
Tamara Levin Lotan, M.D.
- Professor of Pathology

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Anhar6 inadequate knowledge regarding the importance of early screening con1Dharmais National Cancer Center, Jakarta Barat, Indonesia; 2Dharmais National Cancer tributes tolow cancerscreening ratesinthepopulation. Aims:Acollaborative Center, Early Detection, Jakarta Barat, Indonesia; 3Dharmais National Cancer Center, initiative between David Omenukor Foundation and Fight Colorectal Cancer Radiology, Jakarta Barat, Indonesia; 4Dharmais National Cancer Center, Pathology Anatomy, Organization strives to cancer awareness and screening in the population. During the event, particidone since 2005 for Jakarta and aroundby collaboration of Dharmais National Cancer Center pants received free screening for colorectal, breast, and prostate cancers. Every activity, Free cholesterol, diabetes, and blood pressure testing were also done bemobile mammography has been examined 50 persons for 60-80 times yearly. All that data were compile with early detection and cancer experts on cancer were available to teach aspects of healthy diets and exregistry data to know the real cancer, but there were no malignancy and only 15 benign cases ercise. To compile the mobile Program/Policy process: the program seeks to increase cancer awareness mammography data with detection unit and cancer registry data were difficult because of the among populations and promote the culture of early and regular screening. National Cancer Registry of Indonesia has been announced by Ministry of Health since 2016. The coverage of cancer that diagnosed in 2008-2012 Outcomes:Freecolorectalandbreastcancerscreeningswereprovidedto270 in Jakarta just 30. Similarly, 75 Unfortunatelyfor2008-2012diagnoseyear,therewerenodatacancompiletocancerregistry women received mammogram testing. Aim:Toconductthemobilemammographyscreeningdataasoneofthe sources data for cancer registration to improve the coverage in Jakarta and to prepare the breast to 135 on March 11th, 2018. Strategy/Tactics: Cancer Registry, Early Detection, Radiology and all forms of cancer and emphasized the value of early screening as the most Pathology Unit was collaborating with the Indonesia Breast Cancer Foundation to improve the effective to avoid the cancer scourge. Program/Policy process: We to improve the variables and their operational definition nutritional advice as one strategy for reducing the risk of colorectal cancer. Thepalpationsof breastwas conduct bymidwives or doctorsbefore theexaminationwith mammography. Regular interactive events and screenings increase name that written in the National Identity Card, include the birth date and address. Outcomes:There were 1462 data thathavebeenin hospital databased for mobilemammographywith237cases(16. Whatwaslearned:Standardizationofvariabledefinitions isvery importantfor cancer registry data source to improve thecoverage especially for earlystage findingcases. Buttoknowthestandarddiagnoseandtofollowthecasesrealconditions,wehaveto make a good and clear referral system networking. Theprogramreducesbreastcancer-relateddeathsby groups such as churches, cultural associations, women associations, is key in upto28%. Emerging migrant partnership with Watoto Church among other groups to deliver cancer awareness, womenparticipateinbreastscreeningatlowerratesthanthegeneralpopulation. Aim: To mobilize organized groups within the community to women,asanapproachtotacklethemultidimensionalproblemsinscreeninginequalities. Increasing awareness of breast screening in emerging migrant communities, planning activities were carried out. The main approach of this model is two-way capacity building between organicommunity leaders to be involved and the day in which the events would be zations. Thisincludedtrainingforstaff, testimonies by the survivors, practical demonstration for self-breast examination, resource development/sharing, and support. Program/ insight into barriers for women they engage, and guidance adapting traditionally clinical Policy process: Involvement of community groups and champions in changing environmentsensuringculturalsafety. The government health center administration recognized Development of sustainable skills, structures and resources in both organizations efforts and pledged to offer further support in mobilizing the community. It demreach not on the Victorian Electoral Roll onstrated need to further work with organized groups within the community to form 6 group bookings with specific languages groups cancer task force groupstobring cancerinformation toevery household. Theevents Familiar case worker and in person translator supporting group bookings werecoveredby media, leading toincreaseddemandfor the servicesprovided,with Engaging mainly first time screeners who may not have accessed a breast screen Overcoming cultural, language, and health literacy barriers estimated 1500 individuals who received with both awareness, screening and Tailored appointments for groups and walk-ins. Cross-sector partnerships increase the efficiency of systems that and treatment in