossible because the particles carrying mite occur from exposure in other homes. Estimates of the quantities and cockroach allergens do not remain airborne for more than of allergens inhaled have been made using a variety of different a few minutes after disturbance. For cat or dog allergens, estimates of inhaled allergen airborne for longer periods of time, in keeping with the smaller 15 range up to one microgram/day, by contrast most estimates aerodynamic size. However it is still not possible to count cat or of mite or cockroach exposure are 5 20 ng/day i. Comparison of airborne exposure to cat allergens in Tolerance to Cat or Dog Allergens: In multiple studies homes with an animal; without animals; or in schools can be of sensitization, it has been shown that children raised in a reliable. In contrast, comparison of airborne measurements of house with an animal are either less likely or no more likely to mite in different settings is made very diffcult because of the be sensitized to that animal. Whilst the mechanisms of this diffculty in standardizing the level of disturbance (Table I). Up to 4%; Not Clearly Related to Exposure Bites, Hymenoptera Skin/Circulation + N/A Stings, Ticks Skin + N/A Locally Important etc. Threshold values for chemicals are based on known A wide range of environmental and lifestyle factors can contribute levels of toxicity of the chemicals. Thus it is possible to factors interact with each other in causing symptoms or propose thresholds of allergen exposure for sensitization and exacerbations of disease. Chemical and particulate air pollution separate thresholds for symptoms of asthma among sensitized can play a major role in some regions of the world and there individuals. However, there are some individuals who develop is good evidence that those effects are exaggerated amongst sensitization or symptoms well below these threshold values. For air pollution, the effects appear to be Equally, there are large numbers of non-atopic individuals (50 directly related to dose, however in some studies the maximum 70% of the population) who develop neither sensitization nor effect appears to be 24 to 48 hours post maximum exposure23. In some cases, such as food allergy, the symptoms are primarily oral, gastrointestinal or urticarial. However, food 19 Helminths and Ectoparasites as Causes of allergens may be strikingly regional. Food allergens can play a major role in atopic dermatitis, and they should be considered in IgE Antibody Responses which are not a all severe cases20. However, the relevant foods are ubiquitous, risk for Allergic Symptoms so that these foods cannot be considered as a risk factor for In traditional tropical villages, asthma and allergic diseases the disease. If exposure is universal, it is the immune response remain rare, but despite this many or most of the children have that creates the risk. Whilst it is assumed that this IgE is primarily driven by helminth infection, the detailed Stinging insect venom is also a potent allergen and venom specifcity of the IgE is not known. Thus there is an open exposure is clearly a risk factor for both the IgE response question whether the elevated total IgE is irrelevant to allergic and subsequent anaphylactic responses. There is only a disease or whether it interferes with the risk of allergic disease25. Recent evidence has suggested that tick bites of the lungs, the mechanism by which the fungus contributes can also drive total serum IgE27. Furthermore, there is IgE antibody response may include high titre IgE antibody to increasing evidence that antifungal treatment can help these the oligosaccharide galactose alpha-1, 3-galactose28. On the other hand, it is not clear that colonization IgE antibody may give false positive serum IgE antibody is related to increased exposure. Indeed it may be (both for responses to cat and dog allergens, but very poor skin tests Aspergillus and Trichophyton) that exposure is universal and 10,11,22 and no symptoms on exposure to cats. Equally, it appears that exposure to a parasite either through the gut or skin can induce Copyright 2013 World Allergy Organization 90 Pawankar, Canonica, Holgate, Lockey and Blaiss IgE antibody responses to carbohydrate or protein epitopes allergic disease which is normally mild or moderate predisposes which do not induce IgE antibody responses when eaten or to the development of severe disease. Illi S, von Mutius E, Lau S, Niggemann B, Gruber C, Wahn U: Perennial is a better understanding of the way in which these allergens allergen sensitisation early in life and chronic asthma in children: A birth cohort study. Rullo V, Rizzo M, Arruda L, Sole D, Naspitz C: Daycare centres and the symptoms of these diseases. Although there is extensive schools as sources of exposure to mites, cockroach, and endotoxin in evidence about asthma, there is still disagreement about the the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Replication of genome-wide association allergic subjects that we see, there are many physicians who study loci for allergic rhinitis and house dust mite sensitization in do not recognize the role of allergen exposure in the disease. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep 2005; With the availability of accurate quantitative measurements of IgE 5:411-416. Measurements using cascade impactor, liquid impinger, and a two-site monoclonal antibody assay for specifc phenotypes, and helping with predictions of clinical fel d i. Hesselmar B, Aberg B, Eriksson B, Bjorksten B, Aberg N: High-dose need to understand better the interaction between allergic exposure to cat is associated with clinical tolerance a modifed th2 immune response Platts-Mills T, Vaughan J, Squillace S, Woodfolk J, Sporik R: appears to be relevant to both asthma and atopic dermatitis, but Sensitisation, asthma, and a modifed th2 response in children may also be important to understanding chronic sinus disease. Almqvist C, Egmar A, Hedlin G, Lundqvist M, Nordvall S, Pershagen G, Svartengren M, van Hage-Hamstein M, Wickman M: Direct and Section 3. Environmental indirect exposure to pets-risk of sensitization and asthma at 4 years in a birth cohort. Ann Allergy Sara Maio, Sonia Cerrai, Marzia Simoni, Giuseppe Sarno, Asthma Immunol 2009;103:332-336. J pollution may be responsible for almost two million deaths Allergy Clin Immunol 2004; 114:239-247. Mite component-specifc IgE repertoire and phenotypes of allergic Introduction disease in childhood: the tropical perspective. Effcacy of recombinant allergens for diagnosis of cockroach affects adults and children of all ages. Meanwhile, the prevalence rates of asthma and allergic diseases have risen in industrialized countries. Thus, it is necessary to perform longitudinal epidemiological studies that will be able to provide reliable data on the evolution of Copyright 2013 World Allergy Organization 92 Pawankar, Canonica, Holgate, Lockey and Blaiss Figure 2. Worldwide, the main sources of outdoor pollutants are fuel We have recently reviewed the negative health effects combustion from vehicular transportation, construction and due to air pollution which range from the perception of agricultural operations, power plants and industries, primarily bad odors to the increase in mortality1. The main air pollutants such as aldehydes and thus begins their removal from the air, from anthropogenic activity and their relative sources are but the products are themselves key components of smog.

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The only certainties are that the civil justice system would not be able to deal with such an event quickly and that legal ambiguity would cloud the prospects of com pensation for victims erectile dysfunction zoloft purchase levitra extra dosage 60mg mastercard. On a more abstract level erectile dysfunction fpnotebook generic levitra extra dosage 100mg on line, our analysis of liability issues connected with maritime terrorism suggests two more general insights erectile dysfunction remedies pump generic levitra extra dosage 100 mg with amex. Depending on the facts of a particular attack erectile dysfunction caused by diabetes buy discount levitra extra dosage 100mg, applicable rules might involve any of a half dozen statutes under U. This kind of legal fragmenta tion is problematic in itself, because it means that current and future standards for civil liability may not be consistent. Tat is, similarly situated plaintis might encounter radically dierent results in seeking compensation through the civil justice system, in ways fundamentally unrelated to the nature of their underlying claims or injuries. Second, a central issue at the heart of future tort claims will involve the extent to which commercial rms can be held responsible for the independent criminal acts of terrorists. This question is already being addressed in the ongoing World Trade Center litigation: Similar legal questions will likely arise in connection with a host of admiralty standards governing the conduct of passenger and commercial shipping. Expansive inter pretations of the foreseeability of future attacks could lead to broad contours for liability, but with little practical guidance to rms about how to fulll their duties of care (particularly given an abundance of low-likelihood, but highly consequential, terrorist threats). This is a result that is unlikely to create opti mal incentives for terrorism prevention eorts by rms. For policymakers, this prospect raises basic questions about the appropriateness of tort liability as a mechanism for compensating terrorism injuries, and for incentivizing security measures on the part of the private sector. It is important for us to acknowledge that our examination of civil liability issues pertaining to maritime terrorism reects only one aspect of a broader set of institutional mechanisms and legal standards that will collectively shape the governments response to future attacks and, by implication, the nancial risks and incentives faced by the private sector. Many other aspects of policy and law are likely to be important as well: security regulations and their enforcement for participants in maritime commerce, public investment in terrorism interdiction and prevention eorts, and the eectiveness of disaster response authori ties also come quickly to mind. Nor do we explore the poten tial trade-os in risk that government might achieve by emphasizing one or more of these alternative management strategies, while simulta neously reducing or eliminating civil liability. In our view, though, civil liability has a particularly central role as the established, default mechanism for compensating victims in the aftermath of an attack. Liability stan dards as applied to terrorism are complicated and dicult to penetrate in themselves. Yet those standards are foundational in