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The basic issues were reviewed by Hussein Agha and Robert Malley pain medication for dogs with pancreatitis effective 50 mg elavil, two well-informed commentators pain treatment for lyme disease buy elavil uk, in Foreign Affairs pain treatment guidelines 2010 purchase 75mg elavil otc. They write that "the way to get [to the solution] has eluded all sides from the start pain treatment center of baton rouge order elavil cheap," but while accurate, the statement is misleading. The way has been blocked for twentyfive years by the United States, and Israel continues to reject it even at the dovish extreme of the mainstream political spectrum, as the Moratinos report again documents. Another salient to the north also remains, partially separating the northern from the central sectors. The result is a harsh version of the three-canton arrangement for the West Bank, all virtually separated from a small part of East Jerusalem, and of course from Gaza, however its fate is determined. Israel "immediately dismantles settlement outposts erected since March 2001," something on which all but the ultra-right in Israel agree, and at some time left Noam Chomsky 93 Hegemony or Survival unspecified Israel "freezes all settlement activity (including natural growth of settlements). Later still there is to be "implementation of prior agreements, to enhance maximum territorial contiguity [for the Palestinian state], including further action on settlements. There is a rich record about all of this, and no reason to expect any significant change. Notable among them is the construction of the "separation wall" that incorporates parts of the West Bank within Israel. The justification offered for the barrier is security: for Israelis, not Palestinians, whose security problems are far more grave. But such proposals would not incorporate Palestinian land within Israel, and would disrupt the lives of Israelis rather than Palestinians, and are therefore unthinkable. World Bank-sponsored reports conclude that the wall will leave almost 100,000 Palestinians on the Israeli side, along with "some of the richest agricultural land in the West Bank. One West Bank town, Qalqiiya, is already virtually surrounded by the wall, cut off from its lands, 30 percent of its water supplies, and whatever territories will be assigned someday to the "viable" Palestinian state with "territorial contiguity. There can be little doubt that the second and more important of the Clinton-Barak extensions of Israeli territory, dividing the central enclave from the southern one, will also be incorporated, de facto, within Israel, in some manner. The southern enclave of the West Bank, from Hebron to Bethlehem, will be cut off from the central enclave of the Ramallah area by an ocean of manicured Israeli settlements, tunnel roads and highways. The northern enclave, from Jenin to Nablus, will be cut off from the center by the massive settlement bloc of Ariel-Eli-Shiloh. Apart from extremist elements, Israel and its sponsor have no intention of taking over territories beyond useful and desirable limits or of having Israel administer the bulk of the Palestinian population. Construction of "facts on the ground" has proceeded sufficiently to allow the free use of terms that might previously have impeded plans that ha been implemented for the past decade and are now being established more firmly. Apart from the rhetoric about "visions," there is a more significant source of information: actions. Ten days before the veto, Washington boycotted a conference in Geneva of the High Contracting Noam Chomsky 95 Hegemony or Survival Parties of the Geneva Conventions called to review the situation in the occupied territories. The boycott yielded the usual "double veto": the decisions are blocked, and the events are barely reported and erased from history. The Bush administration signaled its tacit endorsement of violent repression in the occupied territories in other ways as well. Thus, while Ariel Sharon was conducting his brutal offensive in the West Bank in April 2002, Colin Powell was sent to "bring peace. If intended seriously, this reversal virtually eliminates the possibility of a political settlement. Bush declared obliquely that Israel could continue its programs of settlement and development in the occupied territories. Previously the settlement programs had been considered illegal, or at least "unhelpful. In defense of the administration, one may argue that official doctrine has been brought into conformity with near-invariant practice. Prevailing values are often expressed implicitly, as on the first anniversary of 9-11, when the president took the occasion to provide $200 million in supplemental funding for the rich country of Israel while rejecting $130 million for emergency supplemental aid