Uganda. Indeed changing cultural beliefs, norms and practices impacthealthbymakingthebestuseofdifferentbutcomplementaryresources. Collaborations, toward cancer prevention and control can be a success story if working with orjoint resourcing and planned action should be considered ongoing practice, particularly for ganized local groups is taken into consideration as a tool to reaching out to indisengagedpopulations, to address the many determinants of health that lie outsidethe reach dividuals and the approach during this year showed much more results than 2016. Bhaumik Background and context: In 2010, the National Lung Screening Trial was halted in Tata Medical Center, Gynecology Oncology, Kolkata, India the United States after showing a 20% reduction in mortality for high risk inBackgroundandcontext:Cervicalcancerissecondmostcommoncanceramongwomen dividuals when three years of annual lung cancer screening was performed by low across the world. Many questions remained about whether this India,asitaloneaccountsforone-quarteroftheworldwideburdenofcervicalcancer. Aim: Our aim was to promote high-quality, responsible lung cancer figure is expected to touch 1,04,000 during 2020. If treated in early stages more than screening throughout the United States, including in community settings where 90% 5-year survival may be expected. Strategy/Tactics: Lung Cancer Alliance developed diagnosed early resulting in an overall poor outcome. We do not have any organized a National Framework for Excellence in Lung Cancer Screening and Continuum of national program for cervical cancer screening that might help in reducing the inCarein2012andbegananationwidenetworkdedicatedtoresponsiblelungcancer cidence of and death from cervical cancer. The Screening Center of Excellence designation requires a center to the efficacy of establishing a hospital-based opportunistic screening clinic with the ensure shared decision-making, comply with best practice standards, work with underlyingintentionofdisseminatingawarenessandknowledgebyempoweringcancer a multidisciplinary care team, refer for smoking cessation, provide results in affected women to mobilize women folks or relatives known to them for voluntary a timely manner, and meet standards set by the American College of Radiology. Strategy/Tactics: We have initiated the following Program/Policy process: From 2012 through 2016, over 500 centers were desigmeasures: 1. Enlisting the phone numbers of female cancer patients from hospital natedasScreeningCentersofExcellence. Thesecentersrepresented42statesand records andcontactingtheirfamilies for participating inthe screeningclinic. High-risk one counseling of patients suffering from any other cancer and involving their acindividuals who come to the Lung Cancer Alliance Web site or contact the orgacompanying family members to avail the facility. Nearly 70% of centers and communication) materials like standees, leaflets, audio visuals for people waiting responded to the survey. Involving the male members of the family in encouraging the lung cancer screening throughout the United States. Assess the awareness level of women parscreening is being performed widely across the United States, including in nonticipating in the screening clinic. For centers who were able to provide numbers of screenings empowertheaffectedcancerpeopleandtheirrelatives/attendantstoparticipateandto performed and diagnoses, we identified a clear trend in diagnosis of Stage 1 lung mobilize the communityfor voluntary participationin screening clinic for prevention of cancer, indicating these screenings are able to find lung cancer early. Outcomes: the outcome measure is assessed by the number of healthy identified a number of implementation challenges around referral patterns, inwomenofanyagecomingforwardtoattendthescreening/vaccination/awarenessclinic suranceandbilling,anddeterminingappropriateriskcriteria. We have already registered 270 participants and have shown that a patient advocacy group working with medical professionals can screened 268 women for cervical cancer. Interest in vaccination of young girl in the family Screening Centers of Excellence provides a snapshot of the state of lung cancer was generated by people visiting our hospital. Along the patient journey, policy development remains limited and varied across the early detection procedure of cervical cancer in Jakarta. Strategy/Tactics: In January countries, particularly in detection, diagnosis and treatment. Multistakeholder engagements 2017, Department of Health of Special Capital Region of Jakarta issued a new policy to aim to address these policy gaps. Establish the importance of stakeholder collaboration to implement policies that peripheral areas in Jakarta. The results were obtained and assessed agnosis policy components were identified and evaluated, using standardized criteria on between January 2017-December 2017. Outcomes: the results obtained include: Promising practices, spearheaded by civil society, that demonstrate success at filling policy 1. Implementationofofficial community hall that were turned into a place for examination.