dening the nancial risks faced both by rms and by victims in connection with terrorism. To the extent that this book succeeds in outlining relevant civil liability standards, pinpointing areas of ambiguity, and analyzing some of the implications with regard to future maritime attacks, then it also provides a launching point for inquiry by policymakers into the broader domain of terrorism risk management. Perhaps the most important implication of our work touches on the future of related commercial insurance practices. On a basic level, our analysis of maritime threats, vulnerabilities, and consequences reects exactly the sort of calculus that insurers confront in trying to actuarialize related risks. Again, while our analysis cannot benchmark the absolute risk associated with specic terrorism scenarios, we never Discussion 139 theless can characterize some important aspects of relative risk, across a range of potential attacks. In this sense, our work could help insurers to incorporate those risks better in the way that they structure cor responding insurance contracts. Our work might also be viewed more broadly as a blue print for the kind of risk analysis that maritime insurers will need to undertake in the future, with regard to a wider spectrum of threats. The liability dimension of our work suggests, meanwhile, that some lines of insurance. To the extent that future reforms can simplify and clarify those legal standards, some of the pressures for government involvement in re-insurance markets might be eased. For radiological or nuclear deto nation, eective risk management approaches must include securing nuclear materials at their points of origin. Tese risks are most eectively reduced through planning to facilitate the restart of ports and container shipping sys tems in the wake of a terrorist attack or natural disaster. First, there is little evi dence that terrorists and piracy syndicates are collaborating. Liability operates to redistribute some of the harms associated with an attack from victims to other parties who bear legal responsibility for those harms. Because ter rorists are often poor prospects for recovery in civil suits seeking compensation for victims, third-party rms and property owners are likely to be targeted in postattack tort litigation. As a result, Discussion 141 rms engaged in maritime commerce need to recognize that they operate at risk and should investigate the extent of their own tort liability. Admiralty jurisdic tion over these sorts of claims may preempt competing legal rules that would otherwise apply on land and may limit the compensation that victims can seek in some circumstances. Policymakers should review these rules to conrm their appropriateness in application to future terrorist attacks. To the extent not already standard practice, parties to commercial con tracts should specically consider and address terrorism risks in con nection with those contracts. The traditional criterion of foreseeability in negligence provides little guidance, in the wake of the September 11 attacks, regarding the scope of related responsibilities for potential defendants. More broadly, policymakers should consider the pros and cons of liability as a method for dealing with terrorism risks and injuries. Terrorism threats exist if a group or individual has both the capability and intent to attack a target. As discussed in Chapter Tree, terrorist attacks can result in human, economic, and intangible consequences. Assessments of threat, vulnerability, and consequences can be integrated to compare terrorism risks to each other and to risks from other hazards. In such an ideal case, risks could then be broadly compared, and the eectiveness of risk management strategies could be compared to their costs. For terrorism risk, however, a fully quantita tive approach would require the dicult assessment of threat in terms of the probability that terrorist attacks will occur. Qualitative analysis cannot guide decisions on the absolute amount of eort that should be devoted to managing risk. It can, however, guide 1 Tough it is dicult to assess terrorism threats, it is debatably not impossible. Bayesian decision theory has been applied to translate expert judgments of terrorists intentions and capabilities and target vulnerabilities into probabilities of attack. In other words, qualitative risk analysis cannot be used to deter mine how much money to spend on managing risk, but it can help answer the question of where to spend it. In Chapters Five, Six, and Seven of this book, we present the results of a qualitative risk analysis of maritime terrorism risk scenar ios involving cruise ships, passenger ferries, and container shipping. Assessing Terrorist Intent Chapter Two provides an overview of factors that inuence the inten tions of terrorist groups. Tat discussion forms the basis for this deriva tion of an anchored, ordinal scale for assessing threat. In dening an anchored scale for intent, it is necessary to identify explicitly the terrorist organization for which the scale is attempting to match intentions. No single scale is appropriate for all groups as each 2 Integrating the concept on logarithmic relationships into the denitions of anchored scales supports the intuitive notion that concern or perceptions increase exponentially as intent, vulnerabilities, capabilities, and consequence increase on these anchored scales. This notion is