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  • Professor and Director
  • Division of Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology
  • Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
  • New York, New York

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The latter can nosuppressive agents and the need for routine prophylactic often be assessed by proteinuria reduction, which can measures are beyond the scope of this guideline, but are sometimes be achieved with trough blood levels of calcineur13 familiar in clinical practice, and have been reviewed. The value of monitoring mycoto these immunosuppressive agents are identied in the phenolic acid levels to guide dosing of mycophenolate has chapters to follow. This part of In women of child-bearing potential, the risks of pregnancy the management cannot be overemphasized. The physician must be aware of this conundrum and where Most of the medications recommended are available at low the evidence for treatment is weak (but potentially lifecost in many parts of the world. What might be seen as an acceptmarketing of generic agents and biosimilars is now rapidly able trade-off by the physician may not be viewed similarly reducing costs. Common Some treatments suggested as potential rescue therapies examples are the use of prophylactic antimicrobials to in this guideline. On the one hand, there is the recognition that inaccurate or misleading data, opinion or statement. In contrast, without treatment, nephrotic synthis chapter makes treatment recommendations for children drome in children is associated with high risk of death, aged 1 to 18 years with nephrotic syndrome, who respond to particularly from bacterial infection. The cost implications for global application of this 19 half of these deaths being from infection. The (prednisone or prednisolone)* be given for at likelihood of initial corticosteroid unresponsiveness is 14 least 12 weeks. The likelihood of late 2 resistance to corticosteroids is associated with a shorter dose (1B)startig at6 m g/m /d or 2 mg/kg/d to a maximum 60 mg/d. The majority of children who relapse continue to respond completely to corticosteroids throughmonths was reduced by 30% (risk ratio of relapse 0. Although theoretical studies indicate prednisone as a single dose on alternate 2 that dosing for body weight results in a lower total dose days (40 mg/m perdoseor1. The most consistent indicator for a frequently relapsing course is early suggested for children who relapse infrequently. Studies have not assessed have demonstrated that daily prednisone dose during upper whether the other factors are independent risk factors for respiratory tract and other infections reduced the risk for 25,36,37 predicting frequent relapses or steroid dependence. Gonadal toxicity with alkylating agents is well months of follow-up, alkylating agents reduced the risk of documented, with males more affected than females. Studies have reported a higher risk of 51 more likely to achieve long-term remission. However, the in the risk for relapse during levamisole treatment com49 Arbeitsgemeinschaft furPadiatrische Nephrologie concluded pared to prednisone, placebo, or no specic treatment that 12 weeks of cyclophosphamide was more effective (Table 2). Rare cases of cutaneous vasculitis have the principal side-effects of cyclosporine are kidney 60 been described with levamisole therapy. Levamisole is dysfunction, hypertension, gum hypertrophy, and hypertriunavailable in many countries. In most patients, antibody levels American populations, it is reasonable to consider biopsy 89 persisted for at least 36 months. While contact their physician as soon as possible if the child every effort is made to ensure that drug doses and other comes into close contact with another child with chicken quantities are presented accurately, readers are advised that pox, or an adult with herpes zoster, so that the child can new methods and techniques involving drug usage, and receive zoster immune globulin (if available) within 72 described within this Journal, should only be followed in 90 hours of exposure. Cyc treatment in children with frequently relapsing nephrotic syndrome (categorical outcomes). CsA K To determine the additional benefits and risks of in frequently relapsing nephrotic syndrome in children (continuous outcomes). All later references to prednisone in this chapter refer to K a diagnostic kidney biopsy; prednisone or prednisolone. Persistent nephrotic syndrome is associated with poor patient-reported proteinuria with 4 weeks of daily corticosteroid therapy and 27 quality of life, thromboembolic events, hypertension, perito100% after an additional 3 weeks of alternate-day therapy. It is not clear if these 96 late responses are due to the extended corticosteroid exposure, transplantation. The cumulative burden of ongoing disease-related coma late effect of prior therapy, or natural history of the disease. The kidney biopsy will also provide information a partial remission is achieved by regarding the degree of interstitial and glomerular brosis, 6 months. Tapering of the dose to the 31% and partial remission in 38% during 6 months of therapy. The 69% cumulative complete and partial remission was the impact of podocyte-altering genetic polymorphisms signicantly better than the 0-16% remission in the control on response to immunomodulating therapy has been arms of these randomized studies. A dose-response reduction of proteinuria Tacrolimus has been compared to cyclosporine in one has been observed: a 