The Indian subcontinent accounts Oncology hypertension htn buy perindopril line, Ibadan blood pressure medication young buy 4 mg perindopril mastercard, Nigeria for one-third of the world burden of head and neck cancer blood pressure x large cuff order discount perindopril. It is imperative to Cancerandcancertreatmentaffectsdifferentdomainsoffunctioningandthequalityoflife give supportive care to improve the quality of life blood pressure chart to download quality 2mg perindopril. However,thereisdearthof informationonimpactsof cancer and of life of postoperative patients with oral cancer in B. A consecutive sampling method was used for data collection from consenting participants over a period of three months. Majority of the patients underwent mandibulectomy (66%) modified wereusedfordatacollection. Empowering Patients and Care Givers 101s Cancer and well-being/physical activity/quality of life Cancer and well-being/physical activity/quality of life Health-Related Quality of Life Changes Among Oral Cancer Patients Treated ToGastricCancerPatients,Diet Calls-OnLivingDemandsbyGastricCancer With Curative Intent: Experience of a Developing Country Patients J. Imissedhimalot Saujana Putra, Selangor, Malaysia; 4Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, in my daily life. It seems like a surprising opportunity for me to join the research on Taiwan, Province of China; 5Edge Hill University, Lancashire, United Kingdom; postcancer living for gastric cancer patients, through which I could share what I 6University Hospital Aintree, Liverpool, United Kingdom experienced as a caregiver to my father and delve more into issues pertaining to the details of the disease to make it more understandable and to make more demands Background: Standard outcome disease parameters like tumor control, overall survival satisfied. Not as common as breast, colorectal or lung data as an important source of information concerning the impacts of disease and cancers, gastric cancer triggers more apparent side effects from surgeries, radiation treatment outcomes for head and neck cancer patients. And the condition is even worse when there is frugal number of resources in scores from the point of diagnosis (pretreatment) through the one, three and six month medical units and community health care systems. Differences in characteristics between patients presenting early and late for stomach cancer patients is critical. Results: these 26 gastric cancer patients experience extreme sensations paired sample t-test were used to analyze data. The patients shared some precious novel dietary ideas like chopping or statistically significant. Betel quid chewing was suitabledietarypreferencesthroughtrial-errorstrategiesandsoon,mostofwhichcan the most common risk habit practiced (48. Themost common subsite was tongue not be derived merely by pure theoretical research rather than personal sharing and and floor of mouth (42. Significant differences in ethnicity and treatment modality were observed right to the bulls-eye, comprehensible and advisable for coming dietary strategies. Among late stage patients, attrition rate inConclusion: Therefis only one word to describe the living conditions of a gastric cancer creased significantly with increasing age, with higher proportions of attrition at later patient:diet. Firstly,wecanprovidepatientswithplaces summary scores showed significant deterioration among both early and late stage for group talking, in which they design creative and tailor-made cuisine for their own patients. In contrast, emotional domain showed significant improvement for early and by trial-errors. Secondly, to those who suffer gastric cancer, it is fairly inconvenient to late stage patients at 1,3 and six month posttreatment. Domains most commonly affected were the functional, physical and head and neck concerns. Given preliminary evidence for positive health outand effective in achieving the desired outcomes. Also,significantreductionswerefoundinoverallnegative value whenusing nature for addressing their health and recovery needs. Empowering Patients and Care Givers Cancer and well-being/physical activity/quality of life Cancer and well-being/physical activity/quality of life Patient-Reported Outcomes of Colorectal Cancer Patients in University Improving Information and Support for Metastatic Breast Cancer in Nigeria Malaya Medical Centre 1 2 3 3 3 C. Adedokun3 1National Open University of Nigeria, Department of Public Health, Abuja, 1University of Ibadan, Department of Counselling and Human Development Nigeria; 2Nigeria Cancer Society (Sokoto State Branch), Sokoto, Nigeria; Studies, Ibadan, Nigeria; 2University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria; 3Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, Department of Social and 3University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria; 4McGill University, Montreal, Preventive Medicine, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; 4Faculty of Medicine, Canada; 5University College London, London, United Kingdom University of Malaya, Department of Surgery, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Background: Breast cancer is a global health problem of the 21th century. In developing Background: In Malaysia, colorectal cancer is ranked the second most countries, it is the third most common cause of death after infectious, parasitic, and frequent cancer among men and women. Experience of late stage cancer carries a high emotional burden, reported outcomes in colorectal cancer is scarce. Currently in Nigeria, most cancer patients are looked after almost solely by their primary clinical oncologists, with minimal determine the pattern and factors affecting health-related quality of life psychological and social care. Aim: To assess distress levels and improve quality of life of metastatic breast cancer assessment of health-related quality of life of colorectal cancer patients patients through a continued support group system and psychotherapy. The study will enroll all consecutive patients in advanced stages 3 and 4 of records, national registration department and interviews (physical and theirillnesswhoconsenttobeincludedinthestudyuntiltheestimatedsamplesizeofabout telephone). Statistical analyses included descriptive, psychometric evalu100 for the given period of the study is attained. The knowledge and attitude questionations and stepwise multiple linear regression models. The questionnaires were acceptable to the patients, whomaybenefitfrompsychotherapy. Three hundred and twenty patients not involved in the discussionswillbeusedtotriangulatethefindingsfromtheotheraspectsofthestudy. Data validation study were surveyed and these patients rated their global health will be analyzed both descriptively and inferentially. Conclusion: Proactive engagement of patients to share chological and social interventions on the patients and advocacy tools from the group therapywillbetheproductsofthisresearch. Conclusion:Theresultsofthisworkwillbeused their experiences with colorectal cancer and its treatment is recommended. Eglitis3 National Cancer Center Graduate School of Cancer Science and Policy, DepartmentofCancerControlandPopulationHealth,Goyang,RepublicofKorea 1Riga Stradinfis University, Doctoral Study Program Medicine, Riga, Latvia;fi 2Riga Stradinfis University, Faculty of Rehabilitation, Riga, Latvia;fi 3Riga Eastern Background: Common endpoints of many cancer clinical trials are overall survival, Clinical University Hospital, Oncology Centre of Latvia, Riga, Latvia progression-freesurvivalorrelapse. We focused bilization of force in the concentric action and with a progressively adjusted howhealthstatesweredefinedandutilitycoefficientsweredetermined. The strength improvements led to a significant increase in 6 published within last decade (2008-2018) in final review. Trials ranged from 182 to minutewalkdistance(8%),30-secondchairtest(23%),stairclimbtest(17%),andto 1110subjects. Conclusion: Maximal strength training especially toxicity, were consistent among included studies. We suggest that showed excellent improvements in physical function tests and, thus should be definition of health states must be standardized, methods to determine utility coimplemented as a part of the breast cancer rehabilitation programs. Empowering Patients and Care Givers 103s Cancer and well-being/physical activity/quality of life Cancer and well-being/physical activity/quality of life IstheQualityofLifeinBreastCancerSurvivorstheSameasHealthyWomenfi Initial Study of Sexual Function Among Cervical Cancer Survivors in Almaty, A Case Control Study Among Women in Klang Valley, Malaysia Kazakhstan H. Munisamy1,2 1 Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Oncology, Gynecology Oncology, Almaty, 1National Cancer Society of Malaysia, Health Education, Literacy and Kazakhstan; 2Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Oncology, General Promotion, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; 2Chulalongkorn University, College of Oncology, Almaty, Kazakhstan Public Health Sciences, Bangkok, Thailand Background: Therewerenotanyevaluationofsexualdysfunctionofcervixcancer Background: One of the positive outcomes of improvements in cancer care is patientsinAlmaty,Kazakhstan,todate. Worldwide, the to start filling this gap and to develop recommendations for the treatment of this number of cancer survivors will continue to increase, with a threefold increase kind of patients. Aim: the objective of this study was to examine sexual function predicted from 25 million in 2008 to 75 million in 2030. Theexaminedwomenweresplitinto include thepossibility ofcancerrecurrence,challengeswithreacclimatizing to 5 groups by treatment methods: conization of cervix, hysterectomy with removal daily life posttreatment completion and numerous other emotional and of ovaries, hysterectomy without removal of (one or both) ovaries, chemotherapy physical challenges. It is unknown whether over time the coping skills of these with radiotherapy, and those passed exclusively radiotherapy. The questions were mainly among breast cancer survivors and nonbreast cancer survivors in the Klang related to the main aspects like desire, arousal, lubrication, orgasm, satisfaction Valley, Malaysia. Results: nization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire the median age of the 58 interviewed women was 44. The highest portion of sexual active women experienced satisfaction (76%) although Hospital.
