
Gregory W. Hendey, MD
- Medical Education Program
- University of California, San Francisco-Fresno
- Fresno, California
Teacher education in Ethiopia Teacher training on special educational needs has been conducted in Ethiopia since the 1990s medications pregnancy order online diamox, a focus for much international support medications venlafaxine er 75mg order diamox 250mg online. Until the early 1990s medicine river animal hospital purchase 250 mg diamox overnight delivery, teacher education on special educational needs was primarily through short nongovernmental organization-funded workshops medications 222 purchase diamox 250 mg free shipping. This approach did not produce lasting changes in teach ing and learning processes. Nor did it enable the government to be self-reliant in training special education staff. Starting in 1992, with support from the Finnish government, a six-month training course was launched at a teacher training institute (114). This was part of a drive to support existing special schools, introduce more special classes, and increase the number of learners within mainstream classes with support from itinerant teachers. Fifty teachers received university education from Finnish universities – 6 in Finland itself, 44 through distance learning, which cost around 10% of the direct education. Short support courses were developed at Addis Ababa University, and a special centre, the Sebeta Teacher Training Institute, was created as part of Sebeta School for the Blind. Between 1994 and 1998, 115 people graduated as special education teachers, and thousands of mainstream teachers received in-service training. But the facilities do not train enough teachers to meet the full demand for inclusive education (115). Other regular colleges and universities in Ethiopia now offer special needs education courses to all students, and Sebeta continues to offer a 10-month course to qualified teachers. As a result of Sebeta’s training programme, there has been an expansion in the numbers of special classes and disabled children attending school. But using Ministry of Education statistics, it is estimated that only 6000 identified disabled children have access to education of a primary school population of nearly 15 million (64). Building teacher capacity contains nine self-study booklets to assist The appropriate training of mainstream teach teachers to improve their skills in diverse ers is crucial if they are to be confdent and classroom settings (107). The principles of inclu and job training for persons with disabili sion should be built into teacher training ties in Toolkit of best practices and policy programmes, which should be about attitudes advice provides information on how infor and values not just knowledge and skills (103). Several resources can assist teachers to Where segregated schools feature promi work towards inclusive approaches for students nently, enabling special education teachers to with disabilities such as: make the transition to working in an inclu Embracing diversity: Toolkit for creating sive system should be a priority. In extend inclusive, learning friendly environments ing inclusive education, special schools and 222 Chapter 7 Education mainstream schools have to collaborate (62). In In Uganda teachers’ attitudes improved the Republic of Korea at least one special school simply by having regular contact with chil in each district is selected by the government to dren with disabilities (56). The 1600 teachers trained had highly positive attitudes towards the inclusion of children Removing physical barriers with disabilities and towards working with Principles of universal design should underlie the parents: the enrolment of children with policies of access to education. Many physical disabilities in preschool facilities and primary barriers are relatively straightforward to over schools increased from 22% to 44% (121). Incorporating the role of communities, universal design into new building plans is families, disabled people, and cheaper than making the necessary changes to children with disabilities an old building and adds only around 1% to the total construction cost (119). Communities Overcoming negative attitudes Approaches involving the whole community The physical presence of children with dis refect the fact that the child is an integral abilities in schools does not automatically member of the community and make it more ensure their participation. For participation likely that sustainable inclusive education for to be meaningful and produce good learning the child can be attained (see Box 7. A study ring children with disabilities to appropriate carried out to compare the attitudes of teachers schools, lobbying schools to accept children towards students with disabilities in Haiti and with disabilities, assisting teachers to support the United States showed that teachers are more children with disabilities, and creating links likely to change their attitudes towards inclusion between families and communities (59). Fear to teachers in providing assistive devices, and a lack of confdence among teachers regard securing medical treatment, making the school ing the education of students with disabilities can environment accessible, establishing links to be overcome: disabled people’s organizations, and fnding In Zambia teachers in primary and basic employment or vocational training placements schools had expressed interest in includ for children at the end of their school education. They were encouraged to In the Karamoja region of Uganda, where discuss their negative beliefs and to write most people are nomads and only 11. These activities are part of the Australian Sports Outreach Program, an Australian government initiative that seeks to help individuals and organizations deliver high-quality, inclusive sport-based programmes that contribute to social development. Its activities include: Pacific Junior Sport – a games-based programme that provides opportunities for children to participate and develop their skills; qito lai lai (“children’s games”) for smaller children; arranging for sport federations – such as those of golf, table tennis, tennis, and archery – to run sessions in schools; supporting schools so that students can play popular sports, such as football, volleyball, and netball, and paralympic sports such as boccia, goalball, and sitting volleyball; managing