to Afghanistan. The steps that undermine the prospects for a peaceful diplomatic settlement are continually justified as a response to Palestinian terror, which did indeed escalate, including terrible crimes against Israeli civilians during the al-Aqsa Intifada that broke out at the end of September 2000. The Intifada also brought into the open significant changes that had been taking place within Israel. The authority of the Israeli military by then reached such levels that military correspondent Ben Kaspit described the country as "not a state with an army, but an army with a state. In his discussion of a book by military historian Motti Golani, Pedatzur writes that Golani is, "of course, correct" in his "bald denial of the sacrosanct Israeli ethos according to which Israel has always aspired to peace, whereas its neighbors have consistently refused to tread the path of peace, choosing the path of war instead. One prime reason is "the institution-alization of power and its total transfer to the responsibility of the political and military establishments. Author and reviewer join other Israeli commentators in warning of the "serious danger" of the "formation of a consensus. Military sources confirmed a report that in one incident, a single shot, fired in the air to illustrate the reality to a European observer, evoked two solid hours of intense fire from Israeli troops and tanks. Clinton responded instantly with the largest deal in a decade for military helicopters; there were no constraints on use, the Pentagon informed journalists. Revenge knows few limits when the privileged and powerful are subjected to the kind of terror they regularly mete out to their victims. The British governor had explained to the people of Kenya in 1946 that Britain controls their land and resources "as of right, the product of historical events which reflect the greatest glory of our fathers and grandfathers. Israeli commanders rely not only on the standard military doctrine of those who have overwhelming force at their command but also on their own experience. When they ordered massive violence to "crush" Palestinians with cruel "collective punishment" in October 2000, they probably did not anticipate that the tactics would arouse the victims to "bloody revenge. This time the orders to crush Palestinians relentlessly and teach them "not to raise their heads" escalated the cycle of violence, spilling into Israel itself, which had lost the substantial immunity to retaliation from within the territories that had prevailed for more than three decades of military occupation. The selective vision, however, speaks for itself, not least because of its deep roots in the culture and history of conquerors. Noam Chomsky 100 Hegemony or Survival Chapter 8 Terrorism and Justice: Some Useful Truisms On a highly controversial topic like the one we turn to now, perhaps it is a good idea to begin with a few simple truths. The first is that actions are evaluated in terms of the range of likely consequences. A second is the principle of universality; we apply to ourselves the same standards we apply to others, if not more stringent ones. Apart from being the merest truisms, these principles are also the foundation of just war theory, at least any version of it that deserves to be taken seriously. Investigation will reveal, I believe, that they are rejected almost without exception. The actual consequences of an action may be highly significant, but they do not bear on the moral evaluation of the action. An apologist for state violence who took such positions would be regarded as a moral monster or lunatic. Then the stance of the lunatic and moral monster is taken to be highly honorable, indeed obligatory, and adherence to the truisms is condemned with horror. They are close enough to ordinary usage, and are considered appropriate when discussing the terrorism of enemies. The reliance on these definitions is particularly appropriate for our Noam Chomsky 101 Hegemony or Survival purposes because they were formulated when the first war on terror was declared. But almost no one uses them, and they have been rescinded, replaced by nothing sensible. The reasons do not seem obscure: the official definitions of terrorism are virtually the same as the definitions of counterterror (sometimes called "low-intensity conflict," or "counterinsurgency"). It is traditional for states to call their own terrorism "counterterror," even the worst mass murderers: the Nazis, for example. In occupied Europe they claimed to be defending the population and legitimate governments from the partisans, terrorists supported from abroad. The partisans were undoubtedly directed from London, and they did engage in terror. If the doctrinal requirement is lifted, however, we find that, like most weapons, terror is primarily a weapon of the powerful.