33% reduction in proteinuria with 113 study with 41 total participants and showed no signicant a 0. The evidence (methylprednisolone or dexamethasone) for 6 doses comis of moderate quality due to the small sample size 97,98 bined with oral prednisone, and the short-term outcome was (Table 7). Because only a difference in achieving a complete remission with cyclophosminority of those randomized to methylprednisolone actually phamide therapy plus corticosteroids compared to corticosreceived that agent, the study is of very low quality. The remission response rates from was also no evidence of benet with the addition of low-dose corticosteroids in small randomized studies in cyclophosphamide, i. K Investigation of treatment options is needed for Supplementary Table 14: Evidence profile of studies examining p. Cyc treatment in children with steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome or statement appears in this Journal, they wish to make it (continuous outcomes). The cost implications for global application of Therefore, specic treatment should be given with the goal of this guideline are addressed in Chapter 2. They include Hodgkins disease, lithium 134 intolerance to high-dose corticosteroids. In this very Initial treatment limited experience, the typical response rate of 75% is Prednisone Daily single dose of 1mg/kg (maximum 80mg) or alternate-day single comparable to corticosteroids. There is one report of the effectiveness of 125,129,130 140 exposure of at least 24 weeks. Steroid resistance may be due to 130,141 cyclosporine with remission rates of 70-90%. At 9 months, remission rate Treatment strategy as outlined in Chapter 6 is suggested. All later references to prednisone in this chapter refer to patient, including medical history, physical examination, prednisone or prednisolone. Mitochondrial cytopathies even partial remission (reduction to non-nephrotic range 2. Virus associated proteinuria) was associated with signicant improvement in 103 a. Unilateral kidney agenesis to corticosteroids and immunosuppressive therapy is now c. Cortical necrosis is poor in patients who do not achieve remission, with 5-year. This is the disease is prolonged, with even complete remitters having particularly relevant if the nephrotic syndrome is severe, since a relapse rate of up to 40%. A retrospective observational study compared high-dose There are no data to support treatment with corticosteroids oral prednisone (1 mg/kg/d) for at least 4 months and in patients without nephrotic-range proteinuria and, tapering thereafter, with low-dose prednisone (0. Low-dose prednisone was given to 16 patients 165 resistant disease with poor outcome. Spontaneous remissions do occur, with reported observed in the two regimens, 71% (12/17 patients) vs.


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Symptoms with epilepsy than are verbal memory, psychomotor function, resemble those of dysthymia, but occur intermittently, precognitive processing speed, mental flexibility, seizure frecluding the formal diagnosis of dysthymia. Depression has a negative intermittent irritability, depressed or euphoric moods, anergia, effect and is associated with more disability, greater social difinsomnia, atypical pains, anxiety, and fears in the setting of ficulties, more drug side effects, lower employment rates, cogclear consciousness. They nitive dysfunction and subjective memory complaints, and may recur every few days to every few months and last from a greater use of the medical system (8,9). Onset generally occurs epilepsy, morbidity, mortality, and overall prognosis are 2 years after the diagnosis of epilepsy. Depression of forced normalization, symptoms are typically independent ratings negatively correlate with the presence of idiopathic of seizure occurrence. Frontal dysfunction may have etiorapidly effective for their broad array of symptoms at low doses. Phenobarbital exerts particularly acterized by a dysphoric mood that precedes a seizure by negative effects on mood, with 40% of those treated develophours or days (18) and usually ends with the seizure. Ictal depression is the second most common, tered antidepressants, leading to breakthrough depressive after ictal anxiety or fear, and consists of anhedonia, guilt, symptoms (Table 93. In dacrystic seizures, auras consist of unprovoked and correction should be the first step in treatment. In addition, prior to initiation of therapy, patients depression has long been recognized but its frequency is should be screened for evidence of bipolar disorder to avoid unknown. Postictal symptoms For those with peri-ictal depression, improved seizure conoften persist for hours to several days and may be severe, trol may be a sufficient treatment. If a particular have resolution of their symptoms after epilepsy surgery (21), antidepressant was successful in the past for the patient or famdepression may also worsen or occur de novo posttemporal ily member, another trial of this agent should be considered. Postoperative depression often begins acutely A common misconception is that all antidepressants signifwithin the first month after surgery. Risk factors include those fears are largely based upon seizures associated with overwith fear auras, especially those rendered seizure-free by doses, which have little predictive value when levels are within surgery. Patients with primary generalized epilepsy may have a greater propenTreatment sity for seizure exacerbation secondary to antidepressants; depression in such patients appears to respond well to low