regional and national sport tournaments, as well as festivals in which students test their skills in football, netball, and volleyball against children from mainstream schools; providing role models through the athlete ambassador programme, in which athletes with a disability regularly visit schools, including mainstream schools. Sport can improve the inclusion and well-being of people with a disability: by changing what communities think and feel about people with a disability – and in that way reducing stigma and discrimination; by changing what people with a disability think and feel about themselves – and in that way empowering them to recognize their own potential; by reducing their isolation and helping them integrate more fully into community life; by providing opportunities which assists young people to develop healthy body systems (musculoskeletal, cardiovascular) and improve coordination. In this region a pro ing new teachers and working with students, ject called Alternative Basic Education for parents, teachers, and the wider community Karamoja has been set up. This commu to change attitudes and build the right struc nity-based project has pushed for inclusion tures for delivering inclusive education. It encourages the par project benefts 2568 children, of whom 282 ticipation of children with disabilities and have a mild to severe disability (127). The curriculum is relevant to the community’s Parents livelihood, containing instruction on such Parents should be involved in all aspects of topics as livestock and crop production. The family is the frst source The Oriang project in western Kenya has of education for a child, and most learning introduced inclusive education in fve pri occurs at home. Technical and fnancial in creating educational opportunities for their assistance is provided by Leonard Cheshire children, and they need to be brought on board 224 Chapter 7 Education to facilitate the process of inclusion. Child-to countries individual parents, ofen with the child cooperation should be better used to support of parents’ associations, have taken promote inclusion (94). Panamanian government to change the law Young people in nine Commonwealth requiring children with disabilities to be edu countries were consulted about their views cated in a separate system. A Lebanon persuaded a teachers’ training college full-time disability coordinator for the pro to conduct its practical training for teachers in gramme was therefore appointed to under the community instead of in institutions. Disabled children talked about their family lives and Disabled people’s organizations described how they were taunted if they Disabled people’s organizations also have a role lef their homes. Both children and parents in promoting the education of disabled children listed education as the top priority. Afer 18 – for example, working with young disabled months more than 700 children had been people, providing role models, encouraging integrated into schools, and sign-language parents to send their children to school and training had been introduced in all refugee become involved in their children’s education, camps, for Deaf and non-deaf children. The In September 2007 the Portuguese Southern Africa Federation of the Disabled, Ministry of Education organized a Europe for instance, has set up a range of programmes wide consultation in collaboration with involving people with disabilities, including its the European Agency for Development in children and youth programme, running for Special Needs Education (133). The programme focuses on all people consulted favoured inclusive educa aspects of discrimination and abuse of children tion, but insisted that each person should with disabilities and their exclusion from edu be able to choose where to be educated. However such Acknowledging that they gained social organizations frequently lack the resources and skills and experience of the real world in capacity to develop their role in education. The voices of children with disabilities them selves must be heard, though they frequently are not. In recent years children have been Conclusion and more involved in studies of their experi recommendations ences of education. The results of such child informed research are of great benefit for Children with disabilities are less likely than educational planners and policy-makers and children without disabilities to start school and can be a source of evidence as educational have lower rates of staying and being promoted 225 World report on disability in school. Children with disabilities should Establish monitoring and evaluation sys have equal access to quality education, because tems. Data on the numbers of learners with this is key to human capital formation and their disabilities and their educational needs, participation in social and economic life. Research is schools, inclusive mainstream schools in both needed on the cost–efectiveness and ef urban and rural areas provide a cost-efective ciency of inclusive education. Inclusive education is better able Share knowledge about how to achieve to reach the majority and avoids isolating chil educational inclusion among policy dren with disabilities from their families and makers, educators, and families. This includes, if abilities – can contribute to improving educa necessary, establishing links between special tional opportunities and outcomes for children education facilities and mainstream schools. Instead, use the resources to provide additional support for children Formulate clear policies and with disabilities in mainstream schools. Educating teachers about develop an equitable education system that including children with disabilities should includes children with disabilities. It should have nature of need, so that the correct support a special emphasis on teachers in rural and accommodations can be introduced. In the absence of specialist individualized education plans can ensure providers, use existing community-based the individual needs of students with dis rehabilitation services to support children abilities are met. If these resources Provide technical guidance to teachers that are absent, an attempt should be made to can explain how to group students, difer develop these services gradually. Children Promote Deaf children’s right to educa do better when families get involved, and tion by recognizing linguistic rights.