Some recommendations are not graded as they are based on existing recommendations from other professional organizations pulse pressure of 30 buy 4 mg perindopril visa. June 17 blood pressure 4 year old child purchase perindopril 4 mg line, 2016 14 Guidelines for the Primary and Gender-Affirming Care of Transgender and Gender Nonbinary People 2 blood pressure chart age 35 purchase perindopril 8 mg with amex. Terminology and definitions A detailed discussion of terminology in the context of the great diversity of transgender and gender nonconforming people encountered across cultures and languages is beyond the scope of these Guidelines arrhythmia in 4 year old buy perindopril 2 mg low cost. Below are definitions for some commonly encountered terms, which will be used throughout these Guidelines as indicated. Sex: Historically has referred to the sex assigned at birth, based on assessment of external genitalia, as well as chromosomes and gonads. In everyday language is often used interchangeably with gender, however there are differences, which become important in the context of transgender people. Gender expression: the outward manner in which an individual expresses or displays their gender. Gender identity and gender expression may differ; for example a woman (transgender or non-transgender) may have an androgynous appearance, or a man (transgender or non-transgender) may have a feminine form of self-expression. Transgender: A person whose gender identity differs from the sex that was assigned at birth. A transgender man is someone with a male gender identity and a female birth assigned sex; a transgender woman is someone with a female gender identity and a male birth assigned sex. A non-transgender person may be referred to as cisgender (cis=same side in Latin). Gender nonconforming: A person whose gender identity differs from that which was assigned at birth, but may be more complex, fluid, multifaceted, or otherwise less clearly defined than a transgender person. Nonbinary: transgender or gender nonconforming person who identifies as neither male nor female. Trans-masculine/trans-feminine: Terms to describe gender non-conforming or nonbinary persons, based on the directionality of their gender identity. A trans-masculine person has a masculine spectrum gender identity, with the sex of female listed on their original birth certificate. A trans-feminine person has a feminine spectrum gender identity, the sex of the male listed on their original birth certificate. In portions of these Guidelines, in the interest of brevity and clarity, transgender men/women are inclusive of gender non-conforming or nonbinary persons on the respective spectrae. They/Them/Their: Neutral pronouns used by some who have a nonbinary or nonconforming gender identity. Transsexual: A more clinical term which had historically been used to describe those transgender people who sought medical intervention (hormones, surgery) for gender affirmation. Term is less June 17, 2016 15 Guidelines for the Primary and Gender-Affirming Care of Transgender and Gender Nonbinary People commonly used in present day, however some individuals and communities maintain a strong and affirmative connection to this term. Cross dresser / drag queen / drag king: these terms generally refer to those who may wear the clothing of a gender that differs from the sex which they were assigned at birth for entertainment, self-expression, or sexual pleasure. Some cross dressers and people who dress in drag may exhibit an overlap with components of a transgender identity. The term transvestite is no longer used in the English language and is considered pejorative. Sexual orientation: Describes sexual attraction only, and is not directly related to gender identity. It is often described based on the lived gender; a transgender woman attracted to other women would be a lesbian, and a transgender man attracted to other men would be a gay man. For the purposes of clarity and simplicity, the term transgender will be used throughout these guidelines to refer to transgender, gender nonconforming, and genderqueer people as a set, unless otherwise indicated. June 17, 2016 16 Guidelines for the Primary and Gender-Affirming Care of Transgender and Gender Nonbinary People 3. There are several key components to creating an appropriate setting for transgender care. Cultural humility is a concept through which individuals recognize that their own experiences or identities may not project onto the experiences or identities of others. Individual preferences of terminology, complex or novel gender identities, and differing desires for gender-affirming treatments will be encountered daily in the clinic. While some patients may be empowered by serving as a source of information for medical providers,[3] others may be uncomfortable doing so. Staff training: In addition to healthcare providers, front desk staff, nursing staff, lab and x-ray staff, etc. Training on transgender health issues should be provided to all clinic staff and providers, and should be integrated into the standard hiring and onboarding process for all employees. Waiting areas should include transgender-themed posters, artwork, pamphlets, magazines, etc. In this latter case, making at least one gender-neutral bathroom available will provide a safe space for nonbinary people as well as for those in transition and who feel uncomfortable in any gendered space. Fluency of terminology: Providers should be aware of basic terminology used by the trans community. In addition to the terminology described in these guidelines (which are based on North American English language use), other local or individual terms may exist and also may change over time. Providers should familiarize themselves with local terminology, and approach individuals with cultural humility when determining which specific terms to use. June 17, 2016 17 Guidelines for the Primary and Gender-Affirming Care of Transgender and Gender Nonbinary People Gender identity data includes chosen name, chosen pronouns, current gender identity, and sex listed on original birth certificate. Failure to collect and use gender identity data has several important repercussions, including invisibility of gender and sexual minority populations to policy makers and researchers,[4] difficulties in tracking the organ inventories and preventive health needs of transgender people,[5] and reduced patient satisfaction due to a failure to use chosen names and pronouns. Department of Health and Human Services Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Meaningful Use Stage 3 guidelines. Injustice at every turn: a report of the National Transgender Discrimination Survey [Internet]. Evaluation of patient-oriented, internet-based information on gender-affirming hormone treatments. Electronic health records and transgender patients-practical recommendations for the collection of gender identity data. A two-question method for assessing gender categories in the social and medical sciences. Collection of gender identity data using electronic medical records: survey of current end-user practices. Sensitive history taking is required to understand the myriad and individualized changes and characteristics in the context of hormone administration and surgical intervention. Consideration should be given throughout the visit to potential prior negative experiences within the health care setting, including discrimination as well as physical or emotional abuse. Gender affirmation is when an individual is affirmed in their gender identity through social interactions. This may also include using general terminology for body parts, or asking patients if they have a preferred term to be used. For example, examination of the genitalia is not appropriate in the context of an acute visit for an upper respiratory infection. Secondary sex characteristics may present on a spectrum of development in patients undergoing hormone therapy, to some degree dependent on duration of hormone use and age of initiation. Transgender men may have facial and body hair growth, clitoromegaly, increased muscle mass, masculine fat redistribution, androgenic alopecia, and acne.
