
Theodore Abraham, MD
- Director, Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Clinic
- Associate Professor of Medicine, Johns Hopkins
- University School of Medicine
- Associate Director of the Echocardiography
- Laboratory at Johns Hopkins Hospital
- Baltimore, Maryland
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These interpretations are based on American Thoracic Society criteria for interpreting pulmonary function tests and reflect the material covered in the Primer on Pulmonary Function Tests by Dr. He is a lifelong non smoker and had a prior history of asbestos exposure while serving in the Navy. The flow-volume loop also corresponds quite nicely to the predicted values for this patient (darkened circles). Based on this normal spirometry pattern, you would conclude that there is no evidence of air-flow obstruction. The patient also has normal total lung capacity, indicating that there is no evidence of restriction, and a normal diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide, indicating that the alveolar-capillary surface area for gas exchange is normal. Page 3 Case 2 A 54 year-old man presents to his primary care provider with dyspnea and a cough. The flow volume loop also shows several abnormalities consistent with obstructive lung disease. The peak expiratory flow rate is lower than the predicted peak expiratory flow and the curve has the characteristic scooped out appearance typically seen in airflow obstruction. Page 5 Case 3 A 60 year-old man presents to his primary care provider with complaints of increasing dyspnea on exertion. He has a 40 pack-year history of smoking and is retired following a career as a building contractor. Page 7 Case 4 A 25 year-old man presents to his physician with complaints of dyspnea and wheezing. Two years ago, he was in a major motor vehicle accident and was hospitalized for 3 months. He had a tracheostomy placed because he remained on the ventilator for a total of 7 weeks. Page 8 In order to make a correct diagnosis in this patient, however, you cannot look simply at the numbers from his spirometry testing but must also look at the flow volume loops. A noteworthy feature of his flow volume loop is that there is flattening of both the inspiratory and expiratory limbs. In a patient with a prior history of tracheostomy, you would be very suspicious that this patient has developed tracheal stenosis, a known long-term complication of tracheostomy tubes. Other forms of airway obstruction will also demonstrate characteristic patterns on the flow-volume loops. Page 9 Case 5 A 41 year-old woman presents to the General Internal Medicine Clinic at Harborview Medical Center complaining of dyspnea with mild exertion. She has a 10 pack-year history of smoking and a history of using intravenous drugs including heroin and ritalin. Her flow volume demonstrates the characteristic scooped-out appearance seen in obstructive lung disease and also demonstrates markedly reduced peak expiratory flows. It is highly unlikely for a 41 year-old person to have obstructive lung disease with only a 10-pack year history of smoking. Asthma is an unlikely diagnosis given the absence of reversibility with bronchodilator administration. There is marked hyper-lucency at the bases, suggesting that this is a basilar-predominant form of emphysema. The minor fissure (arrow) is also shifted upward on the right side, indicating that the lower lobes are over-inflated. Two disorders can give you early-onset emphysema with a basilar predominance: alpha-one anti-trypsin deficiency (it is usually only seen this early if the person also smokes) and ritalin lung. The latter is an uncommon form of the severe basilar-predominant emphysema seen in people who previously used intravenous injections of ritalin (methylphenidate). Page 11 Case 6 A 30 year-old woman presents for evaluation of dyspnea on exertion, which has been present for 2 months. She is a life-long non-smoker with no prior history of asthma or other pulmonary problems. Further evaluation revealed that this patient had hypersensitivity pneumonitis, likely secondary to her exposure to parakeets. The parakeets were removed from her home and she was given a course of oral corticosteroids. The total lung capacity is reduced and the patient, therefore, has a restrictive defect. This is evidence of a restrictive defect and, therefore, this patient would be labeled as having a combined obstructive restrictive defect. Although this is classically seen in patients with heart failure, it is not specific for this disease. When they lie supine, gravity no longer exerts an effect on the diaphragm and abdominal contents and the patients have trouble getting their diaphragm to descend against the abdominal contents on inspiration. The presence of diaphragmatic weakness is confirmed by repeating her pulmonary function tests with her in the upright and supine positions. Page 17 Case 9 A 35 year-old previously healthy man presents with dyspnea, fevers, chills and night sweats for the past 2 months. He would, therefore, be labeled as having a combined obstructive-restrictive defect. There is a steep component and then a second, flatter component over the latter half of exhalation. This pattern suggests that one lung may be emptying faster than the other and, therefore, that the slowly emptying lung might have an obstructing airway lesion.