Depression is both under-recognized and undertreated in doses of these agents (15). An estimated 80% of neurologists (24) the medications with substantial risk are few; however, it do not screen for depression in patients with seizure disorders, is prudent to avoid bupropion, maprotiline, clomipramine, perhaps due to unease with its management. Difficulty in and amoxapine because of their potential for exacerbating recognition of symptoms may also play a role, as many seizures (29). A further limiting factor is the lack of controlled ularly in patients with bulimia. Maprotiline induces observed that treatment was delayed by more than 6 months in seizures in 12. Although the propensity for seizures erally unaffected by drug side effects or underlying medical is lower (0. Women tend to agent in adults with depression, particularly for those with be more responsive than men, however, and sexual dysfuncmelancholic features. Dosages as high as 225 mg/day have tion and weight gain are common adverse reactions. Kanner those with any residual symptoms have a greater likelihood and associates used sertraline to treat depression in 100 for relapse. Depressive symptoms improved in the Continuation of medication is generally indicated for 4 to majority of subjects, with seizures definitely worsening in only 9 months. Starting with the lowest dose is recommended, tend to have high relapse rates, with continuation of symptoms with a gradual dose increase at 1to 2-week intervals. Also of efit may be attained from combined approaches with therapy concern are the potential for cardiac conduction abnormalities plus medication. Psychotherapy can help patients cope with and the greater tendency to induce mania. The anticholinergic limitations imposed by epilepsy and may result in significant effects may exacerbate memory dysfunction in patients improvements in rating scales of depression and anxiety, as with Alzheimer disease as well. Psychoeducation and therapy been shown to increase the risk of seizures in the general. Imipramine which is particularly useful for refractory depression or acute, and amitriptyline at dosages 200 mg/day, however, do not severe episodes. The common recommendation to start at a low dose there is an incomplete response, proceed to Stage 3. A medication selegiline, isocarboxazid, phenelzine, tranylcypromine) are from a different class than that used in Stages 1 or 2 generally safe in patients with epilepsy. The potentially fatal serotonin syndrome there is an incomplete response, proceed to Stage 4. If there is an incomplete useful for atypical features of depression, these are third-line response, proceed to Stage 5. Chapter 93: Psychiatric Comorbidity of Epilepsy 1041 When transitioning between drugs, an overlap and taper when compared to groups taking these agents for other indistrategy should be used to avoid withdrawal symptoms. Risk for suicide may also be assessed by the suicipatients with epilepsy is approximately twice that of the gendality modules of the Mini International Neuropsychiatric eral population, occurring at a rate of about 12%. Patients with seizures Physicians need to document the level of risk, interventions, are also at greater risk of completing suicide compared to conand plans for monitoring. Antidepressants and psychotheranxiety, personality disorders, and bipolar disorder (33). Anxiety may lead to significant distress, Furthermore, cognitive impairment carries a 10 to 25 times and the presence of anxiety in a depressed patient with greater risk than normal cognition. The risk began as age of 24 hours, and have been likened to a psychiatric early as 1 week, and continued to at least 24 weeks, at which Todds phenomenon. Anxiety prior to epilepsy surgery is a marker of ration, chills, abdominal upset, sensation of choking, poorer postresection psychosocial adjustment, perceived derealization, and persistent worry about future attacks. Depression and Anxiety Scales, the Beck Anxiety Inventory Making the distinction, however, may be difficult. Data diagnosed only after a long delay, when progression to more also demonstrate efficacy of venlafaxine. While buspirone is effective in the general Seizures manifesting as panic are uncommon. When prepopulation, this agent should be avoided in patients with sent, ictal panic is most often associated with right midanteepilepsy due to the risk of exacerbating seizures. Themes are often persecutory or religious, and may have strong affective Phobias occur in 20% of patients with epilepsy. Compared with the psychosis of schizophrenia, patients in which patients fear future seizures. Patients may specifically with interictal psychosis typically have an absence of negative fear resultant death or brain damage, and relive prior seizures. Patients with from fear that others would observe their seizures if they were psychosis related to epilepsy also have an older age of onset to occur in public. While phobias are typically an interictal compared to those with schizophrenia, with symptoms beginphenomenon, some patients experience postictal agoraphobia. Those with epilepsythe degree of anxiety may parallel the perceived severity of related psychosis are more likely to be male, as opposed to seizures. Caution should be used in the prescription of benzodiIn some patients, a positive correlation exists between azepines, given concerns that they may lead to dependence overall seizure frequency and psychotic symptoms. The underlying pathophysiology is quency of psychosis among patients with epilepsy is approxiunclear.