Scar compression has also been found to reduce hypertrophic scarring pulse pressure change during exercise cheap perindopril 4mg without prescription, although the mechanism is not known blood pressure chart evening effective 8 mg perindopril. This can take the form of gentle scar massage (beginning no earlier than 2 weeks postoperatively) arrhythmia when falling asleep discount perindopril 4mg free shipping, taping blood pressure regulation purchase perindopril in india, or silicone gels and sheets. Hematoma / seroma Hematomas occur in approximately 1-2% of all breast reduction patients postoperatively, and usually present early after surgery. A hematoma presents as asymmetric swelling and pain, sometimes accompanied by ecchymoses. In general, most hematomas need to be evacuated because of the physical pressure they can exert on the taut skin envelope, which can compromise skin flap viability and can also cause postoperative chest deformities. Usually upon surgical re-exploration and evacuation, no discrete bleeding vessel is ever identified. Seromas and oil cysts are fluid collections that occur at the surgical site that are usually preemptively drained by placement of closed suction drains during the operation, combined with adherence to a postsurgical pressure garment. Occasionally, these collections can persist or recur after surgical drains are removed, and need to be drained to prevent skin flap or incisional compromise. Timing of surgical drain removal is dependent on drain output, and should be a decision made in conjunction with the surgeon. Large oil cysts result from fat necrosis, which can cause contour irregularities and calcifications over time. Infection Infection is a rare early complication after masculinizing chest surgery. An underlying fluid collection may need to be drained if it is associated with a persistent postsurgical infection. Nipple-areola-complex and nipple graft complications Whether the Nipple-Areola-Complex is preserved on a dermal pedicle, as in subcutaneous mastectomy, or it is taken as a free graft, there are associated early and late complications related to nipple healing. Decreased nipple sensitivity, numbness, or parasthesias are expected outcomes for both methods. Patients report varying degrees of sensory recovery June 17, 2016 131 Guidelines for the Primary and Gender-Affirming Care of Transgender and Gender Nonbinary People over time with both techniques. Both techniques result in some degree of hypopigmentation, reduction in nipple projection, and the rare complication of nipple loss; with these risks being more pronounced with free grafting. Careful adherence to postoperative instructions and nipple dressings can help assure good results with either technique,[1,2] with described overall nipple loss rates at 1% or less. It is important to distinguish between full thickness nipple necrosis and expected superficial skin slough in these postoperative patients. Usually these are minor procedures than can be accommodated once the initial healing phase is complete. Contour irregularities Minor chest wall contour deformities or asymmetry, including redundant tissue found at the end of incisions (dog ears), represented the most common reasons for patients seeking secondary chest wall surgery in multiple published series. Additionally, other contour deformities or asymmetries can be addressed with liposuction or fat grafting. Overall operative revision rate for aesthetic improvement was reported as high as 32% in large published series of masculinizing chest surgery. Chest wall contouring, with inherently different goals and techniques, as well as abundant intersurgeon variability in regard to technique, should not be considered a risk-reducing procedure. The presence of residual breast tissue has been acknowledged independently by various surgical authors describing various techniques. Ongoing screening for breast cancer after subcutaneous mastectomy is discussed elsewhere in these guidelines. Sexual reassignment surgery in female-to-male transsexuals: an algorithm for subcutaneous mastectomy. June 17, 2016 132 Guidelines for the Primary and Gender-Affirming Care of Transgender and Gender Nonbinary People 3. Female-to-male transgender chest reconstruction: a large consecutive, single-surgeon experience. Subcutaneous mastectomy in female-to-male transsexuals: a retrospective cohort-analysis of 202 patients. Chest-wall contouring in female-to-male transsexuals: basic considerations and review of the literature. Risk factors and complications in reduction mammaplasty: novel associations and preoperative