
S. Katharine Hammond PhD, CIH
- Professor, Environmental Health Sciences

The natural scale of A sharp minor consists of the following notes: A sharp kapous treatment order zofran 4mg on line, B sharp [C] medicine hat news generic 8mg zofran, C sharp medications you cannot eat grapefruit with buy zofran 8 mg with mastercard, D sharp symptoms glaucoma 8 mg zofran visa, E sharp [F], F sharp, G sharp, and A sharp. Its parallel major is A sharp major which is usually replaced by B flat major because A sharp major, which would have ten sharps, is not normally used. The overall harmonic context is an extended theme in B major which briefly modulates to A sharp major. The natural minor scale of B flat minor consists of the notes B flat, C, D flat, E flat, F, G flat, A flat and B flat. He recognised B major as the easiest scale to play on the piano because the position of the black and white notes best fitted the natural position of the fingers and so he often had his pupils start with this scale. In the treble clef putting the sharp for A on its expected position relative to the sharp for G would require a ledger line. In the bass clef it would be possible to do this but in piano music this would result in a disuniformity that might throw off sight reading. Accordingly, the B major key signature is practically the same in the bass clef as it is in the treble clef. Its tonic minor is C flat minor which is usually replaced by B minor (because C flat minor, which would have ten flats, is not 154 normally used). The scale of C flat major has the following notes: C flat [B], D flat, E flat, F flat [E], G flat, A flat, B flat and C flat [B]. C flat major is the home key of the harp, with all its pedals in the top position, and is considered the most resonant key for the harp. The natural minor scale of B minor consists of the notes B, C sharp, D, E, F sharp, G, A and B. It is a common key used in rock, folk, country and other guitaristic styles because the standard tuning of a guitar causes all the open strings to be scale degrees of B minor. Its tonal range covers the full spectrum of any instrument of the orchestra from below the lowest note of the double bassoon to above the top note of the piccolo. It has the ability to produce melody and accompaniment at the same time, and it has a wide dynamic range. It is also the largest instrument, apart from the pipe organ, the most versatile and one of the most interesting. He settled in Hanover as a teacher and composer and from there he went to Weimar in 1852 where he studied with Franz Liszt (1811-1886) at the Altenburg. Among his fellow pupils were Hans von Bulow (1830-1894) and William Mason (1829-1908). Liszt completed his monumental Sonata in B minor in February 1853 and Klindworth was his first pupil to play the Sonata, which was then in manuscript. Klindworth heard Liszt himself play his Sonata on 7 May 1853 and on 15 June 1853 and probably in between on 4 June 1853. Klindworth moved the next year to London and subsequently on 5 April 1855 he played the Sonata for Wagner and became on friendly terms with him. Klindworth remained in London for fourteen years, studying, teaching and occasionally appearing in public. He moved to Moscow in 1868 to take up the position of professor of piano at the Moscow Conservatorium where he taught until 1884. On his return to Germany he became a conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic in 1882, in association with Joachim and Bullner. He was also the conductor of the Berlin Wagner Society and founded a music school which merged with the Scharwenka Conservatory in 1893. He remained in Berlin until 1893, when he retired to Potsdam, continuing to teach. He composed a number of pieces for the piano including twenty-four studies in all the keys. He edited the Beethoven piano sonatas and the Liszt piano concertos and Transcendental Studies. The Sonata and several other works, together with his notes, were reprinted by Dover Publications, Inc, New York, in 1990. In this connection he called attention to the continuity of the harmony in which the C double sharp [bar 743] continues the previous 156 D natural enharmonically, while the anticipation of the D sharp in the succeeding final cadence would not be as beautiful. Played with the minor suspended note D natural the chord contains a twinge of bygone sorrow; with D sharp it seems considerably more peaceful, cooler. It is quite conceivable that the master wanted to change the D sharp to D natural later, after the publication of the sonata. If this is so then the mystery deepens because Friedheim on a number of occasions played the Sonata for Liszt and performed it in his presence and had the opportunity to ask Liszt for his authoritative answer and, if he had received an answer, would have conveyed it to Motta.