Placement of the tween the Helene Elsass center and the Ministry of Re supporting leg on the stool and back on the floor was con search under the name Mitii (Move It To Improve It; sidered a full cycle medicine bow wyoming cheap diamox 250 mg line. It consists of a the children started the test in standing position with number of training modules in which the child has to straight knees and hips and if necessary with one hand analyse visual information medicine tour purchase genuine diamox, solve a cognitive problem support medicine hunter discount 250mg diamox overnight delivery. In all cases the right leg was tested first medications you cant crush discount diamox 250 mg, re gram identifies the movements of the child from video gardless of whether the child had right or left sided images sampled from a simple web-camera attached to hemiplegia or diplegia. No additional computer-interface is thereby necessary – the child may control the computer-program Balance by its own free movements. The motion detection is based Romberg 30 s, eyes open on identification of a green band, which may be placed the child stood without shoes and no support on a force around the wrist, head or leg of the child. The level of difficulty may be adjusted throughout the Heels were held approximately 2 cm separated with an training period by increasing the difficulty of the percep angle of 30° between the medial sides of the feet. The child was on an at least weekly basis and thereby received further required to take a bit of a puzzle and place it where feedback regarding the progress of the training. This had it fits in the big picture by dragging it from the the additional effect that the child (and its parents) had bottom to the top. The child was required to ported as one of the most motivating factors by both use both arm to follow a figure moving on the screen. The child was required cording to the specific motor deficits of each child with to find the figure that is different form the others and special focus on training of the childrens upper-, lower place his/her hand over this. The system thus has two clear advantages over existing training programs: It is highly Lower limb training modules adjustable to the individual needs of the child and it can the aim of this category was to increase strength in the be incremented according to the progress of training of lower limbs and improve control of movements during the individual child. The individual Mitii training packages were made ini tially at the base of three categories including 3–4mod 1. One category for lower limb modules, one to bend down and jump up to shoot basketball. Child was required to bend down Upper limb training modules to pick up needle and reach high to smash balloon In this category the aim was to train the childrens ability with correct answer. Child was required to not get wet from a rain shower, while walking from pick up correct figures placed in different areas of side to side and up and down on the screen. The aim of this category was to maintain a stable and se Marker on impaired hand. Child was required to cure position during change of limb and body postures catch bits of a puzzle moving up and down on the according the feedback from the screen. Child was required to steer pick up the figure among many placed in different aeroplane by shifting balance from side to side. Child was required to keep grasping a corresponding figure in the other side of umbrella over the head of a man so that he would the screen and bring it to the target at the same not get wet from a rain shower, while walking from time. Several also reported increased muscle Data analysis strength and increased endurance. Linear mixed models (fixed effect analysis) (covariance parameter best model fit) was used to test for interaction Test of daily activities effects between the intervention group and control group A significant interaction effect for the training/control group and pre training/post training was found for the before and after the 20 weeks of training/control period and 12 weeks after training. No significant difference was found between the test immediately after training using the Sidak method. On average the children thus trained 17 min pr day for the Upper limb function test 20 week period. This corresponds to 40 h of total train A significant interaction effect for the training/control ing time. A further significant increase was found training and the extent of improvement in any of the from immediately after training to 12 weeks after train functional tests. A significant change was also found for sum Subjective reports score after training from 56. Despite some con tween the tests immediately after training to 12 weeks cerns during the training period about how to maintain after training 61. Nochangewasfoundinthe9control day all families reported that they found this way of children who completed the tests for sum score 71. All families re Functional strength tests of lower limbs ported that the child showed several signs of improved the sit to stand test was performed in 25 children from activity in daily life. Most families reported that the child the training group and 11 children from the control increased participation in daily activities at school and group. The scores for the control group are displayed before (intro) and after (test 1) the 20 weeks period with no intervention. The velocity for nificant change was found between the test immediately the intervention group was 13. No significant change was found for the control group the trace length in the intervention group was 403. A statistically significant increase of the this study has demonstrated that clinically important number of steps after training was observed for the left leg functional benefits may be obtained when children with from 17. The effects observed following the training are the half knee-standing