assessment. June 17, 2016 133 Guidelines for the Primary and Gender-Affirming Care of Transgender and Gender Nonbinary People 28. Perioperative and postoperative care for feminizing augmentation mammaplasty Primary authors: Eric D. A prosthetic implant comprised of a silicone shell, with saline or cohesive silicone filler, is placed underneath the breast tissue (subglandular implant) or under the pectoralis muscle (subpectoral implant). Initiation of estrogenic and antiandrogenic therapy stimulates the development of breast tissue in transgender women. In the absence of solid evidence for an optimal length of time on feminizing hormone therapy prior to augmentation, some sources recommend a minimum of 6 months of hormone therapy prior to surgery, to allow hormone-related breast development to progress. Subglandular implant placement may be preferred when there is adequate breast and subcutaneous tissue to cover the implant, and prevent visible implant seams and rippling. Subpectoral implant placement may be preferred when saline implants are used, or in the absence ofadequate soft tissue to disguise the shape of the implant. Recovery is fairly rapid over the course of several weeks, though some patients may experience prolonged soreness, swelling, and mild bruising. A small incision is made along the new inframmary crease and a space for the implant is created in the subglandular or subpectoral planes described above. The incisions are closed with several layers of sutures and the patient generally feels well enough to go home the same evening. In general, results are durable and complications are rare for feminizing augmentation mammoplasty. Surgical data on augmentation mammoplasty specific to transgender women [2,5] are limited; some data are extrapolated from data published on non-transgender women undergoing this procedure. In one study, 75% of transgender women reported satisfaction in long-term follow-up with implant-based June 17, 2016 134 Guidelines for the Primary and Gender-Affirming Care of Transgender and Gender Nonbinary People augmentation, with the majority of dissatisfaction related to subjective aesthetic outcome (primarily inadequate breast size) rather than technical surgical complications. A plastic surgery referral is also appropriate for a patient presenting late after augmentation mammoplasty with new symptomatic or objective breast complaints related to prior breast augmentation. Benign and malignant breast tumors are always in the differential diagnosis and should be worked up appropriately. Women who present with subjective dissatisfaction after previous breast augmentation may require a second surgical consultation or referral to another plastic surgeon. Prior to any referral for breast surgery, patients should be medically, psychologically, and socially stable, up-to-date in regard to breast cancer screening if indicated), and have reasonable postsurgical expectations. Anesthetic complications particular to gender-affirming feminizing mammoplasty In addition to standard anesthetic complications, patients undergoing feminizing mammoplasty should be assessed for risk factors for venous thromboembolism,and appropriate mechanical and chemoprophylaxis measures applied based on individual risk factors. Management of perioperative estrogen therapy and estrogenic risks of venous thromboembolism are discussed elsewhere in this protocol. Hematoma A hematoma typically presents early (within 1-2 weeks) after augmentation mammoplasty, typically as a localized or unilateral swelling accompanied by pain and bruising at the surgical site. Specifically, the patient should be counseled to avoid strenuous activity and situations where the chest could be exposed to external trauma. Additionally, strict medical adherence (especially in regard to withholding anticoagulant, antiplatelet, and certain herbal medications and compliance with antihypertensive medications) can decrease incidence of postoperative hematoma. June 17, 2016 135 Guidelines for the Primary and Gender-Affirming Care of Transgender and Gender Nonbinary People Hematomas are typically treated with surgical re-exploration, evacuation with identification of the bleeding source, and reclosure, with or without exchange of the prosthetic implant. An untreated large hematoma can result in secondary complications, such as infection, capsular contracture, or implant malposition. There is no evidence in the plastic surgery literature to support the routine use of drains in augmentation mammoplasty. A delayed seroma is generally abnormal, and should be evaluated by a plastic surgeon.