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Sicher ist es sehr schwierig, die Angste und Sorgen, die damit verbunden sind, auszuhalten und damit umgehen zu lernen. Auch stehen fur Sie sicher noch einige organisatorische Probleme an, die erst noch gelost werden mussen. Ihr Kind wird einer Behandlung eines niedrig-gradig malignen Glioms des Kopfes unterzogen. Die Erkrankung, ihre Behandlung und die Heilung werden unterschiedlich verarbeitet. Manche Eltern, deren Kind geheilt wurde, berichten uns, da sich das Verhalten ihres Kindes nach der Behandlung verandert hat oder da Schwierigkeiten beim Lernen in der Schule oder der Ausbildung aufgetreten sind. Diese Veranderungen mussen nicht vorhanden sein oder konnen so gering ausgepragt sein, da sie kaum auffallen. Auch wird vermutet, da Erkrankung und Behandlung sich akut und auch langfristig auf die Lebensqualitat Ihres Kindes auswirken konnen. Diese Befragung wird nicht nur an dieser Klinik, sondern an verschiedenen Kliniken in ganz Deutschland und Osterreich durchgefuhrt. Ziel der Untersuchung ist es, in Zukunft die Behandlung fur ein niedrigmalignes Gliom noch weiter zu verbessern und Erkenntnisse zu bekommen, die die Grundlage fur eine gezielte Forderung darstellen konnen. Eine Teilnahme an dieser Untersuchung konnte nicht nur fur Ihr Kind von Vorteil sein, sondern auch Kindern, die in Zukunft an einem niedriggradig-malignen Gliom, helfen. Deshalb bitten wir Sie um Ihre Zustimmung und Mithilfe bei den vorgeschlagenen Untersuchungen. Die Resultate dieser Untersuchungen sowie die in der Klinik erhobenen Daten werden selbstverstandlich streng vertraulich behandelt und unterliegen der arztlichen Schweigepflicht und dem Datenschutz. Auch wenn Sie jetzt Ihr Einverstandnis fur die Untersuchung gegeben haben, konnen Sie die Teilnahme jederzeit beenden. Die Untersuchungen unterliegend den gleichen versicherungsrechtlichen Bedingungen wie Ihre sonstigen stationaren bzw. Fur weitere Fragen stehen wir Ihnen, die fur die Studie verantwortlichen Mitarbeiter der Klinik, gerne jederzeit zur Verfugung. Wir wissen, dass wir jederzeit das Recht besitzen, unser hiermit gegebenes Einverstandnis zuruckzuziehen. Die im Rahmen dieser Untersuchungsreihe erhobenen Daten und Ergebnisse durfen an die Projektleitung zur dortigen Speicherung und wissenschaftlichen Auswertung ubermittelt werden. Die erhobenen Daten dienen ausschlielich der Identifikation im Rahmen der Studie und werden daruberhinaus nicht weitergegeben werden! Die Erhebung wie auch die Auswertung erfolgen unter voller Wahrung der arztlichen Schweigepflicht! Wie bei jedem therapeutischen Verfahren wird beim Einsatz der Strahlentherapie eine Abwagung zwischen zu erwartendem Nutzen und in Kauf zu nehmenden Nebenwirkungen getroffen. Insofern kommt neben der Erfassung der lokalen Kontrollraten der Erfassung der radiogen induzierten Nebenwirkungen, vor allem der Spatnebenwirkungen, eine wesentliche Rolle zu. Konzept zur Erfassung radiogener Spatfolgen: Bei der Durchfuhrung der Radiotherapie wird vom Radioonkologen eine Dokumentation der Technik der Strahlentherapie sowie der Bestrahlungsdosen an Risikoorganen durchgefuhrt und an das zentrale Register eingesendet (siehe Tabelle). Dieses Vorgehen erlaubt die Korrelation von Bestrahlungsdosen an Risikoorganen mit der Inzidenz von Strahlentherapie-induzierten Spatfolgen. Die tumorbezogene Nachsorge bleibt weiterhin ausschlielich in der Hand des betreuenden Padiaters. Kinderklinik (023 Berlin, Kinderklinik Buch (110) Kassel, Kinderkrankenhaus (056) Berlin, Uni-Klinik Benjamin-Franklin (200) Kiel: Uni-Kinderklinik (026) Bielefeld-Bethel (033) Neurochirurgie (142) Bochum, Uni-Kinderklinik St. Kliniken (053) Frankfurt/Oder, Klinikum (200) Passau, Kinderklinik Dritter Orden (200) Freiburg i. Bult (069) Unna, Kinderneurologie (138) Heide, Westkustenklinikum (200) Vechta, St. Q: Young children with tumors suitable for brachytherapy may receive primary radiotherapy. Published in the United States by Pantheon Books, a division of Random House, Inc. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Illich, Ivan, 1926 Medical nemesis. The Medicalization of Life Political Transmission of Iatrogemc Disease Social latrogenesis Medical Monopoly Value-Free Cure The Recovery of Health Industrialized Nemesis From Inherited Myth to Respectful Procedure the Right to Health Health as a Virtue 1 the Epidemics of Modern Medicine During the past three generations the diseases afflicting Western societies have undergone dramatic changes. Polio, diphtheria, and tuberculosis are vanishing;1 one shot of an antibiotic often cures pneumonia or syphilis; and so many mass killers have come under control that two-thirds of all deaths are now associated with the diseases of old age. Those who die young are more often than not victims of accidents, violence, or suicide. Although almost everyone believes that at least one of his friends would not be alive and well except for the skill of a doctor, there is in fact no evidence of any direct relationship between this mutation of sickness and the so-called progress of medicine. After a century of pursuit of medical Utopia, 