consistent with the observation from psychophysics that a sensation is proportional to the logarithm of its stimulus, referred to as the Weber-Fechner law (Fechner and Wundt, 1889). Qualitatively Assessing the Relative Risks of Maritime Terrorism 145 has unique goals and motivations. For the purposes of this study, we use a scale of intent to capture factors that motivate terrorists ali ated with the international jihadist extremist network, which is gener ally viewed as constituting the greatest present threat to U. The magnitude of expected consequences of attack is the most important factor motivating jihadist terrorists, with a primary goal of causing human deaths and injuries and a secondary goal of causing economic disruption. After expected consequences, the ability to capture media atten tion is presumed to determine jihadists intent in the sense that these terrorists are more prone to conduct attacks that are likely to generate signicant media attention and emotive response than those that would not. Finally, assaults that also involve a venue of symbolic importance to those attacked and resonate with the global jihadist enterprise are presumed to be more attractive as targets of terrorism than those that do not. In general, events that involved more of these fac tors were associated with greater intent and, as discussed above, inten tion is considered to increase exponentially along this scale.

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Commentaries may contain references (not to exceed 15) but no abstract, fgures, or Figures. Title, author(s), publisher, number of pages, and fgures, symbols, lettering, and numbering can remain legible when reduced to print size. Videos should not exceed 5 than 6 months after the conference and focus on content rather than process. If audio is illustrations, references, and links to full reports of conference activities. If video is part of a manuscript, fles must be uploaded with manu tivities in which suggestions for diagnostic, treatment, or reporting methods related to script submission. Include a brief video legend in infectious disease topics are formulated may be published online only. The photo quiz (1,200 words) highlights a person who made notable Types of Articles contributions to public health and medicine. Provide a photo of the subject, a brief clue to the persons identity, and fve possible answers, followed by an essay describing the Perspectives. Use of sub persons life and his or her signifcance to public health, science, and infectious disease. Provide a short abstract (150 words), 1-sentence summary, and biographical Etymologia. Articles should provide insightful analysis and commentary about new and reemerg searched derivations of emerging disease terms. We welcome brief announcements of timely events of interest to demographics and behavior, technology and industry, economic development and land use, our readers. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the World Allergy Organization. World Allergy Organization 555 East Wells Street Suite 1100 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202 United States of America Phone: +1 414 276 1791 Fax: +1 414 276 3349 Email: info@worldallergy. Children bear the greatest burden of World Allergy Organization calling on international and national allergic deseases. The most common allergic conditions in health care policy makers to address early identifcation of children are food allergies, eczema, and asthma. The precise symptoms, early diagnosis and appropriate strategies to causes of this increase in allergic diseases are not fully understood manage and control allergies to avoid worsening of severe but as the numbers of afficted people increase, so does the allergic disease to people at risk and to improve practice in research and development, and progress is being made. I congratulate the World Allergy should be recognized as a public health problem and Allergy Organization for initiating this timely and much needed efforts should be made towards its prevention and optimal document and wish them all success in its impact and treatment. The scope strengthen the input of clinical allergy to the undergraduate of the Report encompassed an assessment of recent trends and postgraduate training of internists and primary care of allergy prevalence, the social and economic burdens that physicians as well of those of nurses. As with the White Book, our to allergy development and the allergy epidemic, are poorly report came at a time when the prevalence of allergic disorders understood. It is imperative that further research should in this country has been claimed to have reached epidemic focus on the environmental factors, such as early allergen proportions. Although it is unlikely that a cure for all forms of exposure, which may contribute to the inception, prevention allergy will be found in the near future, we have made a number or exacerbation of allergic disorders. We were concerned of recommendations which we believe will contribute to the that the knowledge gained from cellular and molecular prevention, treatment and management of allergic disorders. Once a diagnosis is obtained and a treatment treatment of patients with life-threatening allergies, or whose plan developed at the allergy centre, the patients disease allergic disease does not respond to other medication. However, patients with severe or complex allergic