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Even though she reported greater than 80% relief Her first problem is midline and bilateral para with the ability to perform multiple painful maneuvers vertebral low back pain with radiation into both after the lidocaine blockade, it was short-lived and the hips, without neurological symptoms with exac patient was not satisfied with the relief with her cer erbation with all types of movements with lack vical spine. Thus, it was assumed that she is negative of response to various conservative modalities of for cervical facet joint pain, and we proceeded with treatments. Based on the history, examination, and cervical interlaminar epidural with local anesthetic imaging findings, the diagnosis of facet joint pain and steroids with 2 mL of ominipaque 2240, follwed may be entertained followed by pain secondary to by injection of 4mL 0. For lumbar spine, confirmatory blocks with bupi Her second problem is intermittent midline and bi vacaine are required. Thus, due to positive response lateral paravertebral neck pain associated with head bilateral lumbar facet joint nerve blocks from L3/4-L5/ aches with no neurological symptoms. She reported approximately 90% with possible discogenic pain if facet joint pain cannot pain relief with the ability to perform painful move be confirmed. Bilateral cervical facet joint nerve blocks It was confirmed that patient suffered with bilat C2/3-C5/6 eral lumbar facet joint pain and with disc related pain 2. Based on the diagnostic criteria L3/4-L5/S1 of 80% relief with the ability to perform multiple ma 3. Probable cervical epidural with local anesthetic neuvers with appropriate duration of relief with bu with or without steroids pivacaine longer than lidocaine, based on the system 4. Probable caudal epidural with local anesthetic atic reviews and guidelines, it was judged that she had with or without steroids lumbar facet joint pain (23). Pa right lateral rotation, right lateral flexion, left lateral tient was offered an opportunity for radiofrequency rotation, and left lateral flexion with mild pain. Range neurolysis; however, patient refused to undergo ra of motion of both shoulders was normal with no evi diofrequency thermoneurolysis and opted for repeat dence of impingement. The grip strength was moder thus these treatments may be continued, based on the ately reduced bilaterally with no focal deficits. The deep tendon reflexes were Biceps 1, functional status deteriorates or complications or side Triceps, and Brachioradialis 1 and equal. Intermittent; deep, aching, throbbing, cramping and burning; midline and bilateral paravertebral neck 6. However, there bows; since 05/19/2000; following work related incident; was no radicular symptomology prsent. Further, neck with worsening gradually since onset; associated with and arm pain were equal. Based on the head activity and cold and damp weather; with relief history, examination, and imaging findings, the diag with lying down, resting, and medicine; with neck pain nosis of facet joint pain is entertained, followed by and arm pain equal, which failed to respond to corti pain secondary to disc disease. There was severe midline and bilateral paravertebral tenderness bilaterally from C2 6. Probable cervical epidural with local anesthetic decreased 40% in flexion with moderate pain, 60% with or without steroids E248 Intermittent; deep, aching, throbbing, cramping, sharp, shooting; midline and right paravertebral low 6. At the third interventional pain management en counter, she reported 90% pain relief for 8 days and 6. Thus, she was treated Lumbar Spine: There was evidence of scars on with bilateral cervical facet joint nerve blocks from the right hip. We have considered other bilateral cervical facet There was moderate midline and right paravertebral joint nerve blocks or radiofrequency neurotomy. There was mild paraverte advantages of cervical facet joint nerve blocks includ bral tenderness on the left side from L4 to S1. There ed performing bilaterally in the same setting whereas was moderate tenderness noted in right hip. Range radiofrequency neurotomy is offered only one side at of motion of the lumbar spine was reduced 40% on a time due to potential side effects of radiofrequency flexion with moderate pain. Right lateral rotation, right of each treatment were also explained and under lateral flexion, left lateral rotation, and left lateral stood which included the average relief of 6 months flexion was reduced 20% with mild pain. Range of with radiofrequency neurotomy and 3 months with motion of the right hip were reduced whereas left hip facet joint nerve blocks (24). If she fails to respond strength evaluation showed moderate reduction bi we can proceed with cervical epidural and if that also laterally with no focal neurological deficits. Small osteo Now the patient has entered a therapeutic phase, phytes project anteriorly from the superior margins of thus, therapeutic facet joint nerve blocks may be con L3, L4, and L5. There is a small anterior extra was scheduled to return in approximately 3 months, dural defect in the midline at L1-2 suggesting a small at that time if the pain returned and functional status central disc protrusion without spinal stenosis. Right lumbar facet joint nerve blocks L2/3-L5/S1 medicine; with back pain worse than leg pain; which 2. Probable lumbar interlaminar epidural with local failed to respond to chiropractic treatment, physical anesthetic with or without steroids therapy, cortisone by mouth, cortisone injection, medi cal therapy, and exercises; until 5/7/2008. Motor strength was 60% relief for 3 weeks and was treated with right lum mildly reduced on the left side. The deep tendon reflexes were 1+ with positive diagnosis of lumbar facet joint pain. This is the patient was seen a third time one month later in