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Because these behaviors are common among siblings inpatient pain treatment center order elavil 75mg with visa, they must be observed during interactions with persons other than siblings running knee pain treatment purchase generic elavil line. Also pain treatment with laser generic elavil 75 mg fast delivery, because symptoms of the disorder are typically more evident in interactions with adults or peers whom the individual knows well davis pain treatment center order elavil online now, they may not be apparent during a clinical examination. First, the diagnostic threshold of four or more symptoms within the preceding 6months must be met. For example, it is not unusual for preschool children to show temper tantrums on a weekly basis. The symptoms of the disorder often are part of a pattern of problematic interactions with others. Furthermore, individuals with this disorder typically do not regard themselves as angry, oppositional, or defiant. Instead, they often justify their behavior as a response to unreasonable demands or circumstances. Whether or not the clinician can separate the relative contributions of potential causal factors should not influence whether or not the diagnosis is made. In the event that the child may be living in particularly poor conditions where neglect or mistreatment may occur. Associated Features Supporting Diagnosis In children and adolescents, oppositional defiant disorder is more prevalent in families in which child care is disrupted by a succession of different caregivers or in families in which harsh, inconsistent, or neglectful child-rearing practices are common. Oppositional defiant disorder has been associated with increased risk for suicide attempts, even after comorbid disorders are controlled for. Prevaience the prevalence of oppositional defiant disorder ranges from 1% to 11%, with an average prevalence estimate of around 3. The rate of oppositional defiant disorder may vary depending on the age and gender of the child. This male predominance is not consistently found in samples of adolescents or adults. Development and Course the first symptoms of oppositional defiant disorder usually appear during the preschool years and rarely later than early adolescence. Oppositional defiant disorder often precedes the development of conduct disorder, especially for those with the childhood-onset type of conduct disorder. However, many children and adolescents with oppositional defiant disorder do not subsequently develop conduct disorder. Oppositional defiant disorder also conveys risk for the development of anxiety disorders and major depressive disorder, even in the absence of conduct disorder. Thus, it is unclear whether there are markers specific to oppositional defiant disorder. Culture-R elated Diagnostic Issues the prevalence of the disorder in children and adolescents is relatively consistent across countries that differ in race and ethnicity. Functional Consequences of Oppositional Defiant Disorder When oppositional defiant disorder is persistent throughout development, individuals with the disorder experience frequent conflicts with parents, teachers, supervisors, peers, and romantic partners. Conduct disorder and oppositional defiant disorder are both related to conduct problems that bring the individual in conflict with adults and other authority figures. Furthermore, oppositional defiant disorder includes problems of emotional dysregulation. As a result, a diagnosis of oppositional defiant disorder should not be made if the symptoms occur exclusively during the course of a mood disorder. However, the severity, frequency, and chronicity of temper outbursts are more severe in individuals with disruptive mood dysregulation disorder than in those with oppositional defiant disorder. However, individuals with this disorder show serious aggression toward others that is not part of the definition of oppositional defiant disorder. Oppositional defiant disorder must also be distinguished from a failure to follow directions that is the result of impaired language comprehension. Also, oppositional defiant disorder often precedes conduct disorder, although this appears to be most common in children with the childhood-onset subtype. Recurrent behavioral outbursts representing a failure to control aggressive impulses as manifested by either of the following; 1. The magnitude of aggressiveness expressed during the recurrent outbursts is grossly out of proportion to the provocation or to any precipitating psychosocial stressors. For children ages 6-18 years, aggressive behavior that occurs as part of an adjustment disorder should not be considered for this diagnosis. Diagnostic Features the impulsive (or anger-based) aggressive outbursts in intermittent explosive disorder have a rapid onset and, typically, little or no prodromal period. Outbursts typically last for less than 30 minutes and commonly occur in response to a minor provocation by a close intimate or associate.

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Other input may come from fatigue pain treatment center of america buy discount elavil on line, emotional disturbance or anxiety hip pain treatment options buy online elavil, circadian stress midsouth pain treatment center reviews buy elavil 25 mg online, dehydration pain treatment center syracuse ny cheap 25 mg elavil fast delivery, pain or visual stimuli, such as the sight of a needle. A glass of wine on an empty stomach in a susceptible individual may have the same effect. As up to one-third of aircrew may experience incapacitation at some time in their career, in 60 per cent of cases due to gastroenteritis, the likelihood of such an event in a susceptible individual is significant. The head-up tilt test, in which the subject is raised from the supine position to an angle of 60-70 degrees for 45 minutes, is the procedure of choice if tilt table testing information is thought necessary to improve the certificatory decision. In the most severely affected individuals, the test is almost 100 per cent sensitive; in others, it is about 70 per cent sensitive with provocation with nitroglycerine. The false-positive rate is about 13 per cent, rising to 20 per cent with