tests were performed in 21 therefore unlikely to be caused by the growth of the chil children in the training group and in 11 control chil dren or similar changes that are unrelated to the train dren. The children were not in any specific growth phase trol group and pre training/post training was found (left leg: during the intervention period as compared to the con p = 0. A statistically significant in trol period and should on all other parameters be more crease of the number of steps was observed after the train optimally matched than what is normally accomplished ing for left from 9. No significant change was lower limb tests (sit to stand, lateral step-up, half knee observed between the test immediately after training standing) observed here was generally larger than that 12. No change was observed for the control groups (left; However, in these studies much less training in terms of p =1. For the average of 40 h in total, children have only trained every Lorentzen et al. In this com therefore conceivable that even larger training effects parison it should also be taken into account that our would have been observed if we had included only chil children trained both upper and lower limb as well as dren with problems influencing the examined limb or balance and therefore did not spend all 40 h training function, but we chose not to do this because we also one specific function which is the norm in most other wanted to investigate if effects in multiple functional do studies [17, 18]. It should also be taken into account that mains and not only the specifically trained domain could our children had a variable symptomatology and suffered be recognized after training. Although of the training and possibly also that the training in the training was to some extent directed towards the volved not only training of motor functions but also functional problems of the individual child, and children training of various executive and cognitive functions with upper limb problems therefore primarily received such as attention and working memory. Without a direct upper limb training, they also spend a considerable time comparison with a uni-modal intervention that does not training other functions in order to ensure variability in involve training of executive and cognitive functions, it Lorentzen et al. It is also difficult to conclude whether the training ef fects were of significance for the daily life and daily func Acknowledgements tional capacity of the children. The sizes of the training We are grateful to the Ludvig and Sara Elsass foundation for financial support to the project. We would like to thank Roselyn Boyd who gave effects for both the lower and upper limb were certainly valuable input on an early version of the manuscript. The re Author details 1The Helene Elsass Center, Holmegårdsvej 28, 2900 Charlottenlund ports from the children and the parents were also 2 (Copenhagen), Denmark. In line with this it should Panum Institute, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. This suggests that the training effects Received: 23 October 2014 Accepted: 30 April 2015 generated a genuine lasting lift in the functional capacity of the children. Although several of the training modules were di References rected at training balance, no significant changes were 1. All children did improve their performance on training in young people with cerebral palsy. The effects of a ‘home-based’ Methods) so one possible interpretation of these negative task-oriented exercise programme on motor and balance performance in findings is that improved balance in those tasks did not children with spastic cerebral palsy and severe traumatic brain injury. Use of a low-cost, this may either be because the training effects were spe commercially available gaming console (Wii) for rehabilitation of an adolescent cific for the circumstances during the computer-training with cerebral palsy. Mediated approaches for influencing modules or that the circumstances during the balance physical activity: update of the evidence on mass media, print, telephone and testing were too different from the circumstances during website delivery of interventions. The diabetes network internet-based physical activity intervention: a randomized pilot study. Using internet technology to deliver a home-based physical activity intervention for patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a randomized ing clinically important changes in balance has been ques controlled trial. Individualized, home-based interactive training of cerebral palsy children delivered through the internet. Move it As children in our study trained every day, which is nor to improve it (Mitii): study protocol of a randomised controlled trial of a novel mally not the case in conventional physio and occupa web-based multimodal training program for children and adolescents with cerebral palsy.
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Long-term use of aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs antiplatelet and anticoagulant therapy: 2319. Re vised recommendations of the German peripheral artery disease: A meta-anal ducing the risk of adverse thrombotic Society of Anaesthesiology and Inten ysis of randomized trials. Management of periop that alter hemostasis and regional an Anaesth 2007; 98:560-574. Assessment esthesia and anticoagulant drugs: A sur term clinical outcomes after drug of practice patterns of perioperative vey of current Italian practice. Intensive oral antiplatelet ther W, Neuner L, Perger P, Pernerstorfer farction: Implications regarding physio apy for reduction of ischaemic events T, Pfanner G, Schöchl H; Task Force on pathology and prevention. Int J Cardiol including stent thrombosis in patients Perioperative Coagulation of the Aus 1996; 57:37-44. Rev Cardiovasc thesia Working Party on anticoagulants Activation markers of coagulation and Med 2009; 10:209-218.