association with bilateral facet hypertrophy. Consequently, it was opted to Based on the history, examination, and imaging, proceed with this procedure. Provocation discography she was diagnosed with lumbar radiculitis secondary was not indicated and surgical intervention was not to disc displacement and spinal stenosis. Consequently, percutaneous adhesiolysis al techniques with caudal, lumbar interlaminar, and with hypertonic saline neurolysis was performed. The transforaminal were discussed and patient desired to procedure involved a caudal entry into the epidural undergo transforaminal epidural. This was fol Lumbar spinal stenosis lowed in recovery room with 6 mL of 10% hypertonic Lumbar disc displacement saline with 2 divided doses, followed by injection of 6 Lumbar degeneration of intervertebral disc mg of nonparticulate celestone, followed injection of 1mL of 0. At that time she was sta the patient was treated with left lumbar trans ble, therefore the patient may be continued on this foraminal epidural with local anesthetic and steroids. Spinal cord with injection of 1mL of 1% preservative free lido stimulation is not an option since there is no evi caine followed by injection of 3 mg of nonparticulate dence of neuropathic pain and the evidence for spi celestone, followed by an injection of 0. Intermittent; deep, aching, throbbing, shooting and burning; midline and bilateral paravertebral 6. Radiolog onset without injury after a labor epidural; with ic findings indicated disc abnormalities as well as facet intermittent radiation to right lower extrem joint abnormalities; however, there was no definite ity above the knee; predominantly on left; since disc herniation and evidence for radiculitis. The second potential diagnosis was pain sec erbation with standing, walking, lumbar flexion, ondary to disc disease. There was no indication for lumbar extension, lifting, cold and damp weather, sacroiliac joint pain. Probable lumbar interlaminar epidural with local right side from L3 to S1 and moderate paravertebral anesthetic with or without steroids tenderness on the left side from L3 to S1. Range of motion of the lumbar spine was re the patient was treated with left lumbar facet duced 20% in flexion and extension with mild pain joint nerve blocks from L3/4-L5/S1 utilizing 1. Bilateral pars line and bilaterally in the neck with radiation to the left defects at L5 with spondylolisthesis and disc degenera side of the head, left shoulder blade, left side of upper tion at L5-S1.
Hepatitis B or hepatitis C co-infection in individuals infected with human immunodefciency virus and effect of anti-tuberculosis drugs on liver function medicine 4h2 pill purchase aggrenox caps uk. Analysis of hepatitis B vaccination behavior and vaccination willingness among migrant workers from rural China based on protection motivation theory symptoms 5 days past ovulation generic 25/200mg aggrenox caps otc. Recommendations for a public health approach and consideration for policy makers and managers symptoms influenza purchase cheap aggrenox caps on line. I have been given the opportunity to be vaccinated with hepatitis B vaccine administering medications 7th edition answers buy aggrenox caps 25/200mg online, at no charge to me; however, I decline hepatitis B vaccination at this time. I understand that by declining this vaccine I continue to be at risk of acquiring hepatitis B, a serious disease. If, in the future I continue to have occupational exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials and I want to be vaccinated with hepatitis B vaccine, I can receive the vaccination series at no charge to me. The successful implementation of the Plan of Action for the Plan 2014-2019 (1) outlines nine impact goals for the pe Prevention and Control of Viral Hepatitis for 2016-2019 riod. This entails attaining Strategic Plan impact goals 6 and 8, which respectively aim to re 6. R8 should be placed on actions designed to protect newborns (2010) on Health and Human Rights (2, 3). Tese actions are a response to Strategic Plan impact goal 2, which emphasizes the crucial impor 7. The Plan of Action will address hepatitis A, B, and C, with tance of ensuring a healthy start for newborns and infants. It will propose concrete avenues of nicable diseases because of the large number of infected action to efciently reduce morbidity, disability, and mortal individuals who face the complications and negative out ity and to start paving the road to eliminate viral hepatitis as comes of the disease, in addition to the heavy fnancial and a public health problem in the foreseeable future. The rate of evolution to chronicity is estimated to be 25% to 30% among children below 5 12. In early 2014, to scale up a global response to viral years of age and less than 5% in adults (5, 6). Tese diseases are amenable to prevention and con trol; there are efective vaccines for hepatitis A and B and state-of-the-art treatments for hepatitis C. Clinical trials and observational studies of hepatitis C patients on direct-acting antiviral drugs demonstrate that a sus tainable virologic response, with viral clearance from the system, may be achieved in about 95% of cases (8). Seroprevalence distribution patterns proximately 13 million persons in the Americas may vary in the Region of the Americas. Hepatitis A is amenable to prevention through en ure, chronic hepatitis, acute viral hepatitis, and cir vironmental sanitary control and vaccination. Between 2007 and 2011, 11 coun ing with chronic infection, with 3 to 4 million new cas tries held immunization campaigns during which 350,000 health care workers were vaccinated. Among the challenges number is well below desirable standards in view of in expanding access to treatment are the absence the size of the health care workforce in the Region, of up-to-date and standardized care and treatment