a symptomatic allergic response for many years, and may conditions may need long-term follow-up from specialists in prevent the development of additional allergic conditions, so the allergy centre. Full cost-beneft analyses of the Allergen immunotherapy by injection should always be carried potential health, social and economic value of immunotherapy out by specialists within the allergy centre because of the risk treatment needs to be conducted so the case for its use and of anaphylaxis. Once 4) We recognised the appreciable impact that allergic rhinitis established, the allergy centre in each geographical region has on student performance in schools and examinations. In a hub and spokes interface more closely with schools to ensure children with model, the allergy centre, or hub, would act as a central allergic disease receive optimal care. We support the use point of expertise with outreach clinical services, education of individual care plans for children with medical needs. We were especially concerned about the lack of clear guidancethe allergy centre should also act as a lead in providing public regarding the use of autoinjectors of adrenaline on children information and advice. Specialists at the centre should work in with anaphylactic shock in the school environment. As climate change and air the IgG food antibody test is being used to diagnose food pollution may signifcantly impact upon the development of intolerance in the absence of stringent scientifc evidence. We recommend remarkable how closely our recommendations from the House that the responsible government agencies should ensure of Lords Report that I chaired resonate with those of the Allergy the needs of food-allergic consumers are clearly recognised White Book. Many teenagers Government, I was asked to establish an Implementation Group and young adults with food allergies sometimes take by the Royal Colleges of Physicians and Pathologists dangerously high risks when buying food. I wish hypoallergenic and dermatologically tested are almost you every success in its impact and uptake. We recommend that robust research into the use of complementary diagnostic tests and treatments for allergy should examine the holistic needs of the patient, assessing not only the clinical improvement of allergy symptoms, but also analysing the impact of these methods upon patient well-being. Such trials should have clear hypotheses, validated outcome measures, and risk beneft and cost-effectiveness comparisons made with conventional treatments. However, in general, patients with asthma are inadequately managed and About the International asthma and rhinitis are both under-recognized1 for their impact on the health and decreased quality of life of those Primary Care Respiratory afficted. In addition, studies to assess prevalence and care delivery show that there is a large variation among Group ( What is common among several encompassing different health systems models and socio countries, however, is that the majority of patients who economic status ranging from those that have a complete seek medical advice for allergy and asthma are seen health care system to those where the state plays little part initially in primary care3 because there are inadequate in the provision of health care. It represents international numbers of trained allergists to meet the needs of so primary care perspectives in respiratory medicine trying to raise many patients4. However, proper diagnosis and treatment for organization it has many areas of overlap given the allergic allergy and asthma are limited by the inadequate state of allergy etiology of many common respiratory disorders. It is not surprising that allergists obtain superior outcomes with asthma sufferers compared to the primary care physicians who see the majority of the patients. Copyright 2013 World Allergy Organization 6 Pawankar, Canonica, Holgate, Lockey and Blaiss Unmet Needs 2. A providing a clinical service in primary care at the same time as raising skills within their community9. To date there systematic approach to disease management has been undertaken in Finland in the area of asthma which has is only one recorded incidence of this innovative proposal having reached fruition, but it was a success. This program is being further international and national allergic respiratory diseases developed to reduce the impact of allergic disease. This study may be used as a References model of assessment by countries wishing to adopt a 1. Haahtela T, von Hertzen L, Makela M, Hannuksela M; Allergy Care Respiratory Group ( The International Primary Care need to be made aware of the morbidity currently caused Research Group Research Needs Statement 2010. Recommendations for Competency in Allergy Training for particularly the costs of presenteeism (when someone Undergraduates Qualifying as Medical Practitioners: A World is present at work but with reduced productivity due to Allergy Organization Position Paper. With the proper awareness of the scope problems in primary care: time for a rethink Introducing a structured allergy curriculum into undergraduate training may, of course, take several years to make a signifcant impact. However, given that allergy is so prevalent, allergy training in some form, even modular, should be considered an essential part of general professional training for all physicians.

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