nitroglycerine. The reproducibility of the test is in the range of 70 to 80 per cent, but a negative test cannot be taken as an assumption that the diagnosis in incorrect or that the condition has improved. Subjects with the syndrome have a normal life expectancy unless syncope causes some accident, such as falling under a vehicle, or occurs while driving a vehicle or flying as single pilot in a light aircraft. Whereas a single syncopal episode, when the diagnosis is secure, need not preclude certification, a history of repeated or clustered attacks will normally lead to loss of medical fitness. This is based on the unpredictability of the episodes, their tendency to cluster, their variable symptomatology and the risk of incapacitation for an uncertain length of time. However, some individuals suffer periods of apparent vulnerability to such episodes but followed by long periods of freedom from attacks. This may allow certain individuals to eventually regain their Medical Assessment, normally with an enduring restriction to multi-crew operations. There is also a significant risk of gastroenteritis which may provoke an episode in a vulnerable individual. Following a single episode of unexplained syncope, a full cardiological examination is required; a neurological examination is necessary only if the diagnosis is subsequently unclear. Loss of consciousness due to structural abnormality of the heart, or significant arrhythmia, will disbar. However, due to the tendency of episodes to cluster, recertification may be possible after a significant interval of freedom from attacks (arbitrarily two years) during which the pilot should remain on the ground. Aircrew in whom the diagnosis has been made need to be counselled about the condition and told when attacks are likely to occur and how to manage them should they do so. What is known, what is currently accepted, and what needs to be proven in atrial fibrillationfi The technique for recording the 12-lead resting electrocardiogram is given in paragraph 1. Standard amplification gives a deflection of 1mV/cm, and the standard paper speed is 25 mm/s. The standard presentation of a resting electrocardiogram is upon A4 graph paper; the faint lines on both axes measure 1 mm. The heavy lines are 5 mm apart and represent 200 ms on the x-axis at the standard paper speed. In the absence of this, they are likely to reflect a normal variant unless particularly short (< 100 ms) or unless 48 A/D conversion: conversion from analog to digital signals for transmission and further computer storage/processing. They should be asymmetric with a slow upstroke and relatively sharper down stroke. U-waves U-waves follow the T-wave, are generally of lower amplitude, and should always be in the same direction of the T-wave. U-wave inversion is commonly abnormal and may represent systolic overload in the left ventricle, or myocardial ischaemia. They may be positive or negative, their polarity depending on the lead and also the delta vector which reflects the position of the accessory pathway. They are seen as early re-polarization phenomena in healthy young adults (commonly males) but also are seen, inter alia, in hypothermia and subarachnoid haemorrhage. Leftward axis deviation is present between 0fi and 30fi, and left axis deviation is present when the axis is > 30fi. A 48-year-old air traffic controller with a heart rate of 72 bpm; the recording is normal. As an isolated observation in an otherwise normal subject, this is likely to be innocent. The pilot was asymptomatic and if an exercise recording had been performed, it would have been normal. Provided the applicant is asymptomatic and there is no history suggestive of nodal reciprocating tachycardia; this is a normal variant. It is a commonly normal variant and should not interfere with certification in the absence of other abnormality. T wave inversion is not abnormal in V1 and if present should diminish progressively, sometimes as notching, in V2 and V3. T wave inversion in V3 should be regarded as abnormal and is seen in right ventricular abnormality, and in anterior ischaemia. In an older age group, if a new change, the possibility of anteroseptal injury needed to be considered and excluded. A 21-year-old Class I applicant who demonstrates sinus rhythm at a heart rate of 84 bpm. This is a normal variant in a young person, and a normal response to exercise is to be expected. There is a point of comment with regard to the U waves which are inverted in V5 and V6. No cause was evident but this finding is often a surrogate for pathological T wave inversion in an older subject. Atrial prematurity can be premonitory of atrial fibrillation and a history of excess alcohol intake is not uncommon. It was absent in this case, and together with normal echocardiogram and normal exercise electrocardiogram, a fit assessment with annual follow-up was given. The dominant negativity of the inferior leads reflects a probable co-existent left anterior fascicular block (hemiblock), although an inferior myocardial infarction needs to be excluded. Although always asymptomatic, this pilot initially developed paroxysmal atrial 3 fibrillation which became persistent and then permanent. Persistent: recurrent, sustained atrial fibrillation that was previously terminated by therapeutic intervention. Persistent atrial fibrillation may be the first presentation, a culmination of recurrent episodes of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation or long-standing atrial fibrillation (greater than one year). Persistent atrial fibrillation is not self-limited, but may be converted to sinus rhythm by medical or electrical intervention. Permanent: Continuous atrial fibrillation which cannot be converted to normal sinus rhythm by pharmacologic or electrical conversion techniques. Clockwise rotation of the heart is present about its longitudinal axis with S-waves in V5 and V6. This pattern had developed over 20 years and reflects the gradual acquisition of left antero-superior fascicular block (hemiblock). If the change is abrupt, the possibility of anterior myocardial infarction needs to be considered. Follow-up is required for any evidence of progression consistent with progressive fibrosis of the conducting tissue.