which in 2007 was estimated at 22 million (20). Although 89% sex workers, indigenous populations, drug users, of the countries in the Region report surveillance prison inmates), data on coverage among such pop data on acute hepatitis B, only 44% report data on ulations are limited. Yet, across the Region, there is still a need to achieve complete coverage of vaccination and other protection prac tices among health care workers (both formal and informal). The proposed strategic lines of action and objectives are in line with the fve strategic lines of action and ob 25. This Plan of Action is based on the following strategic lines specifc regional goals and targets in the short term. Tese interventions should also encour this B vaccine coverage in the routine vaccination age health-seeking behaviors. Post-exposure increase the benefts of use of the hepatitis A prophylactic care should also be provided in cases vaccine. Burden of disease and economic analysis of sexual exposure, including sexual violence. Tese strat egies, which take into account national contexts and priorities, include outreach and educational interventions as well as promotion of treatment, Target Objective Indicator Baseline (2019) 2. Strategic Line of Action 5: Strengthening laboratory capacity to support diagnosis, surveillance, and a safe blood supply 32. The total estimated cost of implementing the plan of indicators that have a baseline and a target for 2019, action from 2016 to 2020, including expenses for the fnal year of the plan. A mid-term review of Intervencion del Consejo Directivo this Plan of Action will be performed in 2017 to assess progress toward the goals and, if necessary, to incor 35. Guidelines for the screening care and treatment of persons with hepatitis C infection [Internet]. Global, regional, and national age-sex specifc all-cause and cause-specifc mortality for 240 causes of death, 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the global burden of disease study 2013. Mortality database on hepatitis in Latin American and Caribbean 2008-2010 [data not published]. International Forum on Occupational Health and Safety: Policies, Profles, and Services; 2011 Jun 20-22; Espoo (Finland). Universal vaccination of children against Hep atitis A in Chile: a cost-efectiveness study. Cost-efectiveness of childhood hepatitis A vaccination in Argentina: a second dose is warranted. Cost-efectiveness analysis of universal childhood hepatitis A vaccination in Brazil: regional analyses according to the endemic context. Bakshi, and Hyasinta Jaka 1Department of Internal Medicine, Catholic University of Allied and Health Sciences, P. Box 1440, Mwanza, Tanzania 2Department of Internal Medicine, Bugando Medical Centre, P. Box 1370, Mwanza, Tanzania 3Department of Medicine, College of Health Sciences, University of Dodoma, P. Box 395, Dodoma, Tanzania 4Renal Unit, Department of Internal Medicine, The Aga Khan Hospital, P. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Hepatitis B is one of the most common infectious diseases in the world with high prevalence in most of sub-Saharan Africa countries. The complexity in its diagnosis and treatment poses a signifcant management challenge in the resource-limited settings including Tanzania, where most of the tests and drugs are either unavailable or unafordable. This mini reviewaims at demonstrating the current status of the disease in the country and discussing the concomitant challenges in diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Sexual transmission may occur and the most vulnerable group is that of unvaccinated individuals who have Hepatitis B infection is a disease of global signifcance multiple sexual partners, men who have sex with men, People afecting large number of people. Terefore the diagnosis of various forms of the classifed into eight genotypes (A to H), with each one having disease requires a systematic and integrated interpretation distinct geographic distribution [2]. The virus is transmitted of both virological, serological, clinical, biochemical, and by exposure to an infected body fuids. This mini review therefore summarizes 2 Journal of Tropical Medicine Table 1: Interpretation of Hepatitis B results [4]. Epidemiology importance of identifying the genetic characterization of an infection. This rate has increased from older studies that obtained from individuals residing in several geographical reported the prevalence of 4. Pemba, respectively, among children that were attended in the An infection with genotype A has frequently been asso health facilities for febrile syndromes [10]. The diminished ciated with chronicity, better response to interferon ther rates of seropositivity in children in particular those who apy, and increased rate of viral resistance during antiviral werebornfromtheyear2002isjustifableasiswhenthe treatment [2, 15]. Tese fndings are therefore suggesting that majority similarly at risk of transmitting the infection to their clients, of Hepatitis B patients in Tanzania will develop chronic though only rare cases have been reported worldwide [28]. This trend is clearly escalating, sug When it occurs, it usually triggers an accelerated progression gestive of a need for robust interventions in this particular of liver disease with adverse clinical outcomes [47, 48]. Tisisinkeeping 4 Journal of Tropical Medicine Table 2: Hepatitis B prevalence in Tanzania among diferent population groups. The most recent and exclusive study that focused on virological test revealed rates of coinfection have been observed in children (1. A patient is therefore entailed prehensive harm reduction programs have been established to undergo a bunch of serial investigations prior to the in the country that are mainly based on psychosocial support commencement of treatment.
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