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This disease is seen more often on the left side and 25% of patients have a bilateral appearance blood pressure vitamins purchase genuine nifedipine online. Other less likely theories include avascular necrosis of the tibial tuberosity (although blood supply is abundant) hypertension abbreviation nifedipine 30 mg low cost, infection (although patients are afebrile and without leukocytosis) hypertension of the eye generic nifedipine 20mg overnight delivery, and degeneration of the patella with heterotopic ossification (although histological studies show no tendon necrosis and normal tendon insertion) (2 pulse pressure 12080 buy nifedipine 20 mg on-line,3). Growth of the proximal tibia is unique because it involves two growth centers in close proximity: the proximal tibial physis and the tibial tuberosity apophysis. Stages 1-3 involve fibrovascular ingrowth and vascularization of the area with anterior outgrowth. Postnatal stages include a separate and distinct tibial tuberosity growth plate (stage 4) that later joins with the tibial growth plate (stage 7). There is a distinct secondary ossification center in the distal portion of the tuberosity (stage 5). During maturation (stage 6) there is a coalescence of the proximal tibial epiphyseal ossification center with the tuberosity ossification center. Patients may often have symptoms for 6-12 months prior to seeking medical attention. Unless other pathology is suspected, radiographs of the knee are usually unnecessary, since this is largely a clinical diagnosis. In more severe cases, lateral radiographs of the knee will often show a decrease in homogeneity of the infrapatellar fat pad, soft tissue swelling, and a prominence/fragmentation of the tibial tuberosity. Some have termed Osgood-Schlatter as a "tendonitis" of the patellar tendon insertion. Despite the ominous sounding name, the end result is often the same with or without treatment; therefore, alleviating parental fear is important (2). Treatment is mainly symptomatic and involves reducing forceful use of the quadriceps, which equates to playing less, resting more during games and practices, and less jumping. If the pain is severe, a knee immobilizer may be used to allow for both decreased tension over the patellar tendon by limiting extension. Being skeletally immature, these patients are at risk for subluxation of the patella, patella alta (high riding patella), nonunion of the bony fragment of the tibia, and premature fusion of the anterior part of the epiphysis leading to genu recurvatum (hyperextension of the knee). The use of knee pads to prevent reaggravation of contusions should be stressed to both patients and parents. Severs Disease this is a 13 year old boy who presents to the office with a chief complaint of right heel pain. The patient states he has gradually noticed this pain since the beginning of basketball season 2 weeks ago. The pain is a dull, 5/10 ache over his right heel that is worse with running, especially when running on the hardwood floor. A heel wedge is placed in his right shoe, which he later reports helps to alleviate the pain. Most of their pain and discomfort is sustained during athletic activity when stress on the Achilles tendon insertion is maximal. Once acute symptoms have resolved, patients should begin stretching and strengthening exercises of the hamstring and calf muscles. If conservative measurements fail after 6-8 weeks, a bone scan or other studies to seek more occult sources of pain should be considered. Little League Elbow this is a 13 year old right handed boy who presents to the clinic with a chief complaint of right elbow pain. His parents are concerned about him missing the All-Star game if he doesnt continue to perform at a high level. Radiographs of his right elbow are obtained and show a minimally displaced right medial epicondyle fracture. Because there is minimally displacement (<2mm), a posterior splint is applied for 2 weeks. The term "Little League elbow" is used to describe a group of pathologic entities in and around the elbow joint in young throwers. This valgus stress results in lateral compression and medial traction on the elbow. The injury has expanded to include (9): 1) Medial epicondylar fragmentation and avulsion. The physical stresses associated with throwing produce exceptional forces in and about the elbow in the throwing athlete of any age. These forces include tension, compression, and shear localized to the medial, lateral, and posterior aspects of the elbow (10). A comprehensive history is important and should include age, handedness, activity level, sport played, and history of trauma. The age of the thrower can be helpful in the differential and is divided into three groups: 1) childhood (terminates with appearance of all secondary centers of ossification), 2) adolescence (terminates with fusion of all secondary centers of ossification to their respective long bones), and 3) young adulthood (terminates with completion of all bone growth and achievement of final muscular development) (9). By young adulthood, the medial epicondyle is fused and injuries tend to occur to muscular attachments and