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Beloff (10) reports a positive relationship between authoritarianism on the F-scale and susceptibility for both men and women pain medication for dogs cancer discount elavil uk. Hardy (54) found no relationship between F-scale scores and public and private conformity pain treatment center memphis purchase online elavil. Goldberg treatment for joint pain for dogs buy elavil 10 mg without a prescription, Hunt pain management for dog in heat purchase elavil 25 mg without prescription, Cohen and Meadow (50) used the Asch line judging problems to obtain groups of undergraduate students showing differences in susceptibility. The male high conforming group was found to make lower scores on the masculinity-femininity (more feminine), the hypochondriacal, and psychasthenic scales of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, and to make lower anxiety scores on the Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale. Crutchfield (33) used the Group Squares Test to identify three groups of male subjects differing from one another in degrees of readiness to yield under influence. Using the Asch line judging problems, Barron (6) selected extreme groups in independence and yielding. Neither Berenda (11) nor Jenness (70) found significant correlations between intelligence measures and susceptibility (see above). Fisher, Williams, and Lubin (44) report no relationship, but the measures used were not explained. Other investigators have shown a significant inverse relationship between intelligence and conformity. The relationship between intelligence and responsiveness to pressures has been found in two studies by Crutchfield to be curvilinear. Those scoring in the intermediate range of responsiveness scored highest on intelligence measures, including the Terman Concept Mastery Test and the Idea Classification Test in the first study and an undefined measure in the second study. Nakamura (106) investigated the possibility that conformity as a nonintellectual variable contributes to variability in problem-solving ability. For men, there was a significant negative correlation between tendency to conform and performance on all problems combined, but especially on the restructuring problems. The negative correlation for men above twenty-one years only was considerably higher. A significant sex difference was found, with men superior in problem-solving and intelligence, but lower on conformity. Studies of the relationship between intelligence and susceptibility are not entirely clear; if a relationship does exist, it probably is inverse and curvilinear. Barron (7) categorized two extreme groups of subjects as yielders and independents. Using the Barron-Welsh Art Scale to measure complexity-simplicity, he found that independents made significantly higher complexity scores. Crutchfield (32) found that those who yielded in the intermediate range showed less preference for symmetry on the Welsh Figure Preference Test. Significant differences between groups were found, with those classified as original yielding less. Crutchfield (32) found that 254students responding to the Group Squares Test in the intermediate range were rated by instructors as highest on originality. Linton (86) measured dependence on the perceptual field by subtasks and a composite score on the Tilting Room, Tilting Chair, and Embedded Figures tasks. Other measures included the degree of attitude change after reading an article contrary to own opinion and the influence of personal attitudes on a syllogisms test. The conformity measure for the autokinetic situation correlated significantly with the composite score for the degree of dependence on the perceptual field. No significant correlations were found between social influence and performance on the syllogisms and attitude task. The Embedded Figures Test also was administered to high and low yielders in a study by Rosner (114). Yielders failed to locate the test pattern in the complex figures significanitly more often than nonyielders. Wiener, Carpenter, and Carpenter (132, 133) classified undergraduate psychology students by three degrees of their compliance with a request to return some experimental materials. The mean conformity score was significantly higher for the group that completed and returned the material. Hoffman (65) composed extreme groups of those who shifted most and least toward false group norms reported for two) tasks. High conformers were found to score significantly lower on all Thematic Apperception Test measures of ego strength, and higher on measures of parental dominance, aggression directed toward self, success striving, overconcern for parents, and readiness to submit to authority. Linton (85) using the Rorschach Test found significant correlations between high conformity and low W, high P, flexor M, high Hd, high F%, high M; Sum C, high Sum C, and animal responses consisting mostly of insects, sea life, birds or bats, in contrast to a preponderance of dogs, rabbits, elephants, or bears. A cluster of studies have investigated relationships between conformity and strength of various needs or drives, as measured by 255personality tests, including affiliation, dependency, approval, and achievement. In the study by Jacubczak and Walters (69), child subjects, half classified as