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Outside-to-inside signaling through transmembrane tumor necrosis factor reverses pathologic interleukin-1beta production and deficient apoptosis of rheumatoid arthritis monocytes. Creation and X-ray structure analysis of the tumor necrosis factor receptor-1-selective mutant of a tumor necrosis factor-alpha antagonist. Lovastatin induces neuroprotection through tumor necrosis factor receptor 2 signaling pathways. Pretreatment with lovastatin prevents N-methyl-D-aspartate-induced neurodegeneration in the magnocellular nucleus basalis and behavioral dysfunction. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license creativecommons. The transaction is set to be fnalized in the fourth quarter of 2016 as per the terms of the signed fnal agreements and the acquisition of regulatory approvals. Since our Group Chairman of the Board of Directors was founded, we have remained true to the vital objective of combatting disease and promoting health worldwide. Our unique profle means we can the year 2015 was marked by the launch of address disorders along the entire continuum of care, three major drugs: Toujeo for diabetes, Praluent from prevention to treatment. We protect and treat for hypercholesterolemia, and Dengvaxia , the world’s hundreds of millions of people exposed to prevalent frst vaccine for dengue fever, as well as regulatory diseases, just as we protect hundreds of individuals submissions to market three new innovative drugs. Our therapeutic solutions In addition, several new research partnerships were include innovative and sophisticated treatments, signed in oncology and diabetes. 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We are now preparing the medicine was used to treat symptoms, introduction of sarilumab for rheumatoid to a world in which healthcare arthritis, dupilumab for atopic dermatitis, professionals can anticipate and and the insulin glargine/lixisenatide even take action before diseases affect combination (LixiLan) for diabetes. Our second make a real difference to the doctors challenge is to develop healthcare writing prescriptions, payers reimbursing in a way that positively impacts In 2015, we established Sanofi’s strategic their cost, and the patients who should, as many people as possible. By 2050, roadmap to 2020, with the objective of ultimately, receive the best possible care. At the same time, longer life improve the quality of life of patients product launches. We are continuing our organization teams, and further our work in prevention and vaccination 1) the first strategic priority is to empowering our staff. By establishing to address these needs, and we will restructure our portfolio with a renewed five global business units, we will improve pursue innovation, as always, to improve emphasis on human health. What are your short and mid-term experience: diabetes and cardiovascular, 5) Our roadmap is the first page of this priorities? At the same time, we will an awe-inspiring, human adventure and professionalism of its employees. In late 2015, we also began scientific solutions that help patients, competitive Group with sustained, collaborating with Boehringer Ingelheim, and contribute to improving access to value-generating growth. Longer lifespans, climate change, pollution, and changing lifestyles advance the development of chronic conditions, such as diabetes or cardiovascular diseases, and infectious diseases, such as dengue. Consequently, new challenges are taking shape: frst and foremost, prevention, including lowering the risks of disease onset and facilitating early diagnosis, developing treatments for lesser-known illnesses and supporting patients with diseases to improve their quality of life. Our vaccines provide a course of action, ensuring better protection against epidemics. In 2015, we introduced the frst vaccine against dengue, for the frst time administered in the Philippines in April 2016. Today, armed with this experience and know how, we are continuing our work in preventing other infectious diseases, such as the Zika virus. We have a diverse range of treatments for diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and rare diseases, as well as solutions for multiple sclerosis, consumer healthcare, and animal healthcare. Today, we choose to refocus our efforts on human health and are therefore fostering an ambitious innovation policy. This opens doors for us to better tailor our range of expert solutions to patients’ needs. Our business swap with Boehringer Ingelheim should provide the springboard for us to become the world leader in over-the-counter drugs. By restructuring our portfolio, we can boost our effectiveness in felds where healthcare needs remain considerable—such as multiple sclerosis, oncology, and immunology. We listen attentively to patients to better understand how they cope with their illnesses, particularly when it comes to chronic diseases. We intend to provide long-term support to make their lives more comfortable and help them consistently comply with their treatment plans. To this end, in addition to our innovative drugs, we work with patients and healthcare professionals to develop advanced treatment solutions for diabetics. Our blood glucose meters are designed to make life easier for patients, and our mobile applications are invaluable tools providing information, monitoring, and support. Basal insulin is a key Patients also have the opportunity to take treatment for diabetes, which now helps millions of advantage of a personalized, tailored support people worldwide reach and maintain their blood to manage their diabetes with the Toujeo glucose targets. Coach program, developed to support Toujeo (insulin glargine, 300 units per ml) is patients and help them better comply with a new generation of basal insulin for the treatment their physician’s instructions. Individuals with this disorder have a higher risk of heart disease and stroke—the leading causes of death worldwide(1). In 2014, true to its commitment to patient-driven innovation, Sanofi’s Consumer Healthcare entity introduced Icy Hot SmartRelief™ Back Pain Therapy, an advanced, affordable, noninvasive solution to quickly relieve pain. This treatment option, recommended by healthcare professionals across the United States, is both reusable and rechargeable. Following the success of the original product in the United States, Icy Hot Smart Relief™ Knee & Shoulder Pain Therapy was introduced in 2015 to help those suffering from shoulder and knee pain. Pharmaceutical companies play a crucial role in battling this disease, as do other stakeholders, such as patient organizations, pharmacists, hospitals, and public health authorities.