ligaments. Also neurological and vascular exams with attention to the ulnar nerve should be performed. The American Academy of Pediatrics and youth baseball organizations have made recommendations to reduce the risk of overuse elbow injuries in young athletes by providing leagues and coaches with guidelines limiting the number of pitches per day or per game, a young athlete can throw. Playing through such pain worsens the injury, so this practice should be discouraged. If disability continues for an extended period of time, throwing should be disallowed until the next season. This causes a painful elbow with tenderness over the medial epicondyle and elbow flexion contracture that may exceed 15 degrees. Medial ligament rupture to the ulnar collateral ligament is not common in young athletes and is seen more in adults. If the injury is detected early, conservative treatment including rest and alternating heat/ice is recommended. Panners is a focal, localized lesion of the subchondral capitellum and its articular cartilage. It is a self-limiting condition where the capitellum epiphysis essentially assumes a normal appearance as growth progresses. Panners usually affects a younger population and onset is acute with fragmentation of the entire capitellar ossific nucleus. These patients present with poorly localized, dull pain with decreased range of motion during extension with "locking and catching," also unlike Panners disease. If there is lack of apophyseal fusion, rest and immobilization can produce good results. Preventing these types of injuries involves teaching proper throwing mechanics, keeping an accurate pitching count, predetermining a stopping point based on number of pitches thrown, and recognizing early warning signs and stopping once the pain starts. Ophthalmology is consulted and further evaluation for the hyphema includes an intraocular pressure measurement, which is found to be normal. The patient and parents are told to limit his activity for the first 72 hours without television or video games. His immunization records are current and the patient is sent home with a narcotic analgesic and follow-up in 3 days. The next season, he is sporting a new pair of safety goggles to every game and practice. Males are at higher risk for orbital fractures because of their increased incidence of trauma. The thin orbital floor (maxilla) and the medial wall (ethmoid) are the weakest portions of the orbit. The patient should be questioned regarding epistaxis or clear fluid from nares or ears, loss of consciousness, visual problems, hearing problems, malocclusion, and facial numbness or tingling. They should have their supraorbital ridge and frontal bone palpated for step-off fractures, and their hard palate and teeth palpated for stability. Radiographically, routine facial views include Waters, Caldwell, and lateral projections (14,15,16). The Waters view is used for identifying inferior orbital rims, nasoethmoidal bones, and maxillary sinuses. The Caldwell projection provides the best view of the lateral rim and ethmoid bone. C-spine films are indicated if the patient complains of neck pain or if a suspected cervical injury cannot be ruled out.

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Serious complications include rapid onset of paralysis with loss of reflexes in the involved limb blood pressure meaning cheap nifedipine 30mg with amex. Two thirds of people who experience this complication have persistent paralysis of the involved limb prehypertension during pregnancy buy discount nifedipine 20mg on line. There are about 90 different types hypertension kidney pain nifedipine 20 mg free shipping, but 7 of these account for about 80% of infections among children less than 6 years of age prehypertension caffeine cheap nifedipine 30 mg with amex. Pneumococcus is the most common cause of bacteria meningitis in children younger than 1 year of age. Before the vaccine was introduced, pneumococcus was responsible for 17,000 cases of bloodstream infections, 700 cases of meningitis, and 70,000 cases of pneumonia ( Prevnar vaccine prevents about 7% of ear infections and about 20% of those infections that are resistant to multiple antibiotics. The biggest problem with Pneumococcus is its growing resistance to available antibiotics, which is why the vaccine is the best way to prevent illness from 7 types that most commonly cause infection. Before the vaccine, Rotavirus resulted in 55,00070,000 hospitalizations annually and 20-60 deaths. Symptoms include fever, pink eye, and a red, pinpoint rash that starts on the face and spreads to the entire body. Measles can also cause very severe pneumonia that may result in death and an infection of the brain that can cause permanent brain damage. Measles is still quite prevalent throughout the developing world and remains one of the leading causes of death worldwide. It commonly causes the swelling of the parotid glands just below the ears that lasts for 7 days. Mumps can be very serious and used to be the most common cause of meningitis and acquired deafness before the vaccine ( Also, mumps can cause swelling of and inflammation of the testicles, which may cause long-term sterility. Finally, mumps