high-dependent and half as low-dependent, were subjected to pressures, once from a peer and once from an adult. Hoffman (64) found that subjects with high conformity needs tended to conform when faced with divergent norms, and showed less anxiety when they did so (see above). In the no-support condition, the highand medium-need affiliation groups were more conforming than the low group. In the partner condition, the medium and low groups conformed more than the high group (see above). Samelson (115) reports in an abstract that he failed to find a relationship between need affiliation and conformity on a discrimination task. Moeller and Applezweig (102) placed women college students into groups representing combinations of high and low social and selfapproval needs, as measured by a sentence completion form of the Behavior Interpretation Inventory. No differences were found for persons scoring high in self-approval needs and low in social approval needs, or for those scoring high on both measures. Krebs (80) validated the hypothesis that the greater the achievement need of a person, the more resistant he is to opinion change. Samelson (115) provided information that might allow the individual to account for the discrepancy between physical and social reality. Significantly less conformity was found under the reduced conflict situation when prior failure by the others provided the naive subject with an "explanation" for the social discrepancy. In the usual full conflict situation, both need achievement and social 256approach were negatively but not significantly correlated with conformity, whereas under the reduced conflict condition the correlation was positive and significant. Since only one or two studies have employed the same measures of strength of needs, the conclusions drawn can only be regarded as tentative ones. In self-ratings on the Gough Adjective Check List, subjects low in conformity perceived themselves as possessing intellectual and cognitive originality, open-mindedness, a high degree of personal involvement, emotional reactivity, and lack of social ease or absence of social virtues; yielders perceived themselves as possessing ease and facility in interpersonal relations, personal effectiveness, playfulness in achieving goals, and personal stability and health. On the eighty-four descriptive item check list, independents placed significantly higher values on creativity, close interpersonal relations, and the importance of the individual as opposed to the group. Yielders saw themselves as practical-minded, physicalistic in thinking, and group-oriented. Self-descriptive questionnaire and personality inventories, used by Crutchfield (34) to contrast extreme groups, characterized the independent person as one who is adventurous, self-assertive, possessed of self-respect, and free from compulsion about rules. Conforming persons were seen as rigid, externally sanctioned, inconsistent, anxious, and possessing moralistic attitudes and conventionality of values. In another study by Crutchfield (33), staff ratings on an adjective check list described those subjects most responsive to social influence as fluid, impulsive, tense, and disturbed; those least responsive as rigid, calm, conventional, and practical; those intermediate in responsiveness as moderate, conventional, careful, stable, quiet, intelligent, and serious. On self-ratings, those who were most responsive agreed with the staff assessment; those least responsive tended to overrate themselves; whereas those who were intermediately responsive underrated themselves. Crutchfield (32) also reports significant relationships between responsiveness and such variables as impulsiveness, dominance, flexibility, spontaneity, femininity, and independence of judgmemt, as well as differences between groups in self-perception based on results from adjective check lists. In a study utilizing "normal" subjects, Cervin (27) selected as subjects high and low scorers on several pencil and paper tests of emotional stability. Highly unstable subjects were found to be significantly more likely to change their opinions under opposition. Levine, Laffal, Berkowitz, Lindemann, and Drevdahl (84) contrasted the variability in individual scores on the autokinetic task for patients in a Veterans Administration hospital. The psychiatric group was found to be more variable in perceptual judgments and to show less convergence toward group norms than the "control" group. Didato (36) obtained similar results for schizophrenic compared with normal subjects. Degree of regression in chronic schizophrenia has been reported by Spohn (125) to be related to the tendency to modify judgments in accordance with group norms, with those patients rated as moderately regressed showing more conformity in perceptual judgments than those rated as markedly regressed. Blake, Helson, and Mouton (18) investigated the generality issue for responses to various tasks under simulated group conditions. Generality of susceptibility was demonstrated by individual consistency for all tasks. Helson, Blake, Mouton, and Olmstead (63) demonstrated that individuals shifting their judgments on a larger number of attitude items moved closer to the contradictory opinions of others than those who shifted less frequently.

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