6 and contrary to current conventional wisdom, 7 medical services have not been important in producing the changes in life expectancy that have occurred. A vast amount of contemporary clinical care is incidental to the curing of disease, but the damage done by medicine to the health of individuals and populations is very significant. They are not modified any more decisively by the rituals performed in medical clinics than by those customary at religious shrines. The infections that prevailed at the outset of the industrial age illustrate how medicine came by its reputation. In New York in 1812, the death rate was estimated to be higher than 700 per 10, 000; by 1882, when Koch first isolated and cultured the bacillus, it had already declined to 370 per 10, 000. By the time their etiology was understood and their therapy had become specific, these diseases had lost much of their virulence and hence their social importance. The combined death rate from scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough, and measles among children up to fifteen shows that nearly 90 percent of the total decline in mortality between 1860 and 1965 had occurred before the introduction of antibiotics and widespread immunization. In poor countries today, diarrhea and upper-respiratory-tract infections occur more frequently, last longer, and lead to higher mortality where nutrition is poor, no matter how much or how little medical care is available. These in turn peaked and vanished, to be replaced by the diseases of early childhood and, somewhat later, by an increase in duodenal ulcers in young men. When these declined, the modern epidemics took over: coronary heart disease, emphysema, bronchitis, obesity, hypertension, cancer (especially of the lungs), arthritis, diabetes, and so-called mental disorders. Despite intensive research, we have no complete explanation for the genesis of these changes. For more than a century, analysis of disease trends has shown that the environment is the primary determinant of the state of general health of any population. As the older causes of disease recede, a new kind of malnutrition is becoming the most rapidly expanding modern epidemic.
Thus withdrawal symptoms purchase zofran 4 mg without prescription, these chapters have been artificially carved out more out of practical necessities than for any basic underlying principles treatment vertigo zofran 4mg visa, except for the fact that these do cover the newer and emerging substances of use and their patterns of use in India treatment associates order genuine zofran on line. This has been covered in the next chapter in this book keeping in view its rising importance both in the popular media as well in the clinical and scientific circles medicine jar discount zofran 8mg with visa. One chapter in this Section focuses on dual diagnosis psychotic disorders while the other focuses on non-psychotic disorders. These summary points and recommendations come with the grading of evidence and strength as mentioned in the Appendix of this chapter. Each chapter is subdivided into several sections and sub-sections, which are numbered hierarchically in a numerical-point scheme (1, 1. Special attention has been paid to locate and highlight Indian studies and the applicability of the recommendations to the Indian situation. Certain special populations or situations have also been mentioned at the end of each chapter if available. Finally, along with pharmacological therapies, a conscious emphasis has been placed on non pharmacological (psychosocial, cognitive and behavioural) interventions as well, to the extent possible. They should benefit from the Executive Summary and Key Recommendations to be applied in their clinical practice. Whoever is further interested can look up the relevant literature cited in the text as and when needed. The secondary, but very important, audiences include, among others, medical teachers, postgraduate students, and researchers. We had to necessarily prioritize the content and coverage of the areas, and, in this process, some sections might have been missed. Another important limitation has to be kept in mind while interpreting the recommendations made in this book. Perhaps the situation may change by the time a later edition of this book is published. This statement does not reduce the value of this book but rather puts in proper perspective. Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Assessment and Management of Substance Use Disorders. Committee to advise the Public Health Service on Clinical Practice Guidelines, Institute of Medicine. The target users of the guideline the primary target users of these guidelines are practicing clinicians (especially psychiatrists but also non-psychiatric medical doctors and even non-medical professionals working in the area of addictions). The secondary, but very important, target users include medical teachers, postgraduate students, researchers and policy makers at various levels. The methods for formulating the this guideline is based on the synthesis and recommendations interpretation of available evidence obtained from studies across the world, especially in light of the Indian context, rating them on strength of evidence and combining this strength with the perceived importance and relevance in the Indian context to finally arrive at specific key recommendations as well as identifying current areas of uncertainty where applicable. The health benefits, side effects, and risks Yes have been considered in formulating the recommendations There is an explicit link between the Yes. Further, it has been clearly pointed out recommendations and the supporting where no specific recommendations can be evidence made at this time because of lack of supporting evidence of acceptable quality. Rather, major principles are recommended, which have to be applied along with clinical judgment in individual circumstances. The guideline provides advice and/or tools on Yes, usually but not in very instance. The guideline describes facilitators and this issue has not been specifically addressed barriers to its application. An editorial close on the heels of this proclamation in the Lancet, cautioned that the over-medicalisation of addiction could have its downsides. Whatever the position, there is general agreement that being addicted is really like being in a maze, with confusing signals emitted both from within the individual (from biological predisposition and temperament) as well as from external factors (family, 3 society and other aspects of the environment). An understanding of vulnerability, effect of substances on the body and mind, effective medical and psychosocial interventions, family support and follow-up support are all important for restitution and recovery. Who can better balance the science and art of addiction management than the psychiatrist! We saw persons with alcohol dependence and treated them with disulfiram and psycho-social interventions. We saw nicotine dependence, but did precious little except giving half-hearted advice to quit smoking. In fact, change has been the only constant in the area of addiction and its management. We are increasingly encountering sedative/hypnotic dependence, 5 particularly benzodiazepine dependence in clinical practice. Many young people are brought to treatment settings with inhalant misuse and dependence. The use of ketamine has been reported 6 nearly two decades ago and continues to be prevalent. We have learnt that licit drugs like nicotine and alcohol are associated with greater public health problems in comparison to illicit drugs whose supply is more strongly controlled. There is now a national tobacco control programme and tobacco cessation clinics and treatments are becoming more readily available in hospitals and practice settings. The scenario has moved beyond chemical addictions to various kinds of behavioural addictions. Gender and substance use is another area that is garnering greater attention, with more women being brought for the treatment of addiction, narrowing gender ratios, all underscoring the need to develop gender-sensitive treatment 11 approaches. We are recognising the need to look at addiction on a developmental continuum, 12 from the foetal effects of maternal substance use, to the growing problem of 13 substance use among the elderly. Cases of substance use are often complex to manage with both physical and psychiatric co-morbidities. The successful management of addiction includes not just the management of craving and relapse, but the effective management of co-morbidities. Therapeutic nihilism is still very prevalent and many psychiatrists are hesitant, if not loath to treat persons with addiction. A large part of this nihilism stems from a lack of skills as to how to approach such persons and lack of a collaborative approach with the patient. Addiction is recognised as a chronic, relapsing condition, with outcome rates 14 similar to other chronic diseases and planned follow-up and aftercare yields 15 better treatment retention and outcome. A range of pharmacotherapeutic and psychotherapeutic options have become available or used more often in the last two decades. Nicotine replacement strategies, bupropion, varenicline and re-emerging interest in cytisine for tobacco dependence; acamprosate, naltrexone, topiramate, baclofen, N-acetyl cysteine for alcohol and other addictions; buprenorphine and methadone (old drugs that have become popular in the armamentarium of harm reduction approaches), drugs used for co-morbidities (including atomoxetine, anti-depressants, mood stabilisers, anti convulsants). Interactions between prescribed drugs and abused substances pose fresh challenges to the treating psychiatrist. Psychotherapeutic options including motivation enhancement, cognitive behavioural interventions, mindfulness interventions, relapse prevention strategies, among others. It is generally accepted that a combination of psychosocial and pharmacological interventions work better than either alone. Both these have become areas of specialisation within addiction and deserve special attention. These include, among a host of conditions, gambling, food, shopping, sex and technology addictions.
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