infections during pregnancy occasionally resulted in the death of the unborn child. Rubella, also knows as German measles, is a virus that generally causes a rash, swelling of the glands behind the ears, and sometimes swelling of small joints such as fingers. Children often recover without consequence, however if a woman is infected with rubella during the first trimester of the pregnancy, there is about an 85% chance of the child being permanently affected, Rubella can cause blindness, deafness, heart defects, and mental retardation in the unborn child. As a result, people who have chickenpox are especially susceptible to skin infections, especially by Group A Streptococcus, which can be severe and sometimes fatal. In addition, if a pregnant woman gets chickenpox, there are many possible birth defects that could result. Symptoms include fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and jaundice (yellowing of the skin). The illness tends to be relatively mild in children but can be quite severe in adults, and in rare cases, it has been known to cause permanent liver damage. Thankfully, Hepatitis A can not become chromic and once a person is infected, he or she cannot be infected again, however the best way to prevent infection is to be vaccinated. It is a leading cause of bacterial meningitis in children 2 through 18 years old in the United States. Of those who survive, another 1119% lose their arms or legs, become deaf, have problems with their nervous systems, become mentally retarded, or suffer seizures or strokes. But it is most common in infants less than one year of age and people with certain medical conditions, such as lack of a spleen. College freshmen who live in dormitories, and teenagers 15-19 have an increased risk of getting meningococcal disease. Still, about 1 out of every ten people who get the disease dies from it, and many others are affected for life. This is why preventing the disease through use of meningococcal vaccine is important for people at highest risk. About 20 million Americans are currently infected, and about 6 million more get infected each year. Cervical cancer is the 2nd leading cause of cancer deaths among women around the world. In the United States, about 10,000 women get cervical cancer every year and about 4,000 are expected to die from it. This vaccine is given in addition to the meningococcal vaccine (Menactra; see above for more information). The Men B Vaccine series is administered to adolescents and young adults starting at age 16 to provide short-term protection against most strains of MenB disease. Brazelton, Toilet Learning, by Alison Mack Solve Your Childs Sleep Problems, by Ferber, Touchpoints, by Dr. Instruction by a surgeon experienced in handling these products is highly recommended. Processing, Reprocessing, Care and Maintenance For general guidelines, function control and dismantling of multi-part instruments, as well as processing guidelines for implants, please contact your local sales representative or refer to: emea. The following handling instructions hence refer to both the pedicle screws and all three hook types (termed implants in the following). Attach handle to stick Press the knurled release button on the upper end of the handle (388. Pick up implant Pick up the dual-opening implant with the stick and handle by rotating the release button on the handle. Sacrum 5 the entry point for S1 is located at the intersection of the vertical line tangential to the lateral border of the superior 7 8 articular process and the horizontal line tangential to its inferior border (7). Insert the screws converging towards the midline (8) so that 5 they aim towards the anterior corner of the promontorium 5 (9). Pedicles S7 5 Pedicles S7 95 Note: Ensure that laterally exiting pedicle screws do not Pedicles S7 injure the L5 nerve root. Determine the length of the pedicle screws with the depth 1 2 gauge for pedicle screws (357. Insert pedicle screw into pedicle Pick up the pedicle screw as described on page 4. Insert the pedicle screw into the prepared pedicle until the screw head is well seated and one of the openings points towards the rod that is to be subsequently inserted (1). To disconnect the stick from the handle, press the release button on the handle (2). Note: If using a rod connector, align the screw head such that one of the openings is perpendicular to the rod. The angled washers provide a xed angle with the screw and prevent the screw from pulling out. Prepare screw hole and determine screw length Determine the entry point for the screw, preferably at the junction of the pedicle and the vertebral body. Determine the length of the pedicle screw using the depth gauge for pedicle screw (357. Insert flat washer and screw Place a fat washer with the convex side facing down onto the concavity of the vertebral body. Insert the pedicle screw into the prepared vertebral body until the screw head is well seated. Insert angled washer and screw While pressing the release button, load an angled washer in the inserter (385. Once the washer is rmly seated, remove the inserter by pressing the release button (3).

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