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When one or more of the essential amino acids are left out of the diet, symptoms similar to those of vitamin deficiencies may be experienced such as low blood pressure, anaemia, poor muscle tone, slow heaing of wounds, loss of weight, poor resistance to infections and bloodshot eyes. Children who do not get the required amounts of amino acids in their daily diet suffer from. On the other hand, those getting the full quota of amino acids in their diet will be rewarded with vigor, vitality and long life. The best food proteins with all the essential amino acids are found in almonds, cheese and eggs. Amino acids are being increasingly and successfully used in the treatment of several diseases, such as stomach ulcers, burns, kidney diseases and liver diseases. It has also been observed that the diseases of old age can be largely prevented if elderly persons obtain the proper food supplements of amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Amino acids are needed at every stage from infancy to old age to repair worn out tissues and to create new ones. It is a simple, scientifically based system of selecting foods, from among different types, which are compatible. Digestion is not merely chemical or physical process, but also a physiological one. When food enters the body, it undergoes several changes before it is broken down into its constituent parts and assimilated. But no food can be assimilated by the system and used by various organs unless it has first been digested and then absorbed in the digestive system known as alimentary canal, while the residue, unfit for absorption is eliminated from the system. The chemical part of digestion is accomplished by a series of juices and their enzymes. The juices alternate between alkalies and acids, and their character is determined by the requirement of the enzymes they contain. These enzymes remain active in suitable media of well defined acid-alkaline ranges and are destroyed in unsuitable media. For instance, the salivary amylase (ptyalin) or starch-splitting enzyme of the mouth is active only in an alkaline media and is destroyed by a mild acid. The gastric enzyme, pepsin, which initiates protein digestion, is active only in the acid medium and is destroyed by alkalies. A noteworthy feature of the digestive secretions is that the body suits its fluid and enzymes to the character of the food eaten. It is possible to suit the juices to a particular food, however, complex it may be, but not to a variety of foods taken together. It is the combining of many varieties and incompatible foods at a meal that causes 90 per cent of digestive disorders. There is a marked tendency to gastro-intestinal fermentation with certain combinations of foods. There is no fermentation and digestion will be much more satisfactory when the foods comprising a meal are of the same type. This generally means eating similar foods at one time in order to accomplish the most complete digestion. The most important rule for combining foods is to avoid mixing protein and carbohydrate concentrated foods. Although every food contains some protein, those regarded as protein concentrated foods demand the longest digestive time. They are held in the stomach for some hours until the gastric juices has performed its task. This may vary from two-and-a-half to six hours, depending upon the complexity of the protein in the food. If a protein food is mixed with starch-concentrated or sugar-concentrated foods, it will usually result in fermentation. Animal-food proteins, such as meats, fish and cheese, require very high concentration of hydrochloric acid. Their gastric digestin will be greatly inhibited by carbohydrate fermentation in the stomach. Primary protein foods such as nuts, seeds and soyabeans also combine very well with acid fruits like oranges, pineapples, grapefruit and lemons, and fairly well with sub-acid fruits, like grapes, pears, apples, berries, apricots and peaches. These vegetables and fruits are rich natural sources of vitamin C which aids protein digestion. The second important rule for food combining is to avoid mixing proteins and fats at the same meal. Thus when fat-concentrated foods are taken with protein foods, gastric catabolism will decrease by the degree of liquid concentration in the stomach. Fat will remain undigested in the stomach until gastric juices complete their work on the complex protein molecule. Although all primary protein foods contain high concentration of fat, such lipids will be held in suspension, awaiting catabolism in the intestine, without impeding gastric action. Free fats like oil, butter, and milk tend to coat the gastric mucoa, thereby inhibiting its effort to secrete gastric juice. Fat surrounding fried foods is also regarded as free fat and it interferes with gastric. Another important rule for food combining is to avoid mixing carbohydrates and acid fruits in the same meal. The starch-splitting enzyme ptyalin in the saliva plays an important role as the food is chewed. Ptyalin requires a neutral or slightly alkaline medium for proper functioning and this is the normal condition of the saliva in the mouth. It is, therefore, necessary to avoid acid fruits in the same meal as sweet fruits or starches. The chart in Table I, represents diagramatically food combining rules in an easy-to-follow method. In a nutshell, starches, fats, green vegetables and sugars may be eaten together as they require either an alkaline or neutral medium for their digestion. Similarly, proteins, green vegetables and acid fruits may be eaten together as they require an acid or neutral medium for their digestion. But starches and proteins, fats and proteins and starches and acid fruits should not be eaten together as a general rule, if the best results are required from the ingestion of the food eaten. An important point to remember about meals is that the smaller the number of courses they consist of, the better it will be. Simple meals in every way are more conducive to health, than more elaborate ones, no matter how well they may be combined. A meal consisting of proteins,carbohydrates and fats may remain in the stomach for six to seven hours before the stomach is emptied. If carbohydrates are eaten without proteins, they remain in the stomach for a relatively short period. It is advisable to eat these different foods at different meals a fruit meal, a starch meal and a protein meal. The ideal practice is a fruit meal for breakfast, a starch meal with salad and nonstarchy vegetables for lunch, and a protein meal with a salad and non-starchy vegetables for dinner. Table I Food Combining Chart Food Groups Proteins Fats StarchesVegetablesSweet FruitsSub-acid FruitsAcid Fruits Proteins Good Poor Poor Good Poor Fair Good Fats Poor Good Fair Good Fair Fair Fair Starches Poor Good Good Fair Fair Poor Vegetables Good Good Good Good Poor Poor Poor Sweet Fruits Poor Fair Poor Good Good Poor Sub-acid Fruits Fair Fair Poor Good Good Good Acid Fruits Good Poor Poor Poor Good Good Proteins: Nuts, seeds, soyabeans, cheese, eggs, poultry* meat*, fish*, yogurt.